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Cat Got Your Tongue?

Page 5

by Rae Rivers

“You hungry?”

  Alex settled her gaze on him. “Always. You buying?”

  “Always.” He smiled and went to the doorway. “Let’s get some food and then we’ll come back here to finalize the more tedious part of our discussion.”

  “God, I love it when a man puts food before work,” she said with a casual laugh and followed him to the front door.

  He paused, his hand on the doorknob, and tilted his head in her direction. “Any preferences?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Chinese.”

  Warren was waiting with the limo, expecting them. The Chinese restaurant they chose was full with other diners who’d had the same idea. It was warm and inviting and they seated Cole at a corner table, away from prying eyes.

  The waiter wasted no time, arrived with a bottle of wine, and took their order. They’d decided on red wine tonight and it was well suited to their mood and the ambiance of the restaurant.

  Several people seated around them had curious glances pinned in their direction. Beside her sat a handsome, wealthy, single man that owned the most expensive and prestigious hotel chain in the world, as well as several other properties scattered around the globe. She could see the attraction that sparked the curious stares and whispers.

  Not only were they looking at Cole, but also at her. She could only imagine what they were thinking and she grinned.

  “Something amusing you?”

  Alex tilted her head in his direction. “Just checking out your admirers.”

  “Anyone of interest?”

  “It depends on your definition of interesting.”

  “I had that clearly defined,” he murmured, regarding her across the table. “I do, however, find that I’m developing new interests all the time.”

  Something about the way he was looking at her made her wonder if he was talking about her. Her stomach lurched and she quickly dismissed the thought as being ridiculous.

  “Is it always like this?” she wondered aloud and scanned the room again. Not only were the women ogling Cole. The men seemed to have as much interest in the billionaire.

  “I wouldn’t know. I never pay much attention.”

  A flicker of concern trickled through her as her training kicked into action. “You should or you’re going to get in trouble.”

  “Maybe, but I can take care of myself. I’ve had enough experience over the years to know when someone’s a threat to me. For now, these people are harmless.”

  “And when they’re not?”

  “I have the necessary security in place for that,” he replied with certainty. “Or at least, I will have once your company has agreed to my terms.”

  “Your terms?” God, this man oozed confidence. “What about my terms?”

  He chuckled into his glass. “We’ll negotiate.”

  “Oh, definitely.” Her smile eased and she sipped her wine. “You really should be more aware of your surroundings, Cole.”

  “It’s not the public that worries me as much as the reporters. They’re relentless.”

  “That bad?”

  “Think wolves.”

  She laughed. “So I’d stand between you and them?”

  “Something like that.”

  Deciding they’d had enough bantering for the moment, she changed the subject. “Have the cops come up with anything yet?”

  “Nothing. They couldn’t lift any prints.”

  Cats never left prints—well, the smart and experienced ones didn’t and Steven Bryson fell into that category. “What did they make of the fact there was no visible forced entry?”

  Cole sipped his wine. “They concluded that the locks were picked. A professional. How …” His words trailed off as their food arrived. The waiter left and Cole reached for his chopsticks. “How did you know there was no sign of forced entry?”

  Shit. “I think I heard it on the news or something,” she replied, hoping he hadn’t noticed the quickening of her breath. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw two women approaching their table and Alex’s instincts and habits sprang into action. “Can I help you?” she asked them.

  “We were wondering if we could have an autograph?”

  As her signature wasn’t worth anything exciting, she figured they wanted Cole’s. She felt the sudden shift in his mood and saw the way his eyes narrowed. He’d mentioned the day before that he’d never understood the relevance behind people wanting his signature.

  “Ladies,” Alex said in a cool voice, “as you can see, we’re having dinner. Do you mind putting this off for now?”

  They hesitated and trailed off, disappointed, and settled back at their table on the opposite side of the restaurant.

  “Smooth.” Cole studied her across the table as she snagged a chicken strip and popped it in her mouth. His focus shifted to her lips and his blue eyes darkened.

  “I see why you like coming here. Their food is great.”

  “It’s one of my favorites.”

  Cole watched her eating her meal with enthusiasm, and she caught a hint of amusement in his eyes. She imagined he seldom witnessed his dates actually eating their food instead of pushing it around on their plates.

  But she wasn’t his date and she was ravenous.

  “Stop staring at me,” Alex said quietly, noticing he’d stopped eating. “It makes me all nervy and I can’t help but wonder what’s going through your mind when you look at me like that.”

  The smile that curved his lips was all mischief. All sexy. “I think if I told you what I was thinking you’d run a mile.”

  Chapter Six

  He liked her.

  More than he should considering he was about to enter into a business agreement with her. She was smart, strong, independent, and had sparked his curiosity.

  Employing a female bodyguard was something he’d never considered, but Max had given her a strong recommendation—and he trusted his old friend’s judgment. His security team needed improvement and she’d have some valuable input. As for his personal security, he could take care of himself, but it would be useful to have someone between him and the fans that often rallied around him. The press was a headache he could do without and if he could employ her to deal with them, it would be money well spent—and they would love her.

