The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 61

by Ronald Reagan

Then an NSC meeting getting ready for the Soviet Foreign Minister’s visit & how we treat the Daniloff problem with him. We’ve notified the Soviet U we’re sending 25 of their U.N. staff home—all are KGB agents.

  Thursday, September 18

  Off to New Orleans & Montgomery Alabama. In N.O. first stop was an outdoor rally for our Senate Candidate Herman Moore. 6,000 were expected, 40,000 came. It was an enthusiastic crowd and all of us were roundly cheered. Then into the city to a lunch fund raiser for him. Afterward the usual reception & photos with a few hundred top donors. Back to the plane & on to Maxwell Air Base at Montgomery. All the mil. & families were out to see us but all we could do was wave. Then into the Civic Center—6,000 on hand for Sen. Jeremiah Denton. This crowd was on it’s feet a half dozen times cheering. Prior to facing them we did another handshake & photo session with about 200 people. Back to Air Force 1 & everyone pleased. During the day we were receiving bulletins about the Daniloff case. Gorbachev has gone on TV to declare our man is definitely a spy. I have told him in writing twice he is not. Shevardnadze has arrived to meet with Geo. S. Whether I see him or not is up in the air. Gen. Sec. of the U.N. stated our action ordering 25 U.N. Soviet staff out of the country is against U.N. Charter. He’d better be careful if we cut off U.N. allowance they’d be out of business.

  [Returned to W.H.; received word that Senate confirmed Supreme Court nominees.]

  Friday, September 19

  George S. brought F.M. Shevardnadze (Sov. U.) over to the Oval Office to deliver Gorbachev’s letter to me. Then he discovered he’d left the letter with his own team. But he had a good set of notes on what it contains so he did a 20 min. speech on it. The Gen. Sec. wants a meeting between him and me in London or Iceland—I opt for Iceland. This would be preparatory to a Summit. I’m agreeable to that but made it plain we wanted Daniloff returned to us before anything took place. I let the F.M. know I was angry & that I resented their charges that Daniloff was a spy after I had personally given my word that he wasn’t. I gave him a little run down on the difference between our 2 systems & told him they couldn’t understand the importance we place on the individual because they don’t have such a feeling. I enjoyed being angry.

  [Addressed presidents of 101 Traditionally Black Colleges and Universities; bill signing; telephoned Hispanic Chamber of Commerce convention; went to Camp David. Saturday, September 20: radiocast; ride; calls from Poindexter on developments with USSR, commented, “Nothing sensational—the ball is in their court now.” Sunday, September 21: watched panel shows; returned to W.H.; hosted reception for donors to Blair House renovation.]

  Monday, September 22

  On this 1st day of Fall went to N.Y. to address the U.N. Gen. Assembly. Left South Lawn at 9 A.M. Marine 1. Then from Andrews to Newark A.F.1. The usual crowds in N.Y.—met by Mayor Koch who told me everything I was doing was right. At U.N. a brief meeting with King Juan Carlos & Queen Sophia of Spain. Then a meeting with Gen. Sec. & Pres. of Gen. Assembly. It was a frank discussion of our problems with the Soviets as well as the regional hot spots, Afghanistan, Angola, Ethiopia, Nicaragua etc. I had expected some delegations to walk out but no one did. In fact I got a pretty good hand. Lunch at the Am. Mission with Dick Walters, George Shultz, Don Regan then a meeting with our European & Japanese Allies—the Foreign Ministers—add Canada & Australia. We briefed them on the Shevardnadze meetings. Then I met briefly with Lord Carrington—NATO head and we were on our way back to Wash.—arrived at 3 P.M. Did some TV footage with our Repub. Cand. for Gov.—Wyoming & Alaska.

  [Tuesday, September 23: meeting on House defense cuts; had lunch with Mrs. Reagan and Soviet authority Suzanne Massie; spoke to organizations supporting tax reform; haircut; filmed campaign ads; dinner for Reagan Scholarship at Eureka College, commented, “I was given a 1932 class ring which I couldn’t afford in 1932.”]

  Wednesday, September 24

  George S. & Shevardnadze at the U.N. still dickering about Daniloff. It’s getting more apparent that it’s the Soviets who are blinking. We’re getting closer. The Soviets don’t call him a spy anymore—they refer to him as “the American citizen.”

  [Flew to Detroit, Michigan, and Omaha, Nebraska, for party fund-raisers; returned to W.H.]

