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The Reagan Diaries

Page 49

by Ronald Reagan

  Saturday, September 7–Sunday, September 8

  A hot day Sat. mostly by the pool & in it. My radiocast was on the subject of protectionism—hoping we could cool down some of the hotheads on the hill. I announced a few actions we are taking where there are violations of fair trade on the part of three of our trading partners. Late in the day had a call from P.M. of Canada Brian Mulroney. Brian wanted me to know the Canadian govt. was voting not to join us in the S.D.I. research but that he was voicing approval of our doing it & that any private researchers, businesses & institutions in Canada were free to join us. All in all I think there is no problem.

  Sat. night we ran “Hellcats of the Navy” starring N.D.R. & R.R. It was fun.

  [Watched panel shows on Sunday, commented, “most of which were painting me as being in a deep hole & showing no leadership”; returned to W.H.; had conference call with Regan and McFarlane regarding congressional response to veto of South Africa bill.]

  Monday, September 9

  Saw our Ambas. off on his return to S. Africa. Then at 10:30 I went before the press & read a statement about the exec. order I would sign listing things we were going to do with regard to Apartheid in S. Africa. Many were things included in the Cong. bill calling for sanctions. I explained these were things I would agree to but eliminated parts of the bill I did not favor & that I would veto the bill if it came to my desk. This wouldn’t have been necessary if I had line item veto.

  At 11 A.M. I welcomed the 18 Generals commanding their country’s forces in NATO. They are here visiting our mil. bases. An issues lunch & then a meeting with Bill Casey. An amazing number of K.G.B. agents are defecting these days. We have a serious problem with the Philippines—a communist takeover is a distinct possibility.

  Met briefly with leaders of the Soviet Jewry movement. Then an ec. policy Council on trade matters. I’ve approved a trade policy as part of our effort to head off the flood of protectionist bills now upon the hill.

  A very enjoyable interview for the 1300 college & U. radio stations conducted by 3 students from 3 different campuses—2 girls 1 male. They were fine young people & I enjoyed myself immensely. In the evening called Gov. Alf Landon on his 98th Birthday.

  Tuesday, September 10

  Arrival ceremony for P.M. of Denmark, Schlueter. The usual mil. formation—held in considerable heat. We had a good meeting. He’s a conservative with a parliament of the opposition party (sounds familiar). He’s managed to make some ec. progress including tax reform.

  In PM met with Tax Reform Coalition a group of C.E.O.’s, heads of organizations etc. who are supporting our tax reform. Then Sen. Byrd & the Sen’s. in his Moscow junket came by to report on their meeting with Gorbachev. Really not much new—he’s clever, articulate etc. They think he may be willing to make some changes.

  Later with our staff I made a decision we would not trade away our program of research—S.D.I. for a promise of Soviet reduction in nuclear arms.

  State dinner. Mrs. Woll—sister of Sgt. Jack Elwood Wagner on hand. Invited because her brother was shot down off Danish coast (age 19) in W.W.II. The people of a small village found his body & for 40 yrs. a couple now in their 80’s have been taking care of his grave. When they no longer can their village has ruled it will take over the task. For 40 yrs. the people there have stated he gave his life for them.

  During dinner got word that Pres. Duarte’s daughter was kidnapped in El Salvador by terrorists who machine gunned & killed two security men who were with her.

  Wednesday, September 11

  [Met Prince Sultan bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, who flew as astronaut in shuttle program; meeting with Republican leadership in Congress; noted cooler weather.]

  Over to the E.O.B. for a Q&A with the Specialty Press—no news-making Q’s. Met with Geo. Shultz about Summit. I sense he & Bud feel that “Defense” is going to be uncooperative & not want to settle anything with the Soviets. I can’t quite agree on that. One thing I do know is I won’t trade our S.D.I. off for some Soviet offer of weapon reductions.

  [Photo session with Elizabeth Dole to launch charity fund drive; interviewed by James Dobson, conservative Christian broadcaster; photo sessions with departing appointees; fitted for new bulletproof armor.]

