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Darkest Risings

Page 3

by S. K. Yule

  “Wilhemina.” He drawled the syllables out, making each letter sound like a wicked secret. “I like it.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled.

  Get a hold of yourself, Wilhemina. Stop acting so polite and goodie-two-shoes innocent. He doesn’t seem like the kind of man who makes a habit of taking home virgins. If she didn’t stop acting naïve, he was going to catch on and ditch her for some bimbo who would rock his world with the experience she lacked.

  No. He was definitely not an inexperienced pup. He looked as if he’d eat her alive, and she was willing to offer herself up for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and a snack. What the hell was wrong with her? Only minutes before, she’d decided she wasn’t going to go through with the ridiculous one-night stand crap.

  She gazed into his eyes. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and her skin turned clammy. She’d never seen eyes the color of his. Turquoise-green. The only other time she’d seen a color like that was on the shore of a Mexican beach she’d taken a cruise to. And just as she’d been with the ocean, she was mesmerized enough to contemplate drowning in his smoldering stare.

  She wanted him. No ifs, ands, or buts. It was simple. No, she didn’t know him, but she didn’t need to. He felt right. This moment felt right, and she was not going to pass up an opportunity like this one. If she was going to lose her virginity, she wanted it to be to someone who knew what to do with it, knew how to make her body sing, not some untrained idiot like she figured Roger for.

  She looked down at his hands. The backs were covered by a dusting of dark hair, and his fingers were long with neat, clean nails. She wondered what they would feel like roaming over her skin. She barely quelled the need to fan her flaming face with the napkin her beer sat on. She grabbed the shot of tequila she still hadn’t drunk, and downed it in one smooth gulp. The liquid heated her throat and seared a warm path to her stomach. She’d always liked the taste of tequila, even though she didn’t drink it often.

  “What is a beautiful woman such as you out and up to tonight?”

  He was flirting with her. She had never been a good flirter. Here goes nothing. She rested her elbow on the table and propped her chin on her hand before giving him a big smile.

  “Seeing what kind of trouble I can get myself into.”

  “If you want trouble, I’m your man, honey.” He leaned close to her.

  She’d hated it when Roger had called her babe. But when Aldin called her honey? It sounded like heaven. What the hell is wrong with you, Wilhemina? You don’t even know this man. Are you seriously contemplating jumping in the sack with him? She gave him another once-over. Oh you bet, sister.

  “What kind of trouble are you suggesting?”

  “The kind that gets you hot and sweaty.” He grinned.

  She fought hard against the blush trying to turn her cheeks beet red while she watched in fascination as his sensual lips parted to expose even, white teeth. He was perfect. Everywhere. She glanced down at his lap. Well, she hoped everywhere anyway.

  “Hot and sweaty sounds good to me.”

  “Dance with me?” He stood and held his hand out to her.

  He danced too? Damn. She took his hand and let him lead her to the floor thinking about how this night had taken one u-turn after another, but had ultimately headed back to the same direction she’d started out in. She cleared her mind of everything but him and the rhythm of the music, deciding to follow wherever this adventure might lead.

  Chapter Four

  He’d been instantly drawn to Wilhemina the moment their eyes had met, but she was a human, and he was in the mood for some down-and-dirty-take-his-mind-off-Alaina fun. While she hadn’t initially seemed like the best candidate for what he had in mind, he’d quickly begun to think her naivety had been an act. He’d met a lot of women who seemed to think acting innocent attracted men. Maybe it worked on some, but not men like him. An inexperienced girl deserved much more than he had to offer.

  If her body wasn’t now swaying sexily, perfectly to the beat of the music, in tune to his every move, the pretty blushes that had stained her cheeks only moments earlier during the course of their short conversation would have made him think her an innocent playing with fire. But no inexperienced woman moved like she did. He glanced around. It seemed as if every man in the bar slid her an appreciative look now and again, and he didn’t like it. That was perplexing since he’d never minded in the least before when other males had lusted after what he had.

