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The Reagan Diaries

Page 56

by Ronald Reagan

  At Pt. Mugu—landed in fog—Nancy there to meet me. We took off for the ranch in a smaller helicopter than Marine 1. Turns out this is an economy measure in response to Gramm-Rudman. It’s O.K. with me.

  [Discouraging weather forecast.]

  Friday, March 28–Sunday, April 6

  [Inconsistent weather; rode every day; ranch work.]

  During our stay got a night time call re the bombing of the Disco in W. Berlin where 50 or so of our servicemen were wounded & killed. Evidence is adding up that the villain was Kadaffy although that hypocrite went on T.V. to say “it was a terrorist act against innocent civilians & he wouldn’t do such things.”

  Roy Miller came up one day with our income tax forms. We really need tax reform! Final day, Ron & Doria came up—that was our rainy day ride.

  [Returned to W.H.]

  Monday, April 7

  Staff time spent largely on terrorism & the latest info. Learned only 1 of our mil.—a soldier named Ford was killed. Then Bill Casey, Geo. S., Bill Taft + Admiral Crowe etc. came in for meeting. Our intelligence is pretty final that this bombing was the work of Kadaffy. We have definite info. on other plans—some of which we’ve been able to abort. We discussed targets for retaliation. I’m holding out for mil. targets to avoid civilian casualties because we believe a large part of Libya would like to get rid of the Col.

  [Report from two congressmen returning from meeting with Gorbachev, considered nothing new; issues meeting; helicoptered to Baltimore for baseball opening day; returned to W.H. for presentation to military officer leaving presidential service; received check-up and typhoid shot in anticipation of trip to Bali; dinner with friends.]

  Tuesday, April 8

  The 15 min. meeting with Ambas. (now Sec. of Politbureau) Dobrynin went 45 min’s. My feeling is the Summit will take place—if not in June or July—sometime after the election.

  [Briefing on upcoming Summit in Tokyo.]

  Dick Wirthlin in with latest polling & all my ratings are up—70% in approval etc. However we don’t have a majority support for aid to Nicaragua. I think it’s the word “aid.” People just don’t understand.

  [Prepared for press conference; attended reception for Advertising Council.]

  Wednesday, April 9

  A full—in fact 2 full NSC meetings planning targets for retaliation against Kadaffy. Our evidence is complete that he was behind the Disco bombing in W. Berlin that killed an Am. Sgt. & wounded 50 G.I.’s. We have 5 specified military targets in mind.

  [Meeting with Republican congressional leadership regarding Contra aid and budget; practice for press conference; appeared before American Society of Newspaper Editors; lunch with Shultz; discussed his meeting with Dobrynin and upcoming meeting with Shevardnadze; haircut.]

  Press Conf. at 8 P.M.—went well. Almost all Q’s were on Kadaffy. The TV news is doing everything but telling Kadaffy we’re going to hit him & when.

  Thursday, April 10

  Another session with Admiral Crowe on potential Libyan targets. I think it will be Mon. night. I’ve sent a long message to P.M. Thatcher explaining in generalities what we’re up to. She has replied with a long message pledging support but expressing concern about possible civilian casualties. That’s our concern also.

  [Meeting on domestic policy on drug policy, suggested making a film for schools showing ugly scenes of long time addicts.]

  Then a big & good meeting with about 15 Dem. Reps. on the Nicaragua-Contra situation. I think we have a chance to get the Contra aid voted this time. But Tip has opened up & my hunch was correct—he’s going to tie it to a big spending bill which I just can’t sign. Our job now is to get rank & file Dem’s. to oppose this.

  [Photo sessions and greeting visitors.]

  A high spot was meeting 4 yr. old Candi Thomas Kojella. Three yrs. ago when Candi was 16 months old she was dying. I asked for a donor to give a liver to her—did it on T.V. A wonderful couple whose baby had just died came through. And here was Candi—a cute, beautiful little girl. Some more visitors including Japanese journalists then a one hour taping session & upstairs.

  Friday, April 11

  Anne Armstrong & Howard Baker brought in the “Pfiab” [PFIAB] report on the Yurchenko defector [Miroslav Medved] & re defector. He was definitely not a plant—he did just change his mind.

  Doug Morrow came by, he’s gung ho to make the shuttle trip into space even though he knows it will be delayed now. A briefing for our Nakasone visit—he’ll be with us Sun. at Camp David. Then a meeting with Geo. Shultz re our coming Libya operation & our Soviet Summit. He’s going to go all out with Shevardnadze to pin it down for July.

