The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 7

by Ronald Reagan

  Then off to Camp David.

  Saturday, October 3

  Windy & cold but we rode & for 1st time—went out a back gate into the Catoctin Nat. Forest. Followed an old road that led to a stone ruin of what was a summer hotel in 1933 when the lady owner Bessie Darling was murdered by her Dr. boyfriend. During WWII it was used for briefing foreign intelligence officers. It’s a tumbled ruin now.

  Sunday, October 4

  [Rode horseback; enlisted Bill Verity Jr., chairman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, to head task force on Private Sector Initiatives.]

  It bothers me not to be in church on Sunday but don’t see how I can with the security problem. I’m a hazard to others. I hope God realizes how much I feel that I am in a temple when I’m out in his beautiful forest & countryside as we were this morning. Back to the W.H.

  Monday, October 5

  I hate Mondays. This was one that didn’t stop. First off—over to the Exec. Off. Bldg. to do a Q&A with 70 out of town—in fact from all over the country—Editors & Radio news editors. Then to the Sheraton to address the Nat. Assn. of Bus. on Volunteerism. They were enthusiastic. I think we’ll really take the lead in this.

  Lunch was a 1st for the W.H. There were 28 former Nat. Security Officials from Admins. all the way back to Truman all came to join in support of A.W.A.C.’s. Henry Kissinger & former Sec. of Defense Harold Brown (under Carter) both spoke to the press endorsing the sale.

  A moving ceremony in the First Lady’s Garden. I signed the bill making Raoul Wallenberg the 2nd honorary citizen in our history. He is the Swede who saved 100,000 Hungarian Jews from the Nazis. Then with the war over the Soviets kidnapped him & evidence is he’s still alive in the Gulag. Now that he’s a citizen of the U.S. we intend to ask for his return. His brother & sister were present. Cong. Tom Lantos was there—he wrote the bill. Tom was one of those saved by Wallenberg—he was 16 at the time.

  Finally a meeting on Cancun and how to keep from being the villain there. We do more for the under developed nations than anyone in the world but they act as if we’re out to destroy them and they never say boo to the Soviets.

  Tuesday, October 6

  Most of the days event cancelled. Awakened at 7:25 by a phone call from Al Haig with news that Anwar Sadat had been shot along with many others. All morning we waited for news—receiving word only that he was not fatally wounded & was in surgery. Then came the word he was dead.

  It’s hard to describe the shock & the sorrow we both felt. Even though their visit was short we discovered we had a deep feeling of friendship for them. Maybe it has to do with a state visit. You start out with knowledge of each other & immediately get into the problems you mutually want to solve.

  Anyway, we both feel a great sense of loss. He was truly a great man, a kind man with warmth and humor.

  I’m trying not to feel hatred for those who did this foul deed but I can’t make it. Qadhafi gloating on TV, his people jubilantly celebrating in the streets. He is beneath contempt.

  He goes on radio (clandestine) and began broadcasting propaganda, calling for a holy war, etc. before Sadat’s death was confirmed. This material had to have been already prepared. In other words, he knew it was going to happen.

  [Wednesday, October 7: met with senators regarding AWACs plan; discussion of job placement with two governors; memorial ceremony for Sadat.]

  Thursday, October 8

  A busy day—signed pledge for Fed. govt. charity fund with Mac Baldridge & others present. Cabinet Council on energy meeting—went forward with new nuclear policy which should get 33 Nuclear Power plants licensed. They’ve been sitting idle while we kept on importing more oil for power.

  [Discussion of wealth sharing in anticipation of Cancún summit; farewell for eleven ambassadors.]

  Pres.’s Nixon, Ford & Carter arrived at the W.H. for a brief send off by helicopter from S. Lawn. They are representing us at Sadat’s funeral. All wanted to go—all knew him. It’s the 1st time 4 Presidents have ever been in the W.H. together.

  [Friday, October 9: Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) pledged support for AWACs plan; meeting on education; greeted National Epilepsy Foundation poster child; lunch for Medal of Freedom awards; Columbus Day proclamation; went to Camp David. Saturday, October 10–Monday, October 12: rode horseback; called Margaret Thatcher regarding Mideast; enjoyed comedy films Paternity (1981) and one he called “The Great Divide,” though he probably meant Continental Divide (1981); back to W.H.]

