The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 6

by Ronald Reagan

  [Met with WWII veterans; dinner party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. James Baker.]

  Wednesday, July 29

  The whole day was given to phone calls to Congressmen except for a half dozen to name Ambassadors. I went from fearing the worst to hope we’d squeak through. As the day went on though somehow there was a feel that something good was happening. Then late afternoon came word the Senate had passed its tax bill (ours) 89 to 11. Then from the house where all the chips were down—we won 238–195. We got 40 Dem. votes. On final passage almost 100 joined the parade making it 330 odd to 109 or thereabouts. This on top of the budget victory is the greatest pol. win in half a century.

  Tip O’Neil & his leadership called me and with complete graciousness congratulated us on our win.

  Now we must make it work—and we will.

  [ Thursday, July 30: spoke to National Association of State Legislatures; Mrs. Reagan is home.]

  Friday, July 31

  A lengthy working lunch. N.S.C. briefing on Naval games in the gulf of Sidra. We’ll find out how serious Khadaffi is about claiming half the Mediterranean for himself.

  Big discussion about proceeding with the tactical 8 inch weapon the “Enhanced radiation warhead.” Al worries about Europe’s reaction. My decision we’re not deploying them, we’re stockpiling a defensive weapon. We don’t announce it but if word leaks as it will we point out the Carter Admin. had ordered the key part to be made but not assembled into the shell. In other words, we stockpiled 2 parts of the shell separately. We’re just putting them together.

  Off to Camp David—late as usual.

  Saturday, August 1–Sunday, August 2

  Two days of loafing by the pool & swimming. Weather wonderful. Rec’d word our home has gone into escrow. Also learned the Air Controllers will probably strike Mon. morning. That’s against the law. I’m going to announce that those who strike have lost their jobs & will not be re-hired.

  Monday, August 3

  The strike was called for 7 A.M. I called the press corps together in the Rose Garden & read a statement I’d written yesterday. I included in it a paragraph from the written oath each employee signs—“that he or she will not strike against the U.S. govt. or any of its agencies.” I then announced they would have 48 hrs. in which to return & if they don’t they are separated from the service.

  By afternoon an estimated 29% of the 17,000 were at work. Have my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

  [Cabinet meeting regarding the budget.]

  An N.S.C. meeting concerned mainly with the defense plans. Our task force has reported to Cap that we need a world wide communications system for reaching our Subs, missile sites & Air Forces.

  They recommend going ahead with 100 B.1’s while we develop the ATB plane. Go for the new DS missile for our Tridents & go for the MX without the race track but put some in Silos & in airplanes. There is a possible new plane—very slow & easy on fuel which could stay aloft 5 or 6 days. We could have them carrying MX’s on a round the clock airborne schedule, thus making them invulnerable to Soviet missile attacks.

  [Civil defense program discussed; Senate passed tax bill.]

  Tuesday, August 4

  Today the House passed the tax bill 285 to 95. It’s mine to sign now.

  As of mid-day 35% of the Air Controllers were on the job and flying was 65% of normal.

  [Received check for funds saved by government agency; lunched at Star newspaper during its last week; revolutionary situation in Gambia discussed at W.H.]

  Wednesday, August 5

  Deadline day for the air controllers strike. About 38% are working—air travel is at 75% of normal. We’ve learned we’ve had about 6000 more air controllers than we need.

  In Chi. Lane Kirkland (Pres. of AFL-CIO) & the exec. comm. joined the picket line. How do they explain approving of law breaking—to say nothing of violation of an oath taken by each a.c. that he or she would not strike.

  Pres. Sadat arrived. We had good meetings. I told him of our naval maneuvers in the Mediterranean on Aug. 18 & that our ships & planes would cross the Kadaffi line into the Gulf of Sidra. He almost shouted—“magnificent!”*

  The State Dinner was a success. I’m encouraged that between us maybe we can do something about peace in the middle east.

  Thursday, August 6–Thursday, September 3

  [Saw Sadat off; meetings on defense and upcoming speech; flew to California for vacation; barbecue for Seabees; press event for bill signing.]

