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The Reagan Diaries

Page 77

by Ronald Reagan

  Then it was NSC time. A report on travel expenses of Soviet summiteers. They’ve demanded 50 we’ve said 20. But at Madison Hotel they empty the mini-bars in their rooms into their suitcases every morning in addition to running up big bar bills—all of which we have to pay. The St. Dept. has already had to ask Congress for a supplemental appropriation.

  On another subject—Att. Gen. has asked Defense for 4 more helicopters in Atlanta (the prison). I said yes. Cong. voted no in Committee on Stinger sale to Bahrain—we have to get that changed. I called Sen’s Inouye & Kasten for help—they are both on my side. We are waiting to see if there will be S. Korean retaliation for N.K.’s bomb in the S.K. airliner.

  Then I went over to EOB to speak to Human Rights advocates. Outside door I met 5 individuals who have wives, husbands or fiancés in Soviet U. who’ve been held there for years. They asked me to appeal directly to Gorbachev & I will.

  [Swearing-in ceremony for Secretary of Transportation James Burnley; interviewed by four anchormen (three major networks and CNN); short meeting with Victor “Brute” Krulak, Marine veteran; photo session with poster child for Better Hearing and Speaking.]

  Upstairs to Nancy. We saw the interview on NBC. It was OK.

  Friday, December 4

  Staff time—Learned House has passed a Continuing Resolution I’ll have to veto if it comes to my desk. Senator Byrd claims he has made a pledge to me—there will be no amendments on the Bud. Deficit Bill. I’m more than happy (& surprised) at this.

  [NSC meeting received report on incident in Persian Gulf involving Iraqis and Saudis.]

  At 9:30 A.M. a meeting with Bipartisan Cong. Leadership. We briefed them on upcoming summit. Bob Dole spoke once—very feisty re Senates responsibility to confirm. It was apparent he was taking off on me for remarks I made last night on the networks TV interview. I think really he was irritated because I said something nice about Vice President Bush. I understood Howard B. sort of took him to task.

  [Signed defense-authorization bill; swearing-in ceremony for new archivist of the United States; spoke to Anti-Crime Coalition; meeting with Shultz to discuss Gorbachev and the summit; met in Situation Room for discussion of remaining details on START, commented, “Most had to do with SDI.”]

  Upstairs & to Dr. Hutton’s office for a check up on a spot on my nose—apparently it is innocent—no trouble. Ran back to the office to deliver B.D. gift to Kathy. Then Home & Mother.

  Saturday, December 5

  Ted Graber here—also Maureen & Dennis. Did my radio bit in Oval O. Lunch upstairs in Atrium then while Ted & Nancy went into a session about Xmas decorations I went down to the study. I spend the afternoon with a 3 inch thick briefing book on the summit & the Army-Navy game which Army won 17 to 3. Later the Heisman trophy winner, Tim Brown of Notre Dame was announced. I phoned him to congratulate him. Later Howard B. called & requested I phone Bob Dole who has gotten over his feisty mood & who wrote me a nice letter in addition to a nice public statement. Mission accomplished—peace is restored. Dinner & Bed.

  Sunday, December 6

  Nancy lunched in the beauty parlor—Ted, Dennis, Maureen & I in the Atrium. Spent afternoon with briefing book on summit. Then a reception at 5:20 for the attendees & nominees of Kennedy Center Honor Gala. They were Sammy Davis, Jr., Perry Como, Bette Davis, Mrs. Nathan Milstein & Mr. Alwin Nikolais.

  [Photo session with W.H. medical team; attended Kennedy Center gala.]

  Monday, December 7

  Pearl Harbor Day. I signed a proclamation that said it was. A busy staff session at 10 A.M. Jim Baker came in to tell me there was a proposal that we issue some of our U.S. Bonds in Yen & Marks. He’s against it & so am I. Then he left & we talked about the summit. Then Howard brought up a bill changing the way of appointing an Independent Counsel. We agreed I should sign it but with a statement pointing out its shortcomings. The Reconciliation Bill is in the Sen. it may turn out OK but the Continuing Resolution out of the House is bad. We must get money for the Contras there.

