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Effortless: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

Page 26

by Lynn Montagano

  The sharp, stinging pain of guilt over my family’s death commandeered my body. I don’t care how many goddam years have passed. It would remain with me forever. Lia did help make it more bearable. Her touch, her patience, her mere presence made existing more bearable.

  “I know,” she said, stroking my cheek. “But there’s cake involved.”

  A laugh escaped me before I knew it. That was the effect she had on me. Disarmed and enchanted, I loosened my grip on her hair and held her closer. Her body was so soft and delicate next to mine. I wanted her. I needed her. My urges to claim her endlessly were relentless. And I wasn’t alone. She’d managed to surprise me on more than one occasion with her own insatiable desires.

  “Reckon I can’t say no to cake then, can I?” Or you. Saying no to her wasn’t in my nature. I mean, Christ, look at her. Lia could bring me to my knees at a moment’s notice. She owned me with those eyes and could tame me with one touch.

  “What’s going on inside that head of yours, English?”

  I hovered my lips over hers in an effort to slow my racing heart. If I didn’t, I’d lose all control and fuck her senseless where we sat. Not that she’d mind.

  The second I felt her hands in my hair I took her mouth. She tasted of champagne. Beneath that was the sweeter, unique flavor that was hers alone. The nonstop pulling of my hair as I kissed her drove me to the edge. I groaned, sliding my hand under her dress and up her leg, running my fingers along the soft skin I craved. Nothing felt better.

  “Frisky.” Her full, just-been-kissed-lips pulled into a smile. “Come on. Let’s go.”


  Standing up, she smoothed down the dress and held out her hand. I took it because I wouldn’t have been able to stand otherwise. Framed by the panoramic backdrop of New York City, she glowed. And I unraveled. I sat on the edge of the desk and wedged her between my thighs to steady the quaking in my knees. What this girl does to me.

  Rubbing her thumb over my mouth to remove the gloss, she grinned. “Not a bad color on you.”

  “Think so?” I rested my forehead to hers in an effort to delay the inevitable. I didn’t mind spending my birthday with our friends but I didn’t want the extra attention. Staying holed up in the bedroom or this office or anywhere with my wife seemed a more perfect option.

  The softness of her lips brushed mine, inciting the riot of emotions I’d spent most of my life suppressing. With every gentle stroke of her tongue, she calmed me. I never believed a kiss could be so powerful until I met her. My world had finally come into focus when she entered my life.

  “We’re in this together, Alastair,” she said. “Always.”

  I smiled on the inside, relaxing in her embrace. My walls would always be there. I needed them for protection. Not from her though.

  “We’ll mingle for a bit.” I smirked. “Then I want to have my way with you in a secluded corner.”

  The challenge of my proposition sparked in her eyes. Her brows lifted but I knew I had her where I wanted her.

  “We’ll see about that, chief.”

  Lacing her fingers through mine, she led me up to the roof deck. We’d been in New York for the past month while I finished some work on our revamped record label. I knew Lia loved being in this city, especially now that her sister and Andrew had moved back at Christmas after finding out they were expecting. Family has always been important to my wife. My own relationship with my family was improving but had a long way to go.

  I could now stomach being in the same space as my uncle without feeling as though he blamed me for his brother’s death. We could hold a conversation without being at each other’s throats. It doesn’t erase the fact that I’d been a prick to him while growing up, constantly reminding him that he wasn’t my father. We’d probably never be close but at least we had an understanding.

  The closer we got to the top of the stairs, the more I itched to turn around. Lia sensed it and squeezed my hand.

  “Focus on the cake, Holden.”

  “I’d rather focus on licking the frosting off your body.”

  She leveled me with her eyes. “You’re lethal.”

  “You love it.”

  Her musical laugh made my insides melt. With her by my side, I felt invincible.

  Also by Lynn Montagano…

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  Also by Lynn Montagano…

  Catch My Breath

  Lynn Montagano

  A fresh, new voice in contemporary romance, I’m a former TV news writer who decided to take the plunge and write more than just the day’s top stories. I grew up in a small town in Rhode Island before venturing out into the world and have lived everywhere from Los Angeles to Boston to Orlando. An avid traveler, I’ve been as far away as Australia and as close as Canada. My favorite place to visit is London. This small town girl is back on the east coast after a brief stint in Northern California. I currently reside in Massachusetts, comfortably close to my beloved football team.


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