  Each day we rode in the A.M. then in the afternoon Barney, Dennis & I with vol. help from Dr. Ruge & our mil. aides cut up downed limbs & built brush piles for rainy season burning. Ten days of this—our longest single stretch at the ranch. The S.S. agents have caps titled U.S.S.S. Mounted Patrol. They have become enthusiastic horsemen.

  Met with Haig the afternoon of the 16th. On the 17th back to L.A. & the Century Plaza. Every night was a dinner out—with old friends. It was really enjoyable. The days were rather busy. Meetings—Cap., N.S.C., Charles Wick. A pol. reception on the 17th. More meetings on following days on Budget, with Sen. Tower & Cong. Dickinson on MX, the A.M.A. representatives, etc.

  [Visit to USS Constellation; fund-raiser in Orange County.]

  August 22nd back to the ranch. We had finally made a dream come true. Bud Bredall made part of the barn into a tack room. We now have a dozen saddles & they were being stacked on top of each other. It turned out great.

  We’re waiting for word our house is sold so we can put up a guest house & a house to replace Lee’s trailer. Our buyer is strange and each day Escrow is to close making the sale final, a new excuse pops up delaying it.

  Cap & Ed came up for a meeting. Went to Santa Barbara one evening for a reception we gave the press corps, a Repub. fundraiser and finally a quiet dinner with the Deutches at the Tuttles.

  Back to the ranch for the last few days and then to L.A. A few more meetings and then to Chi. on Sept. 2nd. Back into the “iron vest.” We have an intelligence report that Quadaffi has told others he intends to have me assassinated. It’s a strange feeling to find there is a “contract” out on yourself.

  Sept. 3rd addressed about 5,000 Carpenter Union delegates at McCormack Place in Chi. Expected possibly a cool reception but it turned out fine including my remarks about the PATCO strike.

  Back in Wash. and we begin again.

  Friday, September 4

  [Oval Office redecoration complete.]

  Not a big day. Met with Al Haig—the world is still exploding. The French Ambass. to Beirut was gunned down by terrorists doing the Syrians’ work.

  Met with Jim Watt. He’s taking a lot of abuse from environmental extremists but he’s absolutely right. People are ecology too and they can’t forage for food and live in caves.

  Saw a film on Begin, a kind of character study. He’ll be here Wed.

  Had a pleasant evening with a stack of horse and western magazines.

  [Saturday, September 5: photo session; desk work; dinner party and play starring Claudette Colbert.]

  Sunday, September 6

  I know we should have gone to church & yet I’m concerned about the elaborate security measures which have me arriving in a siren screaming motorcade. I don’t know what the answer will be but one must be found.

  Spent the day at my desk then after dinner we ran a movie—a bloody one called “The Fan.”

  [Monday, September 7: in New York to initiate Westway highway project; labor reaction to president mixed; back to Washington.]

  Tuesday, September 8

  Back on schedule—9 A.M. in the office. First of what will be several budget meetings. Hi interest rates are going to force more budget cuts or we won’t meet our 82, 83 & 84 targets.

  I’ve given the order—we’ll cut & we’ll meet the goals we set for ourselves. We have to convince the money mkt. that we mean it & that means some cuts in defense. But we have to do that in such a way that the world sees us as keeping our word to restore our defense strength. It can be done.

bsp; [Briefing for meeting with Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin; talk with Republican congressional leadership.]

  Bill Smith came over to ask for more money for the Justice Dept. This is a tough one—Carter had cut his budget in real dollars 40% in 4 years. Crime is a number 1 concern.

  Wednesday, September 9

  The P.M. (Begin) arrived & we had a beautiful day for it—the So. Lawn ceremony. In the Oval office we did some getting acquainted & surprisingly it was very easy.

  A.W.A.C.’s came up in the cabinet room session. He of course objects to the sale. I told him how strongly we felt it could help bring the Saudis into the peace making process. I assured him we (Israel & U.S.) were allies. That the partnership benefited us as much as it did Israel & that we would not let a risk to Israel be created.

  While he didn’t give up his objection he mellowed. By the time the meetings and the State Dinner ended he said this was the warmest reception he’d ever had from a Pres. of the U.S.

  I think we’re off to a good start in the difficult business of peace in the Middle East. My own feeling is that it should come through bi-lateral agreements just as it did with Egypt. That’s why we want to start with Saudi Arabia.

