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The Reagan Diaries

Page 79

by Ronald Reagan

  NSC—Have learned about a luggage search the French have been doing on Americans including govt. personnel on official visits. They do this secretly & collect a lot of information.

  Our son Mike stopped by for a short visit. He’s in town on business having to do with his upcoming book.

  [Telephoned assembly at local school.]

  At 10:30 a short meeting about upcoming St. of the Union Address. Some desk time then at 11:30 Geo. S. meeting. He left me with “Gorby’s” book “Perestroika.” A quick lunch after completing my imbibing 1 gallon of Golightly. Then at 1 P.M. Nancy & I departed on S. Lawn for Bethesda Hospital—her mammogram & my checkup (6 mo.) after surgery. It was the whole works—colonoscopy, electrocardiogram, CAT scan, stress test on treadmill, chest X-ray and prostate. Everything was judged as way above par—say like good for someone half my age. So on to Camp D. after 4 hours. Usual movie etc. I phone Mrs. Roger Stevens in Fla. to have her remind me of something she had mentioned to me I’d said I would look into it. It had to do with Japan still killing whales.

  [Saturday, January 16: radiocast; read Perestroika. Sunday, January 17: read Perestroika; exercised; watched football. Monday, January 18: walked; finished book; returned to W.H.; Maureen visiting. Tuesday, January 19: discussed political ramifications of appointing regional housing director in New York; NSC meeting, noted, “Report on Haiti election which is a scandal,” also discussed Philippines, Central America; attended annual gathering of appointees; meeting on Department of Transportation budget appeal, commented, “Quite a hassle—I’ll make a final decision tomorrow but wont be easy”; photo session with March of Dimes poster child, Japanese journalists; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting on Persian Gulf, noted, “We’re doing great there & not about to retreat”; presented Citizen’s Medal to philanthropist Brooke Astor; participated in practice dinner for state dinner; Maureen still visiting.]

  Wednesday, January 20

  A dreary, foggy & rainy day. First meeting—V.P. present, talked about budget appeal—dept. of transportation. I opted for reducing Rapid Transit money & using it for air safety etc. The Budget summit we agreed to included a 12 man commission—Nat. Ec. Commission, 14 members to take broad view of economy. I disapprove.

  [Noted Senate committee vote; took personal action on case of family faced with $1 million medical bill.]

  NSC—Japan fudging on Internat. Whale Protection Agreement. If continues we can deny them fishing rights in our waters. False story in the N.Y. Times that we’re changing trade policy toward Soviet U.

  Sam Nunn made a speech proposing a limited ground based ABM defense against possible accidental launch of a missile. Team that visited Soviet Test Site for nuclear tests seem very optimistic. Soviets are due here—same purpose shortly.

  Scheduled an NSPG meeting Fri. for plans on supporting Freedom Fighters in Nicaragua.

  [Made appearance at local high school; meeting with Vice President Bush, then Shultz, reporting on Middle East and Israel; addressed gathering of supporters of Central America and Freedom Fighters.]

  Thursday, January 21

  Began the day talking about St. of U. address. We’re trying to boil it down a little but putting in a declaration that I get a budget. If I get another Continuing Resolution—I veto it & serve notice on this in the St. of U. We’re going to set dates aside that Cabinet members & Sr. Staff can bring guests & run movies in the W.H. theatre. We’re also asking Bob Gray to put together small stag dinners with business leaders etc. at W.H.

  A. B. Culvahouse informed us we needed to have me photographed signing answers to interrogatory of special prosecutor—notarized—later in day. It was done in afternoon.

  NSC—Sen. Helms is building up a straw man that I.N.F. destroys missiles not warheads. It is a straw man.

  [Report from Lord Carringon that NATO partners are enthusiastic about March summit; briefing on and then meeting with Vice Chancellor Genscher of West Germany; meeting with Senator John Tower on ratification of INF; lunch with William F. Buckley, commented, “I tried to ease some concerns he has over I.N.F.”; photo session with senior staff; attended reception of Republican National Committee; noted Maureen out to dinner.]

  Friday, January 22

  Started out a gray day. A little more discussion of St. of the U. speech. I’m going to do some work on this draft—it’s too wordy & too long. Discussed an Evans & Novak column re N.J. Principal Joe Clark & our Gary Bauer. Gary offered Clark a job if school board fires him. He’s a fine Principal & should not be fired. But Gary shouldn’t have done what he did without checking with anyone.

