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Sons of Justice 2 The School Teacher

Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I don’t know, Lux. You’re holding onto one day in the mist of her sadness and fear while watching Cherokee recover in the hospital. We were in the right place at the right time, that’s all,” Fort said, and put the jeep in drive.

  “Bullshit. She leaned against us, let us care for her and provide comfort, and she didn’t pull way until other people joined us and started asking questions,” Lux replied.

  “I’m telling you, whatever happened before she moved here to Repose affected her and caused her to have this lack of trust, and specifically, her need to push us away. Maybe she just isn’t attracted to any of us. We’re pretty hard men, and not too talkative,” Fort said.

  “No. She treats all men the same way. She keeps her distance. I’ve been watching her and Breaker and Scout, too. She’s resistant and fearful. I think a man hurt her. I just hope it wasn’t as serious as Cherokee’s situation, and that she needs full-time protection.”

  “Shit Lux, why do you have to start verbalizing these fears? We’re leaving tomorrow. We don’t know when we’ll be back. Our concern for her will be greater being away,” Fort said.

  “We should be concerned for her either way. She’s gorgeous, sweet, professional, and single. Let’s pray no other men sweep her off her feet and we miss the opportunity to make her ours.”

  “You’re out of your mind. I’m thinking like Scout and Breaker that we pull back.”

  “That wouldn’t be smart, and the only reason they want to pull back is because they don’t trust a soul but us. Mercy is the woman that will complete us.”

  They continued to drive to the house and Fort exhaled. “We’ve got women throwing themselves at us, and we choose the one woman who can’t seem to stand us to be the one we want guardianship over? I think we’ve lost our minds.”

  Lux chuckled. “She’s the one. I’m telling you. She is the one for all of us.”

  * * * *

  Mercy was moving her hips and dancing with Kendra, Bo, Laci, and Sam, along with a few cowboys. Mercy had learned how to do a lot of the line dancing moves and other styles even before moving out here. Being part of the racing circuit, Mercy had spent time dancing at many honky tonks across the states. Although once Canton put his move in on her she no longer had the freedom to dance with whomever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

  “You go, girl! Whoo hoo!” Kendra yelled out and the others around them hollered and hooted as Mercy strut her stuff and showed off some moves.

  When the song ended she felt the hand on her hip and turned to see a tall, good-looking cowboy. He smiled down ta her and gave her a wink.

  “Hello, Miss Sayer. I’d like to buy you a drink,” he said, and she squinted at him but then her friends were laughing along with the cowboys they had all been dancing with on the dance floor.

  “Come on over, honey. We’re all getting drinks,” Kendra stated toward the cowboy, who tipped his hat and gave her a nod, but then his eyes went right back to Mercy.

  As they got to the bar, they all got drinks and started talking and she drew her attention to the tall cowboy.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from my brothers,” he said, and she squinted at him and took a sip from her glass of cranberry vodka.

  “Your brothers? What did you say your name was?” she asked, and he smirked.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, you’re just more beautiful than I expected. I’m Dudley Porter, Jessy’s older brother,” he said and stuck out his hand.

  Kendra laughed and Mercy felt her cheeks warm. Jessy was the little brat she scared the night Cherokee had been taken. If she hadn’t been seeking a little revenge on the pest for putting a frog in her purse and all the other little rat things he did, then she may have been able to help Cherokee.

  “Jessy’s older brother, huh? How many of ya are there?” she asked, shaking his hand.

  “Seven. Jessy and Corey, who were at the haunted house that night your friend was abducted, and the rest of us are closer to your age. Me, Ben, Clive, and Marcus,” he said and then pointed behind her and across the dance floor. She turned to look and there were four pretty big looking cowboys who all shared the same features and hair color of brown, like Dudley. They were almost as big and tall as—

  She couldn’t believe who popped into her head. Scout, Breaker, Lux, and Fort. Jesus, what is wrong with me?

