The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 75

by Ronald Reagan

Friday, October 16

  Again a general discussion of candidates for openings on Cabinet. I’ve reversed myself—new Sec. of Defense will be Frank C.—I’ll make Gen. Colin Powell Dir. of Nat. Security. Had an NSPG meeting on latest P. Gulf incident—Iran Silkworm missile hit an American owned tanker at anchor. Our discussion was—action we should take. I think we agreed we’re generally agreeable on a single target response—minimum risk to personnel—theirs & ours.

  [Greeted Soviet high school students; sent legislation for three-step war on crime to Congress; meeting with Alan Greenspan, Jim Baker, Beryl Sprinkel, and others on the stock market plunge, commented, “I’m concerned about money supply—has Fed been too tight. Alan doesn’t agree & believes this is only an overdue correction.”]

  Did my radio tape because tomorrow I’ll be at hospital with Nancy. She faces a possible mastectomy. This morning she was in N.H. for a program linking—Foster Grand Parents & the Anti-Drug program. Early dinner & then to Bethesda to get her bedded down for tomorrow’s surgery. Her brother Dick was with us.

  Saturday, October 17

  Up at 6 A.M.—then off to hospital by 6:45 A.M. Had to drive—fog made helicopter impossible. We got there in time to see her go down to the operating room. Then Dick & I buried ourselves with newspapers & some sessions with assembled Dr’s keeping us posted on progress of surgery. The biopsy turned out to be traces of what they called a non-intensive carcinoma—very tiny. Decision was to perform moderate mastectomy. After lunch were able to see her in her room. She was barely conscious from anesthesia. As can be expected she’s feeling bad about losing a breast. We did our best to let her know that was nothing compared to fact the cancer was gone. The Dr’s are delighted with the operation—it went so well and was so effective. There won’t be any chemotherapy or radiation treatment at all.

  Dick & I stayed around dropping in now & then to see her but didn’t want to worry her or tire her. Then I had to go back to W.H. for an NSPG meeting & Dick went back to Phil. In our meeting we settled on a plan (a target) for retaliating to the Iranian missile attack on an Am. owned Tanker in the P. Gulf. Tentative date set for response—Monday P.M.

  Rcvd calls—one from Margaret Thatcher re Nancy. Gave a good nite call to Nancy myself.

  Sunday, October 18

  Began day with a phone call to Ida Nudel in Israel—recently released “refusnik”. Then off to hospital. Nancy is doing fine—she got out of bed to have lunch with me at table—then I took her for a walk around the halls. I had to come back to the W.H. about 4 P.M. to preside over the 4th concert—last in the series of programs that go on public TV as “concerts from the W.H.” It was great show & will be on next month. Then at 8 P.M. our gang & the Cong. leadership met up in the oval Yellow Room. We briefed them on our retaliatory strike against the Iranians for their attack on the Am. owned tanker of Kuwait. We intend to take out a radar & command control tower in the Gulf with Naval gun power. This will be done early tomorrow morning.

  Monday, October 19

  At 7 A.M. our time 4 U.S. destroyers warned men on 2 adjoining platforms in the gulf which served as radar & command & control posts to get off—most if not all did. We then loosed 1,000 rounds of 5 inch shells on the platforms. Mission successful. Most of our meeting time taken up by reports on this & our dealings with Cong. Cong. is for most part supportive of our action.

  [Photo session with new secretary of Commerce William Verity and thirty-seven members of his family; issues-briefing lunch; presided at swearing-in ceremony for Verity; received report from Commission on Merchant Marine; short meeting with President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.]

  Then a haircut, a meeting with 10 children from all over the country who have been honored for performing heroic deeds. Then left (by helicopter) for Bethesda & dinner with Nancy. She has astounded the medical profession with her rapid recovery. She’ll be home soon.

  By days end the news was a 508 fall in the Dow Jones. Some people are talking of panic—the Dow is down 800 points in just over a week.

  Tuesday, October 20

  First meeting discussed mrkt. Howard said we’d meet with Alan Greenspan, Jim Baker & Beryl Sprinkel later in day. The Fed announced they would add a little liquidity to the money supply & 2 major banks reduced their interest rates. Chrmn. of Stock Exchange is acting very upset. Sale of Long Range Bonds is up. Mrkt in Hong Kong shut down for a week. (At 2:35 in the afternoon 490 million shares had been traded & the Dow was up 59.83 points.)

  We also learned a list of possibles for Sup. Ct. will be along shortly. Incidentally 3 ladies are possibles for Sec. of Labor—Mrs. McLaughlin, Carla Hills, & Connie Horner.

