The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 28

by Ronald Reagan

  Sunday, November 20

  Nancy left this morning for Phoenix. I won’t see her til Wed. at the ranch. I’m lonesome already. I even watched an Errol Flynn movie—“Robin Hood” this afternoon.

  Bud called—the Israelis took out targets (air attacks) on Beirut—Damascus Road. One was a choke point which could shut off Syrian supplies & ammo to the guerillas. One plane shot down but pilot parachuted & was recovered. I have no complaints with this. Rumor also going around that Assad (Pres. of Syria) is dead. No confirmation.

  [Monday, November 21: meeting with President Gaafar Nimeiri of the Sudan with discussion of Qaddafi; Thanksgiving turkey presentation; met with President Spyros Kyprianou of Cyprus; ambassadorial formalities; complained of “a lonely evening & not a very good night for sleep.”]

  Tuesday, November 22

  [Memorial mass for John F. Kennedy; met with Israeli president Chaim Herzog.]

  Bill Smith came by (top secret). It looks like F.B.I. wants to “lie detector” 3 of our people in their investigation of the leak some time ago of a top secret NSC meeting.

  Don Regan came by for another top secret item. We’re going to change our currency. Copying machine including new ones due on the market in ’86 can duplicate existing paper money so realistically it’s almost impossible to tell the difference. Already we estimate some where near $100 mil. of counterfeit in circulation.

  [Visit from Cardinal Casaroli, Vatican secretary of state; awarded medal to female long-distance pilot; visit by Andy Williams to launch Christmas Seal drive; saw cowboy who had been badly injured in rodeo.]

  Met with Don R., Jim B. & Paul Volcker. Paul believes he has to limit money supply & slow down economic recovery to reduce inflation. It’s true inflation is going up some these past few months but we don’t believe we should slow down the recovery.

  [Reception for party donors; still lonesome. Wednesday, November 23: flew to California and up to the ranch by helicopter; ranch work in afternoon. Thursday, November 24: […] Bess, Patti, and Dennis staying at ranch. Friday, November 25: strong winds, no riding. Saturday, November 26: ranch work. Sunday, November 27: returned to W.H.]

  Monday, November 28

  N.S.C. briefing for P.M. Shamir (Israel) visit. This 1st meeting was a stage setter for tomorrow’s longer meeting. I let him know we wanted to strengthen our relations with the moderate Arab states so we could help bring peace to the area. We’ll get into the nuts & bolts tomorrow.

  [Bill-signing ceremony for appropriations bill for Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and for Judiciary; gathering at W.H. of hundreds of self-sustaining handicapped people; signed proclamation designating 1983 to 1992 the Decade of the Handicapped, noting, “Our goal will be rehabilitation & opportunity for all the handicapped”; videotapings.]

  Spent most of afternoon signing letters of condolence to next of kin of the 239 Marines.

  Tuesday, November 29

  Most of morning spent briefing for & meeting with P.M. Shamir. We met in a small session, 1st in the Oval office, then a larger meeting in the Cabinet Room & finally lunch in the St. Dining Rm. He & his team of course have spent 2 days in meetings at State, the Pentagon etc. I think things are well on track & a lot of suspicion etc. has been washed away on both sides.

  I had some useful desk time then met with our own team about a controversial Dairy bill. I thought I leaned toward veto but after hearing from a bi-partisan group of Reps. & Sens. I decided to sign. A veto would have left us with the present Dairy program which is a Turkey. I believe the new one may be a step toward getting government eventually out of the Dairy business. Maureen arrived in time for dinner. She is really doing a job for the Nat. Committee.

  Wednesday, November 30

  N.S.C. for much of morning including a visit by Ambas. Prince Bandar (Saudi Arabia). He brought a message from King Fahd re Lebanon & the chances of wooing Syria away from the Soviets. I’m afraid his plan involves us separating ourselves somewhat from Israel. No can do.

  Most of N.S.C. had to do with our going forward with research leading to a defense weapon against nuclear missiles. Some 50 scientists were persuaded to look at the problem after my March 23rd (’83) declaration. They started as skeptics & have wound up enthusiasts. We’ll proceed.