  NSC—Colin had a full agenda. Report on P. Gulf. Iran fired a Silkworm missile at Sea Isle loading station in Kuwait & missed. However their speed boats hit 2 ships—one Danish & a man killed, 2nd was a Singapore registered ship which they set on fire. Our Geneva negotiations started a walk out on their Soviet counterparts who then blinked. Colonel Lenhart is doing a great job for us. I signed an NSDD calling for agreement on summit issue we’d agreed on last week at NSPG meeting. It had to do with warhead count for START.

  Colin warned that Gorbachev may suggest a zero-zero agreement on short range tactical nuclear weapons—that can only happen after we agree to parity on conventional weapons.

  We should get together on banning Chemical weapons but that’s a tough one to verify.

  [Telephoned British prime minister Margaret Thatcher; met with Joint Chiefs of Staff, all support INF treaty.]

  Then an Ec. briefing, Jim Baker, Beryl Sprinkel, & Alan Greenspan. They do not believe we face a recession in ’88.

  [Attended Christmas tree lighting.]

  Tuesday, December 8

  This is the big day. Staff meeting was small talk and actually so was NSC because at 10 A.M. a full ceremony on the S. Lawn for Gorbachev’s arrival. He & Raisa arrived in a limo made in Russia that’s bigger than anything we have. After the usual routine he & I went to the Oval O. All our talk must be through interpreters. A good rousing meeting—we got into a debate about human rights. He thinks we have fewer of those than they do. After a while we brought in additional member of our teams. It was a good meeting & it’s plain he really wants more reduction of nuclear weapons. I think we’ll make progress on the START Treaty.

  After lunch Nancy & I met he & Raisa and went up to the East Room for the signing of the INF Treaty. It was TV’d live and really was an historic moment.

  Back to the Cabinet Room for another session—with a full house—34 people in the room. Not nearly as good a meeting as this morning’s.

  Tonite the State Dinner—Van Cliburn entertaining.

  Everything turned out fine—a very enjoyable evening. Then came word that the Market on Wall Street zoomed up 56 points right after we signed the treaty.

  Wednesday, December 9

  Had a half hour to review points for today’s meeting. Then briefing for meeting. At 10:30 went out to the drive to meet Gorby—(I should say Mikhail). We held still in the Oval O. for 5 waves of press & photos. Then I took him into my study. We had a brief talk then joined our teams in the Oval O. for a 2 hr. meeting. I led off on the 50% cut in ICBM’s—George S. & Frank C. added some remarks. Then the Gen. Sec. responded. We seem to be doing well on the 50% deal but then he brought up SDI and while he didn’t link it to the treaty he still made an issue of it and suggested a 10 year abiding by ABM Treaty & then we should negotiate on whether we could deploy. Things got a little heated. We switched to regional problems—Afghanistan. I asked for a date certain for their leaving Afghanistan. He said he’d leave when we stopped helping the Mujahdeen. I pointed out we couldn’t do that unless the puppet government laid down their weapons. Well we agreed to put our teams to work on 50% deal & time was up. I took him over to the Dip. Room to meet Raisa who was with Nancy. They took off for lunch at St. Dept. I went back to office for lunch.

  After lunch a briefing for interview with 4 columnists. Interview went pretty well. Some desk time then meeting with several Repub. Sen’s re the Budget plan & INF. I let them know if some of the games re the plan went through I’d veto. We want the plan we agreed to. Phil Gramm was bright spot—he came out for the 1st time in support of INF.

  Then it was home to clean up & go to Soviet Embassy for dinner. A very pleasant evening but dinner was pretty much the entire evening. I lost count of how many courses but they just kept coming. Brief entertainment after dessert—a Soprano from the Bolshoi Opera—Moscow, then home.

  Thursday, December 10

  1st meeting—brought word I may not be able to do my annual trip to Palm Springs for New Year
’s. If the Sen. keeps playing games with the Bud. Deficit Bill I may veto & Cong. won’t be able to have it’s Xmas recess. (Please don’t let that happen.)

  NSC—urged me to hit Gorby with need to halt arms flow to Nicaragua & to urge him to get Vietnamese out of Cambodia. I got him to agree on Nicaragua when he & I took a walk across the Lawn.

  Our Teams have been meeting literally around the clock & great progress has been made. One trouble spot had to do with ship & submarine launched cruise missiles & how you can tell nuclear ones from conventional.