  The green blouse she wore clung to her full breasts, and the black skirt fell just above her knees with a flare at the hem. She was probably considered of average height, but next to him, she was tiny. Everything about her was perfect. Even the splattering of freckles on her cheeks couldn’t detract from the smoothness of her skin.

  He was pleased that she had some meat on her bones as well. He liked a woman with curves, and hers beckoned him. Her intoxicating scent rose delicately to his nose and made his cock quiver in anticipation of taking her. When she smiled up at him, her clear gray eyes were like a searing brand on his soul and the need to possess her swelled up inside his chest.

  Oh yes, he had to have Wilhemina. His fingers itched to touch her, and before he could stop himself, he curled a strand of red silken hair around his thumb. Her eyes grew wide when he pulled her closer as the music changed to a slower song. Her lush, pink lips slightly parted, and his tongue pushed against his teeth, yearning to find out how she tasted.

  She stretched up on tiptoes, linked her fingers behind his neck, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled against her hair and closed his eyes as he drank her scent deep into his lungs. Most would have missed the quiet moan she made, but it was rare that any noise escaped his superb hearing. The breathy sound made his cock harder, and he let his hand wander down over her hip and back up again, testing her responsiveness.

  She pressed against him, and the fingers at his nape began stroking his skin, giving him no doubt that she was as willing as he was. He wasn’t a man who liked to play games. When he wanted something, he made his move, and game time was over. Yeah, like with Alaina?

  “Come with me.” He stopped dancing and looked down at her.

  “Where?” She frowned.

  He bent and placed his mouth close to her ear. “Someplace we can be alone.”

  * * * *

  Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! This was happening way faster than Wilhemina had thought it would. What did you think? Look at him. Did you believe he’d want to spend a friendly night chatting with you? Aldin was a man who was obviously used to getting what he wanted, and right now, he wanted her.

  Could she go through with it? She couldn’t deny that he excited the hell out of her. She’d never known a man his size could move like he did. His timing had been in perfect sync with the music, and she doubted any guy could look as sexy as he had on the dance floor. She was certain no other man could pull off the bad-boy, leather duster look like Aldin. Now he’d asked her to go with him so they could be alone. She was innocent, but she wasn’t a dumb bunny. She knew exactly what he wanted with her.

  She wanted him as well, but her inexperience was nerve-wracking. Surely he’d figure out soon enough that she had absolutely no idea what she was doing, and when he did? What would he do? He’s going to eat you alive, little girl. But wasn’t that what she wanted him to do to her? She decided to throw caution to the wind. Here was a gorgeous man, the most gorgeous man in the place, and he was with her. True, he probably only wanted sex, but hadn’t that been what she’d originally set out for as well?

  She couldn’t fault him for it or else she’d be a hypocrite. She could say no. She had no doubt he’d step away and forget about her in two seconds flat if she refused him. He didn’t seem to be a man who had to beg for what he wanted, especially where women were concerned. She imagined all of the things he could show her about sex, and her skin flushed hot and went tingly in anticipation.

  Was she scared? As hell. But the excitement of being w
ith Aldin, the need to experience with him what she’d never experienced with another man, was enough to give her the courage to go with him. She wanted him. It was that simple. And she was going to have him even if it was only for one night. She had no doubt he would satisfy her, and something inside her, something she didn’t quite understand, craved the dominance that oozed off of him. He’d be a take-command kind of lover, and she was more than willing to let him do so.

  He’d be the teacher, and she’d be the student hungry for education. She followed him as he led her down a dark hallway toward the back of the club. Did he come here often? Did he do this a lot? And for some reason, the thought of him doing so sent a pang of jealousy slivering through her. How would she compare to the other women he’d been with? Would he laugh at her inexperience once it became apparent? She hurriedly tamped those thoughts into submission.

