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Effortless: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

Page 22

by Lynn Montagano

  Brushing his thumb along my lower lip, he continued. “I thought she would help give me clarity. All she did was try to talk me out of being with you. At first, I figured it was her way of protecting me like she always had. But this time…this time was different. She’s never gotten past being abandoned. She’s never allowed herself to fully trust another person. Until I met you, neither had I.” His body stilled. “You look so gorgeous right now. All I want to do is kiss you and lose myself inside you.”

  Lowering his head, he kissed my breast through the cotton tank top I was wearing. “I don’t think—” I gasped, cut off by the sensation of him sucking on my nipple. “Alastair,” I moaned. “Sex can’t always be the answer to our fights.”

  My protests didn’t do much to convince me, let alone him. He felt so amazing. I leaned into his mouth, surrendering. His fingers sunk into the soft flesh on my thighs.

  “Let me.” He looked at me with such hunger, such yearning. It was enough to leave me breathless. Instead it incited a riot of emotions.

  “I hate that you shut me out,” I blurted, feeling the surge of hurt and anger build like a growing storm. “I hate that you chose Emma over me and told her everything that was bothering you. I’m supposed to be that person for you, Alastair. I’m supposed to be the one you trust with everything.” My lower lip quivered making his expression falter. “I’m supposed to be your safe place, not her.”

  “You’re more than my safe place, kitten. You’re my lifeline.”

  “Then please stop shutting me out when you’re thrust into emotional chaos.”

  Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. I could tell this weighed heavily on him even though he tried to mask it, like he always did. I leaned forward, resting my forehead on his. We communicated in the one way we both knew worked; through touch. For me, feeling his hands on my skin quieted the chorus of doubts and insecurities that plagued my mind.

  “I missed waking up with you,” he said after a few minutes. “I like hearing you first thing in the morning and feeling your body close. My day isn’t right if it doesn’t start that way. You have no idea how overwhelmed I am by you.”

  I ran my fingers along his jaw and through the stubble. “I think I do, chief. I think you might need a safe word.”

  That got a smile out of him. “We’ll see about that.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and fixed a bright green stare on me. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Goosebumps commandeered every inch of my skin, rippling across my body. Bowing his head, he frowned. “Why aren’t you wearing your ring?”

  I glanced at the glittering diamond on the nightstand and reached for it. He watched me, remaining still and quiet.

  “I thought.” I paused, shaking my head. I was being an idiot, as usual. “I don’t know what I thought. I was overanalyzing again.”

  Arching an eyebrow, he took the ring and slipped it back on my finger. The dominant spark returned to his eyes. “Don’t take it off again, kitten.”

  “Do you promise not to shut me out anymore?” I challenged.

  “Only if you promise to stay patient with me.”

  “Always negotiating, Holden.”

  “Always feisty, Meyers.”

  I hugged him, relieved to feel his body relax and meld with mine. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

  Breaking our embrace, he cupped my jaw and regarded me with great interest. Determination sparked behind his eyes. “Brent called me this afternoon,” he said, playing with my hair. “He told me what happened. I’m going to take care of the whole Olivia situation once and for all.”

  “So you actually talked to him?”

  “About a few things, yeah. He’s worried about her and rightfully so. I can’t change what she did or pretend it didn’t happen but all of this needs to stop.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “That’s for me to worry about.” He grinned. “You look exhausted. Get some sleep.”

  “Only if you never leave me alone in this bed again. If I have to sleep in here all by myself one more night I’ll go nuts.”

  “That gives me an idea.”

  “Oh really?”

  His fingertips glided along my lower back, scattering more goosebumps in their wake. “A brilliant idea in fact.”

  “And what’s this brilliant idea you have, English?”

  The left corner of his mouth ticked up in a grin. “We stay in bed until the sun comes up.”

  I pouted. “That’s not much longer. It’s already four in the morning.”

  He leaned in and nibbled on my neck. “You didn’t let me finish. When the sun comes up on Friday.”

