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Effortless: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

Page 18

by Lynn Montagano

  I teased him, sucking on his bottom lip and then tracing over it with my tongue. A low moan vibrated in his throat.

  “We’ll finish the cake later,” he growled, claiming my mouth in a deep, lusty kiss. The way he tasted and savored me with the long, slow strokes of his tongue dissolved my mind. I was only aware of two things; how he felt and how he sounded.

  Holding both my hands, he led me into the bedroom and methodically undressed me as I stood under the amber glow of the tower’s lights. My skin tingled when he traced along the lace edge of my bra before unhooking it and letting it fall to the floor. Gathering my hair, he swept it over my left shoulder and kissed down my neck to the swell of my breasts. A heady rush consumed me, making me sway. Closing my eyes, I anticipated his next move.

  “Look at me,” he ordered. My lids fluttered open and I was caught in his fervid gaze. I wanted him and that enticing stare. I wanted to possess him and claim him over and over.

  An alluring grin pulled at his lips. “Do you know how beautiful you look right now? How perfect you are?” He slid his hand along my pelvis and between my legs, hooking his fingers under the edge of my panties. “Am I dominating your thoughts, love?”

  Unable to speak, I nodded.

  “Good. I want every inch of you tonight.” His lips brushed against my skin as he spoke. “Not just your body. I want you to feel me in your soul and breathe me into your lungs.”

  I trembled, as he slid his fingers inside me.

  “My Lia.” He curled them, sending a shudder through my body. “What you do to me.”

  He kissed me almost savagely, sucking my tongue into his mouth and making my bones melt. My back hit the mattress with a quiet thud. His parted lips forged a path from my neck to the curves of my breasts and down my stomach slowly, slowly, slowly until he reached my inner thighs. Slinking my hands through his hair, I held him there as he worked my body with finesse until I was achy, breathless and clinging to him.

  “Do you have any idea how good you are at this?” I groaned, surrendering to the rush of ecstasy.

  Hovering over me, his mouth covered mine. Locked in his kiss, the taste of myself blended with him on my lips. I gasped at the surge of desire that streaked through me. Nudging my legs open wider with his knee, he flexed his hips into mine, teasing my needy skin to the point where it was almost torture. I was throbbing and raw and close to the breaking point.

  “Alastair,” I moaned, writhing beneath him. “Please.”

  Pressing my arms into the mattress over my head, he kissed me again and whispered something unintelligible on my neck.

  Cocooning his body around me, he entered me swiftly and with conviction. I couldn’t feel or see anything but him. I didn’t want to. I was exactly where I was destined to be, losing myself in the only person who mattered. I was his. He was mine. We possessed one another over and over, proclaiming to the world that we belonged to each other for eternity.

  * * *

  Alastair pulled the dark red plush throw blanket around us tighter as I snuggled into him. We’d moved back out to the balcony and were cuddled up on one of the chaise lounges. The Eiffel Tower winked at me, seeming to know that another couple had fallen under its spell.

  “Can we come back here someday and stay longer?” I asked.

  “We can go anywhere in the world you want. You know that.”

  I lifted my head so I could see his face. Looking at him always took my breath away, especially now. I’d never seen him so at peace. I loved spending this private time with him. I loved seeing him let go and relax. There weren’t any interruptions for the first time ever in our relationship. No phone calls, no texts, no ghosts from our pasts: just bliss.

  “I can see the wheels turning in that pretty head of yours.” He smiled, dragging his fingers through my hair.

  “Just thinking about you.”

  “Good girl,” he teased, kissing my forehead.


  That got a good laugh out of him. “Ah, Lia. I do love it when you try to sound all British in your cute little American way.”

  I squeezed his waist, making him jump. “Who’s being cheeky now?”

  Securing me in his arms, he dropped a sweet kiss on my nose. I sighed into his chest, content to listen to the beating of his heart and feel the softness of his skin. Our bodies fit so well together in this post-coital embrace.

