The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 76

by Ronald Reagan

  Now the good news—the day was beautiful & I got a horse back ride. Nancy must wait a bit longer before getting back in the saddle.

  [Sunday, November 8: returned to W.H.]

  Monday, November 9

  Back to the old routine. More discussion of next nominee to Supreme Court. Then NSC & a charming lady dropped by—the Foreign Minister of Switzerland Mrs. Kopp who will be the next President.

  [Toured United Way headquarters; lunch meeting with Organization of American States (OAS) leaders, commented, “Wednesday they’ll have Ortega of Nicaragua—he was a good part of my speech”; met with Senator Strom Thurmond (R-NC), who had suggestion for Supreme Court; photo session with guests brought by congressmen.]

  Then upstairs to a meeting with Howard Baker, Ed Meese, & Judge Kennedy—Sacramento, Calif. He is going to be my nominee for Supreme Court.

  Tuesday, November 10

  Howard B. is going to talk to Gary Bauer—word has it that he’s been leaking to the press. Paul Laxalt has agreed to call Orin Hatch who has suddenly gone off the reservation & is throwing rocks at me & the exec. staff. Then we get down to the budget & Judge Kennedy. I’ve decided to nominate him for Sup. Ct. His wife is coming in from the coast & tomorrow at 11:30 A.M. I’ll present him in the Press Room.

  NSC became a briefing for visit of Pres. Herzog of Israel. Ceremony had to be in the East Room—rain. Arrival at 10 A.M. The Pres. of Israel has a touch of Irish brogue. He was born in Dublin—his father was a Rabbi. Our meeting in Cabinet Rm went very well. We did suggest Israel shouldn’t be selling arms to Iran.

  Shortly after meeting I returned to Cabinet Rm. where heads of all Vet’s org’s & several Sens. & Cong. men were present & with press covering—announced I was supporting legislation to make Veterans Admin. head a member of the Cabinet—loud applause.

  [Photo session with family of Howard Baker, also with family advocate Dr. James Dobson; spoke to employees in anti-pornography and obscenity field.]

  Some desk work then over to Dr. He had a specialist in to see my Dupreton Contraction. I think I’ll have an operation to straighten my 3rd finger—my left hand. But not ’til next year sometime unless it progresses further—sooner.

  [State dinner, entertainment by Roberta Peters.]

  Wednesday, November 11

  Veteran’s Day & a heavy snow fell—about 3 inches on ground by 10 or 11 o’clock. Over to the Office—a short meeting with Dir. Sessions of FBI—a couple of his men, Howard B., A. B. Culvahouse etc. Report on FBI check on Judge Kennedy—clean as a whistle. Then he & his family—lovely wife, beautiful daughter—Soph. at Stanford, son who is a Sr. at Stanford, & son who is out in business. Then into Press Room & announcement of his nomination. So far we’ve heard encouraging words that he has bipartisan support from Dem’s & Repub’s.

  Back upstairs for the day. Nancy cancelled trip to N.Y.—Dr’s orders. I’m not at all unhappy about that. Maureen is with us.

  Howard called—says making progress for a change on the deficit matter. I’m concerned that an element in the Dem. majority would like to see a recession with the ’88 election coming up.

  Thursday, November 12

  Something like a foot of snow on the ground—but the sun is out.

  A brief meeting with Bill Bennett. He was worried the he was out of favor about his phone call to Doug Ginsberg. The press was playing that I had encouraged him to call & urge Doug to withdraw his name. I reassured him that I didn’t believe the stories & we were all OK. Then Jim Baker & Jim Miller along with Howard B. & Ken D. This was about negotiations re the deficit. They wanted instructions from me as to what they could do to get an agreement. I want them to hold out for more spending cuts in domestic programs.

  NSC—presented possible schedule for 3 day meeting with Gorbachev. I OK’d showing it to Soviets for their approval. Learned John Poindexter was operated on for tumor in his sinuses. OK’d—flowers & wine.

  Colin reported Iranians seemed to be acting a little better—possibly because of Arab League meeting. Almost all of the Arab nations have decided to restore relations with Egypt. He also reported that Jewish groups are planning big demonstration when summit is on. However it is not billed as protest against Soviet U. but as support for us.

  Then a meeting with half dozen Afghan leaders who have come together to try unify various elements against Soviets. I presented them to an audience of Reps & Sen’s, & public leaders in Roosevelt Room.

