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The Reagan Diaries

Page 72

by Ronald Reagan

  A. B. Culvahouse came in—just checking some more on what testimony of Geo. S. & Cap will be to Iran-Contra hearing. Geo. had debriefed his people on our meetings & committee has his notes taken on this.

  [An issues-briefing lunch; Economic Policy Council meeting to discuss a high-tech program and possibility of rewards for breakthroughs; ambassadorial formalities; meeting with Webster to be weekly; he reported on a defector who identified a circle of double-agents; telephoned Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher regarding a recent television appearance.]

  Tuesday, July 21

  1st meeting on a hot morning—a little preparation for a 9:30 meeting with GOP leadership. Debt Ceiling will be an important item with what the Dems are attempting to do to it. Then the same individuals are trying to make our catastrophic illness proposal into a budget busting expanded program which will actually impose costs on senior citizens. Two trade bills House & Senate—I’d have to veto either one. Now 9:30 & the meeting with Jim Baker, Clay Yeuter, Sec. Bowen all pitching in we had a good presentation as to why we had to stick together & get concessions from the Dem’s or I’d veto.

  Desk time—well after a brief NSC session—mainly on Kuwait. Our 1st flagged tankers with Navy support will lift anchor at 2 A.M. our time. I hope nothing happens to make the phone ring.

  [Presented awards in Take Pride In America ceremony, Clint Eastwood and Louis Gossett Jr. also attended; appointment with eye doctor.]

  Forgot—this morning had a meeting with Col. Oleg Antonvich Gordiyevsky—the Soviet KGB officer who defected to England. His wife & 2 little girls were left behind. We’ve been trying to get them out to join him.

  Wednesday, July 22

  Debt limit & Dem. games main subject of 1st meeting. Then Catastrophic Health program & here too they are distorting it to be a costly budget buster. A little discussion of “hearings.” Tomorrow it’s Geo. S. and the committee has some briefing notes of his that might be embarrassing.

  […] Our first 2 flagged Kuwait tankers are on the way through the Straits of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf.

  A discussion of covert actions & the demands of the Cong. they be notified. How do we do it without risking exposure?

  [Heard description of superconductors at meeting of W.H. Science Council; addressed state and local officials; meeting with Shultz, commented, “He was great in N.Y. at getting U.N. Security Council to call on Iran & Iraq to halt the war.”]

  Closed out the day with another meeting with Charles Wick. He has a great outline of a plan to get me on WorldNet among other things to reach world audiences & undo the damage done by our press with regard to the Iran-Contra Affair.

  Thursday, July 23

  Staff Time—Again a sum up of our legislative battles on the Hill. Partisanship is the order of the day.

  NSC—A review of choices—Chf’s of Staff are weighing with regard to action we may have to take in Persian Gulf.

  It appears that Gorbachev’s show off on zero—zero INF may be held up by their intransigence about W. Germany’s Pershing I A’s.

  [Presented awards to businesses and organizations; had lunch with Vice President Bush; delivered speech at National Institutes of Health, visited children with AIDS and cancer there and met with AIDS commission; received report of Drug Policy Board, commented, “We’ve made great progress”; photo session with Governmental Affairs employees, and with departing military nurse; noted that Mrs. Reagan’s brother, Dr. Richard Davis, was helpful in finding candidates for AIDS commission.]

  Friday, July 24

  A kind of hurried up & mixed up short day.

  Awakened by phone at 2 A.M. Frank C. calling to tell me one of Kuwait tankers (Bridgeton) hit a mine in the Gulf. No casualties & ship able to make port.

  Staff meeting 9 A.M.—discussed Judge Sessions who is our choice for Dir. of FBI. Then on to Debt Ceiling Bill—good news—the Chiles Amendment was defeated. Just a chance we can get a clean bill. A. B. Culvahouse called Shultz to tell him “well done” on testimony.

  NSC—Bridgeton—details. It happened near Farsi Island where an Iranian naval vessel is berthed. Some Q. to be resolved after we can get into the ship—was it a mine or an inside explosion.

  Had a cable from Bonn with latest on Pershing I A’s. We don’t want to pressure Kohl but he faces an iffy pol. decision. Factions in W.G. will have at him either way he goes. I suggested maybe he should volunteer to eliminate them in interest of disarmament.

  New Subject—In Oct. another group of Soviet agents are going to be sent home by us from U.N.