  She looked back at Dudley and that was when she saw Scout and Breaker, and they were talking to a few other men. She sought out Lux and Fort without even thinking, but then felt the hand on her hips as Dudley stepped closer.

  “My brother’s got a bit of a crush on you. Can’t say I blame him, now that I met ya,” he said, and she squinted at him.

  “Your brother?” she asked. He chuckled and stroked her hip. She tightened and went to step back, but bumped into someone behind her and had to press forward again. It was getting crowded in here, and Dudley took advantage of that as he placed his arm around her waist and brought her up against the bar. He caged her in and as she got nervous and on the defensive, he eased back. She was assuming he was going to try something, but in fact, he was protecting her from getting bumped as he gave the guy who bumped her a look that could kill.

  “You’ll be safe in these arms. You’re a tiny thing,” he said, looking down at her and then over her breasts. She felt nothing. Not a thing.

  “I think I can take care of myself,” she said and went to move, but he pressed closer.

  “Don’t go yet. I want to talk to you.”

  She tilted her head. “Listen, you seem like a nice guy, really, but I’m not interested.”

  “You know my other brothers and I aren’t like Jessy. He’s got a crush on you and doesn’t know how to express himself because he’s young and just a boy,” he said to her, then reached up and stroked her jaw. She leaned back, caught off guard by his move and his words, but mostly her reaction. She should push him away, but she didn’t want to make a scene. He was just flirting. She just didn’t know how to handle it.

  “Your brother is a bit of a trouble maker. He needs to settle down and respect the rules, as well as other students’ space.”

  Dudley stared at her eyes. “You have such pretty eyes.”

  She chuckled and turned away, her eyes landing on Scout and Breaker, who were watching her along with Lux and Fort. She quickly turned back and pressed her hand against Dudley’s chest.

  “Don’t push me away. Let’s talk and make plans.”

  “I’m not interested in making plans with you, Dudley. If you’ll excuse me.” She went to move and he gripped her hip tighter. She pushed at his chest.

  “I said I’m not interested,” she stated firmly. He stared at her lips.

  “You’ll get interested the more we talk. Why don’t you come over and meet my brothers?” he said and slid his hand from her waist to her hand, gripping it.

  “No, thank you,” she said and he started to walk.

  “Come on and meet them.”

  “No. I don’t want to.”

  “Hey, she isn’t interested,” Kendra said to Dudley.

  He paused and looked Mercy over. “She will be interested. Come on, teacher.”

  She yanked her hand free. “I said no. Now I see that bad listening skills must run in the family. Go bother someone else. I’m not interested.”

  He stepped toward her like he was going to say something but his eyes went up and behind her like someone taller approached, and when she turned, she felt the arm go around her waist and then heard the deep voice.

  “Problem over here, son?” Breaker said. Instantly, her belly felt warm and she eased back against his chest. She caught herself but then he was pulling her snugly against him, and then Lux, Scout, and Fort were there saying hello and totally blocking Dudley from the conversation. He walked away.

  “You okay?” Lux asked her.

  “Of course I am,” she said, but felt upset. She didn’t like confrontation and she certainly didn’t like men coming to fl
irt and then touching and acting possessive, never mind making demands. Breaker didn’t let go of her and she didn’t push him off, either. He remained holding her just like that as they all ordered drinks.

  Breaker squeezed her hip and kissed her neck by her ear.

  “You’re okay now. You look real pretty tonight, Mercy. Real pretty,” he said, and she felt her body shiver and her nipples harden. She was so attracted to these four men it was crazy, but stupid.

  She realized that she needed to put some space between them. That this wasn’t a good idea. She pressed on Breaker’s hand but then he was whispering to her and Scout stepped closer.

  “Where did you learn how to dance?” Breaker asked. “You can’t tell us you learned in New Jersey.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t think they know how to do the two-step in New Jersey?” she asked.