  Tuesday, October 13

  King Juan Carlos & Queen Sophia arrived today. The usual ceremonies. They flatteringly but nicely remembered our having tea with them in Madrid in 1972.

  [Good rapport with King.]

  The State dinner was most entertaining. Ella Fitzgerald sang—great as always. Then we danced—my 1st dance ever with a Queen.

  This afternoon met with J.C. [Jimmy Carter]. I expected the worst but he was cordial, friendly and just exchanged views on the Middle East, etc.

  Wednesday, October 14

  Another busy day. I’ve discovered I hate those days where I have one meeting right after the other with no time to collect my thoughts between meetings & I’m supposed to make remarks or a short speech at every one.

  [Press announcement of Congressman Eugene Atkinson (D-PA) switching parties; lunch with Arts and Humanities task force; meetings with senators regarding AWACs; noted Senator Harry Byrd (I-VA) is considering joining GOP; called friend whose wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer.]

  Thursday, October 15

  Short morning in the office—greeted newly appointed members of the Export board. Then off to Phil. & N.J.—airports too small to handle A.F.1 so took a small job—a Gulf Stream I think. It doesn’t take many trips in A.F.1 to spoil you.

  Addressed Foreign Relations Council in Phil. The speech was really meant for the nations going to Cancun to plant the idea we weren’t going to buy their idea of a new international bureaucracy empowered to share the wealth.

  [Speech well received; met with leaders of volunteers groups; fund-raisers in New Jersey.]

  We lost the vote on AWAC’s in Foreign Relations Comm. 9 to 8—all D’s but one—Rudy Boschwitz.

  Back on the plane & a box lunch. Ky. fried chicken and home 10 minutes ahead of schedule.

  Friday, October 16

  This was a day that didn’t stop—1 on 1 with 8 different Sens. on AWAC’s. A meeting with the P.M. of Mauritius. Then one with Dr. Kohl leader of the opposition party to Helmut Schmidt. He said the 250,000 demonstrators in Bonn against the U.S. came from all over Europe and it was an affair orchestrated by the Soviet U. He made a good point—that propaganda is painting us as a militaristic people when the truth is we are the most moral & generous people on earth. We should be appealing to the world on the basis of morality.

  Lunched with a group of editorial page editors from all over the U.S. Did a Q&A.

  An NSC meeting that has left me with the most profound decision I’ve ever had to make. Central America is really the world’s next hotspot. Nicaragua is an armed camp supplied by Cuba and threatening a communist takeover of all of Central America. More meetings & finally home with an arm full of homework & my problem.

  Saturday, October 17

  Over to the Cabinet room for a 10 AM meeting. Another bomb—the latest figures on deficit projections—bad. It seems our success is actually hurting us. Inflation is a tax. We have brought inflation down so much faster than we anticipated that tax revenues will be lower than we figured. We force the prospect of low inflation & lower interest rates—all of which is good—but gigantic deficits & that’s bad.

  [Senator Jennings Randolph (D-WV) pledged support for AWACs plan.]

  Ten minute interview with Trudy Feldman. Back to the house & our guest arrived—Bob Hope. Tonite the big U.S.O. dinner honoring Bob. I made him an Ambassador (WorldWide) of Good Will. It was a glittering affair.

  [Sunday, October 18: meetings with French president François Mitterrand in Virginia; state dinner. Mon
day, October 19: commemoration of Cornwallis’s surrender at Yorktown; return to Washington. Tuesday, October 20: campaigned for AWACs plan with senators; meeting with American Business Council; Mrs. Reagan left for New York City; briefings for Cancún summit.]

  Wednesday, October 21

  Departed for Cancun—breakfast on A.F.1—3 hour flight. Arrived to a full military reception—greeted by Pres. Lopez Portillo. 21 gun salute—reviewed troops, etc. Helicoptered across Yucatan Peninsula to Cancun—a beautiful white beach & the bluest, clearest water I’ve ever seen. The Sheraton is an attractive hotel.

  Held meetings (1 on 1) with Indira Ghandi who was not what I expected. She is tiny and seemed very reasonable and moderate. Met with Pres. of Nigeria, P.M. People’s Republic of China & Pres. Herrera of Venezuela. Then had my 1st swim in the Caribbean. Water warm but rough with a strong undertow—too rough to catch a wave for body surfing.