  Lunch was a Budget strategy meeting. It was downbeat. Dave S. projected some pessimistic projections based on what we could expert Cong. to do. I said the h--l with that. We can’t go on with business as usual—business being us asking for spending cuts & being satisfied with less than half what we asked for. We can’t go on with $200 bil. a year deficits ad infinitem.

  Pvt. meeting with George Shultz. He brought me up to date with or on his meetings with P.M. Shamir. The P.M. doesn’t think our defense people are very cordial to Israel but believes I am a trustworthy friend.

  Cabinet Council meeting again on budget. I’m afraid I got on a soap box about taking our case to the people—this is a crisis situation.

  [Signing ceremony for revenue-sharing bill.]

  Thursday, December 1

  Most of NSC spent on getting ready for visit by Pres. Gemayal of Lebanon. But also on whether to step up our artillery fire on Druze batteries lobbing shells in the direction of our Marines. So far we haven’t done anything. We’re a divided group. I happen to believe taking out a few batteries might give them pause to think. Joint Chiefs believe it might drastically alter our mission & lead to major increases in troops for Lebanon.

  Met with Gemayal & his Cabinet. We emphasized need to work harder for expanding govt. to include some dissident groups. He made a good case that Syria has a block on the main factions.

  Cabinet Council on “space” & where we go. The issue is whether to move on a program for a permanent manned space station. I’m for it as I think most everyone is but the question is funding such a new course in face of our deficits.

  Dave Stockman who opposed my signing the dairy bill came in to brief me on how the bill came to be & how may Reps. & Sens. broke their word on concessions they’d promised in return for the bill. I was never told any of this while it was going on. We’ll have to have a different procedure so this can’t happen again.

  [Attended PBS’s “Young Talent” program at Shiloh Baptist Church, Leontyne Price hosting.]

  Friday, December 2

  A hectic ¾ of a day with contentious staff & Cabinet members on both sides of a couple of issues. One with NSC had to do with attacking Syrian targets around Beirut in response to shelling of our Marines. Some wanted to do this whether they were responsible for the shelling or not. I came down on the side of only responding if we knew our target was the source unless that target was in a populated area—then take a nearby target if it was of the same org. such as Druze or PLO etc. Fire at Syrians only if they had fired at us.

  Another problem came up with regard to shutting off some still exiting exports to Libya. The exports were things the Libyans can get virtually anywhere so the action wouldn’t hurt them at all. I said we should see if we could persuade all our friends to join the boycott—otherwise we’d sell.

  [Appearance with high school students on C-Span program; left for Camp David.]

  Saturday, December 3–Sunday, December 4

  Grey cold day—did radio broadcast & we took a walk. Then it was back at the fireside where I caught up on reading & some mail. That evening received call from MacFarlane that the Syrians had launched an anti-aircraft & ground to air missile attack against our unarmed reconnaissance planes during one of their routine sweeps over Beirut. Permission from me was needed for a return air strike against the guilty batteries. I’d already received a call on this from Cap in Paris. I gave the order. Sunday morning got a call—we had taken out a communications center, some batteries & an ammo dump. Two of our planes (24) had been shot down. One pilot parachuted in safe territory & has been recovered. The other 2 in the 2nd plane parachuted in hostile zone—we’ve heard that one was machine gunned but we’ve also heard they are both prisoners. We’
re trying to get a confirmation & will open negotiations for their return.

  Back at the W.H. made statement to press—am now going to Rockville Jewish community Center for a Hannakah ceremony. Then back to a reception honoring the 5 honorees of the J.F.K. Center For The Performing Arts—Frank Sinatra, Jimmy Stewart, Eliza Kazan, Katherine Dunham & Virgil Thomson. A posse of our Hollywood friends will be here at the W.H. for the reception.

  It turned out to be a wonderful evening & a great show.

  Monday, December 5

  N.S.C. in the morning—subject Lebanon. We took out 11 anti-aircraft & missile launching sites, a radar installation & an ammo dump. Syria says they will hold our captured pilot (they’re returning the body of the other) until we all leave Lebanon. Our press & TV are hostile to the point of being pro Syrian.

  [Satellite teleconference with astronauts in the shuttle.]

  A Budget appeal meeting on Nasa’s request. I think we’re OK there & can still start to plan a space station.