  “That means— Wait. Skip work? You? That’s unheard of.”

  “Someone once told me I was due for some time off and since I’m the boss—” he smirked “—I approve the request.”

  “Convenient,” I snickered. “There’s one problem though. You’re not my boss, so I have to go to work.”

  “Interesting thing about that. You have the rest of the week off.”

  “Alastair,” I exclaimed. “I can’t—”

  “It’s done. I’ve already cleared it with Sam, so you have nothing to worry about.”

  I folded my arms and gave him a look. “When did you do that?”

  His nonchalant shrug irked me.

  “I have a show to produce. Just because you’re a crazy control freak doesn’t mean you can dictate—”

  He kissed me quiet, owning me with every tongue stroke.

  “I can and I did,” he said with a knowing smile. “You’ll thank me later.”

  “Arrogant bastard. You know what that tone of voice does to me.”

  “The same thing your defiant little pose does to me when you cross your arms and challenge me with those eyes.”

  “You’re a lot of work, Holden. I’m exhausted just thinking about what it’s going be like married to you.”

  He squeezed my waist, making me jump. “Not as exhausted as you’ll be after I take you in every position, on every surface, piece of furniture, shower, bathtub, car, airplane—”

  “Holy fuck,” I gasped.


  With one arm, he tossed me onto my back, yanked down my sweats and proceeded to have his way with me on the bed until the sun rose.

  * * *

  Ringing bells echoed in my head. Cloudy with sleep, I grunted. The bells rang again, louder and more persistent this time. Go away. Tangled in Alastair’s embrace, I managed to squint toward the nightstand to see what time it was. Noon? I haven’t slept in this late since college. The doorbell sounded a third time. Alastair stirred next to me.

  “Are you expecting someone?” I asked, thinking about another surprise visit from Emma, or worse.

  “Yep.” He sat up and yawned, ruffling his hair back and forth. Anyone who claimed to not be a morning person clearly never woke up next to a naked Alastair Holden. Even groggy with sleep he was hot. Standing up, he stretched. I was now eye level with his bare backside so I took the opportunity that was presented and grabbed a handful.

  “Hey,” he said, turning after I pinched him. “Save it for later.” With a wink and grin, he slipped on his jeans and left the room. A few seconds later I heard his voice along with another man’s. I leapt out of bed and threw on the first clothes I could find. It sounded like they were heading toward his home office. Curious, I went after them and hovered just outside the door.

  “Everything’s in order, mate. I just need the signatures.” The guy with Alastair handed him a folder. He was dressed professionally, unlike my scruffy fiancé who was shirtless and had barely completed the button-fly requirements on his jeans. “Jason sure is chuffed about the whole thing.”

  “He should be. He’s been wanting this for years. Pain in my ass.”

  The other guy laughed. “Good to see you two are close as ever.”

  Alastair stilled and turned in my direction. Not only was I now under the watchful gaze of his emerald eyes but h
is associate’s blue ones as well.

  “Hi.” I almost didn’t recognize my own voice; it sounded so shy.

  “This must be Amelia.” He looked from me to Alastair. “You didn’t tell me she was this much of a knockout in person.”

  If looks could kill, this guy would be dead after the one Alastair threw in his direction.

  “Gerard Wilson,” he said, extending his hand. “I have the unfortunate pleasure of being his attorney.”

  I shook Gerard’s hand and stood next to Alastair, who couldn’t get his arm around my waist fast enough. Gerard looked strangely familiar to me but I couldn’t put my finger on it. He wasn’t as tall as Alastair but he was muscular. Stocky, even. Built like a bulldog, my dad would say.

  “I can change your fortune, if you’d prefer,” Alastair said, arching an eyebrow in Gerard’s direction.

  “Where’s the fun in that? My other clients are boring and wouldn’t dare greet me half naked at the front door.”

  “My other attorneys are seen and not heard unless they have something useful to tell me.”

