The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 60

by Ronald Reagan

  [Saturday, August 9: radiocast in defense of William Rehnquist’s and Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court nominations; medical examination, with results entirely favorable; watched TV in the evening. Sunday, August 10: homework.]

  Monday, August 11

  An NSC meeting—briefing for Wed. meeting with Pres. de La Madrid of Mexico. We’re getting good cooperation on the drug problem but their economic woes are very serious. I’m going to approach him on things he could do to open Mexico to outside investment and more entrepreneurship.

  Then an issues briefing lunch. They’re usually pretty pleasant & this one was too.

  I met later with Steve Symms, Chic Hecht, and Elizabeth Dole. The two Cong. men want to return speed laws to the states & so do I. Liz is worried that lifting the Fed 55 mile limit may lead to an increase in traffic fatalities. I held out on the side of turning power back to the states—it was none of Wash’s business in the 1st place. I think Liz left a little upset—but the 2 Reps [senators] were happy and so am I.

  A meeting had been scheduled with the editor of La Prema—the paper in Nicaragua the Sandinistas have closed down. His family persuaded him he might not be allowed back in Nicaragua or if he was, he might not live long.

  [Rehearsed for press conference the following day; haircut; videotapings. Tuesday, August 12: flew to Springfield, Illinois, for campaign appearance at fair; flew to Chicago; party fund-raiser; returned to W.H. Wednesday, August 13: briefings and then meeting with President Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado of Mexico, covered Nicaragua, drugs, and Mexico’s economic problems; met with Peter Ueberroth regarding cost of drug program; photo session with congressmen and guests, including Miss Teenage America.]

  Thursday, August 14

  An NSPG meeting on our continued attitude toward Qadhafi. He’s got some problems & I’m pleased to say a lot of his people are unhappy with him. He’s been pretty quiet but if he lets go with another terrorist act we’re ready to respond immediately. Geo. B. & I had a pleasant lunch on the patio. Then it was a meeting with Cong. Boulter of Texas. He had 2 oilmen with him. We discussed the problems of the industry as a result of the price collapse. We could find ourselves so dependent on OPEC oil that it would be a Nat. Security problem.

  [Meeting with Shultz who decided against retiring; with Bolivian cabinet ministers regarding cooperation on drug problem; photo sessions with departing staff members, W.H. Fellows, and reporters.]

  Up to change into slacks for the BBQ. All of the Congress & their families—1st time their children have ever been invited to an affair in the W.H. It was a fun night & everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I made a decision—next year there will be no printed programs. I think I autographed every d—m one.

  [Friday, August 15: NSC meeting with briefing on upcoming visit by President José Sarney Costa of Brazil; addressed leaders of Conference on Small Business; taped radiocast, commented, “subject—the Houses irresponsible witling [whittling] away at Defense. They’re doing everything but give the soldiers close order drill by legislative action”; photo sessions with W.H. Fellows; packed for trip to L.A.]

  Saturday, August 16

  A stop at the Drs. they dropped some kind of acid on 2 tiny spots on my face that they thought possibly become the kind of Basel Cell Carcinoma I had on my nose. No big deal—I have a couple of pink spots (tiny) and that’s it.

  Then it was Marine 1—A.F.1 and Calif here I come. I got to the ranch ahead of Nancy & had time to get in blue jeans & meet her when she helicoptered in. The ranch is beautiful as always and Dennis & Barney have already picked out a couple of Oak trees—nearly dead that we can spend a few afternoons on.

  [Met family of Vietnam MIA. Sunday, August 17: ride and ranch work. Monday, August 18–Tuesday, August 19: ranch work; helping Mrs. Reagan get used to a new horse.]

  Wednesday, August 20

  A morning ride & back to our Madrone thinning. I’m really getting some exercise & I feel it. Things seem quiet on the Presidential side—so far I’m just a rancher. I called Bill Rusher about some of the items in the National Review that echo the errors in the press about our position on arms control & SDI. He was pleased to get the inside info. Weather still hot.

  [Thursday, August 21: more ranch work; called Washington Post columnist David Broder to correct recent column charging that he did little to reduce deficit.]

