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The Reagan Diaries

Page 62

by Ronald Reagan

  Before his arrival we had a session on our own about our election & whether to do anything in response to the Soviets expelling 4 of our embassy personnel & 1 from our consulate in Leningrad before the Nov. 4. We settled that—about 55 of their embassy people here & in S.F. are going to on their way home by Nov. 1.

  After the Oval Office meeting with Kohl I was free to do piled up desk work, which I did until about 4 P.M. at which time upstairs. A long evening lay ahead of us—a State Dinner & all. The dinner was a great success—Joel Grey entertained & brought the house down. Jerry Lewis was on hand & told me my phone call to his Muscular Dystrophy Telethon brought in $2 million.

  Wednesday, October 22

  The Soviets have responded to our actions by sending 5 more of our embassy & consulate people home & declaring the huge staff of Russian employees in our Moscow embassy can no longer work there. We still have the edge if they’re going to play that way—they still have much greater staff here & at the U.N. than we do.

  [Ceremonial signing of tax reform bill; meeting with Shultz and Poindexter; spoke to black preachers group, commented, “No press so I could really get down to the issue of my frustration about the image makers painting me as a racist. I think I succeeded in changing a lot of minds. I feel real good about it”; latest poll numbers indicate increases.]

  An awful lot of desk work then up to my lonely quarters. Nancy is off to N.Y. until Fri.

  [Thursday, October 23: flew to Wisconsin, Missouri, and Oklahoma for campaign appearances. Friday, October 24: attended campaign rallies; returned to W.H. Saturday, October 25: radiocast; telephoned Morality in Media Prayer Breakfast in Chicago; had flu shot; consultation about hearing aids; quiet afternoon and evening.]

  Sunday, October 26

  Reading & homework at 5 P.M. downstairs for the 1st of season’s “In Performance at the White House” for Public Broadcasting. Old friend Kitty Carlyle, Marvin Hamlish, Sara Vaughans, “The Manhattan Transfer” (a quartet) George Merritt & Priscilla Baskenville. Nancy did a chorus. It was a tribute to George Gershwin.

  Monday, October 27

  An NSPG meeting on the Iceland arms proposals. The Joint Chiefs wanted reassurances that were aware of the imbalance with Soviets in conventional arms & how that would be aggravated by reduction in nuclear weapons. We were able to assure them we were very much aware & that this matter would have to be negotiated with the Soviets in any nuclear arms reduction negotiations. Signed a bill for freshman Colorado Congressmen Mike Strang having to do with water conveyance in National Forests. Then over to the East Room for a big signing of the Drug Bill. Some Olympic athletes were on hand & some kids—members of the “Just Say No” Club. Charles Price—Carol & their son & daughter came by—they’re also coming to dinner tonite for Angus & Princess Alexandra. Just a small, private dinner. Cap W. & John Poindexter for more talk re the arms negotiations. We have a problem with Cong. & its cuts in the defense budget. Conventional arms are more expensive then missiles. If we have to rev up that part of the mil. the Cong. is going to have to recognize it & raise the ante. I feel however the Soviets if faced with an arms race would have to negotiate—they can’t squeeze their people any more to try & stay even with us. A long taping session & then upstairs for dinner.

  I’ll host it alone for a while—Nancy’s hairdresser was late.

  [Tuesday, October 28; flew to Columbus, Georgia; signed new veterans bill; made campaign appearances; flew to Birmingham, Alabama, and North Carolina for more appearances; returned to W.H. in time for dinner. Wednesday, October 29: flew to Evansville, Indiana, and Rapid City, South Dakota, for campaign rallies, commented, “the routine for all the stops on this trip—crowds along the highway & streets—multiple signs of approval & of course always a little cluster of hostiles along the way. Sometimes their beef was aid to Contras—sometimes SDI & now then a splinter group or some other subject but also a lot asking that I run again in ’88 which of course I can’t do”; flew on to Colorado Springs, Colorado.]

  Thursday, October 30

  Early met with a most remarkable woman—Mrs. Jean Sutherland. Her husband is a hostage in Lebanon. She is very strong person and wanted me to know she is involved in a move to free her husband—could not tell me the details as I could not with regard to our ongoing efforts. As she put it she & her husband have put their lives on the line.

