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The Reagan Diaries

Page 90

by Ronald Reagan

  Next was defense authorization bill. Sen. Nunn has become a real pain. He’s acting as if he’s the supreme authority on defense matters. Nick Brady received a unanimous committee vote for Sec. of Treasury. Textile bill vote delayed awhile. Heads off the game Byrd is playing. Sen. has agreed it will take up Canada-Free Trade bill Mon.

  NSC—Iran Contra is a subject right now of Jack Anderson’s column. He’s more correct than the rest of the media. Discussion of Hurricane moving on Jamaica.

  [Ambassadorial formalities; flew to Missouri for political rally and reception for major donors.]

  Back to the airport & off for St. Louis. Met by Gov. John Ashcroft & wife Janet, also Geo. B.’s brother. I holed up for a couple of hours in the Omni hotel. Then at 5:40 Central time, went downstairs & did a reception—photos & all with major donors. Then into ball room where fundraising dinner was being held. Gov. introduced me (before dinner). I spoke & again the reception was overwhelming. Then it was back to A.F.1 & on our way back to Wash. dinner on the plane.

  Arrived at W.H. at 10:05. Maureen was arriving same time from some meeting or other. Upstairs to Nancy—end of a good day.

  Thursday, September 15

  Into office at 10 AM—Ken told me he’d had a good day Wed.—meeting with Sen. Steering Committee.

  Sen. is voting on Textile bill today. Rostenkowski wants it to go to Conf. I think he’s stalling to prevent me from having a pocket veto.

  Sen. Dems. are against our proposal for a minimum wage for training jobs.

  House is working on a drug bill & probably will run out of time.

  Then some discussion of a ridiculous book by Jane Mayer. She quotes from some staff members (Don Regan’s men) to the effect that at time of Don’s leaving I was so depressed & confused they were advocating I resign under the 25th amendment as no longer capable of doing job. It is all a complete lie but the press is being its usual pain in the rear.

  NSC—We have a No. Korean defector […].

  Soviets have completed their nuc. test explosion with our observers there. This is carrying out terms of test ban treaty. Hurricane has hit Jamaica—most powerful ever recorded. 300,000 people homeless. I have suggested we name someone—say a David Rockefeller to organize a pvt. sector fund raising to provide help.

  [Briefing and then meeting with Hispanic Media; usual Thursday Mexican food lunch; addressed elementary school educators; report from Frank Carlucci on China trip; desk work; quit work early in preparation for barbecue for Congress, with entertainment by Capitol Steps.]

  Friday, September 16

  1st meeting did a little discussion of B.B.Q. & Foley’s remarks were very nice. We agreed I should write him a note which I did.

  Then some talk about the disgraceful book by Ms. Mayer & McManus of the L.A. Times. It’s based on a flurry of outright lies.

  House defeated Sarah Brady’s plan to have gun buyers checked for criminal records etc.

  Yesterday Sen. passed Textile bill but apparently we have the votes to sustain the veto I’ll deliver.

  Sen. Committee voted approval of Cavazos as Sec. of Ed. Justice dept. is demanding indictment of Marcos on fraud charges.

  NSC—Papandreau of Greece divorcing his wife to marry his Mistress after he has quadruple heart by-pass surgery. Gorbachev at Krasnoyarsk made a speech proposing we get our bases out of Philippines and he would close Soviet base at Camrahn Bay. He also volunteered to make Krasnoyarsk Radar a space tracking system open to international use. Catch is it could be transferred back at any time.

  [Report on health problem for ambassador to Cyprus; swearing-in ceremony for Nicholas Brady as secretary of the Treasury; meeting with new secretary general of NATO, Dr. Manfred Wörner; also met with Shultz.]

  Then a visit by Dorothy Ferguson who is mother of a young man who went into the Army a few years ago. She wrote me a beautiful letter about sitting in his bedroom after he left. We’ve kept in touch since. He’s served his enlistment term & is now entering college in Iowa.

  [Went to Camp David, watched The Girl from Jones Beach (1949). Saturday, September 17: canceled ride because of rain; radiocast; homework; after dinner, as noted, “watched a long & not very entertaining movie about a man fighting drugs”; Sunday, September 18: returned to W.H.; sat for last details on official portrait with artist Aaron Schikler, commented, “I’m happy with how it turned out.”]

  An early dinner with Dick, Patty & Jeff then down to the family theater & about 40 guests for dinner, coffee & a movie. It was Jim Cagney in “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” It was great & everybody enjoyed it. A.C. & Marf were here for it.