  Thursday, September 10

  [Future meetings planned and then Begin leaves.]

  Dropped in on meeting of Ec. Advisors—A roomful of our country’s greatest economists. None of them could explain why interest rates are so high.

  [Dedication of corridor at Pentagon in honor of General Douglas MacArthur; performance on South Lawn by Lionel Hampton and Pearl Bailey; phone calls on additional budget cuts.]

  Friday, September 11–Sunday, September 13

  Cap, Dave & I settled Defense cuts at $13 Bil. over 3 yrs., 2 Bil. of it to come off the ’82 spending. These figures are for outlays not obligational authority which would probably be about $21 Bil. Gave bravery & service awards to 9 young Americans. They had performed the deeds in 75 & 78 but J.C. wouldn’t give out the medals. The law says only the Pres. can do that. Friday afternoon off to Camp David with the Deavers & the Bakers—children & all. A nice weekend—mainly by the pool with one try at skeet shooting—my 1st attempt. A very humbling experience even if I did get a couple of birds.

  Rcv’d a call while there—our consulate in Frankfurt Germany was fire bombed—no casualties.

  Monday, September 14

  [Ceremonial appearances; meetings with “Boll Weevil” Democratic congressmen and then a bipartisan group of senators.]

  First meeting was re the budget. The 2nd had to do with Saudi AWAC’s sale. Was annoyed to learn that P.M. Begin had gone to the hill & had lobbied against the sale after leading me to believe he wouldn’t.

  Bill Clark is going to meet him in N.Y. if possible before he leaves tomorrow to tell him this may affect our relationship unless he undoes what he’s done.

  Tuesday, September 15

  [Meetings regarding budget with Republican leadership in Congress; displeasure with Senator Bob Packwood (R-OR) over AWAC position; ceremonial appearances; lunch with presidents of traditionally black colleges, signed executive order for greater federal involvement in funding; met with Weinberger.]

  An N.S.C. meeting on Poland. I cannot see helping the govt. with cash but I’m all for getting surplus food to Polish people.

  [Met with governing mayor of West Berlin Dr. Richard von Weizsäcker; reception for supporters.]

  We’ve had disturbing news that P.M. Begin was planning to invade Lebanon. Of course I’ve been upset by Sen’s. tales that he lobbied hard against AWAC’s when he’d told me he wouldn’t.

  Al H. flew up to N.Y and saw him before he left for home. He promised no invasion unless some act forced his hand. Denied he broke his word & Al is convinced he really wants to get along with us. He told Al he’d never felt as close to a U.S. Pres. as he does to me.

  Wednesday, September 16

  [Ceremonial appearances, including greeting Boys Club “Boy of the Year.”]

  State Dining Rm. lunch for Nat. Hispanic leaders. Like yesterday’s lunch this was most enjoyable plus which they made it plain they support fiscal conservatism such as our program. I believe their long loyalty to the Dem’s is ending.

  Staff meeting with Stockman on strategy for additional cuts in budget ’82 & for ’83 & ’84. A good plan & I believe we’ll make it.

  [Reception for Republican donors; met with leader of Maronite Christians in Lebanon.]

  Thursday, September 17

  [Cabinet meeting on budget cuts; discussion with Secretary of Energy James Edwards and Secretary of Education Terrel Bell on which of their two departments should be dissolved first.]

  Leaving at 12:35 for Grand Rapids, Mich.—opening of Ford library & museum.

  Betty & Jerry Ford met us at the plane. At the hotel I went into meetings almost immediately with former Pres. of France, then P.M. Trudeau & last Pres. Lopez Portillo. The P.M. & I had a go around about his energy policy which has American investors in Canada quite upset. Then Jose & I had a real set to about El Salvador. He has evidently believed that we were on the verge of sending in the Marines. His whole demeanor changed when I told him we’d never entertained such a thought.

  [Gala evening taped for Bob Hope television special. Friday, September 18: tour of the museum and dedication ceremony; flew to Denver for speech before National Federation of Republican Women; returned to Washington. Saturday, September 19–Sunday, September 20: relaxed at Camp David; returned to W.H.]