  Then a briefing for the upcoming meeting with P.M. Gandhi of India. And the meeting—I’ve gotten us on a 1st name basis. It was a good session including the working lunch. I believe we have a good personal relationship that carries over to our 2 nations. After his departure I met 6 incoming Ambassadors & their families. Then went up to the W.H. & had the meeting I mentioned.

  It was a good one—we are going to meet with the Dem & Repub. leaders of Cong. to work out a process to balance the budget among other things. At 4 P.M. the market closed at 108.27 up & 640,000,000 shares traded.

  Out to the hospital—Dick arrived also & we had dinner together—Nancy is fine.

  Wednesday, October 21

  Our 9 A.M. meeting had to do with our possible summit with Cong. leadership. Jim Wright has stormed that he won’t meet if we bring Jim Miller (Dir. of OMB). My inclination is to tell him to go to h--l. Some talk also of replacements for Bork & Bill Brock.

  [NSC discussion of military action in Persian Gulf; short meeting with King of Lesotho; brief meeting with President José Azcona of Honduras; addressed gathering of Network on Foreign Affairs Funding; two hours’ rehearsal for next day’s press conference; visited hospital; noted that market was up.]

  Thursday, October 22

  Left at 9:15 A.M. for hospital—Nancy up & waiting. Arrived back at W.H. at 10:35. A large group with signs, a Marine band, kids from “Just Say No” clubs, Foster Grandparents, & Exec. office staff to welcome her. It was very heartwarming. Rex is happy—so am I. Then over to the office for staff meeting—10:45 A.M. Had a phone call from Geo. S. & Frank C. in Moscow. Meetings with Shevardnadze, constructive & business like—covered Human Rts., Regional problems, & of course arms control. They said they believe the Pershing 1A’s issue is settled.

  Tomorrow they meet with Gorbachev. Then in our meeting we had at the stock mkt situation. This morning it started nose diving again. At one point it was down 200 or so points. By end of the day it closed only 55 pts. down.

  We talked plans—I opted for an afternoon announcement that I will personally meet with Cong. leadership to negotiate on reducing the deficit. After that announcement the market improved.

  [NSC heard report on Iranian attack on Kuwaiti oil facility; greeted conservative German politician; met with U.S. Savings Bonds Volunteer Committee.]

  Lunch—then photo with departing S.S. agent & wife—off to San Jose. Then met with our “market” group—Alan Greenspan, Beryl Sprinkel, Jim Baker, et al. Discussed more things we can do. All believe market was over priced & this was largely a correction but believe some activity re the deficit can help. Into Family Theatre—more briefing for press conf. And so upstairs to my napping bride.

  Mkt was down over 100 pts. When my announcement was released that I would meet Cong. regarding deficit. Mkt closed at 77 (down)—8 P.M. Press Conf. went well

  Friday, October 23

  Usual meetings—began with a phone call from Geo. S.—a few words about meetings. Looked over a list of 15 possibles to replace Judge Bork. Trimmed it down to 3 and in my mind it’s down to 1—Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg. We need to talk to our Repub. Sen’s. & ABA.

  [Addressed Employment Expansion Forum and Department of Labor employees; interviewed by foreign press.]

  Then some Bob Tuttle time—photo with departing S.S. Agent & a taping session. Then off to Camp
David. Weather there was beautiful. Sen. had rejected Judge Bork. I phone him and expressed my very real regret & reiterated my great respect & admiration for him.

  Saturday, October 24–Sunday, October 25

  On Saturday did my radio talk on ec. & need to balance the budget. Also mentioned that in Moscow meeting Gorbachev brought SDI back into picture & linked it to a summit meeting. I think he feels Cong. has me on ropes & I need a summit. I told my radio audience I would not give anything away to bring about such a meeting. A couple of easy walks with Nancy. Phone calls to 2 top men of Securities Exchange. During movie Saturday night—Ron called Nancy. He’s home from Moscow. Changed our clocks back to Standard Time. Sunday was another beautiful day. Howard B. called to tell me Geo. S. & Frank C.—both home now would come to the W.H. at 5 P.M. for a report on Moscow trip. We left Camp D. at 2:30. George reported on meeting with Gorbachev who sort of pounded the table at one point over a State Dept. paper he thought was critical of him. George pounded the table back & the air cleared. We still believe he wants a summit but is playing a game thinking I want a summit so bad I’ll pay a price regarding SDI. He’s wrong.

