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The Reagan Diaries

Page 58

by Ronald Reagan

  [Short National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting regarding tactics in dealing with the USSR; lunch with Mrs. Reagan and Suzanne Massie, Soviet authority, commented, “She’s convinced the govt. there is having real problems with Gorbachev & the old guard at odds. I believe this is true”; spoke to supports from all over the country; signed bill reforming government employees; pension plan; met with Robert Tuttle on personnel matters; went to Camp David; swam. Saturday, June 7: swam. Sunday, June 8: returned to W.H.; attended annual fund-raiser for Ford’s Theatre.]

  Monday, June 9

  Framed a letter to new Austrian Pres. Kurt Waldheim but avoided using the word “congratulations.” The press would have run with that because of the charges against him of having a Nazi background.

  King Hussein visited—Bless him—he’s still working to bring about peace negotiations between the Arab states & Israel. He now agrees Arafat & his P.L.O. faction cannot be counted on to help.

  The usual issues briefing lunch & then a report or I should say the report of the Rogers commission on the Challenger tragedy. They did a great job for 120 days at no cost to the govt.

  A meeting with Ed M. re the replacement on Supreme Ct. for Chief Justice Burger. Only 4 of us are involved in this which must remain quiet until we’re ready to announce. Curiously enough each of the 4 of us came up with the same choice for Chief (Rehnquist) & the same choice of a replacement then for Rehnquist.

  [Interviewed by Radio Marti; photo session for Management Magazine; dentist appointment.]

  Finally over to the Mayflower Hotel to the CSIS conf. I made a strong pitch for aid to the Contras & was well received. Back to the W.H. for gym & dinner.

  Tuesday, June 10

  9:30 meeting with Repub. Leadership—A general discussion of legislative strategy. Heavy emphasis on “Aid to the Contras.” Bob Michel fears Tip is going to try & put all the appropriation bills in one big costly package & since I don’t have line item veto they figure on getting away with budget busting spending. Later in the morning I went over to the E.O.B. & addressed an enthusiastic group of supporters of Tax Reform. About a dozen or more Sens. Dem. & Repub. were on the platform with me.

  [Had lunch with state leaders of Project ’88 supporters group; visit from victim of hijacking in Malta.]

  A session in the Family Theatre to prepare for tomorrow night’s press conference. Then to the Dr.’s office for some of the exam (post operative). Blood pressure 120 over 76, an electrocardiogram etc. Then home & Mommie—a quiet evening.

  Wednesday, June 11th

  Staff briefings—this time with Sec. Shultz on hand. Some discussion of S. Africa & the legislation some in Cong. are cooking up to have us take extreme actions like taking Am. investment out of S.A.—Sanctions etc. Of course then we’d have no contact or ability to help rid them of apartheid. Besides Am. investment is only 1% of S.A. investment.

  At 11:15 went to the Air & Space museum to talk to 600 kids from all over the U.S. who are in the “Young Astronauts” program—totally funded by the pvt. sector. Back to the W.H. for lunch & then a meeting with 16 Repub. Reps. & 16 Dems. all supporters of Aid to the Contras—a good meeting & really bipartisan.

  [Rehearsal for press conference; staged press conference, considered it went well.]

  Thursday, June 12th

  More talk about the Soviets plus discussion about budget. It’s now in conference & our leader Sen. Domenici like a broken record keeps harping on a tax increase—my word to him which he refuses to take, is no tax increase & I’ll veto it if it ever comes to me.

  I had a surprise visitor. Donna Ardwin & her husband. She is the granddaughter of my mother’s sister Jenny so is a 2nd cousin. She’s a nice, attractive young lady. My Aunt Jenny was a favorite of mine so I was glad to meet her. We received the Packard Commission report. I was glad to learn it calls for less Congressional micro management of defense.

  Then a lunch with Fred Barnes, Morton Kondracke & Paul Harvey plus a few of our fellows. It was fun & I think maybe Fred Barnes might have discovered his image of me is wrong.

  N.S.P.G. meeting. It was on what to do about Soviets & their proposals for some kind of arms deal. Are they for real or just trying for propaganda.

  I finally proposed that we offer a reduction of I.C.B.M.’s & at same time an agreement that both of us should continue research on a possible defense against them. If & when such research should indicate such a defense weapon is possible both of us observe “tests” & we agree that deployment must follow elimination of all I.C.B.M.’s & then the defense be made available to all. I think our team bought it.

  At 3 P.M. met with Justice Rehnquist—he is our choice to become Chief Justice & he said yes.