  Monday, September 21

  I don’t like Mondays. This morning I was given the news that our successful coalition in Cong. is breaking up in the face of our need to get additional budget cuts. I think they have ’82 election jitters. We have to have those cuts & we have to solve the Soc. Security problem. The D. leadership has refused to tackle the problem in an effort to find a bi-partisan solution. They are staking it out as an ’82 campaign issue in which we’ll be portrayed as trying to pinch the Sr. Citizens. The fact is the “trust fund” will be out of money by election time.

  [Met with business people about privatization of government social initiatives; met with congressmen on issues, including AWACs program and high interest rates; received resolution of support on budget from 152 Republican representatives. Tuesday, September 22: signed petition for reapportionment in California; met with Ralph Abernathy, civil rights leader; worked on upcoming speech on budget; three receptions.]

  Wednesday, September 23

  Finally a meeting on the budget that made me feel good. It’s going to be a tough fight & we won’t get all we ask for but we’ll do fairly well I’m sure. I’m withdrawing Soc. Security from consideration & challenging Tip & the Dems. to join in a bipartisan effort to solve the fiscal dilemma of S.S. without all the politics they’ve been playing. Since I’m inviting him on nat. TV, he might be persuaded to go on at 9 P.M. tomorrow night & I haven’t finished writing the speech yet. Saw old friends from Dixon who are involved in fixing up my boyhood home.

  [Meeting with Roy Brewer, early ally and labor leader in Hollywood during the 1940s; barbecue for congressmen.]

  Thursday, September 24

  [Met with governors concerned about budget cuts; send-off for three ambassadors.]

  Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia came in with Sen. Baker. Sen. Glenn is influencing many Sens. against the A.W.A.C.’s deal on proposition that we should have joint crew operation if they are sold. This may be our chance. Prince Bandar believes Crown Prince Fahd may agree to this. We in return would give them the enhanced planes with the top level equipment.

  Tonight I did the speech live. Everyone seems to think it went well—I hope so.

  [Friday, September 25: lunch with President Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya; swearing-in of Sandra Day O’Connor; went to Camp David. Saturday, September 26: worked on upcoming speech. Sunday, September 27: calls to senators regarding extensions of debt ceiling.]

  Monday, September 28

  Brkfst. on A.F.1—headed for New Orleans. Had
teleprompter problems that almost threw me for about 7 min. in front of several thousand Police Chiefs and Sheriffs (International meeting). Finally got going. Rcv’d a tremendous reception. Later a Repub. fund raiser—noon time $1000 per head. I remember going to La. in ’63 to campaign for Charlton Lyons who ran for Gov. only to establish a 2 party system in that state. Well it’s 2 party now with a Repub. Gov. & a few Congressmen.

  Back to Wash. and what I’ve been told may be the most momentous decision any Pres. has had to make (that’s hard for me to believe as I review our history). It was to OK the strategic missile & bomber buildup for our future defense needs. One hundred MX missiles & 100 B-1 bombers (to start with).

  Word from Calif. that we may have sold our house at last.

  Tuesday, September 29

  Addressed the annual meeting of the World Bank & International Monetary fund. While only 125 delegates from nations all over the world, the actual crowd numbered more than 1000. All had staff, finance ministers, etc. I was amazed to learn our S.S. agents had to disarm a great many until after I spoke. It seems they bring bodyguards because of the fear of kidnapping or assassination.

  Day ended happily when at 10 P.M. I learned the Sen. had passed the debt limit extension so we wouldn’t go out of business Oct. 5.

  Wednesday, September 30

  Supposed to be a light day—but the schedule underwent some changes. Lunch at home with Mommie became lunch alone in the office.

  Met with Repub. leadership of the House & Senate. This is a good practice & one we’ll continue. I mainly listen & that’s not bad.

  Briefings for tomorrow’s press conference—took hours.

  Dinner for quite a group & a movie—a beautiful & unusual one. “The French Lt.’s Woman.”

  [Signed debt-limit extension. Thursday, October 1: briefings for press conference; change in secretarial staff; press conference; meetings with senators on AWACs.]

  Friday, October 2

  Met press again in East Room with Cap W. to give decision on strategic arms. We’re going with 100 MX missiles—1st 36 in Minute Man & Titan silos—no multiple shelter plan. We’ll study in the meantime a basing mode for the rest. Also building 100 B-1 bombers while research continues on the “Stealth.”


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