  “I suppose it’s possible,” Scout said and then reached out and touched her hip as he spoke. “You looked good. Really good,” he added, and her whole body heated up. She just stared way up at Scout and those big, brown eyes, that firm, chiseled jaw, and those muscles on his neck peeking out from his collared blue shirt. He smelled good, too. All four did.

  She looked away because he caught her staring at him, and when her eyes landed on Kendra placing her hand on Lux’s shoulder, she felt jealous and angry. She squinted, not even thinking, and then felt Breaker press up closer.

  “So how do you know Dudley?” he asked.

  She turned around in his arms only for him and Scout to now cage her in by the bar.

  “I don’t know him. Well, I mean, I met him tonight when he introduced himself,” she said, and Breaker glanced at Scout and she saw their exchange of expressions.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Just be careful. He was drinking a bunch and sometimes when guys have too much to drink they get pushy,” Breaker said to her in warning.

  She felt a bit annoyed and didn’t want them thinking she was a scaredy-cat or something, and her attitude came out loud and clear.

  “Oh, really? I didn’t know that. You mean guys could be jerks?” she asked and then turned around, pressing away from them, but Scout grabbed her hand and stepped against her side.

  “Slow down, he didn’t mean to insult you. He was just pointing out his observation,” Scout said.

  She turned to look up toward him, but then glanced at Breaker, who now leaned against the bar watching her and making her feel immature or something. She swallowed hard and nodded as if accepting his advice. He tipped his beer at her and then took a slug, not taking his eyes off of her. When they swept over her body she warmed up, tingled everywhere. How did he and the others do that to her?

  Scout gently moved her hair off her shoulder and placed his hand there. He gave her a little squeeze as he stared down into her eyes.

  “So, how is work going?” he asked her, changing the subject and she was glad.

  “It’s going well. Getting ready for the Thanksgiving break before you know it,” she said.

  “I know, it’s like once Halloween passes everyone starts talking about the holiday season. We need to get through the races first. That’s definitely a fun part of fall,” he added.

  “Sure is. Do you know anyone competing?” she asked and he caressed her arm and then eased his hand off of her. She couldn’t believe how good it felt to have Scout touch her. She eased back and felt the other hand on her hip just as Scout continued talking.

  “A few of the guys we know are. There’s this mystery entry event this year.”

  The hand on her hip stroked up her ribs then back down. She turned to the left and saw it was Lux. She brought her attention to Scout again as Fort stood by Breaker. They all slowly surrounded her and brought her between them.

  “A mystery entry? What is that?” she asked.

  “It’s where anyone can enter to compete in the most dangerous of events, the obstacle course and jump course,” Scout told her.

  Lux stroked her hip. “They even wear masks,” he said and she squinted.

  “In disguise, huh? That should be interesting. Then they do what? Reveal who they are if they win it all?” she asked.

  “Yup, pretty much, and the winner can go on depending on how many points they score and how good they are,” Fort added.

  They talked about the contests and even the obstacle courses, too. She took in the sight of them, taking her time to really look at each man. First Breaker, who was the quietest, most mysterious of the bunch. Over the last several months she noticed he always wore sunglasses, dark attire that made him blend in, and once fall hit, that knit hat he would wear. From seeing him working in the yard at their house, he was filled with muscles, as well as tattoos along his chest and both arms. He was intimidating, like the others, there was no doubt. Tonight when he held an arm around her waist, she felt protected, secured, locked into position, and it brought on that panicked feeling of being controlled, yet at the same time felt good.

  Then there was Scout. Holy God did the man appear intimidating and hard as stone. From the deep, dark look in his brown eyes, to those firm lips, muscular build and deep, commanding tone, he affected her. Made her nipples harden and her breath would get caught in her throat. It was unnerving. Lux and Fort were similar in their personalities, yet unique even though they were twin brothers.