  [Dinner; report of unrest in Nicaragua.]

  Thursday, October 22

  Met with Pres.’s (1 on 1) of Austria & Yerge Sloveci [Kraigher]. Then 1st session devoted to speeches by each of 22 delegates. I know everyone was waiting for mine—possibly with chip on shoulder. We fooled them—it was well received.

  Didn’t get lunch til about 3 P.M. & back into session at 5 until 7:30.

  This session was a free wheeling discussion of food & agriculture. I suggested task forces of agri. experts to visit the hunger countries & recommend new procedures, etc. I volunteered to provide such volunteers. Sec. Gen. of U.N. expressed great appreciation.

  Pleasant dinner at 9 P.M.

  Friday, October 23

  Plain by now things going very well. Started day with 1 on 1—Pres. Bendjedid of Algeria & Pres. Nyere of Tanzania.

  These meetings dealt with energy, trade & financial help—paused at noon for group photo.

  Dinner on beach—fireworks and a wrap up of a successful meeting. I believe any hostility toward U.S. is gone.

  [Farewell ceremonies; good feeling on homebound plane, except for concern over AWACs; Mrs. Reagan and Patti were waiting on balcony at W.H.]

  Sunday, October 25

  A quiet day at home catching up on homework—principally the extent to which the Soviets are ahead of us on mil. capability in every line.

  Had a talk with Patti—told her what a bum rap her mother was taking from a few bitchy columnists.

  Al Haig called—there has been some shooting in the streets of Cairo. He says not serious or widespread.

  Dinner party & ran “Ragtime.” Both Jimmy Cagney & Pat O’Brien were here. Jimmy now uses a wheel chair since his stroke & has trouble hearing. He was great in the movie.

  [Monday, October 26: meetings with senators; working lunch with cabinet; NSC discussion of plan for Cuba and Central America; received ambassadors. Tuesday, October 27: meetings with senators over AWACs vote, president “cautiously optimistic”; campaign rally in Virginia.]

  Wednesday, October 28

  This is get ready for physical exam day. It began with a laxative—all meals will be liquid, etc. All in all—yes I’d rather be in Phil.

  Another day at home (thank goodness) meeting with Sens. The debate is on & at 5 P.M. they vote on AWAC’s.

  Met with Zorinsky—didn’t get a commitment but believe he’s leaning.

  It is 5:15 and we won—52–48. Zorinsky was with us so was Bill Cohen of Maine. What a victory this is—and what it means world wide. Our Sen. leaders came over from the hill happy & proud.

  Thursday, October 29

  Met with Huang Hua. There is a real push going on. China is virtually delivering an ultimatum re arms to Taiwan. I don’t like ultimatums. We have a moral obligation & until a peaceful settlement is reached between the mainland & Taiwan we’re going to meet that obligation.

  Now to Bethesda for our check up & tomorrow to Camp David.

  I won a purple heart. A Fleets E. before boarding Marine 1 and upon arrival at the Naval Hospt. right in for the Barium E. That is an experience I’ve never had before—Oh, I’ve had B.E.’s but they have a new procedure that’s worse than March 30th.

  One of the young ladies (Navy) made me a paper purple heart & I wore it.

  Finally our 1st meal in 2 days.

  [Friday, October 30: routine medical tests; Mrs. Reagan had a cold; left for Camp David; saw the film Rich and Famous (1981) and considered it pornographic. Saturday, October 31: desk work; saw Heartland (1979) and thought it strange.]

  Sunday, November 1

  More desk work—Nancy not much better & now back at the White House.

  Al Haig called. Jack Anderson had a column set to go that I was about to fire Haig—quoting an unnamed W.H. source. I called Jack told him it was false—he graciously agreed to pull the column & quote me instead—that Al was the best Sec. of State we’ve had in a long time. Of course he wouldn’t reveal the W.H. source.

  Monday, November 2

  Day really started with the arrival ceremony for King Hussein & Queen Noor. I’d received a letter from Margaret Thatcher telling me the King was very nervous about the meeting.

  In the Oval office after the ceremony I told him where we stood and the climate got better. I think my remarks at the ceremony declaring our friendship with Jordan were well received by him. He ad-libbed a finish to his own remarks that was very sincere and expressed appreciation for what I’d said.

