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The Reagan Diaries

Page 87

by Ronald Reagan

  Sunday, July 3

  A quiet day except for the phone calls—one a conference call re today’s tragedy. We are all in agreement & approved statements to that effect.

  Later in the afternoon—my first swim of the season.

  [Monday, July 4: returned to Washington; lunch on balcony; homework all afternoon; informal dinner with friends; W.H. staff celebrating on the lawn.]

  Tuesday, July 5

  A 10 A.M. day. We of course discussed the Gulf plane tragedy & press coverage. Tomorrow expecting a House vote on plant closing. Judge McKay has submitted his findings on Ed Meese to Ed. & to the 3 judge panel. Nothing in it charges crime or calls for indictment. Ed is busy reviewing their study on drug policy.

  NSC—Colin brought in an amazing personality. He’s Wm. Harrington, 93½ years old—a former Sgt. Major in the 9th & 10th Cavalry. These were the 2 black Cavalry regiments. He really is an amazing man with a great personality. Then we got down to business. We’re sending request to Cong. to allow us to sell Kuwait 40 F-18’s. Saudis are buying arms, $30 Bil. from the U.K.

  Max Kampelman & Elliott Abrams came in & reported on George S’s. trip to Central Am. We can have some optimism about the results.

  Later in morning Ken Khachigian came in & we talked about my convention speech. Then a 90 yr. old lady was brought in. She had gotten an invitation to attend last weeks Repub. Leaders conference. They hadn’t included the card that called on her to contribute $2500 so she couldn’t get in. She doesn’t even have enough money to get home until her Soc. Security check comes. Thank Heaven our people found out about her & brought her in for a visit, & they’re arranging to get her back to Calif.

  [Desk work; addressed conservative political leaders; ambassadorial formalities; taped interview on inaugural process.]

  Then Geo. Bush & I met at Walter Reed hospital to visit Pres. Duarte of El Salvador. Just before we left I got a call from Ed Meese telling me about the report & now that he’s cleared he wants to resign effective in early August. While we were at the hospital he held a press conf. & announced he was stepping down.

  Wednesday, July 6—“Happy Birthday Nancy!”

  First meeting—Ken D & B. Oglesby. Talked about U.S.A. Today poll showing great support for action taken in shooting down plane. Dems. in House talking about an increase in minimum wage but only $4.35 not the original $4.55.

  Ken is trying to set up a lunch meeting tomorrow with Geo. B. & the others—Paul Laxalt, George’s campaign people, Stu Spencer etc. to talk campaign strategy.

  A. B. Culvahouse came in briefly to report on Ed Meese situation & the McKay report. Then we did a little talking about possible replacements for him.

  NSC—An argument between State & Treasury over Soviet exports to us of Tea & Chocolate. Our law prohibits American import of products produced by convicts or slave labor. It seems Tea & Chocolate are made in Prison Labor Camps in the Soviet U. I’ve asked to see the evidence.

  […] Then some talk about the Iran plane shoot down. There is a Question as to whether plane wasn’t actually inside the Commercial Aircraft Corridor.

  Some desk time—then Ed M. came in briefly to make some suggestions on his replacement & an offer to help. An interesting successor he suggested was Sec. of Interior Don Hodel.

  Then a double N.S.P.G. meeting—50 min’s. on changing our charge that Krasnoyarsk Radar in Russia was a violation of ABM treaty to a term in treaty making it a material act outside the treaty which would call for some action on our part. Good arguments for both positions & now it’s up to me to decide. For 1st time in Defense Dept. that I can recall—Chiefs of staff were opposite side from Sec. Carlucci. Second meeting was a 10 min. CIA presentation of […] action to rid Panama of Noriega […]. Then lunch—signed a bunch of pictures & upstairs. Tonite dinner with Paul & Carol Laxalt & Merme & Dennis then over to Kennedy Center to see Les Miserables. It was like something I’ve never seen before, a fascinating new idea in theatre.

  Thursday, July 7

  A 10 AM day & the day Nancy leaves for N.Y. for about 10 days. Started the day talking about Wash. Post poll showing great support for the Navy, et al in the gulf tragedy. Also speculated on possible replacements for Ed Meese. Some whose names have been mentioned took themselves out of the running—Bill Smith, Paul Laxalt, Libby Dole. An energy & water bill (appropriation) coming down to me. It’s supposed to be alright & eligible for a signing ceremony—but we don’t have final word yet. Sen. passed the plant closing bill 72 to 23. It will go to the House next week.