  I was fascinated listening to the two of them spar with each other good-naturedly. I’d only seen Alastair interact with Darren in a friendly manner. His history with Brent had been less than cordial and, well, he expressed his dislike for Nathan with a closed fist more than once.

  “So when’s the wedding? I trust my invitation is in the mail.” Gerard shoved his hands in his pockets and smiled at me.

  “We haven’t set a date yet.”

  “No?” He looked at Alastair. “For fuck’s sake what are you waiting for, Holden? If you don’t hurry up and marry her a line will start forming down the street. Gorgeous women like this don’t linger on the market long.”

  “Anything else you wanted?” Alastair’s grip tightened on my waist as he shot Gerard another deadly look.

  “Stand down, soldier.” He winked. “Save it for the rugby pitch.”

  Rugby? That’s it! This was the guy who’d shouted in Alastair’s direction that day I ran into him at the field. I should have known this was the same guy. The look he’d given Gerard back then was identical to this one.

  “You wouldn’t be saying that if we played on different sides, G.”

  “Bollocks. You’re not that good.” Gerard looked at me. “Do you see what I have to put up with? I hope he knows what a saint you are. I wouldn’t marry him if he was the last man on earth.”

  “He’s a handful but I think I have it covered,” I smiled.

  “Probably more than you realize. The ice man melts for no one. Imagine my surprise when he said he proposed. I lost a bet.”

  I glanced up at Alastair. “So I really am the only one who didn’t know that everyone else knew about our engagement.”

  He just shrugged and kissed my forehead.

  “The man is a master,” Gerard said. “Not to be an old bore but if you could sign those I’ll send them off to the London office for tomorrow morning.”

  While Alastair scrutinized the legal documents, Gerard continued chatting with me. I could tell he was being more flirty than was necessary just to get a rise out of my overprotective boyfriend. I didn’t feel threatened by it at all. Truth be told, it amused me. I liked him. His easygoing demeanor and kind face offset his intimidating build.

  “We’re done here, then,” Alastair said, slapping the folder against Gerard’s chest. “Thanks for stopping by.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” He turned to me and shook my hand. “Absolutely stunning. If you ever get sick of him, I know a great divorce attorney.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I said, laughing at his parting shot to my somewhat amused and more than likely annoyed fiancé.

  “Let me escort you out,” Alastair muttered. “And you,” he looked at me with a hint of danger, “stay here.”

  I mock saluted him and perched on the edge of his desk. Several more files were spread out on the surface. Nosey thing that I am, I propped my feet up on his chair and peeked at one. Nothing exciting from what I could see. A lot of legal mumbo jumbo with ‘Holden World Media’ and ‘The Company’ interspersed.

  I felt his presence before I saw him. Boy, did the sight of him rev up my engine. He’d shoved his hands in his pockets, making the jeans hang a little lower, exposing his bare hips. Barefoot, shirtless, disheveled hair and unshaven. Yum. I’d never seen anything more sexy. And that look in his eyes. So help me…

  “Should I expect any more work interruptions today?” I asked as he approached.

  “No. Should I expect any more flirting with other men?”

  “Aw. Are you jealous?”

  He leaned into me, hooking my legs around his hips. “Very.”

  I smiled. “Perfect.”

  “You’re too bloody sexy for your own good, you know. Next time wear something less flattering.”

  I knotted my fingers in his hair. “I thought your boxers and my tank top were a pretty unsexy pairing.”

  “There is nothing unsexy about your wearing my clothes.” He closed his eyes briefly and wet his lips. “I don’t know whether to throw you against the wall and fuck you senseless or do it right here on my desk.”

  The wall won. So did the desk.


  I slumped on the couch, pretending to watch TV while Alastair prepared some dinner for us. I had some mindless movie on because my brain no longer existed. It had been screwed out of me somewhere between his desk and an extra-long shower. My thighs were so tingly and sore I made the executive decision never to walk again for the rest of my life. I don’t know what had gotten into him but he’d been a beast all afternoon. Not that I’m complaining.