  We now have a U.S. attorney in each of the 94 districts—I mean one appointed by us. They are meeting in Wash. I went over to the W.H. after lunch & spoke to them on our fight against crime & they’re a part of that.

  [Budget-review meeting; ambassadorial formalities.]

  Met with Geo. S. who is off to meetings in Europe tomorrow. We see pretty much eye to eye on our problems in Lebanon & with the little Red brothers in Moscow. We have a back channel contact, we hope can get some common sense discussion going with them.

  [Tuesday, December 6: NSC meeting, no new reports from Lebanon; met Premier Kennedy Alphonse Simmonds of St. Kitts-Nevis; budget meeting regarding EPA; interviewed for People magazine; met with Armenian American leaders; dinner honoring General Jimmy Doolittle; telephoned family of Navy flier killed in Lebanon. Wednesday, December 7: visit by King Birendra of Nepal; appeared with volunteer group, Citizens for America; meeting on Veterans Administration budget; talked about tuition tax credits with leaders of organization of church and private schools; new poll indicates improvement; state dinner, entertainment by Ferrante and Teicher.]

  Thursday, December 8

  The Soviets have walked out of the “Start” talks but not so definitely as in the INF talks. This is regular time for holiday break & they didn’t say they wouldn’t be back. They just said they were unable at this time to set a date for their return.

  Our dead Navy pilot is being returned to us by the Syrians. We still don’t know cause of death. After a couple of routine meetings & lunch with Geo. B. I left for Indianapolis. Addressed the Nat. Forum on Excellence in Ed. About 2000 teachers, students, state legislators, Govs., School Board members etc. Was well received although I’m sure the few from N.E.A. weren’t happy. They were on record as saying that if I didn’t come with a pledge of more money for Ed. the meeting would be a “sham.” Well I didn’t come with any pledge—to the contrary I told them Fed. money was not the answer. I was given a very warm reception.

  [Photo session with state leaders of party; returned to Washington; spoke briefly at American Enterprise Institute (AEI) dinner; telephone Bobby Allison, winner of auto racing’s Winston Cup.]

  Friday, December 9

  Officially signed off on position I took a few days ago regarding sanctions on Libya. Bill Smith came by to tell me the F.B.I. investigation into leak from Nat. Security meeting could not claim evidence of a criminal act. At same time, F.B.I. targeted several they believed should take polygraph tests. I’ve decided that’s up to them—I will not order it. I know such an order from me would be leaked & it would kick up a fuss not warranted by the deed.

  [Signed Human Rights Day proclamation.]

  A sobering briefing on Soviet offensive power & plans for a protracted nuclear war. I wish some of our pacifist loud talkers could have access to this information. A preliminary budget review on Defense budget. Cap has pulled it down from $321 bil. to $305 bil. I have a hunch it will come out around $295 but we should ask for $305 because the Dems. will cut whatever we come in with.

  Off to Camp David.

  Saturday, December 10–Sunday, December 11

  Sat. a beautiful & not too cold a day. Phoned King Hussein. Call paid off. He was very upset with me over the press accounts of our talks with Israelis & he’s due Sun. A.M. on Brinkley’s show. We had a good talk & it was apparent on that Sun. show.

  [Returned to see W.H. decorated for Christmas; attended Christmas show hosted by Andy Williams.]

  Monday, December 12

  [Report that the last of the combat troops were leaving Grenada; flew to New York for annual meeting of Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.]

  Back to W.H.—met with Tony O’Brien & Anthony Aguilar (the John Wayne of Mexico). Tony had his family, his lovely wife & 2 fine sons. He does an annual 5 mo. tour of the U.S.—Rodeos etc., appears before 3½ million Hispanics. He means to use those appearances to hail me as his friend.

  Tuesday, December 13

  Most of the day was taken up with Budget meetings. It’s that time of year. Another car bombing this time on our Embassy in Kuwait & 5 other places on the same day. Some of our employees—all Kuwaitis were killed. The same Iranian holy war group are taking credit. George S. will be back tomorrow. He’s been on quite a trip.

  [Budget meetings; preliminary meeting on State of the Union Address, possible announcement of candidacy; signed proclamation for Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week; meeting with Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige, U.S. Trade Representative Bill Brock, and others on textile imports; videotapings; Christmas reception for members of Congress.]