  [Greeted high school students going on exchange program to USSR; met mother of two Marines killed in Korean War; photo sessions with retiring military officers; signed proclamation for Baltic Freedom Day; spoke for an hour with biographer Edmund Morris, concluded, “Home to Rex—Nancy is in N.Y. until tomorrow. She’s speaking [to] the Foreign Affairs Council on drugs.”]

  Friday, June 13th

  [Presented medals to federal employees; visited by Senator Jim Abdnor (R-SD), running for reelection.]

  Met with Jim Fletcher & told him I wanted the Rogers Commission Rpt. implemented & that I be kept informed of it’s progress. I think he’ll restore NASA to its high standing.

  Mother Teresa dropped by for a brief visit & to tell me she prayed for me every day. She’s a most remarkable little woman.

  [Participated in regional press luncheon; met with Shultz on Soviet situation (no details in diary); ambassadorial formalities; greeted two high school students formally considered to be at risk; went to Camp David; swam. Saturday, June 14: rode and swam. Sunday, June 15: returned to W.H.]

  Monday, June 16

  More S. Africa in morning briefing. Later, over to E.O.B. to speak to 200 reps. of various groups who are all gung ho for our effort to help the Contras in Nicaragua. Then a meeting with 4 Afghan leaders who head up something called the Alliance. They would like recognition as a sort of govt. in exile. We can’t do that but did let them know we’d keep on helping the resistance. The usual Mon. issues lunch then an interview for 4th of July issue of “People Magazine.” Frankly I thought the Q’s. were kind of flat & of little interest. I wonder what the story will look like. A good meeting with Cap W.—he’s all out for my idea of offering a treaty to the Soviets in which we offer to involve them in any testing of S.D.I.—if research develops that our anti-nuc. missile defense is practical. Then we share the system if all agree to eliminate I.C.B.M.’s.

  A meeting with Judge Scalia—he will be my appointee to Sup. Ct. as Rehnquist moves up to Chief. We’ll announce the whole pckg. tomorrow.

  Then a photo with the new committee to create a museum on the battle of Normandy. It will be housed in the old German H.Q. bunker.

  [Photo sessions with visitors brought in by congressmen; haircut.]

  Tuesday, June 17

  [Met with President Julio María Sanguinetti of Uruguay.]

  This afternoon we astonished the press with a news break of a perfectly kept secret. I took Chf. Justice Burger, Justice Rehnquist & Judge Scalia into the press room to announce Burger’s resignation, Rehnquist’s nomination to succeed him & Scalia’s nomination to take Rehnquist’s place on the court.

  A meeting with John P. & Don R. on my proposal for a proposed treaty with the Soviets to share the S.D.I. if & when it is a reality & to then do away with I.C.B.M.’s. John seems to want to sneak up on it in phases, etc. I’m holding out for a simple plan—yes or no.

  [State dinner with entertainment by Dave Brubeck.]

  Wednesday, June 18

  Our U.H.O. friends Salero, Rebolo & Cruz (Nicaragua) were in for a meeting. They are here to lobby Cong. on aid to the freedom fighters.

  Then a meeting with Bishop Dario Castillon of Colombia. He’s supportive of what we are trying to do in Central Am. I think he was relieved to hear though th
at we have no plans for armed intervention. He believes that at least 840 of the 900 bishops in Latin America are supportive of what we are trying to do.

  [Gathering for flag awards.]

  A photo with officers of the Nat. Homebuilders Assn. Then a meeting with Sec. Shultz. Two subjects—Soviet’s & S. Africa. He believes it is one turn to move with a proposal to Gorbachev. On S.A. the problem is once again harsh language in the Cong. which may force me to veto something.

  [Videotapings. Thursday, June 19: morning briefings; report from Mrs. Reagan that Director of Drug Abuse Policy Office Carlton Turner was feeling ignored by Department of Justice and was ready to quit, the president asked Regan to intervene with Meese; congressional meeting on Contra aid obviated by vote call; lunch with Vice President Bush; photo sessions with staff and candidates; flew to New Jersey for speech to high school students and parents; commented, “I came away feeling ten ft. tall. I like people”; returned to W.H.; drank liquids in anticipation of following day’s medical checkup.]

  Friday, June 20

  The check up after a couple of hours in the office & then off to Camp D. It was a long spell in the Hospital, winding up with the Cat scan. Everything was AOK & the Dr. on the cat scan said my insides were 25 yrs. younger than my age.

  [Saturday, June 21–Sunday, June 22: walks and swimming; returned to W.H.]