  [Meeting with Baker on international currency arrangement; left for Camp David. Saturday, April 12: radiocast; ride; phone calls to family of FBI agents killed in the line of duty. Sunday, April 13: visit from Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan, confided plan for attack against Libyan targets.]

  Monday, April 14

  Our 1st meetings (staff) had to do with what happens tonite. For one thing I can’t go to Paul Laxalt’s Basque B.B.Q. At 7 P.M. our time, A.F. F-111’s from an Eng. base & planes from our 6th fleet carriers will hit mil. targets in Libya. It wouldn’t be seemly for me to be out socializing. Some time later I’ll go on TV to tell the people the details.

  [Awarded the National Security medal to retired General Lincoln Faurer; final meeting with Nakasone, considered that a warm relationship existed; luncheon for donors to Presidential Library; spoke to Association of General Contractors; brief meeting with Ambassador to Britain; had secret meeting with congressional leaders to divulge plan for Libyan attack.]

  Back to the Oval O. to present the Nat. Tchr. of the Year to Guy Doud a most impressive young teacher from Minn. Then upstairs to wait for air time & first results from Libya.

  Well the attack took place right on the nose 7 P.M. our time—about 11 MIN’s. over the target areas. Preliminary report—all planes withdrawn but 2 of our F-111’s are reported. Maybe it’s only radio failure—maybe they are down we don’t know as of this time. One thing seems sure—ours was a success.

  Tuesday, April 15

  An easy day but I’m told tomorrow will make up for it. Of course the entire atmosphere has to do with Libya. Public support is massive. The morning was taken up with study & analysis of the attack. We fear one bomb was off target & caused civilian casualties. At the same time it’s possible it wasn’t our bomb but one of their anti aircraft missiles that came down & exploded. One of our aircraft is missing, an F-111 with crew of 2.

  [Made brief speech to American Business Conference; interviewed by Edmund Morris for upcoming biography; spent evening with Mrs. Reagan in N.Y.C.]

  Wednesday, April 16

  I learned that in the last two 24 hr. periods the W.H. has taken 126,000 phone calls—15,000 couldn’t get through—then 160,000 & 16,000 couldn’t get through. They were more than 70% favorable. The sad note is we have to assume the 2 missing airmen are dead. Evidence indicates their plane was shot down just off shore after dropping its bombs.

  An NSC meeting—this time subject was Salt II & what to do about Soviet violations. The Soviets have called off the May 15 meeting with Shevardnadze. But that was after a meeting with W. German Foreign Minister Genscher.

  I made a couple of phone calls to Reps. re the Contra aid. The Dems. as we expected are playing tricks & games. Over to E.O.B. faced about 140 lawyers & signed a proclamation making May 1 Law day.

  [Greeting men’s and women’s NCAA basketball champions.]

  A meeting with Geo. S. & John P.—we’re getting reports there may be a revolution (which we would welcome) kicking up in the streets of Tripoli. No one has seen or heard from Quadhafy—rumors are flying like crazy. The Libyan A.F. strafed the barracks of Quadafys special guard.

  Back to the mundane—a meeting with Sen’s. Dole & Domenici about the budget. Cleared the air a little but not too much progress. At least they know I won’t stand still for a tax increase. I phoned the 2 widows
of the lost airmen—each had a young son. Dinner tonite with Dennis & Mermie. Nancy will be here tomorrow.

  Whoa!—Evening news—reports Quadhafy has made an appearance & is in charge. Tripoli radio is calling on Arabs to kill Americans.

  Thursday, April 17

  April showers—all day. A meeting with a few Congressmen who want me to declare we’ll no longer abide by the terms of the Salt II un-ratified Treaty. Frankly I’m ready. The Soviets are guilty of about 30 odd violations & show no signs of making any redress.

  [Friendly meeting with Prime Minister Robert Hawke of Australia.]

  Dick Walters reported in on his trip to Europe to talk to our allies about Libya. P.M. Thatcher as always was solidly behind us. I’m surprised that P.M. Chirac of France was violently against us. Mitterrand, Craxi & Kohl are easing up—Kohl & Craxi indicated if it happens again we could fly over their countries.

  [Photo session; approved appointees; spoke to Republican Congressional Leadership Council; attended dinner for W.H. correspondents.]