  NSC—Colin mentioned some press confusion about summit & the ABM treaty. press portrays us & Soviets having some kind of disagreement. Truth is after signing I.N.F. we & they agreed to a joint statement where we agreed to disagree about Space & Defense. We also agreed that we would have to negotiate on S. & D.

  I explained to Colin where Bill Buckley was concerned about I.N.F. He feels Soviets can violate treaty by substituting SS 25’s for SS 20’s. We don’t think that’s something we can’t handle. One other subject we mentioned was the Soviet proposal that we have a meeting—several states about Middle East.

  At 11:00 am an N.S.P.G. meeting—discussed how we can convince Cong. we must appropriate money to help the Freedom Fighters in Nicaragua. Then I did a 10 minute phone call to the 10’s of 1000’s of Right to Lifers on the Mall—their annual demonstration.

  [Photo with GOP candidate in special election; met with leaders of Right to Life movement; met with Shultz; addressed gathering on Central America; left for Camp David. Saturday, January 23: noted snow; radiocast; exercised; read work-related material; watched movie. Sunday, January 24: watched panel shows; telephoned Senator Ted Stevens (R-AL) regarding his appearance on David Brinkley’s show; returned to W.H.; dinner with Maureen and Dennis.]

  Monday, January 25

  A gray, snowy day. Opened the day with talk of the Legislative schedule re I.N.F.—aid for the Contras & a new subject—the Cong. has proposed an idea for a Nat. Ec. Commission. They would weight it a little in favor of the Dems. Frankly I don’t like the whole idea but it may be hard to block. On another subject I suggested bringing Jim Brady into some meetings—maybe once a week. He’s not mentally crippled & he’s always had good ideas.

  NSC—A letter from Margaret Thatcher who is trying to sell some Tornado fighter planes to Jordan. She needs our approval because of some American parts in those planes. She’s trying to head off sale of MIG 29’s by the Soviets. I’m on her side. Results of the Haiti election are in & while it was totally manipulated, the winner is probably the best choice for a reasonable govt.

  We’re going to ask Cong. next week for aid to the Contras. Non-lethal to begin with—then lethal in an escrow with a date certain for sending it if Nicaragua has fouled up the peace process.

  Some optimistic talk about getting ratification of I.N.F. treaty but it will take a lot of work. Then rest of morning desk time until after lunch a brief Cabinet meeting about need for Cab. members to join in helping us get Cong. moving.

  [Haircut; signed photos; left office early, noted, “upstairs to think about St. of the U. address tonite.”]

  The 7th & best St. of the U. I’ve never had such a reception with even the Dem’s. clapping. I was interrupted 37 times by applause. The speech ran 43 min’s. because of it. I surprised Nancy by singling her out in the gallery & praising her for her anti-drug activity.

  Tuesday, January 26

  Only a brief meeting before a session in Cabinet room with Repub. Congressional Leadership. Subject—the legis. on aid to the Contras we will deliver to the House tomorrow. They felt it was nip & tuck as to whether we could get it passed but they seemed to feel it was worth trying. Then back to the Oval O. for NSC. Colin reported on Contra supply plane shot down by the Sandinistas. There were 12 Nicaraguans aboard. One was captured alive. There were 4 bodies in the wreckage & 6 parachutes were found in the jungle. That accounts for 11 with 1

  [Met with meeting of Republicans and Democrats on vote regarding aid to Contras, commented, “They made some useful suggestions, one of which I’ll carry out”; photo with Egyptian newspaper, already did written interview; meeting with CIA Director Webster with report on ability to detect Soviet missiles; meeting with president of Iceland, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting on upcoming visit by Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak; meeting with staff on Contra aid.]

  Wednesday, January 27

  This became a day that shouldn’t happen to a dog. The schedule sort of went out the window. There was a very brief staff meeting & then at 9:30 NSC went out the window so I could meet with some Congressmen on the Contra aid bill. Then at 10:15 I met with one of the 5 Soviet Soldiers who went over to the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan who wrote me asking for shelter in America. We got them out by way of Canada. This one is named Vladislav Novamov. He’s a young man in his 20’s & believes in God. He told me many young people in Russia do. He was with Sen. Gordon Humphrey & a lady from Freedom House in N.Y. They brought a list of others who have deserted the Soviet Army & want to come to America. Then it was more Congressional meetings always on same subject—Contra aid. They ran right up to lunch—some in Cabinet room, some in Oval O. Then right after lunch it was Congressional photo time. This means individual Congressmen bring in individuals or groups they want to have photos with me.

