The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 29

by Ronald Reagan

  [Lunch with Shultz and Vice President Bush to discuss upcoming Japanese election; meeting alone with Shultz, agreed “we must do something to get some movement in the peace process without waiting for settlement of the Lebanon problem”; desk work; Christmas visits and reception for W.H. senior staff.]

  Thursday, December 22

  An NSPG meeting at the OEOB bldg. having to do with plans to keep the Persian Gulf open if Iran should try to close it. All are agreed it must be kept open to shipping.

  Dick Wirthlin came by office with new poll results—our figures are up in everything but the Lebanon situation.

  Jeanne Kirkpatrick reported on recess of Gen. Assembly U.N. She’s weary of the U.N. & I can’t blame her but she wants to do whatever will best help in my re-election. We are going to walk out of Unesco. We’ve tried for 3 yrs. to re-direct it into proper channels with no success so we’ll pick up our marbles & go home.

  Did a Xmas msg. for Hispanic Am. Radio network. Actually did part of it in Spanish.

  [Staff appointments; received Bibles from various groups; greeted March of Dimes poster child; invitation from American Legion to speak at national convention; interviewed by Le Figaro French newspaper.]

  Friday, December 23

  A really easy day. NSC—Cap getting ready to release study by commission investigating Beirut massacre of our Marines (241). They are going to charge there was negligence on part of officers regarding safety precautions. I’m worried about the effect of this on families that lost loved ones. Another briefing in situation room on Soviet nuclear arms & the almost impossibility of verifying whether they are cheating or not. Did year end interview with 4 wire services. Had a haircut & upstairs.

  Saturday, December 24

  Tis the day before Christmas & all thru the house—yes there is a bustle. Ron & Doria arrive from N.Y. for lunch. Patti & her friend Paul Grilley will be in late. Christmas Eve dinner at the Wicks is beginning to be a tradition.

  One cloud in the sky. I’ll keep to myself—the threat world wide by the Iranian fanatics to loose terror on everything American.

  The Wicks dinner was as always a warm, wonderful time with long time friends. I played Santa Claus—another part of the tradition but my 1st time to play the role.

  Sunday, December 25

  Mid morning Ron & Doria, Patti & Paul (her friend), Nancy & I started the gift opening. It took until noon. A good time was had by all. Tonite the Wicks will be here for dinner. Wash. is having it’s coldest Christmas ever.

  The Bishop who was supposed to have been murdered by Contras (Miskito Indians) according to the Sandanista government has crossed into Honduras with 1040 Indians he rescued from the govt. forces who were the only ones trying to kill him & them.

  Phoned the Bishop & a wonderful lady in N.Y. state who is celebrating Christmas & her 113th birthday.

  Monday, December 26

  Ron & Doria departed for N.Y. Patti & Paul are visiting the Smithsonian & will head West tonite. We leave tomorrow for Calif.—a total 6 day trip—due back here a week from today.

  It’s bright & cold out, possibly an all time record low.

  Tuesday, December 27

  9:00 A.M. & off to Calif.—a cold gray day in Wash.—a nice almost 70 degree day in L.A. at the Century Plaza. One change—we helicoptered right to the Hotel parking lot. Just one of the evidence that S.S. is taking the new terrorism seriously.

  Wednesday, December 28

  Taped my Sat. radio broadcast. Met with Roy Miller about our wills. Then a session with Mike Abrams. He agrees the gym routine has definitely paid off for me. I’m worried about Nancy. A deep cough continues beyond when I believe it should have dried up. Mermie came by for a short visit. We still have no break in the Mike situation. We must find an answer to that.

  Thursday, December 29

  Early afternoon off to Palm Springs. A quiet dinner with Lee & Walter & early to bed.

  Friday, December 30–Sunday, January 1, 1984

  The usual wonderful time with good friends. Golf in the day time & the Wilson, Jorgenson dinner at El Dorado Fri. The big New Year party at the Annenbergs Sat. nite. It was a wonderful, warm affair. A little excitement early in the evening when a local, somewhat mentally disturbed woman used Joan Clark’s name to gain entry. She was taken away but then someone said she had a package of some kind when she came in but not when she left. A sniffer dog was brought in but—must have been a false alarm according to the dog. Sun. a smaller dinner party—informal & fun.