  Friday, April 18

  A brief session in the office for NSC briefing etc. Learned one of the 3 murdered in Beirut is one of the 6 hostages we’ve been trying to get freed for almost 2 yrs. Unconfirmed reports had it that Kadhafy had been trying to buy them from the kidnappers so he could use them against us.

  [Flew to N.Y.C. for party fund-raiser; went to Camp David; watched movie Winning Team (1952) starring Ronald Reagan. Saturday, April 19: rode. Sunday, April 20: returned to W.H.]

  Monday, April 21

  Prime rate dropped from 9 to 8½ & the Yen is the highest with regard to $ it’s ever been—171 & a fraction. An interview with 4 wire service operators. Most questions were on Libya plus how it tied in to the coming Summit. I managed to get some things said I’ve wanted to say—i.e. where does Khadafy get over moaning about our bombs killing a little girl? What about the baby blown through the side of a TWA plane at 15,000 feet. What about the 11 yr. old girl mowed down in cold blood at the Rome airport. Mr. K. called that one a “noble deed.”

  [Issues lunch; noted that Congress was working on a spending bill that would be vetoed; briefing by farm experts, commented, “The simple truth is the whole world is subsidizing farming & farmers are overproducing,” photo session for TV Guide; videotapings; work-out.]

  Tuesday, April 22

  More briefing on Tokyo. I know I’ll have to study the briefing material closer to the time. I can’t retain all that we talk about for 2 or 3 weeks. An interview by press reps. from each of the Summit countries. It went well—more about Libya etc. Then a meeting with several Congressmen from Oil states. They had a program of things we can do to help the oil industry which is hard hit by the nose diving price of oil. I was able to tell them we are already prepared to do most of what they are asking. They left on cloud nine & I issued a public statement. Later in the day 2 Dem. Govs. of oil states came by. We did the same routine. In between times I was phoning Sens. to persuade them to vote for a “fast track” on trade talks with Canada. This is a Finance Comm. vote & we’re behind. Sen. Bill Livingston of Col.[LA] refuses to go with us because he says I don’t pay enough attention to the Sens.—& they can only get my attention by throwing a monkey wrench in the works. I got a little mad!??!

  [Visit from loyal California politicians; addressed Heritage Foundation dinner to honor Joseph and Holly Coors.]

  Wednesday, April 23

  [Met with Senator Bob Packwood (R-OR) and other members of Senate Finance Committee, most against administration plan for a free-trade zone arrangement with Canada.]

  On another front it’s been decided I should phone Pres. Acquino (Philippines) before I leave on trip & before I phone Marcos. Frankly, I’m not happy about it.

  [Addressed International Forum of the Chamber of Commerce; photo session with foreign journalists; press availability with columnists and commentators; desk work. Thursday, April 24: Mrs. Reagan on her way to Phoenix before joint trip to Asia; meeting with Bob Dole and other senators who voted to make negotiations for a free-trade zone with Canada a priority; briefing for Tokyo summit; economic session; photos with Japanese press; made appearances to thank volunteers in government; telephoned daughter-in-law, noted that she “was nervous about Cameron & Ashley what with Khadafy threatening my family. I think I gave her some reassurance.” Friday, April 25: flew to L.A. on the way to Asia; reception for contributors to presidential library; taped radiocast; haircut; met Mrs. Reagan.]

  Saturday, April 26

  We were airborne bound for Honolulu at about 7:30 A.M. their time. 5½ hours later landed at Hickam Field. A big reception—mainly mil. & their familys plus a big group of kids—members of “Just Say No” Club. Greeted by Gov. & top brass. Then on our way to Hemmeter home which had been made available to us. On the way surprised everyone with a side trip to a hospital. We visited a 13 yr. old Filipino boy who is a terminal Leukemia case. We had helped get a visa for his grandmother to lv. the Philippines & come to be with him—she had raised him.

  Hemmeter home is right on the Ocean—a lot of sailboard action here. Admiral Hay—Pacific Commander came to brief me on our mil. setup in the Pacific. Later I phoned Pres. Marcos & Imelda—Nancy talked to her for an hour. They have not given up on returning to the Philippines & to the office which he claims is still his.

  [Sunday, April 27: took walk on the beach; desk work. Monday, April 28–Tuesday, April 29: flew to Bali with stop in Guam.]