  It’s going to be touchy with Israel but we’re going to provide defensive weapons for Jordan. If we don’t they’ll turn to the Soviets for them because of their fear of Syria.

  Later in the day we had a legislative planning session in which a very dark picture economically was painted for 83 & 84. I will not give in and raise taxes.

  The State Dinner was a smash from 1st cocktail to the last dance. Benny Goodman entertained with 4 of the top men in the field including Buddy Rich on drums. Everyones foot was tapping.

  I believe we’ve really established a bond of friendship. His Majesty’s response to the toast was obviously sincere, warm & moving.

  [ Tuesday, November 3: meetings with former senator Edward Brooks (D-MA) on voting rights bill; farewell to King Hussein; working lunch on budget; met with Primate of Greek Orthodox Church in U.S.; meetings on the state of the Merchant Marine, and on decontrol of natural gas; spoke to Southern senators about voting rights bill. Wednesday, November 4: meetings with legislators; with cabinet over voting rights bill, which president saw as flawed but considered some action necessary; noted election results in Virginia and New Jersey; went horseback riding with Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV).]

  Thursday, November 5

  Not too busy a day but a serious one. A very secret paper somehow made its way to the N.Y. Times. We have to find a way to end this endless & dangerous leaking.

  Called in Dick Allen & Al Haig and ordered a halt to the sniping—wherever it’s coming from so we can stop this press obsession that we are having chaos & feuding in the admin.

  [Met with professional money managers regarding economic program.]

  A long afternoon N.S.C. meeting. We plan to talk to the world via TV just prior to Breshnev’s visit to Germany to announce that in the INF arms limit talks we’ll ask for total elimination of Theatre Nuclear weapons in Europe.

  The Central American situation is going sour. Nicaragua is becoming an armed camp with the most modern weapons & an army disproportionate to its size or its needs.

  Friday, November 6

  We’re going to have to build in more open time around meetings with Congressional leaders. Met 1st with Sen. leaders and meeting went 45 min. over time. Then the House leadership which of course started late but ended later.

  The meetings were about the economy. With our plan barely started unforeseen things such as the high interest rates, etc. have increased the estimated deficit & make a balanced budget by ’84 look unlikely. On the hill they automatically start thinking of tax increases. We differ & I think with good reason. I believe we reduced the differences between us but the p
ress is going wild with its usual irresponsibility.

  [Fund-raiser in New York City. Saturday, November 7: desk work all day; La Bohème at Kennedy Center in company with Beverly Sills. Sunday, November 8: desk work all day; watched 60 Minutes; studied briefing book for Tuesday press conference.]

  Monday, November 9

  [Ceremonial appearances; prepared for press conference; met child star Ricky Schroder.]

  Jim Brady appeared with us for the opening of the rebuilt press room. It was a most heart warming event. All the interviews seemed to go well.

  George & Barbara Bush came over for dinner. It was an early but pleasant evening.

  [ Tuesday, November 10: met freshman New York congressman Peter A. Peyser about use of Fort Drum to house Haitian refugees; reception for Vietnam veterans; press conference “went well”; NSC meeting regarding Central America and Cuba; presented with gifts from constituents; reception for donors.]

  Wednesday, November 11

  [Veterans Day: instructed not to go to Arlington National Cemetery for security reasons.]

  Spent the day at my desk upstairs and managed to get a little drawer cleaning done in addition to homework.

  Now I’m reading an article about Dave Stockman supposedly telling all to a reporter in the Atlantic Monthly. If true, Dave is a turncoat—but in reality he was victimized by what he’d always thought was a good friend.

  Thursday, November 12

  It looked like everything was going wrong today. The “Big 3” were waiting with a “what to do about Stockman” question. Before we could get into that—had a meeting with leadership. Repub. of the House & Sen. on the budget—Stockman present. He asked for the floor—got up & told them he’d made a stupid mistake, etc. & they applauded.

  Back in the Oval Off. met with staff, George B. & Don Regan. I didn’t go along with one or two who wanted to fire Dave—nor did Don R. or George B.

  Dave came over he and I had lunch. I had lunch—he couldn’t eat. He stood up to it and then tendered his resignation. I got him to tell the whole thing about his supposed friend who betrayed him, then refused to accept his resignation. Told him he should do a “mea culpa” before the press and clear the misconception that had been created by the story. He was all set to go & did—taking their questions head on.


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