  Then it was meeting time 10:30 A.M. But a call came he was in a meeting at their embassy & would be 15 min.’s late. He finally arrived at 12 noon. We met in the Oval O. for 15 min’s then I walked him around the lawn & into the W.H. for a working lunch. And we did work—while others on our team were back in the W. Wing putting finishing touches on Joint Communiqué. Farewell ceremony was slated for 2 P.M. on S. Lawn. Geo. S. left lunch & went back to West Wing. At a few minutes to 2 Gorby & I went into Red Room to join Raisa & Nancy.

  Then word came the West Wing workers hadn’t finished & needed to see us—by now 5,000 spectators were jammed on South Lawn waiting for us.

  Well finally 40 min’s late we went out on the lawn where it was raining. If we’d been on time we’d have missed the rain. Well at least it’s over, they’ve departed, & I think the whole thing was the best summit we’d ever had with Soviet Union.

  I finished up in the Oval O. signing a proclamation making this Human Rt’s Day, in the presence of 15 refugees from all over the world. This is an annual affair.

  Upstairs for rest of the afternoon & dinner then back to Oval O. for TV speech on summit—to the Nat. Speech went on at 9 P.M. Just as Gorby’s plane was lifting off at Andrews A.F. Base.

  Friday, December 11

  Had an 8:30 A.M. breakfast in Cab. Room with entire Dem. & Repub. Cong. Leadership. When I walked into the room I got an ovation. The spirit of bipartisanship flavored the entire meeting.

  Followed with NSC meeting in Oval O.—Colin led off & most of discussion was post mortem on summit.

  [Press conference with regional journalists, commented, “They ask good questions aimed at getting news—not trying to trap me”; telephoned Prime Minister Takeshita of Japan to report on summit; went to Camp David; telephoned Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain and President François Mitterrand of France. Saturday, December 12: radiocast; photo session with new military personnel at Camp; read. Sunday, December 13: new poll results show dramatic rise in approval rating; returned to W.H. to see Christmas decorations.]

  Monday, December 14

  Staff time—talk about Ortega & his backing away from Contras—canceled talks & ignored Cardinal Brevo.

  Then it was Kennedy & his chance for confirmation (good) for Sup. Ct. Then Budget talk & state of Continuing Resolution & Reconciliation Bill & whether Cong. can make it in time to go home for Christmas.

  NSC—Busy time. Contra funding—Bud. Conf. will face Sen. proposal to appropriate $9 Bil. in non-lethal aid.

  Our defector from Sandinistas—a General has said Sandinistas are planning a 600,000 man military with Soviet help. Sandinistas also intend to continue aid to guerillas in El Salvador. Prince Bandar visited Colin to tell him King Fahd is very concerned about Persian Gulf & situation worsening.

  Colin briefed Ex-Pres’s Ford & Carter on summit. Both were very supportive of what we’re doing.

  [Made speech at Center for Strategic and International Studies; cabinet meeting with discussion of summit and budget; interviewed by biographer Edmund Morris; haircut; videotaping.]

  Tuesday, December 15

  Staff time—Told to expect Deaver verdict today or tomorrow. I’m praying. Bill coming down on changes in special investigation—discussion on veto or sign. Right now the very things I object to are being litigated in court. Well it came to me & I signed—but with a message that I was awaiting the court action & thought it would be out of place to veto.

  Then word Dole was going public tomorrow in favor of INF Treaty. I’ll accompany him to Press Room.

  [Met with Republican congressional leadership to press for ratification of INF treaty.]

  NSC—Discussion of Gen. Ortega (brother of Pres. O.) revealed that with Soviet help their mil. was going to vastly build up. Now his brother is trying to play it down. Gorbachev had told me they would withhold arms shipments to help in peace plan.

  [Meeting with Republican Task Force on INF; answered questions from Hugh Sidey on summit; had lunch with Vice President Bush.]

  An NSPG meeting for a report on our covert activities. A good report. […]

  CIA Director Bill Webster came up to office after meeting & gave me a report on some new technology that was fabulous.

  [Greeted Rabbis from Friends of Lubavitch; allergy shot; photo session with W.H. aides; attended Congressional Ball at W.H.]

  Wednesday, December 16

  An update on the Continuing Resolution & Reconciliation Bill. Things seem a little better on about half of those 13 objectionable items. Then some talk about Jim Wright since the defecting Major from Nicaragua who has revealed the Sandinistas planned military build up. I’m also told our PFIAB group is a little upset about our verification policy’s. Then I learned Judge Kennedy has finished his testimony before the Sen. Committee on ratifying his appointment. They didn’t lay a glove on him. He & his family stopped by the Oval Office.