  Wednesday, April 30

  This was to be a day off like in Hawaii. It was interrupted by a briefing on the nuclear plant emergency in Chernobyl Russia. As usual the Russians won’t put out any facts but it is evident that a radioactive cloud is spreading beyond the Soviet border. Had a walk on the beach & surprised at how early the sun went down. Then remembered—So. of the Equator—it’s Fall not Spring & the days are getting shorter.

  Thursday, May 1

  This is the busy day. First a briefing then a bilateral with Pres. Soharto at the Putri Bali hotel. He’s done quite a job—ending at 600% inflation rate, making his country self sufficient in rice production. They had been World’s largest importer of rice. He’s anti-Libya & P.L.O.

  The meeting was really a plenary with both our teams on hand but he took me into an adjoining room for a one on one. He told me how he has promoted a nat. language among his 165 mil. people on 13,600 islands. The islands have phone connections by way of a satellite. They were to send up a 2nd one but the Challenger tragedy has interfered with that. He was gratified by my position on protectionism. We rejoined the others for the last 15 min. of meeting.

  At 2:30 met with V.P. Lowell of Philippines. He brought a request from Pres. Aquino for $10 Bil. at 2 Bil. a yr. for 5 yrs. I told him we had a few problems of our own.

  Then we joined the full meeting of the Asean foreign ministers. They have done a good job of making their economies sound—G.N.P. growth has been 6.8% a year for the last several.

  That night a dinner by the Sohartos [Suhartos]—wardrobe—Batique shirts—a gift from the Pres.

  Friday, May 2

  Day started with a message from Wash.—the budget passed out by Sen. does not do what it should. I’ll wait & see what happens in Conf.

  This is the day Nancy splits off & goes to Kuala Lumpur & Thailand & I go to Tokyo. My trip was 7½ hours. It was interesting though because much of it was over the islands including the Philippines. Met at the Haneda Airport by Japanese Chf. of Protocol & Mike & Maureen Mansfield (Ambas.). Another fabulous suite at Hotel Okura—actually a penthouse.

  Saturday, May 3

  Taped my radio show—had a briefing session & then off to a bilateral with P.M. Nakasone at our embassy. He has problems as I do with Cong. I’m fighting off protectionism & he is too except his people oppose him as he attempts to eliminate protectionism which dominates their ec. Next meeting was with P.M. Craxi of Italy. I think we’ve found an answer to his not belonging—or asked to belong to the Group of 5. Then I spoke briefly to the Am. C. o
f C. We apparently have chambers in a number of Asian states & their reps. had come from a variety of clubs from a number of S.E. Asian states.

  Dinner alone in my suite. I’ll be glad when Nancy joins me. CNN has an English language channel in Japan. I ate dinner watching “The A Team” & “Hart to Hart.” Then word came to me that we’d had our 3rd calamity in the Space program. A Delta missile carrying a $57 mil. weather satellite had to be blown up when it malfunctioned. You can’t help but wonder about sabotage.

  Sunday, May 4

  Morning off—then working lunch at Embassy. Then a bilateral with Chancellor Kohl (W. Germany). We planned a little strategy to get some things done at the summit.

  Then a trip to the Akasaka Palace for formal arrival. Met by Yasu—we inspected the troops etc. Learned later terrorists had launched 5 homemade missiles that missed the Palace by a country mile. Then back to embassy for a bi-lateral with P.M. Thatcher (U.K.). A good meeting as always. Then off to Hotel Otani for big reception—probably 300 people. Then to Yasu’s residence for dinner—just heads of state. We got into plans for unified action against terrorism & Libya in particular. It grew late.

  Monday, May 5

  Usual early briefing then on to meeting at Akasaka Palace. We were ordered to drive slowly because Protocol called for me as Sr. member of summit to arrive last but Pres. Mitterrand was up to his old tricks of trying to be last. I finally said to H--l with it, let’s go to the meeting. The meeting was long & arduous over wording of paper on terrorism & our statement of taking Russia to task for being secretive about the nuclear accident when there was a radioactive threat to other countries. We finally got everything we wanted including using word Libya in the terrorism document.

  A group photo in the Palace grounds—then lunch at a Japanese tea house—shoes off & chopsticks, not forks. Back to afternoon meeting & lengthy hassle over G-5. We fought for inclusion of Italy & Canada & won again. Back to hotel & Nancy arrived. But I had to leave again for a working dinner.


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