  NSC—Chf. of Staff—Soviet mil. forces on visit to U.S. visiting a number of mil. bases.

  Soviets are talking of withdrawing 68,000 Soviet mil. from Hungary.

  [Noted President Eric Delvalle of Panama came out of hiding for his mother’s funeral.]

  Desk time ’til a photo with Connie Heckman. Then our lunch meeting with V.P. & his campaign people. On our team Ken D., Stu Spencer, Paul Laxalt & a few others. A good meeting—we’re going to work together on campaign.

  [Desk work; signed photos; received award from Salvation Army.]

  Then a drop-by at farewell reception for Tom Driscoll [Griscom]. And over to East Room to speak to “Gopac” group. Up to exercise & dinner with Merme & Dennis.

  [Friday, July 8: unemployment figures show improvement; discussion of farm program to relieve drought-stricken areas; received word that Office of Management and Budget deficit projections were as expected; NSC meeting; National Security Advisor Colin Powell reported that he and Soviet ambassador discussed release of refusniks, heard that Soviets released text of most of Reagan toasts offered during Moscow summit; plan for Soviet chief of military to visit Oval Office, noted that “Question still up in air about whether to label Krasnoyarsk a ‘Material Breach’ or not”; presumed president of Mexico was Carlos Salinas; desk work; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting discussion of whether to compensate victims of airplane incident in Persian Gulf; greeted Rick Mears, Indy 500 winner; desk work; photos with GOP candidates; hosted stag dinner with Dennis and seven members of Congress from both parties, noted, “A great evening, one story after another. We should have been doing this more often”; planned attendance at Baltimore Orioles game the next night canceled due to security reasons.]

  Saturday, July 9

  Woke up early. I don’t like being alone. Some homework—phoned Nancy & told her I wouldn’t be going to the ball game tonite. She was delighted.

  Did my radiocast mainly on drugs plus a paragraph or two on Ed Meese’s announcement that he was stepping down. Merme got back from Atlanta. She & Dennis & I are going to have dinner on trays in the Study.

  And so we had dinner after I had another call from Nancy. Then I ran a tape of a TV show I did with Gizelle MacKenzie back in the ’50’s—I actually sang in it—with her. But I can’t remember one thing about when or where I made it. And so to bed.

  [Sunday, July 10: read; had lunch with Maureen and Dennis; dinner alone in front of TV.]

  Monday, July 11

  NSC time began at 9:05 AM & was a meeting with Marshal Akromeyer—Chf. of Soviet armed forces. He has toured our country with Admiral Crowe. He was much impressed by what he saw—including our mil. bases, ships etc.

  Then it was staff meeting time. Cong. is in session ’til near end of week. Trade Bill in House has none of provisions that made me veto it. Bill Verity suggests that if plant closing bill comes down I let it pass without my signature. We’ll see. Today was 1st meeting of our combined campaign team for Geo. Bush. A. B. Culvahouse came in with list of names being pushed for Attorney Gen. job. I asked for record of Dick Thornburg, former Gov. of Pa. I’m leaning toward him.

  [Farewell visit from Salvadoran president José Napoleón Duarte, arrangements made to fly him and his guests home to El Salvador; met with Senators Strom Thurmond (R-SC), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Bob Dole (R-KS), who wanted to suggest names for attorney general, commented, “I didn’t reveal my choice.”]

  Then N.S.P.G. meeting—a re
view of […] covert operations […].

  A meeting with N. H. Congressional meeting re the SeaBrook nuclear plant which is unlicensed because of the rule they must have a plan for moving people away from plant in an emergency. We have to do something about that ridiculous rule. A haircut. Then photos with about 70 candidates for State legislative seats.

  [Met bipartisan congressmen about drought measures; allergy shot; attended fundraiser for GOP candidate; dinner with Maureen.]

  Tuesday, July 12

  Ken D. informed me former Pa. Gov. Dick Thornburgh would accept appointment as Attorney Gen. if I asked him.

  [Received conference report on defense authorization.]

  Dick Thornburg came in—I asked him to take the job & he enthusiastically said yes.