  February 5, 1981—President Ronald Reagan and Mrs. Reagan greeting the Reverend Billy Graham at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.

  February 10, 1981—President Reagan being filmed working in the Oval Office for an NBC program, A Day in the Life of the President.

  February 16, 1981—With House Speaker Thomas “Tip” O’Neill in the residence of the White House before their first dinner.

  March 3, 1981—Walking with Walter Cronkite along the White House colonnade.

  March 25, 1981—President Reagan and James Baker travel on Marine One to the White House after horseback riding at Quantico Marine Corps Base.

  April 15, 1981—In one of the first official photos taken at the White House after the assassination attempt, the president is shown here working in his residence study on an upcoming speech to Congress.

  April 24, 1981—A senior staff meeting with ( from left) Mike Deaver, Jim Baker, and Ed Meese on the president’s first official day back in the Oval Office after recovering from the assassination attempt.

  June 3, 1981—With Mrs. Reagan and Frank Sinatra in the Oval Office, receiving a baseball on behalf of the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

  July 14, 1981—Greeting his youngest son, Ronald Prescott Reagan, in the Oval Office prior to a reception for Dr. Loyal Davis, Mrs. Reagan’s father.

  August 19, 1981—At a dinner at the Bloomingdale residence in Beverly Hills, California, with Charlton Heston, Lydia Heston, Ricardo Montalbán, and Georgina Montalbán.

  September 25, 1981—President Reagan and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor outside the Supreme Court after her swearing-in ceremony as the first female justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

  October 6, 1981—Walking with Mrs. Reagan through the entry hall into the Cross Hall at the White House following the statement about the assassination of President Sadat of Egypt.

  October 8, 1981—Speaking at the White House prior to the departure of Presidents Ford, Nixon, and Carter for the funeral of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat.

  November 22, 1981—In one of their favorite photos, the president and Mrs. Reagan pose on the White House grounds during a shoot for People magazine.

  November 24, 1981—Horseback riding with the first lady at Rancho del Cielo during Thanksgiving break.

  June 7, 1982—The president and Mrs. Reagan meet with His Holiness Pope John Paul II during their visit to the Vatican.

  June 21, 1982—With Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel in the Oval Office.

  June 26, 1982—A working lunch meeting with new secretary of state–designate George Shultz at Camp David, Maryland, with James Baker, Ed Meese, and Bill Clark.

  August 15, 1982—Speaking to Mrs. Reagan in Arizona from Camp David, Maryland. (She was very upset over the failing health of her father.)

  September 1, 1982—Working at Rancho del Cielo in Santa Barbara during a visit to California.

  August 15, 1982—A question-and-answer session during a working luncheon for Republican members of Congress at Camp David, Maryland.

  September 4, 1982—Delivering his weekly radio address to the nation from Rancho del Cielo.

  September 28, 1982—Enjoying a rare piece of solitude during a private lunch on the colonnade outside the Oval Office.

  November 4, 1982—Waving to the United States Marine Band, known as “The President’s Own,” in the Cross Hall of the White House.

  March 4, 1983—The president and Mrs. Reagan celebrati
ng their thirty-first wedding anniversary with Queen Elizabeth II onboard Her Majesty’s yacht, Britannia.

  June 28, 1983—Taking questions from reporters during a press conference in the East Room of the White House.

  July 2, 1983—With his youngest daughter, Patti Davis, at Mrs. Reagan’s birthday party at Rancho del Cielo.

  September 24, 1983—President Reagan maintained a regular exercise routine. He is shown here working out for a photo in Parade magazine at the U.S. Secret Service gym in the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House.

  November 13, 1983—Speaking to the troops at the DMZ during his trip to the Republic of Korea.

  February 14, 1984—Meeting with King Hussein of Jordan (left) and President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt in the Blue Room of the White House.

  February 23, 1984—Working in the Oval Office at the White House.