  Thursday, September 25

  Nancy off to Pittsburg early in the A.M. She’ll be back this afternoon. For me it’s a long & busy day ahead. Day started late for me—10:30 A.M.—meeting with Don R. & then with John P., Geo. S. had called from N.Y. to counsel with us about Daniloff. He has had (Geo. I mean) with Shevardnadze & the deal cooking is Daniloff free—Zakharov free in exchange for Orlov + others if possible. I think we’ll have to settle for Orlov but I recommended only if Orlov comes here as Z. leaves. The Soviets want Z. first & then Orlov about 15 days later. Of course we hold fast that the 25 KGB’s leave the U.N. & go home.

  After lunch I met briefly with Committee on Future of Western Community. This is a group of our people & rep’s of Japan, France & several other European Countries—U.K. etc. The idea is a program including U. of S. Carolina to help spread democracy world wide just as Communists are doing. Then I went to the Marriot Hotel to address the National Fraternal Congress on it’s 100th B.D. This is an org. of more than 100 fraternal like clubs organized to do charitable work. They gave away over $300 mil. last year.

  [Met with George Will to counter impression lent in his columns of U.S. caving in on the Daniloff case; signed pledge for federal fund charity drive; met American Legion commander and postmaster general; also David Carmen, new director of policy and communications of Citizens for America; videotapings; received word that Congress passed tax reform bill, commented, “Cloud 9.”]

  Friday, September 26

  High spot was the swearing in of Chf. Justice Rehnquist & Associate Justice Scalia in the East Room. After lunch a meeting with Geo. S., Cap W., & Bill Casey plus our W.H. people Don R., John P. etc. It was a sum up of where we stand in the negotiations between Geo. & Shevardnadze. The difference between us is their desire to make it look like a trade for Daniloff & their spy Zakharov. We’ll trade Zakharove but for Soviet dissidents. We settled on some bottom line points beyond which we won’t budge.

  [Helicoptered to Fort Meade to open new National Security Agency buildings; went to Camp David; swam. Saturday, September 27: radiocast; rode; received news that Senate passed tax reform bill, commented, “Finally after all the years—tax reform—2 rates 15% & 28% & 34% for Corp’s.” Sunday, September 28: returned to W.H.; Mrs. Reagan left for NYC; telephoned fund-raiser.]

  Monday, September 29

  Didn’t sleep at all well last night—I need my roommate. Into the office for a brief meeting before taking off for some politicking. George S. has won the day. Mr. & Mrs. Daniloff will be on their way home before the morning is over. That will be announced. Then tomorrow George will announce that Zakharov will be found guilty & sent to Russia on probation, so long has he never returns to the U.S. and Orlov & his wife will be freed to leave Soviet Union in one week. Then I’ll announce a meeting with Gorbachev in Iceland October 10, 11, & 12.

  [Flew to Kansas City, Missouri, for political rally, then on to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for another campaign appearance.]

  There was a hostile demonstration outside the arena by the Farmers Union. Two leaders had publicly challenged me to meet them & hear their story. I agreed & they rode out to the airport in the limo with Don R. & me. To blame us for the farm problems is a little ridiculous. We will provide more money for farmers $26 bil. this year than Carter provided in all his 4 years put together. By the time we reached the airport they were on our side.

  So back to Wash. & my room mate.

  Tuesday, September 30

  A hectic day. Arrived at the office about 10:05 & was rushed into the press room to announce Iceland meeting Oct. 11 & 12. Geo S. had just done the announcement about Zakharov & Orlov. Already it’s plain the press is going to declare I gave in & the trade was Daniloff for Zakharov. By the end of the day the network anch
ors were laying into me for having given up. I addressed the annual meeting of the I.M.F & World Bank members at the Sheraton. Then a meeting in the Cabinet Room for members of Cong & rep’s of the oil industry. I expressed support for a program to help in this period of real hard times for that industry.

  [Noted that Nicholas Daniloff had arrived in Washington; meeting with Weinberger; bill signings; greeted woman he taught to swim years before; appeared at gathering of Republican Eagles.]

  Wednesday, October 1

  Off to the Carter Library dedication in Atlanta.

  It was quite a day. I had to speak to the large crowd and said some very nice things about J.C. which was appreciated by the crowd. Jimmy said I was very generous. We had a tour of the Library & got a lot of ideas from it for our own.

  Back to the W.H. and a visit by the Daniloff family. Needless to say they were happy, but so were we, and grateful to the Lord for making it possible to save him.