  Monday, October 26

  Reversed our morning schedule—NSC 1st, George told of his Meeting with Mrs. Nudel—just released from Soviet prison. She related a talk with Sakharov. He says Soviets are experimenting regarding their system, glasnost & all. She advises us to milk the experiment.

  [Decided to nominate Ann McLaughlin for secretary of Labor; met with congressional leadership regarding budget; brief meeting with Pope of the Armenian Church; met with Shultz, heard reports of his trip; lunch with Republican Inner Circle.]

  Back to the W.H. & an interview with 5 foreign TV persons. Right after that—schedule was cancelled. Kathy told me word had come that Nancy’s mother had died this afternoon. I came home & told her the news. It was heartbreaking. We’ve cancelled my schedule for tomorrow. I’m taking her to Phoenix and then I’ll fly back here. She’ll stay there & arrange for a church service Fri. or Sat. I’ll then fly out & return with her.

  Tuesday, October 27

  Left at 9 A.M. for Phoenix on our sad journey. Upon arrival we went direct to the mortuary. We saw Deede looking calm & peaceful in her red robe. This was too much for Nancy who broke down sobbing & telling her how much she loved her. I told her Deede knows that now & that she really wasn’t in that room with her body but would be closer to her when we get to her apartment where her long time friends were waiting for us.

  And they were John Chauncey, Mich Wood, Vick Zepp the Dr.

  After a couple of hours I had to get back to the airport but by that time Nancy was in a better state of mind hearing all of us talk about Deede & our love for her. At 2:30 I left & got back to Wash. & the W.H. about 9 P.M. Tomorrow I go to West Point & Friday after a meeting with Shevardnadze I go back to Phoenix. Sat. will be the service & then we’ll come back here Sun. A.M. I should have written that at 8:30 this morning I was in a conference call. The Soviets blinked. Shevardnadze speaking for Gorbachev is arriving Thurs. for meetings on INF and plans for the summit.

  [Wednesday, October 28: meeting with Howard Baker on his contact with congressional leadership on budget; flew to West Point; had lunch with cadets; returned to W.H.; heard from Mrs. Reagan, getting along well as possible.]

  Thursday, October 29

  Opened day with NSC meeting. Date for summit may cancel our Thanksgiving vacation according to one Soviet source who said they might propose the last week in Nov. Then we discussed some of the things Cong. is talking about, are all kind of ridiculous legislation about arms treaties. They are actually sitting on the Soviet side of the negotiating table. We have to hold off on asking Cong. for the $270 mil. for the Contras. Fortunately they still have some arms in the pipeline. Later we can try for non-lethal aid. A Sandinista Major & his wife have defected. We’re holding it secret while they try to get their young son out of Managua.

  [Report of encouraging meetings with Congress on deficit; greeted champion baseball team Minnesota Twins, all observed moment of silence for Mrs. Reagan’s mother, Mrs. Davis; spoke to small business representatives.]

  Then Howard & Ed brought in Judge Ginsburg. We went over to the East Room—about 200 in attendance. There I revealed that the Judge was my nominee for Sup. Ct. It was well received by all present. Then some desk time & finally Admin. time. I was 1st President to ever be made an honorary member of the Telephone Pioneers. Next a photo of American winners of the Motocross motorcycle event—50 nations participate. Then S.S. brought in Painter of my pictures of the ranch & his son. Followed that with reception in the East Room for “Citizens for America.”

  Upstairs exercise—phone call from Nancy & days end.

  Friday, October 30

  Usual staff time & NSC meeting. Howard is taking Ginsburg up to the Hill to meet with some Senators. I taped my Sat. radio cast. An early lunch—then a briefing for meeting with Shevardnadze & then the meeting. George & Frank had been with them for some time & both sides had agreed to a communiqué to be released simultaneously. Shevardnadze had brought me a letter from Gorbachev. It was statesmanlike & indicated a real desire for us to work out any differences. The outcome of the letter & meetings was a summit to start here on Dec. 7. Purpose to sign INF Agreement and set in motion START Treaty to reduce ICBM’s by 50% & to finalize that at a summit in Moscow next Spring. On that note of optimism we lifted off the S. Lawn for Andrews AFB & Air Force One. With me on trip to Phoenix—all of Dicks family. Arrived around 5 P.M. at Arizona Biltmore & met a tired Nancy who has been making all arrangements & closing down Deedee’s dwelling. Nine of us for dinner here in the suite—that included Ron & Doria. A pleasant reunion & so to bed.