  At 1:30 it was Geo. Shultz’s regular meeting. This time on Israel & Middle East—he’s working on a plan for a multi-nation conference on the Palestinians in Israeli occupied territory, Gaza & the West Bank etc. It sounds good & tomorrow morning I’m to phone King Hussein.

  [Addressed Reserve Officers Association; meetings with congressmen; desk work.]

  Thursday, January 28

  A report that Jim Wright has yielded to a couple of his left liberal reps. & is against us on Contra aid. Tony Kennedy has been approved for Sup. Ct. 14 to 0 in the Committee. Howard Baker is going to meet with Dir. Sessions of the F.B.I. & Ed M. on charges of racist conduct by some F.B.I. agents regarding a Black agent.

  A Civil suit has been brought against a Forest Ranger exec. on charges of discrimination against women in hiring Foresters. NSC was briefing for visit of Pres. Moubarak of Egypt. He arrived at 10 AM & the ceremony was held in the East Room because of cold. The usual receiving line then over to the Oval O. where he & I had a one on one for about 10 min.—then into the plenary in Cabinet Room for a 45 min. meeting. Subject for entire time was middle east & getting Shamir to agree to a conference. It was a good meeting & we heard some good suggestions re Iran.

  After lunch I met with some Repub. Cong. leaders—only one is doubtful on Contra aid.

  A photo with Office of Communications staff & another dept. I had lots of desk time for a change. I phoned King Hussein re the idea of a conf. He agreed to meet with Phil Habib who we are sending over. Then at end of afternoon we ran Doug Morrows TV spots featuring numerous celebritys promoting the spin offs we get from our space program. Upstairs early to exercise & get ready for State Dinner. And the State Dinner was like—the best yet. Everyone had a good time. Patti Austin sang—more guests danced than at any previous State dinner.

  Friday, January 29

  A late start, 10 A.M. 1st meeting some unhappy news about Ed Meese. An independent counsel found some papers re an oil pipeline near Israel & pvt. sector involvement that might show Ed knew of something that would be a violation of the ethics bill. We’ll have to wait but from what I’ve heard so far I think Ed is more victim than violator of anything.

  NSC—On our Contra aid problem we may be about 15 Dems. short of what we need. Then some talk as to whether we can jiggle our proposal so as to win some of those votes. I like our proposal the way it is.

  [Caught up on reading; visit from W.H. spokesman Mark Weinberg and family; addressed meeting of state legislators; meeting with Shultz concerning ways to elicit cooperation from Shamir; decided to send Habib to see King Hussein; greeted college football champions from University of Miami, noted, “I was the smallest man on the platform & I’m 6’1” & weigh 190”; update on Meese situation from Culvahouse.]

  Saturday, January 30

  A bright, warm (50 degrees) day. Did radiocast at Oval O. on Contra aid. A quiet afternoon & then off to the annual Alfalfa dinner. Don R. was the Alfalfa nominee for Pres. Everything of course was comedy. As usual I closed the show. My routine was very well received—more & bigger laughs than I had anticipated. Home at 11 P.M. & bed.

  Sunday, January 31

  A late breakfast then our date with Meet the Press & This Week. They’ve become standard TV viewing for us. After a quiet afternoon—down to the Family Theatre on the ground floor at 5:30 for the Super Bowl game on big screen TV. About 38 friends on hand & a buffet dinner between halfs. It was a lot of fun & a good time had by all. It didn’t hurt that the Red Skins won 42 to 10.

  Monday, February 1

  Back to the routine. Naturally we talked about the game. Then sadly some further reports on the latest attack on Ed Meese (The Israeli—pipe line deal).

  [Received notice of upcoming congressional votes.]

  NSC—Frank Carlucci & Gen. Odom have recommended I appoint Gerald R. Young as Deputy D. of Nat. Security—I said yes. Word has come from Soviets—Gorby misspoke when he claimed Soviets have a way of identifying number of nuclear missiles, ships & subs carrying. There ain’t no such device. Roy Brewer—called Kathy to tell her Sandinistas freed our citizen Denby in return for his pledge that he would come up here & attack Contra Aid. He’s told our people whole deal including that they are holding his plane until he does. Well some Americans have pd. him the cost of the plane & he’ll tell the truth publicly. It will be interesting to see if press will carry it.