  April 28, 1984—The president and Mrs. Reagan visit the Great Wall during their trip to the People’s Republic of China and are shown here receiving their official tourist certificates.

  June 6, 1984—Greeting U.S. Army Ranger veterans after the ceremony commemorating the fortieth anniversary of D-Day at Pointe du Hoc in Normandy, France.

  June 6, 1984—In one of his most famous speeches, President Reagan addressed the world on the fortieth anniversary of the D-Day landings at Pointe du Hoc.

  Fonts June 21, 1984—Shaking hands with participants in the National YMCA 1984 Youth Governors’ Conference in the Rose Garden of the White House.

  June 26, 1984—President Reagan and Elizabeth Dawn Alford, Muscular Dystrophy poster child for the state of Georgia, meet in the Oval Office during her visit to Washington, D.C.



  Monday, January 2

  Back to Wash. Nancy went to L.A. & then to Phoenix so I’m here alone. I’m watching the Rose Bowl—U.C.L.A. 45 Ill. 9—so far.

  Tuesday, January 3

  The day started before daylight with a phone ringing. Bud McFarlane called to tell me Jesse Jackson was bringing Lt. Goodman home from Beirut. I’m sure Jesse had some less than noble incentives in making that trip but I prayed every day he’d be successful. I didn’t see or talk to him at all before he left. I felt that if I did he would appear to the Syrians as an emissary of mine & that would be the kiss of death. As just a citizen (along with a dozen other clergymen) it was far more possible that he might be able to get our man released. And he did. I talked to him on the phone & the Lt. They’ll be home tonight.

  [National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting on Marines in Lebanon; only twelve minutes for lunch at desk; budget meeting; cabinet meeting on health matters and violence in schools; met with Senators Howard Baker Jr. (R-TN), Bob Dole (R-KS), and Pete Domenici (R-NM) on budget; Mrs. Reagan expected home in the evening.]

  Wednesday, January 4

  Mermie’s birthday. Big day at the office, too. Jesse Jackson, his family, Lt. Goodman (released by Syrians) & his family came to Oval Office. Jesse’s debriefing on his hours spent with President Assad was most interesting. He believes (& so do I) that Assad could be sending a message. J.J. said he talked at length about wanting to establish a relationship with me.

  We all trooped out to the Rose Garden for photos etc. It was a good day.

  [Met with congressmen on the education budget, positions not far apart; budget meeting on possible alternative tax structures (“None of them looked good to me”); met with Shultz and McFarlane on indication that Soviets would be amenable to means of direct communication.]

  Thursday, January 5

  Usual staff & N.S.C. briefings. In the latter rcvd. word (and fingers are crossed) that a solution may be in sight for Lebanon.

  [Briefing on upcoming visit of Chinese premier Zhao Ziyang; met with agricultural leaders; lunch with Vice President Bush; Cabinet Council meeting on improvements in government management, including reducing publications by half; met Mrs. America pageant winner; photo session; videotapings, including one for Cary Grant’s eightieth birthday; noted record trading day on Wall Street, small drop in unemployment.]

  Tomorrow Don Regan & I do battle with our team members who want to raise taxes because of the deficit. He & I want to reduce spending instead. Just informed this meeting will be on Mon.

  Friday, January 6

  Usual staff meetings plus NSC. We’re still sweating out the Lebanon deal. Met with speechwriters re the Soviet speech. We want it to be a level headed approach to peace to reassure the eggheads & our European friends I don’t plan to blow up the world.

  Met with Geo. Shultz. The Soviets are interested in a private back door channel.

  [National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting on visit by Premier Zhou Ziyang of China; went to Camp David; watched Cary Grant movie, Gunga Din (1939). Saturday, January 7: radiocast on crime in schools; desk work, including Soviet speech; watched To Be or Not to Be (the 1983 Anne Bancroft version); commented, “It was fun.” Sunday, January 8: report of Marine killed in Beirut; returned to W.H.; watched Super Bowl.]

  Monday, January 9

  Called Dick Nixon to say Happy B.D. On way to office had photo with Paul Laxalt & Frank Fahrenkopf—for “News Week” I think. Staff meetings & then a drop by for business leaders who have joined together & are going to Grenada to see how the private sector can help Grenada’s ec. grow through private investment etc.