  Then I went downstairs & signed a bill—the Wild Scenic Rivers Act—HR 4350—very important to Colorado. For one thing it marks the 1st Colorado stream to be classed as a wild river & preserved as such.

  [Received enthusiastic reception at campaign rally; flew to Reno, Nevada, commented, “Again wild enthusiasm”; flew to Spokane, Washington. Friday, October 31: campaigned for local candidates; flew to Twin Falls, Idaho, for appearance; flew to L.A. and met Mrs. Reagan at Century Plaza Hotel. Saturday, November 1: radiocast; attended party fund-raiser in Anaheim, California; helicoptered to ranch, noted, “Puttered around in the afternoon.”]

  Sunday, November 2

  The most beautiful Calif. day we’ve seen in a long time. A horse back ride in the morning and then an afternoon of pruning some massive Oak trees. Only one day of it but it was wonderful.

  [Monday, November 3: campaign appearances in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Anaheim, California, noted mix of young and old in attendance. Tuesday, November 4: returned to W.H. to await election results.]

  Wednesday, November 5

  Morning off. About 1 P.M. over to office. We now know we lost the Sen. but gained a number of Gov’s. In fact, Republican Gov’s now govern 51% of the American people. At 1:45 went over to E.O.B. and spoke to about 150 of our team. Message was telecast. I called for going to bat to get the rest of our program by taking our case to the people.

  Thursday, November 6

  Back on a regular schedule. Staff meetings at 9 A.M. Nancy is off to N.Y. to receive an award. She’ll be home tomorrow.

  [Signed immigration bill; addressed delegation leaving for Paris to introduce public/ private initiative program; had lunch with Vice President Bush; cabinet meeting to review election results and plan future; photo session with officers of United Stations Radio Network; all the while telephoned winners and losers in election.]

  Friday, November 7

  Usual meetings—discussion of how to handle press who are off on a wild story built on unfounded story originating in Beirut that we bought hostage Jacobsen’s freedom with weapons to Iran. We’ve tried “no comment.” I’ve proposed & our message will be “we can’t & won’t answer any Q’s on this subject because to do so will endanger the lives of those we are trying to help.” We had a meeting with Cap W. & Admiral Crowe (Chrmn of the Joint Chiefs of Staff). This was on forming a plan for continuing the modernization of nuc. weapons at same time we are talking eliminating of such weapons. Our own people are going to challenge our doing this—while Russians will stiffen their backs if we show signs of not doing it. I’ve charged the chiefs to come up with a plan that meets this double problem.

  [Economic briefing indicates positive outlook.]

  Then our returned Hostage arrived with his family—David Jacobsen & sons & daughters. His statement to press was same line I’ve advocated—in short—“they should shut up.” It was an emotional & heartwarming meeting. He’s been a prisoner 17 months. Now we are off to Camp D.

  Saturday. November 8–Sunday, November 9

  Lousy weather so no riding. Did get in a couple of brisk walks between showers. The Sat. night & Sun. morning talk shows continued to hammer on the hostage & Iran arms story giving credence to every rumor & supposed leak (unidentified official). They can do great harm with their irresponsible drum beating. Now the Dem’s (House & Senate) have joined the chorus. Don R. called & we’ve decided to meet Mon. morning to get a handle on this.

  Monday, November 10

  A bright, pretty day & back to the W.H. At 11:30 a meeting in the Oval Office—Don R., Geo. S., Geo. B., Cap W., Bill C., Ed M., John P., & 2 of his staff. Subject the press storm
charging that we are negotiating with terrorists kidnappers for the release of hostages using sale of arms as ransom. Also that we are violating our own law about arms sales to Iran. They quote as gospel every un-named source plus such authorities as a Danish sailor who claims to have served on a ship carrying arms from Israel to Iran, etc. etc. etc. I ordered a statement to effect we were not dealing in ransom etc., but that we would not respond to charges or Q’s that could endanger hostage lives or lives of people we were using to make contact with the terrorists.

  [Attended ceremony marking 211th birthday of the Marine Corps; photo session with congressman; lengthy videotaping session; long dental appointment for replacement of worn filling.]

  Tuesday, November 11

  A holiday. Morning press largely ignoring our statement re the hostages & Iran & continuing their false stories. Saw Ron on ABC’s “Good Morning America” swimming in Fla. with Dolphins. He really does well. Yesterday it was sky diving & tomorrow a cattle drive.