  After lunch a meeting with Rep. Frank Wolf, Sen. Helms & others about removing “Most Favored Nation” status from Romania. I can do that on basis of violation of human rights. We have given them that status because of their apparent independence from Soviet U. Apparently that is a sham and their violations of human rights are worse than in Soviet U. I’ll take this up with Geo. S. tomorrow.

  [Meeting with Senators Joseph Biden (D-DE) and Strom Thurmond (R-SC) regarding hearings on Kennedy confirmation; greeted officers of American Legion; launched American Lung Association Christmas Seal campaign; farewell party for staffer.]

  Friday, November 13

  Staff time—I put in a bid to ask Justice Thurgood Marshall to come to the W.H. next week for a visit. He’s made it plain that he thinks I’m a racist—but the Justice has only heard the case as presented by the prosecution. I intend to speak for the defense. Everyone agrees. More time spent on deficit. Demos. want about $9 bil. in new taxes but want us to agree without telling us what kind of taxes.

  NSC—We have more proof that Marcos is cooking up a coup aimed at Pres. Aquino. More planning on our part going on for summit. I’ve proposed (on another subject) to drop Romania’s most favored nation status until they clean up their human rights act.

  [Presented medals to youthful heroes.]

  Meeting with George Shultz. We’ve heard from Soviets—they want Gorbachev to address a joint session of Congress. It’s OK with me. I think he has some supporters in Cong.

  [Birthday party for Howard Baker; went to Camp David.]

  Saturday, November 14–Sunday, November 15

  [Radiocast; short walk.]

  Sun. another bright day & even warmer. Howard B. called me in morning. He’d been called by Jim Wright from Texas who’s panic’d a little by press treatment of his monkey shines with Ortega. Howard rode him a bit and so he’ll be in to see me & George S. at 10 A.M. tomorrow.

  Arrived back at W.H. around 3 P.M. Tonite Black Tie & over to the Edmund Morris home for dinner. It was a wonderful evening. Ten of us around the table—all of the others writers. We really enjoyed ourselves.

  Monday, November 16

  Staff—taken up a lot with the Jim Wright situation & the need to take him to the woodshed. NSC—Discussion of INF & the need to work out a verification with regard to Soviets using SS20’s as 1st stage for the SS25’s. I think it can be worked out.

  At 10 A.M. Jim Wright came down at my invitation. Our whole team including Geo. S., we outnumbered him. We let him have it pretty good. I think we narrowed his field of action. Then I left for the Sheraton Wash. Hotel where I addressed about 1,000 members of Am. Council on Life Insurance. They were most receptive.

  Back to W.H. for issues lunch. Then some desk time. At 2:30 a haircut. At 3:00 P.M. a taping session in the Library and at 3:30 the Dentist. For a couple of days I’ve been having a tooth ache. In the chair for 1 ½ hours. He thinks I have an inflamed nerve due to one tooth in the upper jaw being hit by one in the lower. He ground a lump off the sore one—then said if the inflammation didn’t go away in a few days—it’s a root-canal job for me. Home & Mother.

  Tuesday, November 17

  [Optimistic reports on budget talks; attended farewell ceremony for Weinberger.]

  Then at 11:30 a meeting in the Cabinet Room with Repub. Senate Leadership. I called for support for my proposed veto of Housing Bill which is a pork laden budget buster. It was a good meeting & they were with me.

  Lunch and a short meeting with A. B. Culvahouse. He reported on forthcoming report of Joint Com
mittee investigating Iran-Contra. The majority report kicks me around pretty good. Minority report repudiates the full report & gives me a clean bill of health.

  [Meeting with Congressman Bob Walker (R-PA) on involving private sector in the space program; met with Representative Robert Dornan (R-CA) and others just back from Nicaragua, commented, “Their report confirms our own findings that Sandinistas are playing games & have no intention of keeping their word on the peace plan—they just want to use the plan to get rid of the freedom fighters.”]

  From there to a meeting of Jewish leaders & 3 refusniks we succeeded in getting out of the Soviet U. I told them of how we intended to get more Jews released & hopefully better living conditions & freedom for all Soviet Jews. Then my sneeze shot & upstairs to a meeting with Justice Thurgood Marshall. I’d asked for the meeting because of his public statement to Carl Rowan that I was a racist. I literally told him my life story & how there was not prejudice in me. I gave examples of my relation with Minorities as a young man in school, as a sports announcer & as Gov. I think I made a friend.