  Thursday, October 2

  [Called senators and met with Senator John Stennis (D-MS) seeking support for veto of bill enforcing sanctions against South Africa.]

  Then a short time with a bunch of columnists including some who regularly kick my brains out. Subjects were of course the Daniloff and a new one—a story in the Post that we were lying to the press in a disinformation campaign against Khadaffi. Lunch with the V.P. was pleasant—then a meeting with P.F.I.A.B. getting their report on our defector, Ex-CIA agent Howard—now in Russia. There were also recommendations about CIA cooperation with FBI & CIA’s employment policies. A meeting with Pres. & Board of Trustees Chairman of Eureka College. The old college is doing pretty well. Coach Mac was 92 yrs. old yesterday.

  [Greeted visitors; videotapings; received word that Senate overrode veto.]

  Friday, October 3

  Most of staff time taken up with assault by press based on distortions of the Daniloff case & dishonest charges that we had sought to use the press with falsehoods about Khadaffi. And of course hailing my defeat in the veto override.

  Then an NSC meeting which was much ado about little. Really a discussion of problems in areas Cap W. is going to visit—India, Pakistan, China etc.

  [Ambassadorial formalities; visit from head of Salvation Army; visited doctor about persistent cough, told it was a result of allergy attack; went to Camp David.]

  Saturday, October 4–Sunday, October 5

  Had a call that a Soviet Nuc. Sub. is on fire several hundred miles No. of Bermuda. Russian ships are on hand—no danger of nuclear accident. Message was from Gorbachev. Seems Chernobyl had an effect.

  [Radiocast; rain precluded riding; read.]

  Sun. was cloudy day. We came down early because of Horowitz concert in the East Room. About 200 hand picked guests. It was wonderful and everyone enjoyed it greatly.

  Monday, October 6

  The Soviet Sub—sank, the crew was saved. Nancy came down & we kicked off Nat. Drug Abuse Ed. & Prevention Week—in the Rose Garden. The news is that Mrs. Gorbachev is coming to Iceland. Our news is that Mrs. Reagan isn’t. We had a working lunch about the Iceland meeting. Consensus was that Gorby is trying to make it a one topic agenda—arms control. We think we should get into Human Rights, Afghanistan, etc.

  [Greeted eight-year-old who used Heimlich maneuver to save woman; met with Shultz on Iceland (no details recorded in diary); haircut; desk work; received message from Democratic Party leader Robert Strauss about speech at Carter Library, commented, “He says I should be outlawed from getting before a crowd—it isn’t fair to people like him who go out & speak. He liked what I said about Carter.”]

  Tuesday, October 7

  An 8:30 meeting with bipartisan leaders of Congress to tell them I wanted them to drop their attempts to impose restrictions on me regarding arms when I’m on my way to try for arms agreements with Soviet U. I think I scored.

  [Met with Director of the Office of Management and Budget Jim Miller about impending budget deadline; signed proclamation making rose national flower; photos with candidates; NSC meeting, noted subject was “arms control & how to handle it with Gorbachev”; met Soviet citizen released from Gulag, joined meeting of human rights leaders; received list from Senator Chic Hecht (R-NV) of twelve hundred Jews seeking right to emigrate from USSR; spoke to Republican governors.]

  Wednesday, October 8

  Into the office at 9 for usual staff meetings then out to Marine 1 for flight to Andrew’s A.F. base. On the way to the chopper I stopped and told the press the Dem. Leadership in the House was holding up the budget process tying amendments having to do with National Security & the bill. They would in effect be doing Gorbachev’s work for him.

  [Flew to Raleigh, North Carolina, and Atlanta, Georgia, for campaign appearances.]

  This time my speech seemed to go better then ever. On way home learned that Bernard Kalb was resigning at State Department claiming it was in protest over our trying to use the press by spreading disinformation (lies) in the press. He exempted George Shultz from any blame thus dropping it on me. Naturally the press was screaming Q’s at me. I simply but forcefully replied “we haven’t lied to anyone.” I’m getting suspicious—here I am 12 hours away from leaving for Iceland and a half dozen attempts are doing much to render me impotent & helpless in the face of Gorbachev. Well I’ll just sleep on it.

  [ Thursday, October 9: flew to Iceland. Friday, October 10: homework.]