  Met briefly with Judge Sessions & asked him formally to be Dir. of FBI—He accepted. Then an NSPG meeting for report on several Covert Op’s I ruled we continue them.

  Then off to Ukrainian Church for lunch & ceremony recognizing Captive Nations Week. Extremely well received. The Soviets will be unhappy. Back to W.H. changed clothes & off to Camp D. greeting “Boys Nation” on way out of W.H.

  Camp D. a few degrees cooler than Wash. but not much. A swim & quiet evening.

  Saturday, July 25

  Radio show, then over to medical center to receive my break proof safety glasses—new military issue. Mine are for using the chain saw at the ranch. Left one hearing device […]. It seems that some hearing devices can become source of bugging. A wave can be directed at my hearing aid (if it’s one of these) while I’m wearing it & my conversations would be heard by the eaves dropper.

  Rcvd call Mac Baldridge had been seriously injured in a horse back fall—horse came down on him crushing him. I called Midge—her word was that he was going to be alright. A short time later we received word that he had died.

  Sunday, July 26

  Out of Camp D. early—thunderstorms expected. Back to W.H. where flags are flying at half mast. Called George S. in Mass. to tell him how great he was at the hearings

  [Monday, July 27: flew to Wisconsin; visited factory; addressed civic leaders in West Bend; returned to W.H.; Maureen visiting.]

  Tuesday, July 28

  A little talk about a successor to Mac Baldrige. We’ll get down to it after the memorial service & funeral. Some discussion about Sen. Dole’s statement that I could appoint Bork to Sup. Ct. during Aug. recess. Trouble is the new Cong. in ’89 could cancel that & there might just be enough animus to bring that about. Then it was Debt limit time—Friday is the last day we have before declaring default.

  NSC—Discussion of Kohl possibly volunteering to give up Pershing missiles. We can’t ask him to but Frank C. is going to see him & feel him out on the effect his doing this might have on his own standing. It looks like at last Shultz/ Shevardnadze meeting will take place in September—this could mean a summit in November. The Bridgeton starts loading 260,000 tons of oil tomorrow.

  Panama still in civil strife. Noriega arrested former Defense Minister. Military my be ready to turn on Noriega.

  [Reviewed future budget targets; spoke to Federal Conference on Commercial Applications of Superconductivity; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting on problems with embassies in Moscow; haircut; went to doctor for “sneeze shot” (allergy); videotapings; attended farewell dinner for Paul Volcker.]

  Wednesday, July 29

  Took up matter of George Allen. He’s heading up our physical fitness program & the Foundation for the same. We have to ask him to resign from Foundation—he’s not allowed to do both in addition to maintaining his interests in private sector.

  It looks favorable for us to get a temporary debt ceiling right away. Sen. Byrd I’m happy to say has volunteered that he’ll get Judge Bork’s nomination out of the committee to the floor of Sen. We provided the investigating committee (Iran-Contra) with 200,000 pages of documents & did not invoke Exec. privilege.

  NSC—While things are looking pretty good for an agreement with Soviets on INF, it seems likely they will try to link SDI to the matter of ICBMs—our “START” proposal.

  Frank C. & Howard B. went up on Hill yesterday to meet with Dem. leaders. They support our Nicaragua
peace proposals but won’t go for Contra aid which is only way to get Sandinistas to talk peace.

  At 9:45 A.M. picked up Nancy and we went to the Cathedral which was packed for memorial service to Mac Baldridge. I did the Eulogy. Some of our intelligence warned that such a gathering could be a prime terrorist target. The entire government chain of command was present. Except for one. I had to ask Sec. Bennet not to come so at least one person in the chain of succession if President is eliminated would be available to assume the office. But everything went well—security was overwhelming.

  [Addressed National Law Enforcement Council; had lunch with Vice President Bush; spoke to leaders of Future Farmers of America; met with Shultz on issue of West German chancellor Helmut Kohl and the Pershing 1As, but mainly on his concern that NSC was infringing on State Department functions and responsibilities; greeted seven Special Olympics athletes escorted by Eunice Shriver.]

  Then over to Dr’s office where they took a shaving off my nose to see if I’m having another Basal Cell Carcinoma. I’ll know tomorrow if I have & then they’ll take it off.

  Thursday, July 30

  Well its tomorrow & yes I have to have another carcinoma removed but now it will be tomorrow—Friday afternoon at Bethesda—late afternoon so they’ll be no Camp D. this week.