  [Thursday, September 12: flew to Tampa for speech to senior citizens and meeting with state legislators; noted British coup in Soviet intelligence, bringing a KGB official to the Western side; reception for Republican Eagles. Friday, September 13: received annual report from Intelligence Oversight Board, called it “good”; attended a lunch hosted by Maureen for Republican female politicians; met with Shultz on upcoming summit; interviewed by Hispanic broadcasters; videotapings; left for Camp David.]

  Saturday, September 14–Sunday, September 15

  Finally a horseback ride—beautiful weather. A lot of homework to do—briefings for an ABC interview & a Q&A lunch with regional press plus more on Summit.

  Sun. a call from Bud M. on the secure phone. Rev. Weir the Presbyterian Minister has been delivered to our embassy in Beirut & is now aboard the U.S.S. Nimitz. We’re trying to hold it secret because of the other 6 kidnap victims. An unverified source says they will be delivered in 48 hours. Everything is top secret but suddenly on the TV talk shows they quoted a Reuters story that an anonymous call had reported Weirs rescue. We of course are stonewalling. Back to the W.H.

  Monday, September 16

  Dropped in on meeting of Nation’s top business leaders who have plants in S. Africa. Urged them to tell the Am. people what that means in employment & quality of life for Blacks in S.A.

  Our G.O.P. Hispanic Assembly met in Cabinet room. Had a nice session with them. They were largely responsible for upping Hispanic support from the 28% we had in the ’80 election to 48% in ’84.

  [Attended luncheon for regional press; interviewed by Peter Jennings and Ted Koppel of ABC for special on World War II.]

  We’re setting up a plan to get Weir out of Europe & back here to his family. They know he’s free now & also they must keep it very secret.

  Tuesday, September 17

  Rev. Weir & his family are at a “safe house” here in our country. His family was a little hard to handle. They insisted on going to a hotel but we managed to move them when he arrived. So far the secret is holding & they are all together. We’ve been told by the mystery man in Beirut the others (hostages) will follow.

  [Met with David Packard’s commission on Defense Department; ambassadorial formalities; met with Chief Justice Warren Burger on upcoming bicentennial of the Constitution; meeting with congressional leaders on farm legislation; practiced for press conference; staged press conference and considered the response favorable.]

  Wednesday, September 18

  [Greeted representatives of the Future Farmers of America; flew to Concord, New Hampshire, for rally on tax reform.]

  Back to Wash. & a meeting with speech writers—discussed importance of putting facts & figures in speeches. Then a meeting with Bob Packwood—chairman of Sen. Committee that will have to do with tax reform. I stressed importance of Sen. voting on tax reform this year if House sent a bill over before years end.

  [Hosted barbecue for members of Congress on W.H. lawn, entertainment by country music star Mickey Gilley.]

  Thursday, September 19

  A busy one—a State visitor—Pres. Machel of Mozambique. Turned out to be quite a guy & I believe he really intends to be “non-aligned” instead of a Soviet patsy. We got along fine.

  Cabinet meeting dealt with bi-lingual ed., per diem pay for travel, Aircraft safety & Synthetic fuels. This last one is unfinished & we have a split on it. The ed. one is a problem I believe should be solved by getting Uncle Sam out of it & turning it back to the states.

  [Photo session for New York Times Magazine; personnel meeting; visited delegation of National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China; more photo sessions; interviewed by Pat Robertson; videotapings; meeting with Senators Bob Dole (R-KS) and Bob Michel (R-IL) reg
arding tax reform; fitted for new hearing aid.]

  Evening news brought word of a gigantic earthquake that caused incalculable damage in Mexico. First TV shots were horrible.

  Rev. Weir (former kidnap victim) all over TV. His wife also suggesting we had nothing to do with his rescue.

  Friday, September 20

  [Met with leaders of farm and agribusiness groups; NSC meeting on upcoming summit.]

  Then off to Bethesda hospital for routine (1st) post operative check up. Last time I had this kind of pre Camp David schedule, I didn’t get to Camp D. but had an operation instead. Not this time. The result was a unanimous decision by all the Dr.’s that I have had a 100% complete recovery.

  At Camp D. I had a good conversation (phone) with Sen. Byrd. He’s most supportive of our S.D.I. & wanted me to know he had taped a TV talk show making that point.

  The news was full of the horror of Mexico.