  Friday, August 22

  It was Madrone thinning again in the A.M. Caterers were here putting up a tent for tomorrow’s delayed Birthday party for Nancy given by the Wilsons & Jorgensens. After lunch they (the Wilsons & Jorgensens) arrived. Bill & Earl & I went for a ride. There was some late afternoon paper work, a decision memo I haven’t signed yet. Cap W. is concerned that if I pursue an interim reduction of the Intermediate Range Missiles without an agreement to total elimination at a time certain we’ll never get our zero zero goal. On the other hand others—John P. etc. think I should go ahead & take our chances on zero. Frankly Cap has a point. I’ll confess I’ve been talking (in my letter to Gorbachev) of an interim agreement. In my fuzzy way I guess I was seeing it as a 2 step agreement not 1 agreement & then try for another.

  [Saturday, August 23: hosted birthday party, noted, “Even a little excitement when someone left the back yard gate open & 2 of your horses joined the party.” Sunday, August 24: received news of death of NSC employee from cancer, telephoned widow; ranch work, prepared barn for new floor. Monday, August 25: rode; cleared trail; telephoned party fund-raiser in Las Vegas.]

  Tuesday, August 26

  Into Los Angeles for a few days of seeing friends etc. We left the house at 10:40 A.M. and arrived at the suite at 11:45. Coming down the coast in the helicopter I watched for landmarks I remembered and was a little upset when I could locate them & then couldn’t remember their names—Topanga Canyon for example. After lunch a haircut & manicure—both overdue. Then George Scharfenberger one of the trustees of our blind trust & a lawyer came by—mainly to talk about our wills in view of the changes in inheritance taxes. My 1981 tax change eliminated such tax on surviving spouses. Then Mike Abrams to check on how we’re doing with his workouts. He was quite pleased with me.

  [Mrs. Reagan out on errands; signed bill on funds for territories. Wednesday, August 27: Mrs. Reagan out much of the day; signed bills; underwent ear test and hearing was deemed to have improved; received new aids; dinner at Bloomingdales’ home. Thursday, August 28: desk work all morning; reception for presidential library fund-raisers; dinner with friends. Friday, August 29: Mrs. Reagan worked on domestic chores; had lunch with speechwriter Ken Khachigian regarding September 14 telecast on drug problem; returned to ranch. Saturday, August 30: rode; interviewed by C-SPAN and AP; met with local residents hoping presidential library would be located in Santa Barbara vicinity, commented, “They didn’t know it was already set for Stanford”; received word of U.S. News & World Report journalist arrested in USSR and charged with spying; dinner with friends, watched TV in evening. Sunday, August 31: rode; pruned trees.]

  Monday, September 1—Labor Day

  For the 1st time this trip fog rolled in. We changed our planned ride and rode up Bald Mountain from where we could look down on the fog. The whole ride was in sunshine. Another afternoon of tree pruning—same location. Ron was on “Good Morning America” subbing for David Hartman. He handled himself very well. My only criticism was his neck tie. I’ll have to talk to him about solid colors.

  Tuesday, September 2

  Another morning of fog but we managed to find sunshine. A sunny afternoon & we took down a dead Oak tree down by Pa. Ave. Finished the job. Nancy cut ride short because “No Strings” was stumbling. Dr. says he can only be ridden on the flat & not every day.

  Wednesday, September 3

  Nancy didn’t ride. Dr. was testing “No Strings”—problem is age & a little arthritis. Rest of us rode & then in P.M. Dennis, Barney & I went down to Snake Lake and cut up a giant Oak that had tipped over. It was on a steep slope & hard going but we got it done.

  The Soviets are holding American journalist (U.S. News & World Report) charging him with being a spy. It is of course a frame up & the 4th time they’ve done it. Each time we have arrested one of their KGB agents they have done this. The last time before this one was in ’78. Each time before they grabbed an American businessman. Then they try to arrange a prisoner exchange.

  Thursday, September 4

  Had our ride, but 1st I called Geo. S. re our man Daniloff in the Soviet Union. I asked his opinion of my thought that perhaps I should communicate directly with Gorbachev & tell him Daniloff was not working for our government. At about 5 P.M. I signed such a message.

  [Splitting timber; ranch worker had finger tip crushed.]