  Monday, June 23

  A half hour interview with 3 members of L.A. Times. It was wide ranging & I hope I didn’t give them any possible distortion material. Then the issues briefing lunch. We made a decision that I would ask to appear at noon tomorrow before the House of Reps. to make a speech in support of aid to the Contras. Don called Tip & reached him on a golf course. Tip refused to let me speak to the House. I’m going to rub his nose in this one. We are sending a copy of the speech to every rep.

  [Interviewed by Time magazine; presentation of awards to high school students; photographed for French magazine; report from Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV) that Ferdinand Marcos wanted the president to know that he did not instigate demonstrations in Philippines.]

  A meeting with Clarence Thomas my man on the Equal Opp. board. I’ve nominated him for another term. He’s done a h--l of a good job. The Lynch gang on the hill is after him. Then received 9 Ambas’s. The 9th was Dobrynin of the Soviet U. He brought a letter from Gorbachev. We had quite a conversation I’m not going to form a quick opinion but he sure is different from the old timers I’ve met. Nancy is in Calif. This place feels empty.

  Tuesday, June 24

  I’m supposed to be writing this at the ranch but here I am in the lonely old W.H. without Nancy.

  When I got to the office Don R. told me I just couldn’t go with the Contra vote hanging over us & Tip’s refusal to let me address the House. Well I knew he was right but I was d--n mad. There was the matter of my appearance tonite in Las Vegas—a fundraiser for our cand. for Senate Cong. man Santini. Well we got them to postpone it until tomorrow night. At 12 noon I went on TV with the speech I would have given to the House. I spent the day phoning & meeting with House members trying to line up votes—with some success. Oh, I met the new champ Ray Floyd & his wife. He just won the U.S. Open. He gave me a new putter. I did a photo for Time mag. & Here I am upstairs with the trip scheduled for tomorrow.

  Wednesday, June 25

  Dick Wirthlin’s poll—all things considered the figures are good. My overall approval dropped from 73 to 70 though.

  [Made calls to members of Congress on behalf of Contra aid; flew to Las Vegas for fund-raiser; received news that Contra aid bill passed; went to ranch.]

  Thursday, June 26–Monday, June 30

  For the 1st time this year the weather was beautiful each & every day. We rode every morning, then Barney, Dennis & I cut up some downed trees. On Sun. we learned of Sen. East’s suicide—a sad time for all of us. Now it is Mon. night & we are back at the White House.

  [Tuesday, July 1: received briefing on good progress with SDI, commented that “Our stumbling block is the d--n Congress who keep cutting the funding which pushes delays of one or two yrs. every time they have their way”; photographed for Life magazine; desk work; ambassadorial formalities; haircut; attended reception for diplomatic corps.]

  Wednesday, July 2

  Bill Casey & his team briefed us on plans for Contra aid including training of Contra officers etc. They have really worked out a fine operation which if it succeeds will or can bring about Sandinista troop defections.

  Had an interview with 2 gals from “U.S.A. Today.” I think it went well. Q’s. were on S. Africa, Soviets etc. George B. & I had our usual lunch then I met with Geo. S. just back from the Philippines & several other countries. He had quite an agenda for us on stepping up pressure on S. Africa. I agreed with much of it but told him I thought we should offer a plan to Pres. Botha that could offer something other than just turning the 5 mil. Whites over to a govt. by 26 mil. Blacks. I suggested something like Switzerland’s “Canton” type of govt. He agreed. Then a taping session which included a toast to Lew & Edie’s 50th wedding anniversary (July 14) at Universal Studios in Calif.

  [Thursday, July 3: briefing for visit with President François Mitterrand of France; taped radiocast; joined Nancy’s brother and his family to helicopter to Tarrytown, New York, staying at Rockefeller mansion at Pocantico Hills; joined President Mitterrand in New York for unveiling of refurbished Statue of Liberty, commented, “Upon finishing my remarks I pushed the button that lighted up Miss Liberty. It was spectacular”; returned to Pocantico.]

  Friday, July 4

  Left Pocantico at 8 A.M. Landed Marine 1 on Stern of battleship Iowa. We sailed slowly down the river & bay passing warships of 30 odd countries & several of our own warships who fired 21 gun salutes & of course on all sides were the 40,000 private boats loaded with people. Then we landed on Governors Island for the parade of Tall ships in company of Pres. M. & Madame M. Shortly after noon Nancy & Mrs. M. went to a luncheon at one of the Admiral’s home on the island. Pres. M. & I joined Cabinet members of mine & several of his ministers at a working lunch. Pres. M. is going back to a meeting with Gen. Sec. Gorbachev. Our meeting had to do with East-West relations. I tried to give the Pres. all the info I could about our dealings with the Gen. Sec. on arms reductions so that he would know our side if he was subjected to any propaganda. It was a good meeting although Pres. M. can be very unpredictable.