  Saturday, September 21–Sunday, September 22

  Another quake hit Mexico City, the death toll is climbing into the 1000’s. Late Sat. night I got through to Pres. De La Madrid by phone. We’re mustering all the help we can. Nancy is going to go to Calif. by way of Mexico City to emphasize our concern & cooperation.

  Back to the W.H. Nancy packing & I found a load of homework that kept me busy all afternoon. Sam Donaldson on the Brinkley Show quoted me 3 x’s as saying in my press Conf. that the Soviets have a 3 to 1 edge on us in every kind of weapon. No one disputed him. I dug out the transcript & Mark Weinberg is calling him to tell him he’s off base. First of all I could never have said that because I know it isn’t so. What I did say (and is true) is that they “lead us in virtually every type of offensive weapon.”

  Monday, September 23

  Day opened with Nancy leaving for Calif. by way of Mexico City. Then a letter was hand delivered. It was from Sam Donaldson apologizing for his misstatement on Sunday TV show & promising to clear the record on next Sunday’s Brinkley Show. That’s enough to make this a red letter day.

  [Addressed trade leaders and met new appointees to export council; issues lunch; met with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, discussed advancing peace talks, noted, “Hosni told me privately that Arafat told him he could deliver our 6 hostages to our embassy. I don’t know whether he has in mind kidnaping them from their present kidnappers or whether he has a connection”; photo sessions; met NFL alumni players; Vietnam veterans group; attended Inner Circle party reception. Tuesday, September 24: flew to Knoxville for University of Tennessee seminar on public-private partnership; addressed rally on tax reform; returned to Washington.]

  Wednesday, September 25

  [Ambassadorial formalities; received new poll numbers showing steady approval rating.]

  Most important meeting was with Cap on nominee to be Sec. of Air Force (Verne Orr is retiring). Cap & Bud are on opposite sides on this one—divided between 2 candidates. I have to come down on Cap’s side on this one. It isn’t going to be easy telling Bud, he’s all up in arms on this—threatens to quit. A phone call from Margaret Thatcher on a communications system for military. Eng. & France are both trying to sell us one. I hope we can come down on the side of Eng.

  Spent afternoon up in W.H. Study doing mail.

  Thursday, September 26

  An N.S.C. briefing for my visit tomorrow with Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze. I’m getting d--n sick of cramming like a school kid. Sometimes they tell me more than I need to know. George Bush & I had lunch together then I had visitors, Napoleon McCallum & his parents. He’s a fine young cadet at the U.S. Naval academy. He sat out last yr.—1st Navy footballer to ever Red Shirt. He’d broken his leg. Now he’s a Sr. & so far this season has averaged carrying the ball 130 yards per game. He’s quite a fine young Black man & will be a credit to the Navy.

  [Gave certificates to new W.H. Fellows; met with Domestic Policy Council on disbanding of Synfuel board; met with McFarlane, noted, “squared him away on the Air Force Sec. nomination. It will be Caps man, Rourke”; videotapings; Mrs. Reagan’s return possibly to be delayed by weather.]

  Friday, September 27

  Woke up to a surprise—the twin doors that open onto the living room from the bedroom were wide open (and they open in). Apparently when “Gloria” blew through Wash. before dawn it did that.

  A brief meeting with P.M. Gonzalez of Spain then into a jam session on the upcoming Shevardnadze meeting. He arrived at 10 A.M.—a 2 hr. meeting, then I had 10 min’s. alone with him & then lunch (St. Dining Room) until 1:30. He’s a personable fellow but we had our differences. My goal was to send him back to Gorbachev with a message that I really meant “arms reductions” & I wasn’t interested in any détente nonsense. For the 1st time they talked of real verification procedures.

  After lunch George S., Bud & I met preparing now for King Hussein’s visit Monday.

  Afternoon, hurricane Gloria blew away, the sky is blue, the sun is shining & Nancy will be home at 6:40. It’s an answer to a prayer & I mean it. Gloria shifted course a little & the threatened disaster melted away. There was some coastal damage but no deaths, few if any injuries & all’s well with the world.