  The thought of even liking twins aroused her, and their fun personalities and little jokes here and there eased her fears, slightly. She caught herself gazing at each man. Liking not one or two things about each but many things. Their bodies and good looks alone would make any woman’s head turn. That was another thing. Men weren’t faithful and certainly not four men, soldiers who set out on different missions to God knew where and could do anything with anyone. How could they be faithful? How could she even consider trusting a man again, never mind four? Canton was good looking, sexy, muscular, and big. That bit of intimidating factor was arousing, but Canton went over the line. His possessiveness and control, abusive, hurtful, and demeaning. What made her think that Scout, Breaker, Lux or Fort couldn’t be just like him?

  Mercy didn’t want to compare Breaker, Scout, Lux, or Fort to Canton but it was difficult not to, especially feeling such an attraction.

  The last two weeks had been crazy with everything that happened to Cherokee. She hadn’t had a chance to even talk to her brother Channing. Her idea about living off base now seemed foolish. A hand slid along her waist, and Scout pulled her closer between him and his brothers. He cupped her cheek and she gasped, holding onto his forearms and probably looking at him as if he could hurt her. He squinted.

  “Do we scare you?” he asked her, and she went to move her face, but he held her cheek and jaw firmly and shook his head. “No, don’t ignore the questions. I know you feel what we do. We understand that you maybe have reservations, but we’d like to spend more time with you.”

  She turned and opened her mouth to try to come up with something.

  “Let’s just see what happens? Friends first,” he said, and she nodded. He smiled. Scout had that incredibly handsome face, sincere, brown eyes, all those muscles and sex appeal, and she felt like a mute. She couldn’t speak, but instead forced her mouth to function as he slowly released her, but not fully. He kept a hand on her hip as he leaned against the stool.

  “So we understand that you sought some revenge when some student put a frog in your purse. Care to explain that one?” Scout asked.

  She felt her cheeks warm and then shook her head. Lux touched her waist as he held her gaze before pulling back. “Come on, Cherokee told us a little bit about it when we were over there earlier today,” Lux said.

  “She did?” Mercy asked.

  “Not too much, but the thought had her laughing,” Fort said.

  “Thank God, because I felt really guilty about pulling that prank. It was at that time the guy grabbed Cherokee and abducted her. She must have been so scared,” she said, and tears filled her eyes. Breaker placed his hand
on her shoulder and eased it under her hair and along her neck, at the same time Scout squeezed her hip.

  “You had no idea what was going on, and that guy was a pro. Go on and tell us what your plan was and why,” Scout said.

  She explained about Jessy messing with the other girls in school and then the frog in her purse.

  “So Cherokee and I snuck behind the curtains in the haunted house where the employees go, and oh God, Cherokee was laughing at me and telling me I was acting like a kid. I think she was afraid that I would scare him so much we would get into trouble,” she said and they chuckled.

  She continued to tell the story about how she put the mask on and snuck behind the curtain again. “They screamed in such high pitched voices I couldn’t stop laughing, but I had to run behind the curtain and back around so I wouldn’t get caught,” she said, snickering, but then she thought about the next moments. She couldn’t find Cherokee. Her gut clenched. She panicked.

  “Hey,” Scout whispered, and the tears emerged.

  “I was looking all over for Cherokee. At first I thought she may have gotten mad at me for pulling the prank because she’s so sweet. Then I’m calling her name and asking everyone around the haunted house if they’ve seen her, and then the assistant chief of police, Tobias, is there and I tell him what happens,” she said, and a tear fell. She wiped it away.

  “It’s okay, baby,” Scout said, pulling her into an embrace.

  “The shoe. When they said they found her shoe, oh God.” She covered her mouth with her hand and cried.

  Scout hugged her tight and she hugged him back, kept her face in the crook of his neck as Breaker rubbed her back and Lux and Fort spoke with her. She didn’t want to make a scene here at the bar. She lifted up, wiping her eyes.

  “Oh God, is anyone looking? Shoot,” she said. She felt the palm slide along her waist and her ass, grazing it, and turned her head to look at Breaker.

  “No one is looking, but us,” he said, holding her gaze, his words and the meaning behind them indicating his feelings and this attraction they all had.


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