  His sigh gave me pause. I linked my fingers with his. “You okay, chief?”

  “Never better.”

  I smiled against his skin. “Wanna skip work tomorrow and fly somewhere far, far away?”

  “Let me guess. Fiji?”

  I snapped my head up and blinked. “You remember that?”

  “I remember a lot of things, kitten. You were quite perplexed about my lack of adventure with flying to random places around the world for fun. Fiji is now on my list and you’re coming with me.”

  “Hmm.” I raised my eyebrows. “I like the sound of that. You could use a long vacation. All these board meetings and flights back and forth to London are wearing on you.”

  “Think so?”

  “Alastair, you’re half asleep right now. It kills me to see you work so hard and be so stressed out. I worry.”

  “I’m half asleep right now because I just had the most amazing sex with the most gorgeous woman in the world.”

  “Lucky her.”

  He hugged me tighter. “Lucky me. No more talk about work. I’m staring down another long day tomorrow and an even longer week starting Monday. All I want to do now is stay wrapped in your delicious body.”

  Can’t really argue with that, can I? Our conversation drifted along several different topics. None of them were earth shattering. He teased me about being a cheerleader in high school and I refused to believe he’d never played a video game in his life. Every kid did, even me. When talk started to revolve around family, I felt his body stiffen slightly but he never retreated behind the safety of his wall. By this point, I think I he felt safe enough to trust me with matters involving his childhood and the accident. At least I hoped so.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked, running my fingers down his bare chest.

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “Do you ever go visit them? Your parents and sister?”

  Air rushed out of his lungs so fast that I sat up straight. He paled, avoiding my gaze. “No.”

  “Have you considered it?”


  I brushed back a few pieces of his thick, disheveled hair. “I’ll go with you when you’re ready. I mean, I’ll go if you want me to.”

  Tightening his jaw, he looked at me. A myriad of emotions swirled behind those astute eyes. The silence stretched on for so long I was afraid he’d never say another word for the rest of the night. Talking about his mom, dad and sister was always a delicate dance.

  “You would do that for me?” he finally said.

  “Of course. I’d do anything for you. You know that.”

  Unsure of himself, he opened his mouth to say something then reconsidered. I made sure to keep touching him, whether it was playing with his hair or resting a hand on his skin. I knew how much his touch soothed me and could only imagine mine having the same effect on him.

  Bright emerald irises met mine. “You would really do that for me?”

  “Yes.” I snuggled against his chest again, holding him close. “Say the word, chief, and we’ll go.”

  “I’m not making any promises, Lia. I’ll think about it. That’s all I’ll do for now.”

  “Fair enough.”

  We remained quiet for a long while, only communicating through soft touches and sweet caresses. I kissed along his collarbone, whispering my thanks on his skin. Fisting his hand in my hair, he pulled, forcing my head back. Love and desire burned in his eyes.

  “What’s on your mind, kitten?”

  “What did you say to my dad when you called to tell him you were proposing?”

  Both eyebrows lift
ed in amusement. “A good businessman never reveals his secrets in the art of negotiations.”

  “Oh my God,” I snickered. “Well, you must have said something out of this world because my mom said he hasn’t stopped talking about how great you are.”

  Folding his arms behind his head, Alastair grinned. “I am pretty great, aren’t I?”

  Laughing, I jumped on his lap and tickled him. Not for long though. He had my hands pinned behind my back within seconds.

  “Feisty little thing aren’t you?” His unfiltered joy not only lit up his words, it illuminated his eyes.

  “You know you love it.”

  “Fair point.” He placed his hands on my waist. “Fancy staying out here longer or would you rather go inside?”

  I glanced over at the picture perfect view of Paris we’d been enjoying all evening. An idea hit me, making me smile.

  “Let’s stay out here.” I leaned down to kiss him. “I’ll be right back.”