  Wednesday, November 12

  I’m glad I taught Ron to ride when he was just a lad. He looked pretty good on the cattle drive.

  This whole irresponsible press bilge about hostages & Iran has gotten totally out of hand. The media looks like it’s trying to create another Watergate. I laid down the law in the morning meetings—I want to go public personally & tell the people the truth. We’re trying to arrange it for tomorrow.

  [Ambassadorial formalities; greeted New York Mets, World Series winners.]

  A lunch in my study with Lehrer of TV show, King of C-SPAN, Rollie Evans of “Evans & Novak,” plus Don Regan, Pat Buchanan & a couple of staff members. It was an off the record session & came off very well. A meeting with George Shultz. He’ll be a team player but he was never happy about our Iran policy. Then to the Situation Room where we briefed the Cong. Leadership. (Bob Michel couldn’t come so Lawton Chiles replaced him) Bob Dole, Bob Byrd, & Jim Wright. We gave them the whole load on hostages & Iran & explaining why we couldn’t go public with some of the info—it would actually endanger some lives, including the hostages. I’m betting Bob Byrd will double cross us. He’s out to undo one—President Reagan.

  Then upstairs & a quiet evening.

  Thursday, November 13

  1st order of business—I will go on TV at 8 P.M. tonite and reply to the ridiculous falsehoods the media has been spawning for the last 10 days. Had a photo taken with Richard Godwin—new fellow at Defense in charge of buying etc. He comes to us from Bechtel Corp. Usual lunch with V.P. he had some disturbing news about Mexican Pres. De la Madrid. The Pres. is upset & thinks I’ve cooled off on him. I’ll have to get into this & see what has him upset.

  [Met with U.S. ambassadors on anti-drug crusade; worked on speech most of afternoon.]

  At 4:30 a big admin. list. The people from the Lung Assn., with the annual Christmas seals. The White House Historical Assn. Photo with Epilepsy poster child—a pretty little girl. The Harper family—friends of my brother & so it went. Then at 5 P.M. spoke to Citizens for America in the East Room & took Q’s. Then came 8 P.M. & I did a 12 minute TV speech on the Iran incident & gave the facts to refute the firestorm the press is raising based entirely on unsubstantiated rumors & out right inventions. Several thousand phone calls came in & about ? were favorable.

  Friday, November 14

  A meeting with a Cabinet Room full of religious leaders covering every denomination—Protestant, Catholic, & Hebrew. They were gathered to support Ed Meese’s study on child pornography. They made it plain they supported me & were praying for me.

  [Interviewed with Mrs. Reagan on Camp David; went to Camp David with Charles Price, ambassador to Great Britain.]

  Saturday, November 15

  Margaret Thatcher arrived. I met the helicopter in a golf cart & brought her back to Aspen where we had a good one-on-one re our Iceland meetings & what we are trying to achieve in arms reductions. She had some legitimate concerns. I was able to reassure her. Then we went down to Laurel where I did the radio cast then lunch—a working lunch with her sec. & Ambas. in attendance plus Don R., Geo. S., John P., & some W.H. staff. We covered the Iran setup etc. She & the others left. Later in Wash. she did a press conf. & went to bat for us. Most helpful.

  [Sunday, November 16: returned to W.H.; desk work; telephoned daughter of farmer who committed suicide on losing property to bankruptcy.]

  Monday, November 17

  Told Sec. of Agri. about the farmer & to see if there was anything we could do for the widow.

  The press continues to harp on the Iran situation to the point of writing & broadcasting pure fiction.

  A Domestic Policy Council meeting to receive the first result of the study’s I’d asked for. This one was on Federalism & how the Nat. govt. has violated the Const. in making our states admin. districts of the Fed. Govt. rather than sovereign states. I want this reversed.

  [Issues-briefing lunch; signing ceremony on water projects bill; meeting with President Raúl Alfonsín of Argentina; haircut; meeting with officials of the Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation (no details recorded in diary).]

  Tuesday, November 18

  Our usual meetings were again taken up with what the press continues to do about Iran & the hostages. A meeting with N.H. Gov. John Sununu. He is head of the G.O.P. Gov’s & Vice Chairman of the Nat. Gov’s Assn. He’s a good man & I approached him about helping us with restoring Federalism, the rights of States that have been taken over by the Fed. govt. Then an NSC meeting about Chile & how we can persuade Pinochet to move toward a democratic form of govt. We’re agreed we must try. After lunch, Edmund Morris (my biographer) came in for a session. I brought him up to date on Reykjavik. Then a session in the family theater preparing for tomorrow nights press conference. A taping session & then over to the Hilton to address the Ethics & Public Policy Center dinner. Bill Buckley is getting an award. It was a brief stop for me but it was a very nice event & I was well received.