  Now we’re hearing that Marcos—claiming he’s dying wants Aquino to let him come home to Philippines. We’re trying to find out state of his health because we know he has continued to use phone trying to organize a coup. Habib had his meeting with Hussein.

  [Timed speech for following night; issues lunch; addressed National Religious Broadcasters Convention; desk work; visit from friends of brother Neil; meeting with Frank Carlucci on budget.]

  Tuesday, February 2

  Ground Hog Day & Puxatawny Phil didn’t see his shadow—Spring will be early.

  At our staff meeting some talk of coming Korean Inaugural. V.P. can’t go & I certainly can’t but George S. & Frank C. are booked elsewhere. I’ve suggested H. Kissinger.

  NSC—Plans for mid east peace talks. Habib met with Hussein who expressed great pleasure at my phone call. Discussion rages among all parties about transitional plans being accompanied by permanent goals—but the plans become the permanent settlement. Hussein wants an international conference.

  [Series of meetings with congressmen on Contra Aid bill; met Virginia governor Chuck Robb.]

  After lunch more Cong. meetings including 2 that were with single Dem. individuals. All the time of course I was also making phone calls to Dem. Congressmen & Sens. Finally at 3:30 went over for a sneeze shot & then upstairs. Still taking calls. Howard called me & we agreed to change our proposal to allow the Cong. to vote on final disposition of lethal aid when time comes. This is a concession by us but we believe we need to do that if we are to have a chance of winning the vote on the package. An early dinner then over to the Oval O. to broadcast speech on Contra Aid. Only CNN carrying it—the 3 majors refused which is an unprecedented affront & reveals where their sympathies lie—right with the Communist govt. of Nicaragua.

  [Attended dinner for Republican Eagles.]

  Wednesday, February 3

  [Received word of unanimous confirmation vote for Kennedy.]

  Told of a controversial bill—the Alaskan Claims Bill. There is sentiment in several depts. that I should veto it. It passed by an overwhelming voice vote—our Alaskan reps. want it signed & I think it should be too (Late afternoon I signed it). I also signed letters to C
ongress telling them of my switch to allow them to vote on Contra lethal aid.

  NSC—Colin spoke to House Foreign Affairs Committee on the Contra situation & publicly took on Rep. Hamilton who had followed my speech last nite on TV with a totally dishonest diatribe. Colin let him have it.

  Possible indictments may be served on Noriega in Panama. Could happen tomorrow. They are drawn up by U.S. Attorneys. Ambas. Dick Murphy is calling on Thatcher & others on Middle East situation. We have a problem that could create trouble with Margaret. Israel wants to sell F 4 planes to Argentina—it would require our permission. Argentina & Eng. are still in a state of war. Then at 11 AM started Congressional meetings & phone calls. These were all 1 on 1—no groups.

  At lunch continued phone calls.

  After lunch Jim Brady came to Oval O. with 2 lunch guests of his—both English film producers of fine movies.

  [Meeting with Shultz; greeted Super Bowl champion Redskins; made pass to receiver, commented, “Thank Heaven I threw a perfect pass which he caught on the run.”]

  Another meeting with a Congressman & then upstairs. Then watched debate & vote in House on Contra aid. We lost 219 to 211. High spot was Claude Pepper closing the 10 hours of debate & on the side of “yes.” He was just great & must have changed some votes in our favor.

  Thursday, February 4

  [Attended Prayer Breakfast; Mrs. Reagan went to Indianapolis, Indiana, for “affair on drugs.”]

  Our 1st meeting was a discussion on Contra vote & now will Sen. vote on it or declare it dead. I phoned Claude Pepper to thank him—also Bob Michel. Then NSC & actually we continued on same subject. I had desk time until lunch. Rt. after lunch a meeting with Repub. leaders & Sens. plus 2 Demos. who are with us on Contra, Sen. Boren & Rep. Stenholm. After a lot of talk—we decided on going for it in the Sen.—this was what I wanted all along.

  [Telephoned senators; photo sessions; had dinner with Maureen; watched Senate vote in favor of Contra aid bill; call from Mrs. Reagan.]


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