  She looked at his back and wondered if it would be as broad without the heavy duster. She let her eyes trail down to his behind, wishing she could see it, anticipating the moment when he removed the coat and she’d be able to peruse his entire delectable physique. She’d bet almost anything that she’d be able to bounce a quarter off his ass. She had no doubt it was as perfectly sculpted as the rest of him.

  She remembered how hard he felt when she was pressed against him on the dance floor. Not an ounce of fat marred him, and she practically drooled at the thought of seeing him naked. Unfortunately, that meant he’d be seeing her nude as well. She wasn’t in horrible shape by any means, but next to him? Good lord. Her confidence began to fail at the thought, and as they rounded the corner at the end of the dark hallway, he pulled her into a room to the right and shut the door behind them.

  The room was dimly lit, and before another rational thought had time to enter her mind, he slipped the duster along with something else off his back and onto the floor. Holy shit! He was absolutely perfect, and huge, and coming for her. Before she had time to react, his hands spanned her waist, her back hit the wall, and her feet dangled off the floor. He easily held her eye level to him as if she weighed no more than a feather, and she was suddenly lost in the intense storm brewing in his eyes.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist, honey,” he commanded in a husky whisper.

  She did what he said. Heat once again flooded her cheeks when he nestled his hips between her legs and his cock pressed hard and huge against her. How was she ever supposed to fit that inside her? It would never work. There was absolutely no way. But her doubts quickly fled when his lips brushed hers.

  She barely suppressed a moan. He smelled like leather and man, and when he slipped his tongue along the seam of her mouth, a hint of beer mixed with his exotic flavor hit her bloodstream like another shot of tequila. She ran her palms up his chest and shivered at the feel of his body heat bleeding through the slick, cool fabric of his silk shirt. Suddenly, he lifted one hand to the back of her hair, tunneled his fingers in the strands, and pulled firmly until her head tipped back toward the wall.

  He held her prisoner as his lips trailed over her neck, nipping, licking up to her jaw. He slanted his mouth over hers and ravaged her with his tongue. This time, she didn’t try to hold back her moans as he plundered the depths of her mouth. He made it perfectly clear who was in control, and he commanded her submission easily with a touch that coaxed her body to life with infinite finesse. He ignited a flame in her she’d never known existed. He crowded her, engulfed her with his large frame, but instead of feeling man-handled or intimidated, she was comforted by the cocoon of his hot, hard body.

  When she tried to arch against him, he grinded against her and held her captive with his hips. Her hands were trapped between his chest and hers, and he ravished her without letting her explore him in return. While her body grew hot under his mouth and hands, her frustration swelled at not being able to touch him. Finally, she wrenched her mouth from his.

  Her breaths came short and ragged, and when his sparking eyes trained on her, those breaths screeched to a near halt.

  “What are you doing?” he said through clenched teeth.

  “I want to touch you,” she gasped.

  “I say when you can touch me.”


  His fingers pressed against her lips and he tsked as if scolding a young child. A wicked smile tugged at his mouth—a smile she thought worthy of Satan when he was up to no good—and he slid the fingers resting against her lips down between their bodies, slowly over one nipple, and finally up her thigh. Her skirt was bunched around her waist and his thumb settled over her clit. She sucked in a lungful of air as electricity pulsed through every nerve ending.

  “You are so fucking wet for me already.” He glided those clever fingers over her panties again and again, teasing her clit with expertise.

  She squirmed against him as wetness seeped between her thighs. Her stomach muscles clenched, and his finger danced in circles over her clit until she thought she’d scream or pass out. She squeaked when he tore her panties from her body and slid one long finger inside. Her inner muscles clamped around him greedily, pulling him deeper. Although she was inexperienced, her body’s instincts took over.

  “I want you to come for me, Wilhemina.”

  He plunged deeper into her then retreated, her body drenching him with each thrust. Once, twice, while his thumb danced a lazy circle over her clit, and then she did what he asked, what he commanded. She came with a ferocity that melted her bones and left her body a quivering mass.