  Wednesday, December 14

  The New Jersey finally did it! Our Recon planes over Lebanon were fired on again—this time in the area patrolled by the N.J. The 16 inch guns fired 11 rounds. All of Beirut thought there was an earthquake. No reports on results yet.

  [Press availability; in separate appearance, took questions from gathering of journalists from the Gannett news organization; received positive report from Shultz on recent trip to Europe and Middle East; meeting with Senator Baker over concerns that Republican senators will continue to bolt on budget matters; interviewed by U.S. News & World Report; farewell party for Ken Duberstein, who stepped down as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs; Christmas reception for press; put a sign on Mrs. Reagan reading, “I have laryngitis—Merry Christmas.” ]

  Thursday, December 15

  P.M. Pierre Trudeau arrived. He’s been travelling the world trying to arouse interest in a 5 big nation summit to try & reduce nuclear weapons. He hasn’t been able to get much interest. Actually it isn’t a sound idea but still we support his arousing interest in other nations, all of them to talk of eliminating such weapons. I think he went away with some added ammunition.

  Lunch with V.P. He’s done a great job in Central Am., especially in El Salvador inspiring more action on human rights.

  An end of year interview with Time Inc. They are doing a feature on me & Andropov & Soviet-US. relations. I did my best to make it plain—we are the side that’s trying to bring about arms reductions & peace.

  [Met with Senator John Danforth (R-MS) on his way to Africa; awarded Congressional Gold Medal to choral leader Fred Waring; met with Rich Colino of Intellstat; met with Vietnam veteran Rich Eilert.]

  Capt. Grace Hopper—Navy—77 yrs. old sworn in as Commodore. Editors of Ladies Home Journal with a bound copy of their 100th yrs. edition.

  Over to the W.H. for the annual Xmas Tree lighting. 7 yr. old Amy Benham—with terminal illness had made public her dream to help me light the tree. She was a sweet little girl—she pushed the button.

  Another handshaking night—2nd half of Press Corps—about 600 hands. Today the New Jersey fired only its 5 inch guns at Syrian artillery. We intercepted a message between 2 units of Syrians—saying “We don’t want the N.J. to fire anymore.”

  Friday, December 16

  Hopefully there is a cease fire again in Lebanon brought on we believe by these 16
inch guns. Don Rumsfeld is meeting with the Syrians & for the 1st time there has been an admission that Pres. Assad had a heart attack.

  Over to the O.M.B. to meet about 125 people including the board of directors of the newly created Nat. Endowment for Democracy. A true mix, Lane Kirkland, a business rep., both party chairmen etc. This is outcome of my proposal to British Parliament in 1982.

  [Cabinet lunch on textile trade inequities; met with Shultz regarding START (no details of discussion); budget appeal meeting; dentist appointment. Saturday, December 17: radiocast from Oval Office; desk work; reception for military families. Sunday, December 18: slept late; watched panel shows; holiday reception for staff.]

  Monday, December 19

  Mermie & Winter arrived—a very cold day. A Budget meeting. I think Dave S. tells us more than we need to know for budget decisions.

  [Gave awards to employees in Executive branch; photo session; rehearsed for press conference; attended Christmas party given by Fred Fielding, counsel to the president; holiday reception for Secret Service.]

  Tuesday, December 20

  An in & out day crowned by a Press Conf. We had an N.S.P.G. meeting on study of whether & how the Soviets are violating treaties & agreements like the A.B.M. treaty. There isn’t any question but that they are & yet some of those treaties are so ambiguous you might not make a case that would stand up in court. I’m afraid in the days of Détente—our negotiators were so anxious to bring home some kind of treaty that it didn’t have to be good.

  [Lunch with American Security Council; rehearsed for press conference, then staged the conference.]

  Wednesday, December 21

  Two budget meetings—coming to wrap up time. We aren’t making the dent in spending we should but the biggest bundle of spending is Soc. Security, medicare, pensions etc. We do have a proposal for medicare that will result in savings; however, it calls for higher share costs for the recipients in short illnesses but makes up for it with catastrophic (no limit) insurance. Still I’ll bet we get pilloried for proposing it.


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