  The fact that he wanted her around simply because she fascinated him was a thought he chose to ignore.

  He signaled to the waiter for the bill and raised an eyebrow when Alex handed him two clean napkins and a pen.

  “Your signature,” she said with a smile.

  Before he could question her further, the waiter handed him a black folder. He scribbled his signature on each napkin and reached for his wallet.

  While he paid for dinner, Alex darted to the table where the two women who’d approached him earlier were sitting. With a bright smile, she handed them each a white napkin.

  He cocked an eyebrow when she joined him in the doorway.

  “Got to keep the fan base happy,” she whispered, her lips curving in a grin, and took the lead out of the restaurant.

  Surprised, Cole smiled and followed her.

  “Max seems to have his hands full with his ex-wife,” he said as they made their way to the limo. The way Alex had handled Vera Slade in their earlier exchange was impressive—it had been entertaining to watch a woman of her size outsmart a woman far bigger.

  And Cole hadn’t missed the comment about her having sex with Max.

  He frowned, unsure if she’d said it to aggravate Vera or if the statement held any truth to it. Why it bothered him remained unclear, but he dismissed the thought and stole a glance at her.

  Alex nodded and tucked a lock of black curls behind her ear. “Vera’s a bit of a handful.”

  “Has she attacked you before?”

  “Yes. It’s become more frequent since she’s figured out that I stand between her and Max. I suppose it’s all part of the job though.”

  “Are you working with any other clients at the moment?”

  “My partners are
. I only take on one client at a time for full protection. Max doesn’t need the same security he needed before, so I’m spending less time with him on a business level.”

  And a social level?

  “Thanks for dinner,” Alex said and tucked her bag under her arm.

  Before Cole could answer, three adolescent boys appeared and surrounded them. No one needed to spell out their intentions.

  “So, rich guy,” a pimply-faced teenager with a cocky attitude said, “you got some money under those designer clothes?”

  “Back off, guys,” Cole warned and slipped a hand against Alex’s lower back.

  The other two boys snickered.

  “Hey, asshole,” the same boy chirped. “Show us your wallet and we won’t hurt you, you rich fuck.”

  Judging by their enlarged pupils and unsteady feet, either alcohol or drugs were involved.

  “Yeah, show us your wallet,” the second boy urged.

  “And your tits,” the third boy added, looking at Alex.

  Anger soaring, Cole stepped forward but Alex placed a hand on his arm. He met her gaze and understood what she wanted. Although he didn’t like it, curiosity got the better of him so he backed down.

  “You want to see my tits?” she asked them in a soft, even tone. All three teenagers laughed and jeered. Alex moved closer to the adolescent who’d made the suggestion. He puffed out his chest and straightened his shoulders. “I don’t blame you,” she said, moving even closer, “ʼcause I have great tits.”

  The other two boys started to laugh, but he remained quiet, uncomfortable with having her in his face.

  Alex closed the gap between them, her face right up against his. “Yes, they’re firm and round and perfectly designed to fit in a man’s hand.” Her mood had become seductive and quiet, and all three teenagers fell silent, mesmerized by her. “Yes, I have great tits,” she murmured, her fingers toying with his collar before trailing down his chest to his belt. “Think you’re man enough to touch them?”

  Cole almost laughed at the boy’s expression, his arousal obvious.

  Alex slid her hand onto his crotch and all three boys gasped. “Yeah, you’re hard for me, aren’t you?”

  Surprising them all, Alex tightened her grip on his bulge and squeezed. He yelped and tried to back away but Alex reacted by squeezing harder. He got the message and froze, holding his hands up in surrender.

  “You sick little worm,” she said through clenched teeth, disgust and anger replacing her seductive mood. “Didn’t your mother teach you it’s bad manners to rob someone?” She gave a hard jerk against his crotch and he cried out. “And didn’t she tell you it’s even worse to talk like that to a lady?”

  “We were just fooling around,” he wheezed.

  “How’s that working for you?” She released him with a final jerk and pushed him away. “Get out of here before I call the cops.”

  All three teenagers stared at her for a stunned moment before whirling around and running away.

  When she turned to look at Cole, he couldn’t keep his silly grin in.

  “Element of surprise,” she said with a sly smile. “Works every time.”

  “And you’re definitely hired.”

  Chapter Seven

  Tuesday evening

  Cole shrugged out of his jacket and studied Alex in silence. She was staring at the priceless Rodin statue that rested in all its glory in the foyer of his townhouse, her appreciation for the piece apparent in her eyes. Her hair hung in a spray of curls around her shoulders and down her back. She’d removed her jacket and the pink blouse she wore softened her features and hinted at the feminine woman that lurked inside.

  He’d bet his newly acquired Renoir that beneath her tough exterior, there was a whole lot of woman to be found. The thought sent his imagination soaring.

  She fascinated him in a way few other women ever had, and it made him question his motives at employing her as his bodyguard. He could’ve had any bodyguard in the city, yet he’d hired her. She was good at her job and he needed the services she offered, but he knew why he’d chosen her.

