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The Reagan Diaries

Page 103

by Ronald Reagan

  tooth trouble of

  tributes to

  at Vietnam memorial reading

  Reagan, Ronald Prescott (son)

  on Good Evening America

  as hit target

  Mondale debates and

  Nancy and

  Secret Service and

  social security and

  Reagan-Bush Advisory Council

  Reagan Library and Museum


  Red Brigade

  Red Cross

  Reds (film)

  Reed, Carlyle

  Reed, Tom

  Reeves, Christopher

  Regan, Donald

  budget and

  China trip of

  and Congressional pay raise

  Contras and

  and Daniloff case

  on Dow

  on economy

  and hostages in Beirut

  on IMF

  inflation and

  and Iran arms deal

  memoirs of

  Mubarak and

  Philippine election and

  resignation considered by

  resignation of

  and South Africa

  on Soviets

  taxes and

  Rehnquist, William

  Religious Heritage Hall of Fame

  RENAMO (Resistancia Nacional Mozambicana)

  Republican Congressional Leadership Council

  Republican Eagles

  Republican Inner Circle

  Republican Leadership Southern Regional Conference

  Republican National Committee (RNC)

  Republican Task Force

  Reserve Officers Association

  Resistancia Nacional Mozambicana (RENAMO)


  Responsible Government for America


  Revell, Dennis

  Revell, Maureen Reagan (Mermie) (daughter)

  and Hands Across America

  State Department reception for

  and World Conference on Women

  Revolution (Anderson)

  Revolutionary War





  Reynolds, Frank

  Reynolds, Nancy

  Reynolds Aluminum

  Rhodes, James

  Rich, Buddy

  Rich and Famous (film)

  Rickles, Don

  Ride, Sally

  Ridgeway, Roz

  Ridgway, Matthew

  Riegel, Don

  Right To Life

  Riley, Pat

  Rinehart, Buck

  Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus

  Ríos Montt, Efraín

  Ripley, Dillon

  Risque, Nancy

  Ritter, Bruce

  Rivers, Joan

  Roach, Hal

  Robb, Chuck

  Robbins, Jerome

  Robelo Callejas, Alfonso

  Roberts, Craig

  Roberts, Nancy

  Robertson, Pat

  Robin Hood (film)

  Robinson, David

  Robinson, Eddie

  Robinson, Frank

  Robinson, Jackie

  Robinson, Mrs. Jackie

  Rocard, Michel

  Rockefeller, David

  Rockefort, Joseph

  Rockne, Knute

  Roemer, Bud

  Rogers, Bill

  Rogers, Ginger

  Rogers, John

  Rogers Commission

  Roh Tae Woo

  Rollins, Ed


  Romney, George

  Rooney, Mickey

  Roosevelt, Archie

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  Roosevelt, James

  Roosevelt, Lucky

  Roosevelt, Selwa

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rose Bowl

  Rosebush, James S.

  Rosenberg, Ethel

  Rosenberg, Julius

  Rossow, Carl

  Rossow, Mrs. Carl

  Rostenkowski, Dan

  Rostow, Eugene

  Rotary International

  Roth, Bill

  Rourke, Russell

  Rowan, Carl

  Rowell, Ambassador

  Rowny, Edward

  Royal Ballet

  Royster, Vermont

  Ruckelshaus, William

  Ruder, David


  Ruge, Dan

  Ruis, Nick

  Rumsfeld, Donald

  Runner’s World

  Rusher, Bill

  Russell, Charles

  Russell, Harold

  Russell, Mark


  Russian Orthodox Church

  Rutan, Burt

  Rutan, Richard

  Ryan, Father

  Ryan, Fred

  Ryan, Leo

  Ryskind, Allan

  S., Rex

  Saad, Prince of Kuwait

  Sabatini, Prime Minister of Italy

  Sabbah, Patriarch

  Sabin, Albert

  Sadat, Anwar

  Sadat, Mrs. Anwar

  Sadruddin Aga Khan, Prince

  Sahl, Mort

  Saikowski, Charlotte

  St. Cyr, Lindy

  St. Georges University Medical School

  St. John’s Church

  St. Johns University

  St. Joseph’s Church

  St. Kitts-Nevis

  Saint Lucia

  St. Patrick’s Cathedral

  Sakharov, Andrei

  Salem, Elie

  Salinas, Carlos

  Salinger, Mr.