  She watched, mesmerized, as he brought his hand up to his mouth and slowly licked his finger.

  “Mmm. You taste like honey.”

  Before she could say a word, before the screeching heat of her blush could once again hit her cheeks, his mouth slammed down on hers. He was thorough, rough, but didn’t hurt her. He was in complete control, and he possessed her with every stroke of his tongue, demanding her submission with every nip, every caress. At that point, she was more than willing to salute him as commander and let him do with her as he pleased because they hadn’t even had sex yet, and he’d already given her the best mind-blowing orgasm of her life. Even she, who knew her body better than anyone, had never been able to bring herself to the apex of that kind of pleasure.

  “Touch me now, Wilhemina.”

  And just like that, her hands were no longer entrapped. She voraciously ran her fingers over his shoulders, down to his abs, and back up to his chest. He was all hard muscle just as she’d thought, and before she could stop herself, she reached around to give his ass a squeeze. He growled, and she felt like shouting “glory be” from the mountain tops because she’d been so right about his ass. She’d definitely be able to bounce a quarter off it. Hell, she could probably bounce a half-dollar off it.

  He reached for her hand and pushed it down to his cock.

  “Touch me here.”

  “Oh my.” She gasped.

  He was massive. When she cupped him, he pushed his hips against her. She thought he might bust out of the leather pants at any moment. So he was blessed in every way. Gorgeous. Perfect body. Well-endowed. But the whisper of fear slid through her mind. He was not going to fit. Before her doubts had time to take sufficient root in her brain, he carried her to a table in the back of the room, one she hadn’t noticed until he set her on the edge of the cool wood surface, and promptly kneeled between her thighs.

  A strangled cry escaped her lips when he buried his face between her legs. His wicked tongue slid along her folds, dipped inside, then danced over her clit. Her skin ached with need and burned with the passion he was stoking inside her. He growled against her, the vibrations sending a jolt of fire scorching through her.

  “I can’t wait to fuck this pretty little tight pussy of yours,” he mumbled in between licks.

  No one had ever talked to her like that, and it had the complete opposite effect on her she would have thought it would. Had anyone asked her what she’d say to a man if he talked dirty to her, she would have probably responded that she’d
smack him senseless. But smacking Aldin was the furthest thing from her mind. He made her feel naughty, uninhibited, wanton. The words coming from him only proved to heighten her excitement.

  She tugged at the spiky locks of dark hair on top of his head, and urged him on while she bucked her hips unashamedly against his face. But just as she was about to come, she found herself face first on the desk. Aldin nudged her legs wide, and pushed her skirt back up to her hips. She pressed her hot cheek against the surface of the table as a cool breeze hit her other cheeks. She whimpered when she heard the buttons popping open on his pants. She tried to look at him, but he held her down with one hand splayed on her back.

  He bent over her. “Do you want me to fuck you, Wilhemina?”

  His breath was hot against her ear, and she shivered with need. At this point in time, she wanted him any way she could have him. So taken over by the fire burning inside her, everything was forgotten—her innocence, her inexperience, the worry over what his reaction might be when he found out she was a virgin. The only thing that mattered at that very moment was getting him inside her as quickly as possible. At that point in time, no logic, no reasons about why doing this with him might not be a good idea, mattered. She wanted him, and she intended to have him. For some unexplainable reason this felt right. He felt right.

  “Yes! Yes! Do it, Aldin.”

  A brief flare of panic surged through her veins when she felt his thick cock at her opening, but was quickly replaced by a sharp pain that brought tears to her eyes when he thrust his hips upwards and buried his impressive length to the hilt. She’d been wrong. He did fit…barely. He stilled when she cried out. He filled her to the point that she thought he’d rip her apart, but through the haze of discomfort, a small voice whispered that things were as they should be.

  Before she could say anything, Aldin retreated. Even though the discomfort continued to throb between her thighs, she wanted to cry out from the loss of his flesh inside her.


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