  Now to start of the day—good news—Cong. sent me a temporary 8 day extension of the Debt Ceiling so we wont be in default tomorrow. It’s confirmed Shultz & Shevardnadze will meet here on September 15 through 17. New subject, Jo Ann Gasper fired by Bowen (he really had to) has been hired by Bennet for Department of Education. I’m glad—Bowen had no choice but she is a good person. I’m glad Bill Bennet had a place for her.*

  A glimmer of hope on Nicaragua—it’s possible the Dem. Leadership on the Hill will push as their own, legislation about identical to our proposal. Let em take the bow—we’ll get what we want.

  NSC—We’re talking about funding for Contras on a 2 year basis at $180 mil. a year. Also touched on Persian Gulf—there is a plan to use Kuwaiti tugs towing a cable between the bring mines to the surface.

  [Met with scientist on relative strength of U.S. and Soviet space programs, commented, “they have nothing yet to equal our Saturn rocket for ability to put heavy loads into space”; address to gathering of Right to Life group; visit by media advisor Gary Schuster; meeting with Latin American students; greeted Multiple Sclerosis Mother and Father of the Year; Mrs. Reagan returned from trip to Maine; Maureen visiting.]

  Friday, July 31

  Opened day talking about an Exec. Order I’m going to do on covert operations. We believe it might soothe some of the wild ones on the Hill. A little talk about my meeting with Presbyterian group on Nicaragua. I’m the only one who thinks I should do this.

  [Noted progress of trade bill and debt-limit extension in Congress.]

  NSC—Geo. S. attended. He discussed our Embassy bldg, or I should say rebuilding problems in Moscow—a memo of recommendations is on it’s way. Then a few words on Mid-East peace process. He had word that Hussein & Shamir had a secret meeting at the King’s (Hussein) house in Eng. King Hussein was most considerate, he asked S. to come stay the night on Fri. so he wouldn’t have to break the Sabbath by traveling on Saturday. He also had a complete menu of Kosher food.

  [Met Christopher Shays, Republican candidate for Congress in Connecticut; meeting with President Omar Bongo of Gabon; visited by American Legionnaires who had toured Central America; taped radiocast.]

  At hospital went into surgery almost immediately. A little divot was removed from the tip of my nose. Then we waited for more than a half hour while they froze the divot & checked it out in the lab. The verdict was I had to have another slice removed. Again a wait & this time the verdict was, they had gotten all of the carcinoma. Then Nancy & I waited while the Dr’s huddled on what procedure should be followed in my healing. The verdict was for cosmetic surgery, skin graft etc. for fastest healing. So onto the table again for the plastic surgeons. Back to W.H. 4 hrs. later for an 8 P.M. dinner. Once in bed I did the stupidest thing. The Dr. has me putting oil in my ear twice a day for a minor infection from swimming. This time I put the oil in my left nostril. I had a h--l of a time trying to get rid of it and rid my throat of the awful taste.

  Saturday, August 1

  Slept well, late breakfast—then something I haven’t done since I was a kid—I upchucked. It must have been a follow on to the oil. A quiet day at home. Some homework & a lot of reading. After dinner ran a Fred Astair & Ginger Rogers movie.

  [Sunday, August 2: reading, including as noted, “a book on the N.Y. Times & its bias & distortion of news to benefit Dem. regimes & denigrate Repub’s”; dressing changed on nose.]

  Monday, August 3

  [Had discussion of debt ceiling–extension bill in Congress; NSC meeting pertained to U.S. company possibly providing technology to USSR and news of ship movement in Persian Gulf; received new dressing for nose; addressed Project Economic Justice group; issues-briefing lunch; meeting to discuss Shultz idea for peace plan in Nicaragua, commented, “I approve. We think maybe Cong. would too so we’re going to see if Jim Wright will claim it as theirs & I’ll approve it.”]

  A lot of desk time. Then Ed Meese came by regarding my answer the other day on no evidence of law breaking in Iran-Contra Affair. He had guessed right—I was thinking only of us—the Admin. He says there is evidence of possible legal problems with some individuals who did things I wasn’t aware of.

  [Meeting with Weinberger on Defense Department budget; received new dressing on nose.]