  I slid off the chaise lounge and scurried to the bedroom. The box with my sparkly heels sat in a corner. I grabbed the ruby red ones and slipped them on, then put on a black silk baby doll nightie. After a quick glance in the mirror, I went back outside. Alastair leaned against the wrought iron railing with the blanket wrapped around his waist, covering up my favorite cotton pajama bottoms. I couldn’t see his expression but hoped it was still serene.

  “Hey, English,” I said, unable to stop a huge, goofy grin from spreading.

  Alastair turned, shaking his head. The smile curling his mouth left me giddy with joy. “Hey, Yankee.”

  “Wow. A quick comeback. Impressive.”

  His languid gaze traced every inch of my body before he responded. “I don’t know what to do first; kiss you or shag you.”

  “Both options are acceptable and encouraged.”

  “You chose the red ones.” He grinned, looking at my feet. The shoes glittered in the light.

  “Well, I figured I’d keep with the theme.” I chewed on my lip for a second. “Where would you have taken me if I’d chosen the white rose?”

  “I guess that’ll remain a mystery.”

  “Seriously? You’re not going to tell me?”

  He looked at me in that way he had, with dominance and yearning and desire. Nothing fired me up more.

  “Patience, Lia. I’m not through with you yet.”

  I swallowed. Hard. “There’s more?”

  Dropping the blanket, he approached with purpose, dominating my line of sight and all but making the Eiffel Tower look pedestrian next to his magnificent physique. My already wobbly thighs and shaky knees from our round of love making failed me. I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself.

  “Your touch,” he whispered, leaning his forehead to mine, “is my weakness and my strength.”

  The warmth of his hands on my skin quickened my pulse.

  “Dance with me.”

  My shy laugh surprised me. “There’s no music.”

  “Then it’s perfect.” He held me close and we swayed to the sounds of Paris of night, sheltered by the lights of the Eiffel Tower. I never wanted this night to end. I never wanted him to let me go. If this is what he was capable of for my birthday I could only imagine what he had in store for our wedding. I couldn’t wait.

  “When did you become such a romantic?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “I had no idea I was one. I just wanted to make you happy.”

  I looked up at him, at his handsome face, mesmerizing eyes and shy smile. This was one of those moments where I needed to be pinched to make sure it was real. I held him tighter, resting my head on his chest and losing myself in him with every breath I took.


  “Yes, my love.”

  “I never did find that lock to go with the key you gave me.”

  His cheek brushed mine as he smiled. “Yes you did.”


  Lively conversation and raucous laughter filled every corner of the pub as I sat at my table, sipping sparkling wine. Post-show food and beverages were exactly what the doctor ordered for this Friday night after a long day at work. Also, I was finally getting to see Stephanie. She’d been radio silent since appearing at my front door on Tuesday, drenched and crying. In true Stephanie fashion, she’d glossed over missing my birthday by blaming it on ‘the twenty-four hour flu’ and apologizing left and right. Oh, and she also nonchalantly let me know that she was not, in fact, pregnant.

  I had no idea what was going on inside my best friend’s head.

  “Paris,” she said with a dreamy look in her eye. “I’m so jealous. Where is he anyway? Why aren’t you guys attached at the hip?”

  “He’s at a client dinner with some of his staff. I’d rather hang out with you.” I smiled, ignoring her last comment.

  “He doesn’t care that you’re not with him?”

  “It’s a business dinner. I’d be bored out of my skull.”

  She shrugged, glancing at the menu. Something about her demeanor wasn’t right. She appeared almost…offended? My suspicions about her budding friendship, or whatever the hell that was, with Olivia grew. Steph had a good head on her shoulders but she was also gullible and loved to take other people’s words as gospel. She’d done it over the summer when her boss, Cassie, filled her head with negative gossip about Alastair.

  “Why does it matter to you that I’m not with him?” I asked, unable to curb my annoyance.

  She rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t. I just figured he’d want you with him. Guys like that usually want their pretty significant others at their side. You know, like Nathan did.”