  Monday, September 19

  Started day at 10 AM—Saw Maureen & Dennis off for their week in Africa. Then a meeting about legis. & where it stands. We expect the drug bill this week. Sen. is expected to approve Cavazos today. If so, we’ll have him take the pledge tomorrow. Sen. is expected to vote on Canada Free Trade bill today. Thurs. on my trip to Texas I’ll meet the astronauts. Cong. is passing more appropriation bills. I’ll meet with the leaders tomorrow. Decided to make next Saturdays Radio script a preview of my U.N. speech.

  N.S.C.—Colin says the violence in Burma is because Gen. now in charge is for retention of socialism.

  In the coup in Haiti—Gen. Avril top man seems to be supporting democracy but concern is if he’s going to put Col. Paul in charge of the military. Paul is under indictment for drug running.

  The press reported in detail our planks for reducing forces in Persian Gulf. They are totally irresponsible & could throw a monkey wrench in all we’re trying to do.

  We’re considering bringing all the nations that signed the 1925 pact against Poison gas together again. Before week is out I’ll be talking to Shevardnadze about Krasnoyarsk Radar.

  Talk of a Basic Agreement with Soviets but no one can define what is definition of Basic Science.

  [Photo session for Soviet publication, as noted, “printing an article by me on differences etc”; met with Commission on Workforce Quality.]

  Then lunch & some desk time. At 1:45 met with Sec. Bennett. He’s leaving us but he’s done such a job I now believe there is a legitimate place for a Fed. Ed. program.

  [Greeted new W.H. Fellows; ambassadorial formalities; attended farewell reception for William Bennett.]

  Tuesday, September 20

  First topic—Canada Free Trade Bill passed the Sen. last night. Sad news—Deaver is to be sentenced Fri. Just rcvd. news Emperor Hirohito (Japan) may not last out the week. If he dies I will attend the funeral—but according to their custom that comes 35 days after death. Feelers have come about a 1 on 1 meeting in Europe between a top level man from Iran & one of those from Wash. My feeling is that we should say such a meeting could only take place if our hostages are released.

  Dan Crippen joined us at this point & I met with a half dozen Cong. leaders—both partys. We discussed appropriation bills. I made it plain I wanted them all on my desk before Oct. 1. If it happens it will be first time since 1948.

  [Signed Labor/Health and Human Services/Education appropriation bill.]

  NSC—Lenhart came in to tell me about a Soviet proposal. They want a free standing agreement—an exchange of letters while we continue negotiating on “Start”. We’d agree on how many warheads we could put on existing missiles. It presents some problems.

  Japanese Crown Prince has been named acting Emperor. There is a deadlock in Lebanon on the Presidential selection. Syria is holding out for their candidate.

  New Cabinet in Haiti—all but 1 are civilians. Armed fighting has broken out between Azerbaijan & the Armenians. Ortega is coming to N.Y. for U.N. opening. He says he’ll visit Wash. New leader at U.N. has come down to a choice between Argentina’s foreign minister & Dame Nita Barrow of Barbados. I favor the lady.

  Back to lunch in the study—a photo with Silvio Conte & a Rabbi. Then Geo. S. came in for 10 minutes. He doesn’t agree with me about asking for our hostages before we have meeting with Iranians. An N.S.P.G. meeting to
discuss Middle East.

  [Swearing-in ceremony for Lauro Cavazos, secretary of Education; photo session; allergy shot; videotapings; did exercise; telephoned Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on Senate approval of Canada free-trade bill.]

  Wednesday, September 21

  Ken D. not on hand for 1st meeting—due in at noon—the Jewish Holiday. Bea conducted meeting. I learned Nick Brady will be off to Europe for meetings having to do with World Bank & International Monetary Fund. Jim Wright sounded off on a supposed C.I.A. operation in Nicaragua—this is a grave violation of policy regarding intelligence operations. Our Repub. Reps. are after him. Some talk about my speeches to come in Texas—tomorrow.

  NSC—Well it didn’t do me any good to be for Dame Nita Barrow for top spot at U.N. The Argentine Foreign Minister won. I had to rule on an agreement between us & U.S.S.R. having to do with Basic science. I gave it a go ahead but with a couple of changes to prevent it involving Applied science.

  We’ll talk tomorrow & Fri. on Warheads on missiles but feel Krasnoyarsk Radar should come down 1st.

  [Report on diplomacy surrounding Lebanese elections.]