  Salinger, Pierre


  Salvation Army

  Salvatori, Henry

  Samaranch, Juan Antonio

  Sanchez Herdocia, Aristides


  Miskito Indians and

  Sandstrom, Elsa

  Sanford, Terry

  San Francisco Ballet

  San Francisco Commonwealth Club

  Sanguinetti, Julio María

  Santa Fe Trail

  Santa Fe Trail (film)

  Santini, James

  Sarkin, Rudolph

  Sarkis, President of Lebanon

  Sasakawa, Ryoichi

  Saud, Prince of Saudi Arabia

  Saudi Arabia

  AWACs sold to

  F-15 sales to

  Saunders, Tex

  Savimbi, Jonas

  Savings & Loan industry

  Savings Bond Committee, U.S.

  Savings Bond Volunteer Committee

  Sayers, Gale

  Scalia, Antonin

  “Scandinavia Today”

  Schafley, Phyllis

  Scharffenberger, George

  Schikler, Aaron

  Schlüter, Poul

  Schmidt, Helmut

  Schneider, Alexander

  Schools That Work—Educating Disadvantged Children

  Schoor, Gene

  Schroder, Ricky

  Schroeder, William J.

  Schuster, Gary

  Schwabacher, Albert E.

  Schwabacher, Cynthia

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Schweiker, Richard

  Science & Technology Agreement

  Scobee, June

  Scott, General

  Scott, George C.

  Scott, Willard

  Scowcroft, Brent

  Scowcroft Commission

  Screaming Eagles


  Seabord Corp.

  Seaga, Edward

  Sea Isle City

  Seale, William

  Searle Corporation

  Seattle World Fair

  Secord, Richard

  Secret Service

  and Patti

  Ron Prescott Reagan and

  Securities and Exchange Commission

  Security Planning Session

  Seger, Martha

  Seib (Wall Street J
ournal reporter)

  Seigle, Al

  Sékou Touré

  Self Help Leadership

  Selleck, Tom

  Senate, U.S.:

  appropriation bills in

  budget and

  Canada Free Trade bill in

  Central American covert aid and

  Contra aid and

  deficit and

  drug bill in

  immigration bill in

  MX bills in

  Nicaragua bill passed in

  plant closing bill in

  Soviet loans and

  spending cuts passed by

  Senate Appropriations Committee

  Senate Armed Services

  Senate Budget Committee

  Senate Campaign Committee

  Senate Finance Committee

  Senate Foreign Relations Committee

  Senate Intelligence Committee

  Senate Judiciary Committee

  Senate Republican Steering Committee

  Senate Steering Committee

  Senate Ways and Means Committee


  Senior Citizens Council


  Serrano, Eddie

  Service, R. W.

  Sessions, William

  Seton, Bob

  Seton Hall University

  Shalit, Willa

  Shamie, Ray

  Shamir, Yitzhak

  Sharon, Ariel

  Shays, Christopher

  Shcharansky, Anatoly

  Shcharansky, Avital

  Shcherbitskiy (Politburo member)

  Shea, Nina

  Shearing, George

  Shevardnadze, Eduard

  Shevchenko, Arkady

  Shevchenko, Mrs. Arkady



  Shivers, Governor

  Shlaudeman, Harry

  “Shooting of San McGrew, The”(Service)

  Shoot the Moon (film)

  Shore, Dinah

  Short, Bobby

  Shriver, Eunice

  Shriver, Pam

  Shroud of Turin

  Shultz, George

  and ABM treaty

  Andropov’s meeting with

  and Angola

  Arafat denied UN visit by

  arms control and

  Asian trips of

  and Berlin bombing

  in Bolivia

  budget and

  Central America and

  Chernenko’s funeral and

  confirmed as Secretary of State

  Costa Rica and

  and Daniloff case

  defense cuts and

  Dobrynin’s meetings with

  East Asia and

  El Salvador and

  and espionage program

  Gorbachev’s meeting with

  on Gorbachev’s UN speech

  Gromyko’s meetings with

  and hostages in Lebanon

  Shultz, George (continued)

  and Iran arms deal

  in Italy

  Japanese elections and

  and KAL flight

  King Hussein’s visit and

  Kohl’s meeting with

  Lebanon and

  Libya and

  on Madrid meeting on human rights

  Medal of Freedom awarded to

  Middle East and

  on Nancy Reagan

  Nicaragua and

  on Philippines

  resignation considered by

  resignation of

  Russian trip of

  SDI and

  Shevardnadze and

  on South Africa

  Soviet Union and

  START and

  and summits

  Taiwan and

  Tower Commission and

  trade bill veto desired by

  War Powers Act and

  sickle cell anemia

  Sidey, Hugh

  Sierra Leone

  Sigur, G.