  He’d been bored for far too long.

  Whether or not he should have used that as the motivation behind his final decision to hire her, he wasn’t sure.

  “You like Rodin’s work?” he asked.

  “His statues are so full of depth and emotion.” She slid her fingers along the contours of the sculpture of two lovers in a passionate embrace, their mouths locked in a heated kiss. “He’s captured the lust between them so well.”

  “That’s what drew me to it in the first place.”

  “This was sold last year at Rockefeller Plaza.”

  Her knowledge of art amazed him. “You’re like an art catalogue.”

  “I am?”

  “I suspect you could quote every piece of art I own.”

  Her smile confirmed his suspicion. “I love art. It fascinates me.”

  You fascinate me.

  Her hair fell forward as she bent to study the statue and he had to fight the urge to reach out and brush the curls away.

  “It’s hard to think that he failed as a painter,” she said.

  He swept a casual gaze over her curves and felt a tightening in his pants. Yes, it was hard to think. Damn hard.

  “His statues made him the success he was,” he replied, deciding they needed a change of topic. Having her staring with such intensity at the two lovers locked in a wild embrace made him think of all sorts of things that were probably, definitely, inappropriate.

  “Do you have any of his other pieces?”

  “Several, but not all here.” He disposed of their jackets and poured them a drink. “Shall I show you around?” He couldn’t resist flashing her a teasing grin when handing her the glass. “I’m sure we could do with a drink after our little drama outside the restaurant.”

  Alex laughed. “Oh, God. That was embarrassing.”

  “For you maybe. For me, it was … entertaining.”

  “I’m glad I could entertain you.”

  That and more. “It seemed effective.”

  “Poor kid.”

  “His friends will tease him for sure, but it serves him right.”

  “They were so stoned. The chances they’d remember it in the morning are slim.”

  His grin widened. “I’ll certainly remember it in the morning.”

  They made their way around the lavish townhouse, ending on the top floor that consisted of two rooms.

  “My bedroom.” He pushed open the door, a teasing gleam in his eyes. He stood back, waiting for her to enter. “Step inside.”

  “Said the spider to the fly,” Alex said, extracting a laugh from him. She walked into his private suite that took up most of the top floor and glanced around.

  The spacious room, furnished with the same expensive taste as the rest of the house, looked warm and inviting. On the one side of the room, he’d created a cozy corner with a wall mounted plasma screen, a coffee table and two comfortable couches. The door of the walk-in closet was ajar and Alex caught a glimpse of Prada and Armani suits neatly hanging on the railings. There was a door leading to what she assumed was the en suite bathroom and she knew without looking that it would be practical but beautiful. A large bed with a huge headboard and matching nightstands rested against the far wall.

  Standing with a handsome man in his bedroom, his bed a few feet away, brought all sorts of inappropriate images to mind and she was thankful he was unable to see her expression from his position behind her.

  Perhaps viewing his bedroom had been a bad idea. She couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from his bed.

  “Shall I show you where you’ll be staying?” he offered in a low, all too compelling voice.

  Alex was quick to agree, grateful for the distraction.

  She masked her surprise when he led her to the door next to his. Of course. Of all the rooms in the house, he’d picked the bedroom beside his. Now that should have her sleeping like the dead at night

  The second room was spacious but smaller than his suite. It was private and comfortable and all she’d need during her stay at the townhouse.

  “This okay?”

  “It’s great,” Alex replied, trying to contain her unwelcome arousal at the knowledge that her room was right next door to his.

  “Don’t worry,” he murmured, almost as though he’d read her mind. “I don’t bite. Unless asked to.”

  Alex flashed him a grin. “I think I need another drink.”

  Cole smiled and reached for her glass. “I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as he disappeared, Alex descended the stairs in search of the library, curious to see the room in the light.

  When Cole had pulled up in front of his townhouse the night of the burglary, she’d heard him give the instruction to his butler and driver to offload the painting in the library.

  That’s how Steven Bryson knew where the painting would be. But how did he know where the library is?

  The cat had known exactly where he was going. There’d been no hesitation, no peeping inside any of the rooms, trying to find the painting. He hadn’t even bothered to cut the alarm, which told her he’d planned to be in and out before anyone reacted to it. Either Steven had blueprints of the house or he’d been there before.

  “What are you doing?” Cole asked behind her.

  “I was wondering how the cat knew where the library is.” Distracted, she reached for the door handle in question.

  “How do you know the library’s through that door?”

  Alex froze. Damn. She really was smarter than that. She pushed open the door and went inside. “Just a hunch.”

  Cole didn’t comment and flipped on the light, studying her. Alex ignored him as she absorbed the beautiful room in awe.

  Wooden mahogany shelves lined the walls, neatly stacked with books of all different shapes, sizes, and titles. Several comfortable couches and a large round table decorated the room, all chosen and placed with care, all expensive. A Monet painting, painted as part of his Water Lily series in the nineteenth century, hung against the far wall, remarkable in its age and beauty.

  “You said earlier that the first scuffle was here, in the library,” Alex said. “Where were you standing?”


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