  Wednesday, November 19

  The staff time & NSC briefing were taken up with our own “Dreyfus” case—the coming press conf. and the lynch mob attitudes of the press. Day didn’t start until 10:00 A.M.

  After lunch a meeting with Geo. S. I think we’re going to have some top level meeting with me, the 2 George’s, Cap, Bill C., and John P. I’m suspicious that some of George’s people have been busy making him feel that he’s being left out of the inner circle.

  Then it was back to the family theatre for more practice for the press conf. Went upstairs, exercised & did more wood shedding for tonite. Nancy came home from New York about 5 P.M. so there’s a different feel at the W.H.—It’s been a barn for about 36 hours.

  Now “press conference”—They were out for blood—every Q. had a sharp barb. Our gang seems to feel “I done good.”

  Thursday, November 20

  A meeting with Bob Michel R. Minority leader & Jim Wright D. Majority Leader & probably the next Speaker of the House. I queried them on what they saw as the agenda for the coming session. I didn’t hear any smashing ideas of importance.

  Then a meeting with our Ec. Policy Advisory Bd. This is once a year thing. They are all top nationally known economists & it’s surprising how many things they can disagree on.

  Lunch with V.P.—Don Regan told me Geo. S. was about to lay down an ultimatum—either I fire John P. or Geo. S. quits. I don’t like ultimatums.

  Dick Wirthlin shows this Iran drum beat has lowered my ratings with the people. He’s going to do some polling now after my press conf. Surprisingly the telephone call since last night were 84% positive & the telegrams 88%.

  [Photo sessions with staff members.]

  Then it was admin. time—photos with Pierre Pflimlin—Pres. of the European Parliament & Field Marshal Abu Ghazala of Egypt. Received a print of painting that will be the Conservation Stamp for this year. A couple of S.S. agents departed for other assignments. Then upstairs a touchy meeting with Geo. S. & Don R. George is very upset about the Iran affair & I fear he may be getting re
ady to say “Either someone else is fired or I quit.” I’ve called a Mon. afternoon meeting of him & Don—me and Cap W., Bill Casey, John P. and the V.P. to get everything about Iran effort out on the table.

  [Attended annual Senate dinner.]

  Friday, November 21

  Late start 10 A.M. Meeting with Sen’s Dole & Byrd to hear their ideas of upcoming agenda. Byrd now Majority Leader is going to keep Sen. in Wash. much more than has been the case. Some of the Sen’s are going to be unhappy. We had an NSC briefing—it seems there is a thing having to do with Israel & and some Hawk Missiles in the Iran mix that has to be straightened out. Ed Meese assured us again that I’m in the clear legally on what we were doing. Some of the Congress are swiping about the delay in telling them what was going on.

  [Had short meeting with General Henri Namphy, acting president of Haiti; met with Weinberger, who wanted to make a supplemental request for more defense money; ambassadorial formalities; went to Camp David; watched The Hasty Heart (1949).]

  Saturday, November 22–Sunday, November 23

  Sat. was cold & clear. Usual radio broadcast—on Turkey day this time. A horse back ride in the afternoon—probably the last at Camp D. until Spring. We all got pretty chilled. The evening TV talk shows Agronsky & Co. & McLaughlin were laying into me on the Iranian affair.

  Sun.—bright & cold—spent morning watching the Sun. talk shows, Meet the Press, David Brinkley & again I was being lynched. This time Nancy was brought into it. Sam Donaldson referred to Nancy as the “Smiling Mamba.” The Mamba is a large very poisonous snake. After lunch back to Wash.

  Monday, November 24

  Met with Zulu Chief Buthelezi of S. Africa. I admire him greatly. I told him I was not a fan of Bishop Tutu. […]

  An issues briefing lunch. I called for a script for Saturday’s radio [speech] on the doomsayers who said our ec. plan wouldn’t work & it did. Now they are predicting a recession by Thanksgiving. But that’s only a few days away & no recession.


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