  Howard Baker called to tell me I wouldn’t have to veto the Housing Bill—the Sen. killed it.

  Wednesday, November 18

  [Talk about deficit.]

  NSC was brief—talk of summit. Soviets had suggested Gorbachev speak to Joint Session of Congress. We’d passed the word to the Hill. Looks like there is resistance to the idea on the Hill.

  [Addressed a teachers gathering.]

  Back to lunch & watched TV on presentation of finding of the Joint Committee on Iran-Contra. It’s obvious the report is aimed at discrediting me. Repub. Members—have presented a minority report repudiating the majority report.

  [Spoke to employees of Trade Representative’s Office—observing twenty-fifth anniversary of that office; met with Shultz on summit; farewell party for Weinberger; further meeting on deficit with Representative Bob Michel (R-IL), Senator Bob Dole (R-KS), Secretary of the Treasury James Baker, and Howard Baker, commented, “We don’t have agreement yet, but revolution in the works. We may have a meeting here at W.H. That’s as far as we could go.”]

  Thursday, November 19

  Again we talked deficit & Dem’s refused to commit themselves. It’s getting frustrating. I sent over team back with a message that I would not ask for a delay in the sequester which is due tomorrow.

  NSC—Heard from Max Kampleman in Geneva—he thinks INF agreement might require Geo. S. & Colin to go to Geneva this weekend.

  [Spoke at U.S. Chamber of Commerce; photo session with departing staffer; addressed women’s business group called Business Partners; cabinet meeting with general updates on current affairs; met with World Soccer Cup president on holding tournament in U.S. in 1994; photo with Epilepsy poster child, and with Notre Dame football stars and Gene Schoor, author of 100 Years of Notre Dame Football; signed proclamation for Adoption Week; greeted boxer Tommy Hearns.]

  Finally upstairs. Billy Graham & Ruth our guests for dinner. A wonderful evening with Billy & Ruth as always. God Bless Them.

  Friday, November 20

  [Met with Senators Sam Nunn (D-GA) and John Warner (R-VA) regarding their defense bill; NSC briefing for meeting with Israeli prime minister Shamir; then meeting, commented, “I assured him of our continued friendship and told him of my plan to address Gorbachev on matter of Soviet Jewry.”]

  Then a meeting with Geo. S. who is leaving for Geneva to try & pin down the details on the INF Treaty.

  The schedule go turned inside out—the 2 P.M. NSPG meeting was moved up to 11 A.M. It was a discussion on START Treaty which will be feature of Summit. There are still differences among us on some of the goals we should go for.

  After lunch—A. B. Culvahouse deposited a pile of reading on my desk—Q’s & suggested answers for Judge Walsh who is investigating Iran-Contra. Then at 2:45 Howard B. brought in Jim B. & Jim M.—We have an agreement on the deficit.

  At 3 P.M. the Cong. leaders came in & at 3:15 we all joined the negotiating teams in the Cabinet Room. A discussion & decision that we were united on the agreement. Then at 3:30 we went into the Press Room & I made a statement. We took questions & everything went well. Some desk work & upstairs.

  Saturday, November 21–Sunday, November 22

  Both days cold but beautifully clear—the view from our windows was spectacular. Did my radio broadcast Sat. on the Deficit. For once the usual Dem. rebuttal—endorsed what I was saying.

  Sun. continued the homework that occupied me on Sat. afternoon—The written questions the Independent Council sent on Iran-Contra plus written answers provided by A. B. Culvahouse & staff. I’ve gone thru them—added a few items by for most part they were accurate. Then some letter writing.

  Sun. Nite—to Kennedy Center for our refusniks piano concert. Vladimir Feltsman—2 hours. It was magnificent, he took curtain calls several times & encores for an audience that just wouldn’t stop clapping. Our guests were the Laxalts, Michels, Chris Buckley & wife, & Helen Hayes.

  Monday, November 23

  [Mrs. Reagan left for California.]

  Staff time was brisk—talk about summit & Geo. S. & Colin’s negotiations in Geneva. Still some unsettled problems.

  Then NSC time & more of the same plus talk of how we must work on the Senate to see that a treaty (INF) if we get it will be ratified.