  [Dinner at Pocantico; celebrated evening on USS John F. Kennedy. Saturday, July 5: toured Rockefeller mansion; returned to W.H.]

  Sunday, July 6

  Happy Birthday Nancy! A morning phone call from John P. The V.P. candidate on the Marcos election is holed up in a Manila hotel surrounded by several thousand of his demonstrators. Had himself sworn in as acting Pres. of Philippines per orders of Marcos. Acquino is on Mindano—500 miles away. Don’t feel civil war will result. Army remains loyal to Acquino. Nothing for us to get involved in.

  Quiet day—then to the Wicks for dinner. Just the 4 of us I think. Still waiting for news on Nakasone & the Japanese election. Dinner turned out to be at the Jockey Club. We slipped out of the W.H.—no flags or police escort or press. It was nice for a change.

  Monday, July 7

  A waiter leaked the word about last night & the press is horrified that I went someplace without them knowing. They are now threatening to stake out all the gates to the W.H.

  [Desk work; photo session with Antonin Scalia; short staff and NSC meetings.]

  Tonite a dinner at John & Ann McLaughlin’s with the Charlton Hestons & the Jack Welch’s—he’s the new & sensationally successful head of G.E. It was a lot of fun. We did something unusual—we slipped out of the W.H.—no we didn’t. This time we went in the usual procession.

  Tuesday, July 8

  [Noted Congress in recess, commented, “It’s so nice with Cong. gone”; economic briefing with Baker and Treasury Undersecretary Beryl Sprinkle and staff, report that economy is sluggish, projections have been revised to the downside; inter
viewed by John Casserly for biography of Barry Goldwater (later published as Goldwater); lunch with Vice President Bush; interviewed by New York Daily News.]

  A meeting with Strom Thurmond who feels it’s time to have a Sup. Ct. Justice from the South. His name is Wilkins & he’s a good man. I think maybe it’s time. Strom also thinks Justice Powell is soon going to resign.

  [Cocktail hour with W.H. press.]

  Back home & lonesome—Nancy is in N.Y. tonite.

  Wednesday, July 9

  Another short day—upstairs by 2:30 to await Nancy’s return. A lengthy meeting re the appt. of Bob Brown as Ambas. to S. Africa. I had some doubts. He’s Black. My 2 concerns were would S.A. be receptive & would run into the Uncle Tom syndrome among their Blacks & our own Black community. Bob is a remarkable person, extremely well qualified to be a middleman in S. Africa’s situation. Now all that remains is for us to quietly probe Pres. Botha’s attitude. We also moved on my reply to Gorbachev’s arms proposal. I phoned Pres. De La Madrid (Mexico) to personally invite him here Aug. 13 for our annual meeting. He accepts.

  Al Haig came in for an unscheduled meeting—to tell me he plans to run for the Presidency in ’88—has been all over the country testing the water.

  [Met with Shultz, who decided to cancel Middle East trip, summit with Soviets looks definite; photo session with staff and scout troop leader active in the president’s Hollywood days; awaited Mrs. Reagan’s return. Thursday, July 10: noted that federal discount rate had been dropped; flew to Alabama for speech on tax reform, noted, “The welcome was so warm from the moment we left the plane until we re-boarded for home that once or twice I choked up”; returned home.]

  Friday, July 11

  A call from R. Nixon. He’s going to the Soviet U.—a strictly pvt. meeting. Some of our people thought I should try to talk him out of it. I didn’t. Visit came out of a meeting with Dobrynin whom he’s known for 20 yrs. His only scheduled meeting is with Dobrynin. We both feel he’ll probably end up with others possibly, including the Gen. Sec. Mr. G. I have great respect for his international talent & think he might come up with some help. An NSC meeting—briefing for visit by P.M. of Pakistan. […] I’m going to lean on him a bit. Under our law I have to certify every year to Cong. that they have no bomb or aid to Pakistan stops. After lunch I signed off on some appointments including Bob Brown as Ambas. to S. Africa. Then a drop by to the E.O.B. for a meeting of our Exec. Exchange Commission. This is our program where Pvt. execs. spend a year in a govt. job & govt. execs. take their place out in the private sector.


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