  Tuesday, August 4

  Spent our time in talking about who will replace Mac B. Then a Bipartisan approach to Central Am.—a diplomatic solution while continuing to fund the Contras. A false story in Wash. Times about our policy on covert programs. I asked for someone to bring this to Arnold De Borchgrave’s attention. Then it was our problem with Dem. Leadership & the debt limit also catastrophic health insurance. Our Repubs got 190 votes on a substitute which means we could count on a veto standing up if Dem. version is passed. Then it was Welfare Reform—again there are 2 bills—one bad & one possible and a costly Housing bill.

  [Discussion of pending bills with Republican congressional leadership.]

  Then desk time & lunch. An NSPG meeting regarding the Panama situation. Noriega head of Nat. Guard is a bad egg but right now has support of the people. At 3 P.M. a meeting with Cap W., George S., Colin & Howard. Cap is upset about Nicaragua peace plan we want with Dem. help. There was some merit in several of Cap’s criticisms. I proposed we do an annex explaining my interpretation of the questionable terms in the compromise. At 4 P.M. Bill Webster briefed me on Contras progress inside Nicaragua—14,000 of them. Then my session with biographer Edmund Morris.

  [Dressing and some stitches removed; noted report in earlier congressional leadership meeting that Robert Bork was “scoring very high with personal visits to individual Sen’s.” Wednesday, August 5: staff meeting to discuss new secretary of Commerce; met with Soviet pilot who defected in 1976; met with congressional leaders on Nicaragua peace plan; spoke to press about same; met with six Nicaraguan resistance leaders; new polls indicate slowly rising approval rating; regular meeting with Shultz, who requested military transportation for Howard Baker and Frank Carlucci, which the president approved; received report on Soviet defector to Britain, discussed arms reduction, and commented, “It looks like a complete treaty is on the table in Geneva for the INF’s. George thinks we’re getting close on Nuc. Test Treaties & of course we must follow through on the ICBMs—a 50% reduction. Shevardnadze is due in mid-Sept. We hope to have some issues on reductions ready by then”; meeting with conservative senators to assure them that Nicaraguan peace plan is not a sellout; meeting on secretary of Commerce vacancy, decided to look closely at Bill Verity for the job; visited doctor and had nose plaster removed.]

  Thursday, August 6

  Before we were out of bed the phone rang. It was Geo. S. to tell us the Russian Pia
nist Feltsman was out of Moscow & in Vienna with his wife & child. We’ve been working on that for about 2 years. Into the office for a quick meeting. It seems Jack Kemp is blasting our peace proposal & even went so far as to call Pres. Duarte of El Salvador & try to persuade him to oppose our plan. Then we discussed Cong. & the possibility they’ll send a bill I’d like to sign but with an amendment calling for a tax increase. That I can’t sign. We’ve agreed on Bill Verity for Sec. of Commerce but at day’s end still hadn’t been able to reach him.

  [NSC meeting regarding news that General John Vessey was on his way home from Vietnam; learned of unrest in Panama, commented, “It’s hard to tell who the players are & who to root for.”]

  In the P. Gulf we’re delaying flagging Kuwaiti tankers for a couple of days & we’ve tightened up on revealing plans & schedules. Our Turkish friends are nervous. The Cong. is again considering a bill demanding the Turks take blame for the Ottoman Empires persecution of Armenians when it was in power.

  [Met with Democratic congressmen on Nicaraguan peace plan and then with some Republican ones on welfare reform and others on housing bill; had, as noted, “our regular Mexican lunch” with Vice President Bush; met with Meese on appointments; presented awards to Puerto Rican Americans, including a vice-admiral and performer Rita Moreno; photo sessions; last stitches removed from nose.]

  Friday, August 7

  [Noted positive employment figures.]

  Howard had reached Bill Verity. He’s coming in Monday—sounds as if he’ll take the Sec. of Commerce job. Brad Holms has been confirmed as head of FCC. I’m getting a call from Dick Cheney tomorrow at 1:30.

  NSC—Frank C. is back from Europe—had good meeting with Helmut & Margaret. We have some reason to believe the Soviets will back down on the German Pershing 1A missiles. In the P. Gulf we’ll probably move 3 more tankers on the 9th. I’ve written letters to Sen.’s Boren & Cohen—Chairman & Vice Chrmn. of the Intelligence Committee on policy regarding covert actions. We still protect my right to defer notification of such actions if secrecy is necessary to protect human life etc. Frank C. is a little on edge about Geo. S. & Cap W. being a part of morning NSC meetings. I’ll let them work this one out.


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