  [Saturday, September 28: desk work. Sunday, September 29: more desk work; lunch on the Truman Balcony; noted that press was carrying unconfirmed report of ransom deal for kidnap victims.]

  Monday, September 30

  Our friend King Hussein arrived—we had a good visit. There are still a few glitches in trying to put an international meeting together that would lead to direct negotiations between Jordan & Israel but I don’t think they are insurmountable.

  [Attended farewell ceremony for General John Vessey, retiring chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; dinner party in honor of royal family of Lichtenstein, entertainment by Burt Bacharach.]

  Tuesday, October 1

  Breakfast with Sen. Repubs.—got a few things off my chest & took some Q’s. from a few of the dissidents—mostly on the trade imbalance & some need for protectionism. I let them know I’m against it.

  Then the swearing in of Admiral Crowe, Jr. who replaces Jack Vessey. An NSC meeting—a report on S.D.I.—it really is showing promise. There have been some remarkable breakthroughs. A brief talk in the East Room to about 200 of the Tax Reform Action Coalition.

  Margaret Heckler & I then went before the press. I’d received a call that she’d accepted the Ambassador post. I denounced as false the rumors & charges against her & introduced her as the new Ambas. Had trouble then as press wanted to change subject to the Israeli bombing of a building in Tunis said to be Arafat’s P.L.O. HQ. Tunis says it was a hotel with innocent women & children victims. It’s also suspected they used Am. F-15’s which is against our agreement that weapons provided by the U.S. would only be used in self defense. It’s a sticky one. We then went on to Cabinet meeting on budget & deficit. The Dem. House budget just isn’t going to meet the deficit crisis. I’m going to have to do some vetoes & I can’t wait (Lrnd. Israeli raid did hit P.L.O. H.Q.).

  [Addressed educators group; meeting with president of the Sons of Italy; reception for returning Supreme Court justices. Wednesday, October 2: meeting with congressional Republicans on foreign relations and balanced budget proposals; NSC meeting with Vernon Walters; visit from envoy from South Korea regarding trade problems; addressed convention for Interpol; videotapings; desk work; attended reception for Citizens for America. Thursday, October 3: flew to Cincinnati, visited Proctor & Gamble soap factory; press conference; addressed business leaders; returned to W.H.]

  Friday, October 4

  Appeared before press with a bipartisan group from Cong. to announce our support for the Gramm-Rudman plan to balance budget over next 5 years. Their plan is virtually identical to our own plan I’d suggested to our people & which we had not yet announced.

  [National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting regarding the Philippines; asked Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV) to be emissary to President Ferdinand Marcos; flew to Parsippany, New Jersey, for party fund-raiser; went to
Camp David. Saturday, October 5–Sunday, October 6: rode horseback; telephoned college football coach Eddie Robinson; returned to W.H.; awaited news of Graham-Rudman bill, delayed by filibuster by Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV).]

  Monday, October 7

  Meeting with Lord Carrington, NATO Sec. General. He was positive & optimistic about our relationship with our European allies. In other words Gorbachev propaganda hasn’t succeeded in splitting the NATO nations from us. Our Nat. Repub. leadership was in the East Room & I went over for short speech. The filibuster is still blocking our efforts to get the deficit plan passed or the extension of the debt ceiling. In a couple of days the govt. will be faced with closing down unless we break the log jam. Sen. Byrd is the villain. He also is personally blocking almost 100 of my appointees from Sen. confirmation—some of them for many months past. His beef is that I named 7 appointees while Congress was in recess. That’s my constitutional right. He disputes this & wants me to concede his right to prior consultation.

  We had an NSPG meeting to have a briefing on the Soviet Unions progress in defensive weapons against nuclear missiles. They are raising h--l about our research & they’ve been at it for 20 yrs. & we’re just starting.

  [Received word of terrorist hijacking of Achille Lauro ocean liner in Mediterranean Sea. Tuesday, October 8: meeting with Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore, called him “an old friend” and “truly one of the world’s great statesmen”; presided at swearing-in ceremony for James Miller, director of the Office of Management and Budget; NSC meeting regarding hijacked ship, received unconfirmed word of murders of Americans; noted, “We are planning a naval operation employing the ‘Seals six.’ It’s a high risk effort but we feel justified.”]


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