  Budget luncheon meeting. We’re really divided. Don Regan & I want to battle down to the wire for more spending cuts as an answer to the deficits. Stockman & Feldstein plus others want a tax increase, I think they are wrong as h--l.

  An NSC meeting—this one on how to handle report to Congress on Soviet violations of weapons treaties—which are numerous. We’re going to low key it in the report but deal directly with the Soviets on what do they intend to do about them.

  [Met with state legislators; greeted Miss U.S.A. and Miss Universe; ambassadorial formalities; reception for executive exchange program between government and private sector.]

  Tuesday, January 10

  Premier Zhao (P.R.C.) arrived. We had a formal S. Lawn ceremony with full military honors. The day was freezing cold which held off a rain that didn’t fall till around noon. Zhao is a likeable fellow & a very capable one. China communism makes room for some pvt. enterprise etc. In our Oval Office meeting he took off on Taiwan being the block to full relationship & even hinted that if peaceful negotiations didn’t resolve the problem he might have to use other means. I told him we wanted a resolution of the problem but any use of force would change our relationship beyond repair. We got along fine from then on.

  Sens. Tower & Warner came by to report on their middle east trip. Both went, inclined to believe we should bug out of Beirut. Both came back convinced the Marines should stay & that withdrawal would be a disaster. This is going to be of great help to us with the Cong.

  [Senator Pete Wilson (R-CA) visited to campaign for government purchase of F-20 Northrop fighter planes; state dinner, music by Isaac Stern.]

  Wednesday, January 11

  Snow on the ground—very pretty & very cold. An NSC brief on Lebanon—a glitch in what looked like progress toward a settlement. Jumblat balked.

  Met with Kissinger’s Central Am. Commission. They presented their report. It’s darn good & we’ll push for its adoption. In fact it really bears out what we’ve been pushing all along. George S. & I met on a variety of things—we’re still eye to eye.

  Met with my Ec. Policy Board. Being economists they are not in agreement except that we all know we have to go after the deficits. Some of them would turn to taxes. I still say no & the majority of them agree.

  Ended the day. No I didn’t—just remembered a meeting with Ann Armstrongs commission—Foreign Intel. Advisory Board. They reported on their overview of our intelligence activities. Had some suggestions which we’ll follow. (Just received a cable—one of our Helicopter pilots in the Honduras maneuvers was shot & killed by fire from across the Nicaraguan border.)

  Thursday, January 12

  [Looked forward to seeing a stage production of The Hasty Heart (Reagan starred in the 1949 movie version) in the evening; breakfast at 7:30 with Premier Zhao Ziyang and respective cabinets; signed trade and technology agreement; appeared before the Small Business Legislative Council; NSC briefing, on-going investigation of helicopter downing, report that it was over Honduras at the time, concludes, “In other words, Nicaragua was shooting at our men while they were in neutral air space & even after they landed on Honduran soil.”]

  Bill Wilson & Archbishop Pio Laghi came by. His Eminence will be Papal Nuncio now that we have diplomatic relations. Lunch with the V.P. & then a meeting with Cab. Council on Ec. affairs. This was on monetary policy & of budget loans & loan guarantees. We should make this off budget spending—on budget so the people know how extravagant government really is.

  A brief drop-in on our business task force that is going to Japan to pursue agreements we started on our visit. Then upstairs;—my guardian angel (Nancy) had called Mike D. about the 2½ hours of scheduled activities & he postponed them. Only thing left is “The Hasty Heart.” I’ve never seen a one of the Broadway hits that I did on screen.

  Friday, January 13

  An NSC meeting on our approach to the Soviets re arms negotiations. We’ve notified them of our report to Congress on their violation of various treaties & agreements. They do just plain cheat. Then lunch arranged by Mermie with about 100 Repub. Women office holders from all over the country. We gave them a full day of briefings by Cabinet members etc. I spoke & did Q&A. They were a great group & went out of their way to convince me there was no gender gap.


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