  9 P.M. a call from John P. A Pam Am plane with 300 + people on board bound from Bombay to Frankfort landed in Karachi. Three or 4 men in some kind of military uniform hijacked it but the crew got away so the plane can’t be flown. Hijackers are demanding that a crew be provided to fly them to Cyprus.

  My next call was for an OK to send our trained experts in hijack situations to Pakistan. They got it.

  Friday, September 5

  By now we know there are around 380 or 90 people on the plane & possibly 80 or more are Americans—one a naturalized citizen of Asian birth has been shot & thrown out on the tarmac.

  We went for our next to last ride this trip. About half way our Secret Service agents got a radio call for us to pull up—the motorized group trailing us would catch up—they had an emergency call for me on secure phone. I learned that the Pakistanis had captured the 4 hijackers and there had been shooting & a great many casualties—no figures as yet.

  Later in day got more details—roughly 18 dead & 100 or more wounded. 2 of the hijackers were killed, 2 captured & there is a possible 5th. Ron & Doria arrived in afternoon & stayed for dinner. It was a nice visit.

  [Saturday, September 6: rode; cut wood; watched video on President José Sarney Costa of Brazil; radiocast.]

  Sunday, September 7

  Left the ranch at 11:45, as usual it was a beautiful day. Had lunch at the hotel & spent the P.M. with some homework. Word came the Soviets were going to officially charge Daniloff with espionage. Gorbachev response to my letter was arrogant & rejected my statement that Daniloff was no spy. I’m mad as h--l. Had a conference call with Geo. S., John P., Don Regan. Decision was to wait until Tues. in Washington where we could explore our course of action. This whole thing follows the pattern. We catch a spy as we have this time & the Soviets grab an American—any American & frame him so they can then demand a trade of prisoners.

  [Attended party fund-raiser. Monday, September 8: flew to Denver, Colorado, for fund-raiser; flew to Washington; homework en route, commented, “Then the W.H. & an enthusiastic welcome from Rex.”]

  Tuesday, September 9

  A meeting—Geo. S., John P., Don R. & myself re the Daniloff case. We are going to try to get him released to our Ambas. pending trial. We’ll offer the same here with their spy. If its possible we’ll do something of an exchange but only if they’ll release some dissidents like Sakharov etc. Once we have him back I propose we kick a half hundred of the U.N. KGB agents out of the country so there can’t be a repeat of this hostage taking.

  [Met with congressional leadership of both parties, discussed upcoming agenda, including drug crusade; met with Portuguese prime minister Aníbal Cavaco Silva; cabinet meeting to update Daniloff situation; met widow of NSC employee taken by cancer; haircut; telephoned Alf Landon on his ninety-ninth birthday; videotapings; telephoned retirement party for Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ); caught up on backlog of homework.]

  Wednesday, September 10

  Daniloff has been charged with espionage. This was Brazil day. The usual ceremony—parade of troops, 21 gun salute et al. In our pvt meeting I told him we were called the Colossus of the North but Brazil was the Colossus of the South and together we could be a great force for good. He liked that. I think we struck a chord and can become very close as allies. He’s doing a great job democratizing Brazil.

  [Greeted honorees of Boys Club of America; met with Maryland senatorial candidate; dropped by reception for members of Boston Red Sox baseball team; state dinner with entertainment by Paul Anka; late word from Shultz that Soviets would trade Daniloff for man arrested as spy in U.S., commented, “I told him to do it. I think it’s very important to get our guy out of their jail & away from that 4 hours a day interrogation.”]

  Thursday, September 11

  It was a short night & a long day. The usual meeting with Don R. & the V.P. then the NSC briefing. John P. was hesitant about the Daniloff deal without us holding out for more. Since it’s only a move pending the trials I reiterated my stand on getting him out of jail. Our Repub. Chrmn. Frank Fahrenkopf came by, he wants Mermie to become his assistant but it needs me to say the same thing—which I did.

  [Addressed volunteers from U.S. as program of public/private partnership is being copied overseas; had lunch with Vice President Bush; lengthy cabinet meeting on proposed legislation for anti-drug crusade; photo sessions with refugee from Cuban prison, departing staff, and Republican National Committee magazine.]