  Sihanouk, Prince of Cambodia

  Sills, Beverly

  Silva, Aníbal Cavaco

  Silvia, Queen of Sweden

  Simmonds, Kennedy Alphonse

  Simmons, Senator

  Simon, Bill

  Simon, Paul

  Simpson, Alan

  Simpson, Ann

  Simpson-Maggli immigration bill

  Sin, Cardinal

  Sinai Peninsula

  Sinatra, Frank, xi


  Sinner, George

  Sirikit, Queen of Thailand

  60 Minutes (TV show)

  Skelton, George

  Skelton, Red

  Small and Minority Business

  Small Business Advisory Council

  Small Business Conference

  Small Business Legislative Council

  Smart, Bruce

  Smirnoff, Yakoff

  Smith, Al

  Smith, Amy

  Smith, William “Bill,”

  Smith, Bob

  Smith, Burton

  Smith, Dr.

  Smith, Harry

  Smith, Jean

  Smith, Kate

  Smith, Roger

  Smith, Virginia

  Smith & Wesson

  Smithsonian Institution

  Smothers, Dick

  Smothers, Tommy

  Snelling, Dick

  Snowe, Olympia

  Soares, Mário

  Social Security

  Social Security Commission

  Society of Cincinnati

  Sofear, Andrew

  Sofía, Queen of Spain


  Somerset Technologies


  Son Sann

  Sons of Italy

  Sorzano, Jose

  South Africa

  South Carolina, University of

  South Korea

  election in

  Olympics in

  Soviet Union

  Afghanistan and

  American reporter arrested in

  American spy for

  Armenia’s desire for independence from

  arms control and

  arms of

  art museum in

  Basic Agreement with

  Bering Sea border of

  chemical weapons of

  defense of

  earthquake in

  economy of

  Egypt and

  El Salvadoran arms transferred by

  emigrants from

  employment in

  and European missiles

  Soviet Union (continued)

  and European protests against U.S.

  exports of

  Falklands War and

  at Geneva talks

  grain embargo and sales to

  Gulag in

  Haig and

  Human Rights Conference in

  India and

  Iran and

  jet fighters allegedly sent to Cuba by

  Jewry in

  Jordan and

  Korean Airliner shot down by

  Middle East and

  missile fired into Pakistan by

  Nicaragua and

  nuclear sub fire of

  nuclear war and

  Olympics and

  Poland and

  and Polish martial law

  Politburo of

  Powell’s visit to

  RR’s U.N. speech against

  SALT II and

  sanctions against

  Scowcroft’s trip to

  Shcharansky and

  space militarization by

  Spilzak on

  Suez Canal and

  summits with

  surplus American butter and

  Thatcher on

  trade with

  treaty violations of

  U.S. loans to

  Vietnam and

  Space Council

  Space Foundation, U.S.

  Spadolini, Giovanni


  Spanish Rid
ing School

  Speakes, Larry

  Specht, Adell

  Special Olympics

  Special Prosecutor Act (1978)

  Special Services Command

  Specter, Arlen

  Spencer, Stu

  Sperling, Geoffrey

  Spiegel, Al

  Spielberg, Steven

  Spilzak, President of Yugoslavia

  Spirit of America Festival

  Sporting News

  Sports Afield,

  Sportscaster Hall of Fame

  Sports Illustrated

  Springer, Axel

  Sprinkel, Beryl

  Sri Lanka

  Stack, Bob

  Stagecoach (film)

  Stanford University


  Stargell, Willie

  Stark, Ray

  Stark, USS

  Star Trek III (film)

  State Department, U.S.

  ambassador appointment and

  Angola and

  budget for

  China Lobby moles in

  Kalb’s resignation from

  Latin America and

  and Moscow Embassy

  polygraphs at

  possible mole in

  on Sandanistas

  Taiwan and


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