  Saturday, October 11

  A.M. a briefing session then a 5 minute drive to the meeting place—a waterfront home. I was host for the 1st session. Gorbachev & I met 1st with interpreters & note takers. Then he proposed we bring in Geo. S. & Shevardnadze. That’s the way it went for all the meetings. We got into Human Rts, Regional things & bipartisan agreements on our exchange programs etc. I told him I couldn’t go home if I didn’t bring up why they reneged on their commitment to buy 6 million tons of grain. He claimed lower oil prices—they didn’t have the money.

  Then it was plain they wanted to get to arms control—so we did.

  In the afternoon we had at it and looked like some progress as he went along with willingness to reduce nuc. weapons.

  At the end of long day Geo. S. suggested we take all the notes & give them to our teams to put together so we could see what had been agreed & where were sticking points. They worked until 2 A.M.

  Sunday, October 12

  Final day & it turned into an all day one even though we’d been scheduled to fly out in early afternoon. Our team had given us an agreement to eliminate entirely all nuc. devices over a 10 yr. period. We would research & develop SDI during 10 yrs. then deploy & I offered to share with Soviets the system. Then began the showdown. He wanted language that would have killed SDI. The price was high but I wouldn’t sell & that’s how the day ended. All our people thought I’d done exactly right. I’d pledged I wouldn’t give away SDI & I didn’t but that meant no deal on any of the arms reductions. I was mad—he tried to act jovial but I acted mad & it showed. Well the ball is in his court and I’m convinced he’ll come around when he sees how the world is reacting. On way out I addressed our mil. forces & families at Air Base. They were enthused & cheered my decision.

  [Monday, October 13—Columbus Day: worked on speech regarding Iceland summit, delivered it on national TV; poll indicated positive response. Tuesday, October 14: continuing good feedback on summit and speech; applauded on entrance to meeting with congressional leadership; lunch with TV anchormen and columnists; taped campaign commercials; dinner with Monaco’s Prince Rainier and his daughters. Wednesday, October 15: growing sentiment according to polls that electorate approved of Iceland results; flew to Baltimore, Maryland; spoke to high school history class; attended fund-raising luncheon; returned to W.H.]

  Thursday, October 16

  Al Simpson came by to see if he had my support. After 5 yrs. of trying (during which I’ve been on his side) the House finally passed his immigration bill. They have one or two amendments we could do without but even if the Sen. in conf. cann
ot get them out, I’ll sign. It’s high time we regained control of our borders & his bill will do this.

  [Swearing-in ceremony for new Science Advisor; usual Thursday lunch with Vice President Bush; farewell ceremony for ten students leaving for USSR; cabinet meeting with report on Iceland; briefings on legislation and political campaigns; reception for new book on the history of the White House by William Seale. Friday, October 17: flew to Grand Forks, North Dakota, for campaign appearances and meetings with leaders of farm groups to hear suggestions; returned east and went to Camp David, watched Kings Row (1942), commented, “I’d forgotten how really good that pic. was.”]

  Saturday, October 18–Sunday, October 19

  Signed a number of bills plus our absentee ballots. One bill was “Continuing Resolution”—3 weeks late so govt. can stay in business—6 yrs & I’ve still never been given a budget. Have a team working on a new budget process proposal.

  A horse back ride & then today home early because at 7:15 we entertain a lot of corp. C.E.O.’s who are helping to fund the Reagan Library. It was a really nice party. A real group of top C.E.O.’s who have donated—some of them as much as $1 mil.

  Monday, October 20

  A meeting to discuss how to respond to the Soviets kicking 5 of our diplomatic people out of Russia. Four are from the Soviet Embassy & 1 from the Leningrad Consulate. This is their reply to our sending 25 of their KGB types home from the U.N. We had announced we were going to reduce their staff at the U.N. which is greater than the next 2 nations put together. Now they have hinted at further action if we reply in kind. Well we’re going to reply with 4 from their embassy & 1 from the S.F. [San Francisco] Consulate are going to be ordered out. In addition we’re going to reduce their staff to the size of ours in Moscow—that will be maybe as many as 80 or so.

  [Lunch with sportscasters in honor of centennial of Sporting News; desk time; haircut; videotapings.]

  Tuesday, October 21

  Well the weather did it again for us. At the 10 A.M. arrival ceremony for Chancellor (West Germany) Kohl, the sun was out, the sky blue, & the temp. about 70 degrees. Then we went to the Cabinet Room for a meeting—his ministers & my team. It was a good meeting & he’s very supportive of our position at Iceland.


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