  N.S.C.—Ambas. Dobrynin (Soviet U.) told Colin the Ziemans were told July 5 they could come to America. It’s possible the hold up is money for an airline ticket.

  Gorby in Poland talked of taking mil. planes out of Poland if we’d bring our NATO planes—F-16’s home—they’re slated to move from Spain to Italy. Not a fair deal. His planes only move the short distance to Russia—ours come 1000’s of miles across the Ocean. Nicaragua kicked our Ambassador out of Managua along with 7 embassy officials. We’re going to kick his Ambas. plus 7 comrades out of Wash.

  [U.N. debate scheduled on Persian Gulf airplane tragedy, Vice President Bush to represent U.S.; received news that no Americans hurt in terrorist attack on Greek ferry boat; briefing for and visit by Prince Saad of Kuwait.]

  Then a Cabinet meeting—briefs by Dick Lyng on drought, other subjects reported (drugs, Contra aid, education. etc.) by CABINET MEMBERS. Real aim of meeting was to turn everyone on for V.P.’s campaign.

  [Attended dinner for presidential library.]

  Wednesday, July 13

  [Started day at 10 am; NSC meeting with discussion of defense appropriations bill, orders Nicaraguan ambassador and seven others leave U.S.; positive reception to Dick Thornburgh, except anti-abortion rights Senator Gordon, commented, “thinks Dick is pro-abortion. He’s not”; discussion of bill making Veterans Administration director cabinet-level post; met with Prime Minister Edward Adami of Malta, noted, “He gave me credit for Malta turning against socialism”; lunch with Vice President Bush; visit from actress Nell Carter.]

  A departure photo & then signing ceremony in Rose Garden for Captive Nations Day Proclamation. Went well. We’ve done this every year. Some desk time then addressed 48 state chairmen of Farm Bureau in Roosevelt Rm. And upstairs where I did a phone interview with Adell Specht—writer for Moline Ill. paper—I’ll be going there tomorrow. A phone call from Ron who’ll miss tribute to Nancy at convention but will be there for mine. I wish it could be the other way around.

  Exercise—dinner & bed.

  [Thursday, July 14: went to Marion, Illinois, to see drought damage; went to Davenport, Iowa, to visit radio station WOC, first employer in 1930s; returned to W.H.]

  Friday, July 15

  Started day talking about yesterday’s trip. Everyone who went along thinks it was a great success. N.Y. Times had a front page photo. Wash. Post had story on P. 14.

  The D.O.D. authorization passed in both houses. It may present a problem—to sign or veto.

  Ambas. Tunnerman who we are sending back to Nicaragua got no support from Org. of Am. States. He’s due out at 5:30 P.M. Still says he’s not going. We say he is. If he takes shelter in the embassy we’ll have a problem because we can’t set foot in an embassy. Senate moving fast on Thornburgh approval—have said it could happen by Aug. 5.

  Both houses passed resolution denouncing Sandinista govt. That is a turnaround. Now if they’ll finally stop being stubborn & let us give aid to the Contras. It’s possible I’ll be scheduled for an address at Gov.’s Conference in Cincinnati Ohio.

  N.S.C.—Pres. Botha of S. Africa has granted a permanent stay of execution for 6 Blacks under death sentence. We had asked him to do that.

  We’re encouraged by progress in talks about Angola & getting the Cuban military out of there.

  The problem of whether to declare the Krasnoyarsk radar is a violation of the A.B.M. as it is now or take the next step by calling it a “Material Breach” still faces us. Sec. of Defense says yes but Joint Chfs. of Staff say no.

  [Presented National Medals in science; met with U.N. Secretary General Javier Peréz de Cuéllar, discussed many issues, including U.S. payments, which were late; met with new surgeon general of the Army; photo session; phoned Max Fisher on his birthday.]

  Then a taping session & a drop-by in Dr. Hutton’s office. He had 2 specialists there to look at my lip. He has felt there was a spot which might be a beginning Carcinoma. Now they’ve decided maybe not so they’ll look again on Aug. 5.

  Tonite in family theatre about 35 assorted guests to see “The Winning Team”—my picture where I play Grover Cleveland Alexander. It was a great evening. We all had dessert & coffee in the hall outside the theatre—then inside for the movie. It was very well received & the audience included a few ex sports announcers & big league ball players of a previous time. After the pic. was over I told them a few anecdotes about “Alex” & the making of the movie. Then beddy bye.