  Saturday, October 31

  Slept in a bit—then stayed in bed & did some homework—the P.D.B. & preparation for my eulogy at the service.

  About 1 P.M. the family joined us & at St. Joseph’s Church Mike, Maureen & Dennis joined us. The service was very nice & the Lord was good to me, my Eulogy was very well received. Then everybody moved to the Boich lovely home for a reception. Friends from all over the country were on hand. It was most heart warming.

  Back to the hotel & dinner in bed.

  [Sunday, November 1: returned to W.H.]

  Monday, November 2

  Our 2 morning meetings were combined & total discussion was on our attempt to negotiate with the Democrat Congress on the deficit. It isn’t going well—they are just stubborn that the answer must be a tax increase.

  [Telephoned captain of Kuwaiti ship Sea Isle City wounded in Iranian attack in Persian Gulf; cabinet meeting on Douglas Ginsburg nomination; swearing-in ceremony for Judge William Sessions as director of FBI; farewell party for Bill Brock; interviewed by David Frost. Tuesday, November 3: continuing discussion on Congress and budget; met with Republican congressional leadership regarding ways to reduce the deficit; met with Shultz about prospects of getting Senate ratification of INF Treaty, commented, “Believe it or not there are elements who are hinting it would be a bad treaty”; NSC meeting; desk work; videotaping; introduced Ann McLaughlin as secretary of Labor; had allergy shot; photo sessions; attended reception for Friends of Art and Preservation in Embassies.]

  Wednesday, November 4

  [Meetings on debt reduction.]

  Then a meeting with Soviet émigré—poetess Irina Ratushinskaya. She was released from Labor Camp about 2 days before our Iceland meeting with Gorbachev. She has a remarkable story & is the author of the miniature letter smuggled out of the camp to me a few years ago. It is written on a slip of paper about 5/8 of an inch by about 3½ inches. Ten of the inmates signed it. Too tiny to be read by the naked eye.

  At 11:45 regular meeting with Bill Webster—CIA—report on defector—Major in Sandinista Army. We’re not sure he isn’t a plant.

  [Had lunch with Vice President Bush; meeting with Nicholas Brady and his commission on stock exchange.]

  Tom Gibson & fiancé came by—he’s leaving to becom
e a cartoonist. Then meeting with Geo. S.—2 subjects—one the market. He thinks we’re taking it too lightly—that is really threatens a recession. Other was Gorbachev & the INF Treaty. A list of items yet to be worked out.

  Over to EOB to address group supporting Canada Free Trade. Met with Edmund Morris—usual thing for biog. Upstairs for exercise & then redress for an early dinner & drop by at RNC reception Decatur Carriage House. This was installation of RNC board of directors. It was a very pleasant time. Brief speech, receiving line & mix & mingle.

  Thursday, November 5

  Staff meeting—a problem with our nominee Judge Ginsburg. Some one opposing him has revealed that in his younger day he smoked pot on several occasions. It was a brief thing back when a lot of people experimented a bit and that’s all it amounted to. I think the fellow who leaked it was a friend at the time who smoked it with him. I don’t see any reason why I should withdraw his name. Then there was more on the deficit. Frankly I think the Demos want a recession for the ’88 Campaign.

  NATO Sec. Gen. Lord Carrington in for a brief meeting. He’s most supportive of our getting the INF Treaty signed.

  Then to Rose Garden—a ceremony for Cap W.’s resignation & replacement Frank C. & Colin Powell to replace Frank at NSC.

  [Received report on child-safety partnership; telephoned Bill Stout, who was gravely ill with heart ailment; photo sessions; met with leaders of Alzheimer’s Disease Association, including Princess Yasmin Aga Kahn; greeted leaders of American Asian Society. Friday, November 6: had vigorous debate with Republican congressional leadership over deficit; meeting with Valerio Zanone, defense minister of Italy; interviewed by five journalists; met with Shultz on upcoming summit; appearance to, as noted, “brief Ethnic, Minority, & Repub. leaders on Judge Ginsburg situation since his revelation that he smoked some pot when he was young”; went to Camp David.]

  Saturday, November 7

  A morning call Bill Bennett wants me to ask Ginsburg to withdraw. I told him that was absolutely impossible. Later a call from Ginsburg that he wanted to withdraw. Well this I couldn’t say no to. It looks increasingly that he can not be confirmed & he’s taken enough abuse. Today at 2 P.M. in a very dignified manner he announced his withdrawal in the W.H. Press Room. That then became the top weekend story.


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