  The proposed (by the Soviets) Human Rts. Conf. in Moscow. I feel we should insist Soviets clear up their lack of Human Rts. first—then we say yes to a conference & after we’ve taken it up with our allies. Geo. S. would like to tell Shevardnadze that we agree on a conf. if U.S.S.R. meets some requirements.

  [Met with President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency, then with Joint Chiefs of Staff, commented, “They gave me a report on how much the Dem. budget cuts have hurt our mil.”; had lunch with Vice President Bush; met with gathering of bankruptcy judges, then with Shultz about upcoming meetings with Eduard Shevardnadze; Howard Baker stopped in, Mrs. Baker improving; greeted football teammate from Eureka, noted, “He was Left Guard at Eureka when I was R. Guard”; went to dentist for final root canal work; back at W.H.; signed off on basic-science proposal. Thursday, September 22: flew to Waco, Texas, for speech at Baylor University; campaign appearances; flew to Houston to meet astronauts; addressed NASA gathering; hour-and-a-half rest at Four Seasons Hotel; spoke at campaign dinner; flew to Boca Raton, Florida. Friday, September 23: made campaign appearances; returned to Washington; briefing for and then meeting with Shevardnadze, commented, “No great decisions reached but both sides agreeing that much progress has been made & we’ll continue to meet”; went to Camp David; watched Eight Men Out (1988).]

  Saturday, September 24

  Up for radio cast. It was about the speech I’m doing on Mon. at the U.N. Back to “Aspen” for lunch & then on a dark day we went for a quiet horse back ride. Rest of afternoon—homework for Mon. & Tues. meetings with heads of state in N.Y. Dinner & the movie “Gorillas in the Mist”—the story of Dian Fossey played by Sigourney Weaver. Very good.

  Sunday, September 25

  A wet, foggy day—left for W.H. at 11:30 (have to pack for N.Y. tomorrow). Arrived about noon—a 12:30 lunch & then to desk work & packing. Late in the afternoon a phone call from Billy Graham. He was present last night at a tribute dinner for Paul Harvey. I had taped a speech for the occasion. Billy was most gracious in his praise for my effort & said it was in the top ten of all the speeches I’ve ever made. He made my day.

  Monday, September 26

  Up & on our way—Marine 1 to Andrews, A.F.1 to Newark airport. Another Marine 1 to helipad in NY. harbor & motorcade to U.N. Bldg. Met by Chief of protocol & Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar. A brief stop in his office with Shultz & Vernon Walters. Then to courtesy call on U.N. Pres. (brand new) Dante Caputo, Pres. of Gen. Assembly. Then into Gen. Assembly & my speech. Walters said most applauded speech he’s ever heard in the Assembly. Apparently I did strike a chord or two. Then Nancy left for Waldorf Astoria. I met with Sec. Gen. Then on to Am. Mission & lunch with Walters, Shultz, Ken D., Bea. Oglesby & Colin Powell. Up to 12th floor for a brief talk to our U.N. delegation. Over to Waldorf Astoria & meetings—1st with Foreign Minister Maguid of Egypt & also F.M. Shimon Peres of Israel. Next was Pres. Mugabe of Zimbabwe—he took most of meeting attacking Southern Africa. Then it was Sheikh Jabu Al-Ahmed—Amir of Kuwait.

  From there we went to a brief meeting with the Gulf Cooperative Council members chaired By His Royal Highness Prince Saud, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia. Then upstairs in time to see Nancy off—to the Opera with the Annenbergs. For me it was shower & homework time. Then at 6 P.M. downstairs for reception for Sec. Gen. de Cuellar & heads of state. It went well. I shook a few more than 200 hands—had a few one on ones afterward around the room—Pres. of Venezuela, F.M. of Thailand etc. Then back to the suite for dinner alone & so to bed. Got word a few cliffhanger bills had gone our way—F18 sale to Kuwait for example.

  Tuesday, September 27

  Up fairly early—Ken D. & Bea & Colin came in for a little routine work & a bill to sign. All this at the Waldorf Astoria of course. Then at 9:30 down stairs for a gathering of NATO & Allied Foreign Ministers. A round table discussion of our future & it turned out unanimous agreement on the importance of preserving our unity.

  Back upstairs for a brief time then into another room for a meeting first with Foreign Minister Khan of Pakistan. A worthwhile meeting to make contact with the new admin. there since Pres. Pias [Zia’s] tragic death.

  Then a meeting with F. Min. Rao of India—this, too was worthwhile. We’ve had a good relationship with P.M. Ghandi & a meeting like this helps.