  Then A. B. Culvahouse & 2 of his helpers came in to go over with me the written interrogatory. This went on for an hour & then it was Dick Wirthlin time. His figures were mixed some up, some down, reflecting the confusion of the people with the way the media is mis-stating some of all that’s going on, what with Iran-Contra, the deficit, & the Summit.

  [Swearing-in ceremony for Frank Carlucci as secretary of Defense; spoke to activists and supporters; accepted live turkey in annual rite of Thanksgiving; discussion with business and labor leaders on Congress and deficit effort.]

  Finally a return of A. B. Culvahouse & his aides to complete our briefing on the written Q’s. Nich Ruis stopped by & then it was upstairs.

  Tuesday, November 24

  Downstairs for the sneeze shot. Then the Map Room to sign notarized statement that I was telling the truth about the Iran-Contra Affair. And then off to Calif. by way of Denver where I was making a speech. Actually the visit was more than that.

  [Visited Martin-Marietta Astronautics Facility in Colorado; went to ranch; received word en route from National Security Advisor Colin Powell that Shultz and Eduard Shevardnadze had worked out a full agreement on the INF Treaty.]

  Wednesday, November 25

  Bright, Sunny, & Windy as h--l today. No morning ride. After lunch Howard B. arrived with Colin—just back from Geneva. He reported on what took place. He said George S. was just great. We’ve achieved verification rules with Soviets better than ever been achieved before. It looks like we’ll sign on INF Treaty at the Summit.

  Then out in the woods with Barney & Dennis, cutting up a giant Oak that tipped over. Afterward called George S. in Wash. to congratulate & thank him. He just got home this afternoon.

  Thursday, November 26—Thanksgiving Day

  Again a bright beautiful day & this time less wind. Rode again. Nancy can’t ride yet because of her operation. Yesterday we rode Snake Lake Road. Today was around the Omni Station & back down Pa. Ave. About a 1½ hour ride. At 4 P.M guest started arriving just after Dennis & I finished pruning the Sycamore tree in the yard. Mike, Colleen & the children—then Maureen & Dennis. Dinner at 5 P.M. then a pleasant couple of hours to visit & early to bed.

  [Friday, November 27: rode; had lunch with Ron and Doria; pruned trees; called members of Congress on budget bill. Saturday, November 28: radiocast; rode; ranch work. Sunday, November 29: returned to Washington.]

  Monday, November 30

  Back in the routine again. We opened talking about the Budget deal & speculating that maybe we’d have more trouble in the Sen. than in the House. Then came work the Demo’s may pull a fast one & include the bill in a Continuing Resolution which I might
have to veto. This of course would automatically put into effect the Sequestor. I brought up our need to conceive of an ongoing plan to follow to balance the budget once & for all. I changed the subject & asked to see if the thousands of high school students tomorrow in Fla. after my speech couldn’t ask a few Q’s. We’ll see.

  NSC—Mainly about the tragedy in Haiti. Then a visitor—King Olaf of Norway. A pleasant 15 min. visit.

  [Appeared with two hundred business leaders to press for budget bill; addressed Heritage Foundation luncheon; videotapings; haircut; Maureen visiting. Tuesday, December 1: brief meeting regarding new poll that shows poor approval rating; flew to Jacksonville, Florida, for party fund-raiser; spoke to high school students; returned to W.H.; watched presidential candidates debate.]

  Wednesday, December 2

  Brief staff meeting—pretty much concerning my next event which was a meeting in the Cabinet Room with Repub. Cong. Leadership of both houses. Main subject there was the deficit plan & getting it approved. Then back to the Oval O. for the NSC brief. Ken Adelman came in & gave us some suggestions about the whole nuclear power issue & how we should approach it so as not to upset our European Allies etc. It was a worthwhile presentation. Then we discussed Soviet violations of existing treaties. I sent a report on these to Congress before the day was over. Colin reported that Frank C. in Europe had sent a message that our allies were in great support of the INF Treaty. Some talk also of when Israel will drop the other shoe. Word has it they are planning some reprisal against Syria for the Hang Glider attack that killed 6 Israeli soldiers.

  [Desk work; meeting with fund-raisers for annual inaugural anniversary dinner; meeting with Shultz on upcoming summit; greeted University of Maryland champion women’s college field hockey team.]

  Thursday, December 3

  [Staff meeting; Treasury Secretary James Baker reported on tax provisions related to budget bill; telephoned Washington Times columnist Bill Rusher for good piece.]


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