  Friday, September 12

  The usual staff meeting. We’ve adopted a new policy for meetings anymore—only principals participate—we have to stop this d—m leaking. After a brief meeting with Bob Tuttle to OK appointments, and NSPG Meeting re Daniloff. We have agreed to turn Zakharov over to the Soviet Ambas. pending trial & they will deliver Daniloff to our Ambas. This does not mean a trade—this will not do. Their man is a spy caught red handed & Daniloff is a hostage. After lunch I spoke to 272 principals of elementary schools in the Rose Garden. They were picked as the top in our Nation. I was able to open by announcing that Daniloff was in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. They cheered the news.

  [Weekly meeting with Shultz, mainly about South Africa; met with representative of Telephone Pioneers; ambassadorial formalities; photographed for Philippine newspapers; went to Camp David; noted, “Called Dick Nixon re Daniloff matter—he approves what we are doing.” Saturday, September 13: radiocast; rode; practiced speech to be delivered jointly with Mrs. Reagan; watched movie.]

  Sunday, September 14

  Watched the usual talk shows. Nancy was on “Meet the Press” and did very well on the subject of drugs. Most of the shows dealt with the Daniloff matter and a number of the media & press involved launched a campaign that I had blinked & softened—giving in to Soviet demands. That’s a lot of crap & they don’t know what they are talking about.

  Than back to the W.H. where our quarters are all torn up with the TV crew readying for the broadcast. A rehearsal at 5 & on the air at 8. Everything went well and the broadcast was a success.

  Monday, September 15

  A meeting to talk about my speech next week at the U.N. General Assembly. I’ve suggested opening the question of whether the U.N. is living up to its charter.

  [Had lunch with fund-raisers for Presidential Library Foundation.]

  Then it was Shimon Peres time—P.M. of Israel. I admire him very much and am sorry the pol. rotation agreement will see him replaced with P.M. Shamir. Of course he will be Foreign Minister then. That will help some. He’s done a great job seeing the way toward peace in the Middle East.

  A hastily called meeting with John P. & Don R. to agree on our approach to Gorbachev if Daniloff is not turned over to us at once. We are going to tell about 25 KGB members on their U.N. staff to get out of the country.

  [Ambassadorial formalities; dinner with Maureen and Dennis.]

  Tuesday, September 16

  A bad night—my hay fever. Nancy on her way to N.Y. until late tomorrow afternoon. I had a 9:30 meeting with the GOP leadership—both houses. We were talking a little strategy on the things on the legislative plate. I think they know now I’ll veto those wild hair things that have been coming out of the House. They also know I think the budget process is minor league. Then we had an NSC briefing on tomorrow’s visit by Pres.
Aquino of the Philippines. I can’t wait to tell her what I know about communism & why she must take them on—not try to take them as allies.

  [Addressed gathering of Hispanic citizens; taped campaign ads; received positive poll figures; chose successor to Lew Lehrman as head of Citizens for America.]

  A meeting with Cap W. & then an unscheduled visit by Geo. S. on the Daniloff case. He is going to notify the Soviets tonight that we know the evidence they claim to have & we won’t buy it—Daniloff is not a spy. Then tomorrow we tell them we are shipping 25 KGB agents on their U.N. staff back to Russia.

  Wednesday, September 17

  The press is obsessed with the Daniloff affair & determined to paint all of us as caving in to the Soviets which they of course say is the worst way to deal with them. The simple truth is we’ve offered no deal and are playing hard ball all the way.

  Today I met with Pres. Aquino of the Philippines. She & I met 1st in the Oval Office while our teams were in the Cabinet Room where we were supposed to join them. I’d been told she was really up tight about seeing me possibly because of my friendship with Marcos. We had all agreed that we wanted to assure her of our support for what she’s doing. In our private meeting I took up the subject of her problem with the communists & related my experience with them in Hollywood 1946. She really relaxed & we ended up spending the whole hour in the Oval O. & finally went into the Cabinet Room only to get everyone moving to the W.H. for lunch. Lunch was a lot of fun for everyone & I think she has gone home reassured & very happy.

  [Met with Chief Justice Warren Burger on upcoming anniversary of Constitution; interviewed by Edmund Morris for biography; farewell party for longtime aide Jack Svahn.]


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