  He sauntered into the living room carrying two plates of shepherd’s pie, looking so unbelievably gorgeous I wanted to climb him like a tree. If I could move.

  “Looks delicious,” I said as he placed the food on the table.

  “Yes, you do.”

  “Stop it. You destroyed me. I’m on a sex hiatus and won’t be able to do anything for at least a week, maybe two.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “I can’t even move to eat.”

  “I’ll feed you,” he said with a wicked grin. “Come here.”

  It was a struggle to sit up. My bones were liquid and my muscles rioted against having to work. Only my sheer force of hunger enabled me to grab a fork and dig in.

  “Atta girl. You need the energy.”


  He laughed. “Not quite what you were calling me earlier. I like ‘sex god’ better. ‘Sensational lover’ is also high on the list.”

  “I was under the influence.”

  “You were under me.”

  “Case in point.”

  “Of all the little pet names you call me,” he said, leaning close, “‘mine’ is my favorite.”

  “Well, you are.”

  “Without question.”

  “Right answer.”

  His cell phone rang, interrupting our refueling session. He gave my knee a quick squeeze before answering with a gruff, “Holden.”

  For someone who was supposedly on a day off, his phone never stopped. Lucky for me, he ignored it most of the day, only interrupting our sex marathon once for a call. I wondered why he didn’t take tomorrow off as well. I had no idea what I was supposed to do here all by myself. Recuperate probably. My body ached with great pleasure, no doubt, but man his stamina was inhuman.

  “Why the fuck is that in here.” Alastair’s agitated shout echoed through the house. I put down my fork and stood up gingerly, tiptoeing toward his office. That tone of voice was never a good sign. I was almost to the door when another angry outburst sounded. “I’ll destroy that deal so fast you won’t know what hit you. I can. I own fifty-one percent. It’s mine unless you have the means to buy me out and we both know that’s not the case.”

  I had no idea who he was yelling at. Emma? She did mention he supported her business financially to get it up and running.
I don’t think he owned it though. Then again, maybe he did. Who knows.

  “Nobody is signing it. I didn’t even know Gerard brought it with him. I’ll be in the office tomorrow to deal with this.”

  This had something to do with his company. Was it Jason on the receiving end of his tirade? Probably. I went back to the living room before he ended the call. Alastair stalked in a few minutes later, heated from the conversation.

  “You okay, chief?”

  His fiery gaze halted my efforts to eat. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  I didn’t believe a word coming out of his mouth but chose not to press him on the matter. We’d had a shitty enough week as it was. Exhaling slowly, he sat on the couch.

  “You’re too far away,” I said, spreading my arms. To my immense pleasure, he curled up with me. I could tell he was restless though. I turned his head so he looked at me. “What can I do to help?”

  “Exactly what you’re doing right now.”

  * * *

  Alastair’s nightmare woke me up with a start. He clutched the sheets, twisting and pulling. Letting out a sharp cry, he rolled toward me, clamping his arms around my waist and yanking me into his chest.

  “Don’t leave me,” he whined.

  Even though his grip was suffocating, I didn’t try to free myself. I whispered to him, letting him know I was close. Waking up, his eyes popped open as he drew in a sharp breath. I brushed my knuckles down his cheek.

  “Hello, love,” I said.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked, shaking off the remnants of his dream.


  “You would tell me if I did?”

  “You didn’t hurt me, Alastair. You just hugged me, like you always do.”

  He blew out a sigh, nodding. “Okay.”

  “Want to tell me about it?”

  Grimacing, he remained silent. I kissed his forehead and stroked his hair until his breathing became heavy and even and deep with sleep.

  * * *

  The bed was empty when the first rays of daylight streamed through the windows. I rubbed my eyes, yawning. I hated waking up without him. Dragging myself out of bed I went to his office. Much to my surprise, he wasn’t in there. I shuffled toward the living room and found him sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep. My tragic angel.


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