  “Whoa,” I said, holding up my hands. “I’m not an ornament for him to show off and he’s nothing like those guys, especially that asshole. You know that. What’s gotten into you?”

  She shrugged again. “I don’t know. A lot’s been going on with me and Brent and everything and I just don’t…I don’t know. Sorry.”

  “Is someone filling your head with this crap? Because you’ve never said these things to me before.” I clenched my fists. “Is it Olivia?”

  Stephanie sighed and bowed her head. “Like I said. A lot’s been going on with all that. I don’t really want to talk about it right now.”

  “You would tell me if she said something, right?”

  “Of course.” Her smiled appeared forced. “There’s just a bunch of crap I need to sort out in my own head.”

  “Are you still going to the shower tomorrow?” I asked and then took a healthy sip of wine.

  “I suppose.” Her shoulders slumped as she tilted her head to the side. “I wish you’d come.”

  “I love you like a sister—” I put my hand on my heart “—but I am not voluntarily going anywhere near that girl. She’s nuts.”

  “The whole…thing that happened with her and you the other day was a—” she struggled to find the words “—a…she won’t do that again.”

  “What are you, a double agent?” I laughed. “How do you know?”

  “She feels bad.”

  “She got caught and was escorted away. She doesn’t feel bad. Her ego was wounded.” I downed the rest of my wine and reached for my purse. “I’m getting a refill. Want one?”


  Something was up with my best friend and if I had to pry it out of her using sparkling wine, I would. I scrolled through my phone while waiting for the bartender. I had a text waiting for me from Alastair.

  8:02pm How’s girl’s night?

  8:25pm OK

  8:26pm You sure?

  8:27 Yep

  8:28pm Hurry up and come home so I can get you naked

  I laughed, putting the phone back in my purse.

  “Hi, Lia.”

  I looked up, shocked to see Emma standing in front on me.

  “Emma. I thought you’d be back in London by now.”

  “So did I. Found out a friend of mine is performing later tonight at one of the clubs downtown so I thought I’d stick aroun
d and check out his show.” She waved the bartender over. “What are you having?”

  “Oh, you don’t have to. I’m here with a friend and—”

  “It’s not a bother. We got off on the wrong foot this week and I want to make it up to you. My treat. What would you like?”

  “I don’t think—”

  “Look. If we’re going to be working together we should at least be civil to one another.” The way she looked at me gave me pause. She seemed genuine but I could see distrust hovering behind those smoky violet eyes. In the bizarro world that had now become my life, I let her buy us the drinks.

  She ordered and followed me back to the table. Stephanie looked as surprised as I felt when she saw us.

  “Steph, Emma. Emma, Steph,” I said, taking my seat.

  I could not for the life of me wrap my brain around the fact that I was hanging out with Emma Whelan when only minutes before I’d been brushing off my best friend’s attempts at trying to convince me that Olivia Garrison wasn’t the spawn of Satan. The other wacky thing? The three of us were actually enjoying ourselves. Blame it on the alcohol but after a couple of rounds, Stephanie loosened up and Emma had us both in stitches with some of her work stories. She never mentioned any specific names but some of her more famous clients were quite the handful.

  “So, he was fired from the series and left the business completely,” Emma said. “I think he owns a pet shop now or something.”

  “All because he posted pictures of his bare ass online?” Stephanie asked.

  “Bare ass and full frontal. He was trying to impress a girl.” Emma lowered her voice, putting her index finger and thumb close together. “Not very impressive.”

  Our table erupted into laughter. I finished my glass of sparkling wine, enjoying the fuzzy warmth that was spreading through me. The server walked over, dropping off a round of shots.

  “Courtesy of that table over there,” she said.

  All three of us looked in the direction she pointed and saw a group of college aged guys watching us with eager anticipation.

  “Ooh, frat boys,” Stephanie mused.

  We waved in thanks and went back to our conversation.


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