  Saturday, July 16

  Brkfst. at 8 A.M. A morning of reading then—my radio cast which dealt with the Dems. coming convention & their distorted attacks on the economy & what we’ve accomplished. A brief meeting in the study off my office with Ken D. & A. B. Culvahouse. It had to do with top secret classified matters that Judges Walsh & Gesall wanted for the “North” trial. We determined we could not make these available because they are essential to Nat. Security.

  [Mrs. Reagan returned; read; ran tape of Gisele MacKenzie program. Sunday, July 17: received word of gunfire attack on U.S. soldiers in Honduras, noted, “No word as to their—the terrorists identity. But Iran has been calling for an attack on American military”; flew to ranch; hung a mirror in guest room. Monday, July 18: rode; received call from National Security Advisor Colin Powell regarding movement by Iran at U.N. indicating new hope for peace in Iran-Iraq War; pruned trees all afternoon. Tuesday, July 19: tree pruning, noted, “Nancy got a call from George Will in Atlanta telling us not to watch the Dem. Convention—it was terrible.” Wednesday, July 20: rode; received cable from Shultz visiting Marshall Islands, reporting good relations there; cut down a tree; telephoned Giselle MacKenzie.]

  Thursday, July 21

  [Rode; did chores around house; pruned oak trees all afternoon; telephoned Governor Bill Clements (R-TX) to offer good wishes after very mild stroke.]

  After dinner watched Dukakis make acceptance speech at Dem. Convention in Atlanta. He pushed all the buttons including premises that sounded as if our country was in the Ec. doldrums instead of a continuing Ec. expansion. And, of course he charged me with the deficit spending & the big debt. Presidents can’t spend a dime, only Congress can spend the money & the Cong. is Democratic.

  Friday, July 22

  A little muggy again but not really bad. Before the ride called Marty Anderson about his book “Revolution” which is about me largely but as Gov. & now President. It’s no kiss & tell. It’s a factual account of what we’ve done. Then a call from Ken D. about what we do in the remaining 6 months. He & about 14 or 15 of our gang had a lengthy meeting. I’m waiting for their report but from what he said I believe I’ll agree with what they talked about. Then the ride—started early because we’re going exploring. We rode down to the old Eckert ranch & through the property down to the spring fed lake we’ve known about but never seen. Round trip was about an hour & 40 minutes. I had to get back for lunch with Ken Khachigian who is working on my speech for the convention. It was a working lunch & progress was made.

  Then I caught up with Barney & Dennis & we went at the Oak trees again. Late in day after shower & clean clothes Ron & Doria arrived for dinner. A pleasant evening.

  Saturday, July 23


  Then our final ride for t
his trip. I forgot my spurs which I’ve never done before.

  Phoned Sam Donaldson re the death of his mother. She was 93 & lived alone on a farm doing the necessary chores. He told me she voted solidly Republican all her life.

  [Cut firewood; Mrs. Reagan received word of suicide of Gloria Vanderbilt’s son Carter. Sunday, July 24: returned to W.H.; Ted Graber visiting for dinner.]

  Monday, July 25

  A 10 A.M. day & a busy one. First meeting a kind of general discussion of the legislative situation & problems we can look forward to with necessary authorization & appropriation bills.

  NSC—Our young (18-19-20) crewmen of the C-5F’s that delivered our inspectors for treaty verification. Report is the Soviets were fascinated by them & we were showing them everything there was to see.

  Morocco wants to buy F 16’s from us.

  Jim Baker suggests banning import of tea & chocolate from Soviets on basis of makers being convicts in production of those items. We don’t agree. First of all our importation is minuscule & 2nd we can’t confirm whether products are made by convicts.

  [Desk work; audiotaping for convention documentary; met with Boy’s Nation participants; received report on drought; signed letters on U.S.-Canadian free-trade bill; met with Senator James McClure (R-ID) regarding location of nuclear fuel production plant; videotapings; allergy shot; dinner with Graber and Maureen; ran documentary on inaugural of Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.]

  Tuesday, July 26

  A little fun hearing about the Belly Dancer at Bob Doles Birthday party last night. Then to business. It looks like Thornburgh will come up for clearance Aug. 5. It appears deficit will be $140 Bil. instead of the estimated $146 Bil.


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