  NSC—The ASEAN Summit came off very well we’re told. Japan has offered $2 billion in aid of various kinds to S.E. Asia. Walter Pincus of the W. Post has a story that we don’t know how many INF weapons Soviets have. Well there could be a far fetched possibility that’s true but actually our ways of estimating prove the Soviets are telling the truth. And if we find even 1 more than they’ve claimed, the treaty is violated.

  We’re still waiting to hear about Korean election. Sen. Cohen is demanding access by the Cong. to all information regarding covert operations.

  [Briefing and then visit from Prime Minister Giovanni Goria of Italy.]

  Then it was some desk time—a report on Mike Deaver Jury. They found him guilty on 3 of the 5 counts. Sentencing is set for Feb. 25. His lawyer has announced he’ll appeal.

  [Attended first of two holiday receptions for press.]

  Thursday, December 17

  Howard had quite an agenda for the opening meeting. First A. B. Culvahouse with all the legality’s about Mike Deaver situation. For example he has 30 days to file an appeal & we should not make any contact at this time. There is still a case in court challenging the Constitutionality of the Independent Counsel. On other subject we’re not out of the woods on the Continuing Resolution or the Reconciliation Bill. The Housing Bill blew up in the House of Rep’s who refused to go along with the sensible Senate version I had approved.

  [NSC meeting with positive report on attitude of allies from Shultz; report on South Korean election; noted, “With all the Soviets talk about leaving Afghanistan—they are planning a major road construction program there”; visited W.H. mail office to express holiday greetings, learned that in seven years, they handled 40 million letters; swearing-in ceremony for Ann McLaughlin as secretary of Labor, commented, “only 2nd woman to ever hold the job—1st was Ma Perkins during FDR’s term”; participated in Senator Bob Dole’s announcement of support for INF treaty; photo session with W.H. operations staff, George Allen’s family, officers of FFA; presented Maritime History Award to the USS Constitution; attended second press holiday reception.]

  Friday, December 18

  No Camp David. Staff time—some conversation about Coach George Allen. I’ve asked to see if we can’t give him a little of some kind because of his work abroad on physical fitness for children. Then we prepped ourselves for the meeting with Repub. Congressional meeting at 9:30. It was a good meeting & I made it clear that I would veto both the Reconciliation Bill & the Continuing Resolution if they were passed as they are now in the House. The Senate version seems OK &
they are in conference.

  NSC—We picked up a spy in the Soviet UN delegation. We’re shipping him back to Moscow. It will be interesting to see if they retaliate.

  […] Maybe that will get the Soviets to join us in eliminating chemical warfare.

  [Positive report on political situation in South Korea; economic briefing; interviewed by BBC for show on Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; photo session with departing staffers.]

  Some phone calls—judge appointments etc. And finally upstairs for the day. Whoops! George the Butler just let me know I was expected downstairs at the household help party. Nancy was scheduled to go but she isn’t back from the Children’s Hospital. So I went—35 minutes of hand shaking & picture taking. But all worthwhile. Nancy didn’t get back until 5:25.

  [Saturday, December 19: radiocast; still concerned with budget battle with Congress, noted, “I’ve served notice—what I’ll veto if they send some of the things the Demos are pushing”; greeted W.H. military and their families in Christmas reception; did a lot of reading.]

  Sunday, December 20

  Nancy interviewing household help for when we go back to Calif. I’m due downstairs to greet Open House for more staff. These were all connected with management of the W.H. I got carried away and took Q’s. It was more fun than I’ve had in a long time. Stayed about 20 or 25 min’s.

  Now it’s after dinner—about 9 P.M. Howard B. just called from his car. He’s on his way home from the Hill. Cong. just passed a 14 hour extension of the Continuing Resolution. Howard thinks they are very close & will probably wind it up satisfactorily tomorrow. I’m now waiting for the C.R. to get here for my signature. When I sign it will keep us from having to send workers home. And here is the usher now with the bill. Now it’s signed & on it’s way back & I’m going to bed.

  Monday, December 21

  A lot to talk about in 9 A.M. meeting. The business of signing the bill if the Congress ever gets around to passing one, is very complicated. We can’t just sign without knowing what’s in the fine print. The bill is 1,400 pages long. Congress is still talking about going home tomorrow but still won’t remove the veto bait from the C.R.


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