  Back to the suite & saw Nancy off to her luncheon date with friends, then lunch myself. And a couple of hours of reading. Met Nancy downstairs—a little late—N.Y. traffic held her up. Motorcade to Wharf—into Marine 1 & back to Newark airport. Then A.F.1 to Wash. & back at the W.H. a little after 4 P.M. Exercises, shower & dinner with Merme & Dennis who are just back from a week in Africa. Then we ran the tape of my U.N. speech.

  Wednesday, September 28

  Not into office until 10 AM. Actually it was the study. The Oval O. was being set up for some filming with candidates We had some talk about schedule. I’ll do some Calif. campaigning toward the end of Oct. which will mean a couple of days at the ranch. Then A. B. Culvahouse came in to explain why I must turn down prosecutor in Ollie North’s case who wants to call me as a witness. It would set a bad precedent. I have agreed to provide Defense with some written answers to Q’s.

  [NSC meeting regarding chemical warfare and desire for meeting of nations, also military bases in Spain, and Noriega aggression; Eduard Shevardnadze’s schedule; vote in Chile on General Augusto Pinochet; signed U.S.–Canada Free Trade Agreement, commented, “Now it only remains for the Canadian Sen. to sign on”; photo session with Boys Clubs Youth of the Year, and with representatives of Historically Black Colleges; received Alexander Graham Bell medal for contributions to the hard of hearing; attended appropriations bill ceremony; filmed campaign commercials.]

  Thursday, September 29

  [Meeting to discuss congressional blocking tactics in legal services; legislative plans on drug bill; NSC meeting regarding asking David Rockefeller to head drive for disaster help for Jamaica; Shultz secured France’s approval of plan for conference on chemical warfare, commented, “It’s beginning to look as if we can close out the C.S.C.E. conf. in Vienna & move on.”]

  Carlucci has suggested we should break the secrecy on the Stealth fighter & announce it next week. We have more than 50 now & we should put them into our regular air force program. Took a farewell photo with Marian Dicks of NSC. Then desk time & some bill signing ’til 11:45. Then it was a Rose Garden ceremony—handing out 30 C. Flag Crystals to org’s. & businesses who have been outstanding in private sector programs.

  [Received Irish medals from ambassador to Ireland.]

  A briefing for Mitterrand meeting. He arrived. We had the usual 1 on 1 then a walk around the Rose Garden & into the Cabinet Rm. for Plenary meeting. Things went very well.

  [Dinner for the Mitterrands, entertainment by Peggy Lee. Friday, September 30: flew to Chicago, Illinois, met family of policewoman slai
n in the line of duty; made campaign appearance at Wozniak’s Casino beer garden; threw out first ball at Wrigley Field, joined in play-by-play with announcer Harry Carey; attended party fund-raiser at Mercantile Exchange; returned to Washington; received call just after midnight with news that Congress passed appropriations bills with two minutes to spare.]

  Saturday, October 1—Begins the ’89 Fiscal Year

  A meeting at 11 AM with Sen. Quayle our VP cand., Stu Spencer, Ken & Bea. I was supposed to give him some debating tips & did. He’s a fine person & has been given a bum rap by the media. Then down to the Oval O. for signing of the appropriation bills. Did my radiocast & took photos with Nancy Robert’s family all 21 of them. Received a plaque from 2 police officers—St. Louis county police. I’m now an honorary policeman.

  Then upstairs—lunch on the balcony & changed clothes for appearance at Georgetown U. where I’m to get an honorary degree—Dr. of Humane Letters, & make a speech.

  Well I had to don an iron vest for the outdoor event where somewhere close to 10,000 attended—most of them students. I was warmly received.

  [Security scare at W.H. was investigated without incident; watched news clips from Chicago appearance.]

  Sunday, October 2

  At noon Nancy off to the Redskins F.B. game where something goes on involving her with regard to the anti-drug campaign. So I watched the game on TV—Redskins lost 24 to 23.

  [Desk work; exercise; dinner with friends.]

  Monday, October 3

  [New Time magazine poll shows Bush leading; presidential approval rising; NSC meeting regarding hostages in Beirut, noted that President Straus of Bavaria died; greeted exchange students from Yale and University of Moscow, commented “Nice looking kids & you couldn’t tell the Russians from the Americans. All could speak the others language”; desk work.]

  Then a ceremony in East Room for signing of Columbus Day proclamation. It’s 500 years since he discovered Am. A Cabinet luncheon—just a session to talk about things & greet our 3 new Cabinet members—Brady, Thornburgh & Cavazos. In Roosevelt rm. after lunch, spoke to meeting of Nat. Drug Policy Board now chaired by Dick Thornburgh.


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