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Sons of Justice 2 The School Teacher

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  As the last flag went out, the driver ended with another jump and then sped backward through the course and skidded out in front of the judges’ stand doing donuts, spitting up dirt and smoke, the engine roaring, and then stopped face forward. The crowd went nuts.

  “Who the hell is that? That’s got to be some pro they brought in for tonight’s race,” Breaker said, and everyone was carrying on.

  They all waited as the announcer introduced each contestant as they got out of their vehicles that lined up in front of the judges’ station. Each driver got out of their jeeps, all wearing masks and standing in their camouflage racing suits. Then the sixth driver got out, and it was pretty damn obvious it was a woman, in one tight-fitting race suit in black camouflage and a black helmet.

  The whistles started and the roars from men going crazy.

  “That was a woman driving? Holy fucking shit!” one guy near them yelled out, and they started shaking their heads smiling wide.

  “Who the hell is it?” That was the big questions as the announcer introduced each racer as they took off their helmets and their masks. When they got to the woman, it seemed to Fort like the crowd got extra quiet and when she pulled off the helmet then shook out her long brown hair, the crowd whistled, hooted, and hollered. She took off the mask.

  “Mercy?” a few of them all said at the same time.

  “What the hell?” Breaker stated and they were shocked. So were her friends and even Channing’s team, but then their attention went to Mercy as she hopped up on top of the hood of the jeep and raised her helmet high. The men cheered louder and louder. When they started asking for her phone number and whistling, talking about how hot she was and other innuendos, Breaker, Lux, and Scout got pissed.

  “Let’s go down there. Now,” Scout said.

  “Wait. Look.” Bubba pointed and there was Channing running to the jeep and offering her his hand. As he pulled her down into a hug, Mercy was smiling wide and looking so happy and excited even Fort felt emotional.

  “You guys didn’t know she could drive like that or that she was capable of this?” Laci asked them.

  “No, you didn’t either, obviously,” Lux replied.

  “I guess we don’t know really know who Mercy is then, do we?” Sam said.

  “I, for one, like this wild, crazy side of her, and I can’t wait to learn more. Oh, and to take her out to the Filling Station tonight. The guys will be all over us,” Kendra said and the women laughed, but Fort instantly felt jealous and pissed off. So did his brothers as they looked at one another.

  “Help me up. You guys head down there and cut those dicks off before they try hitting on her,” Fort said, and they agreed and hurried down through the crowd to get to Mercy.

  Philippe, Bubba, and Thor helped Fort and stayed with him as he walked slowly down the hill.

  “Un-fucking-believable. God damn, she looks good. Happy. I haven’t seen her happy ever,” Bubba said, and that statement hit Fort hard. Whatever her boyfriend had done to her had changed Mercy’s life. Made her hide, and may her not be who she really wanted to be. There was a lot to learn, but first, she was going to get some serious punishments for scaring the heck out of him, even though at the time, Fort hadn’t a clue that it was Mercy. He watched his brothers push through the crowds of men, and then Breaker pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  “Oh yeah, that should send a pretty direct message,” Thor said, chuckling.

  “Just wait for the others to kiss her next and them me, if I ever make it the fuck down there. Shit, my fucking side is aching.”

  “Well, I’m not carrying your ass,” Philippe said to him.

  “Fuck you,” Fort said, and they chuckled.

  * * * *


  Mercy heard her name as some friends of Channing’s hugged her and then congratulated her on superb driving. She was flying high and so excited, but as she heard her name and turned to see Breaker, Lux, and Scout, and she didn’t know how they would react. She was so thrilled at being able to drive again, and to pull off those tricks and really get the crowd crazy. The next thing she knew, Breaker lifted her up into his arms and kissed her hard on the mouth. He cupped her ass and plunged his tongue in deeply, causing men to cheer and others to moan in disappointment. When he released her lips, she held onto his shoulders.

  “Where the hell did you learn how to drive like that?” he asked her.

  “Long story, Breaker, but I needed this. I needed to break free and to stop hiding and letting all the pain and fear eat me up alive.”

  “Hey, gorgeous, where’s my loving?” Scout asked and she reached for him, unable to resist that sexy smile and all those muscles. Breaker let her go, and Scout held her close and kissed her tenderly. Lux rubbed her back.

  “Where’s my loving, woman? These men all need to know that you belong to us,” Lux said and Scout released her to him. Lux kissed her softly and ran his hand along her lower back and ass.

  When he released her lips she smiled softly and shyly looked away. Her eyes landed on Fort, who was walking slowly toward her between Philippe and Bubba. Thor shook Channing’s hand and started talking about her.

  “Are you out of your mind? You could have gotten hurt,” Fort said to her.

  “Nah, this wasn’t that bad of a course. I’ve raced far more difficult ones,” she said, looking him over.

  He curled his finger at her. She chuckled and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Really, Fort?”

  He raised both eyebrows up at her and she chuckled and then closed the space between them, hugging him tight. He hugged her back and kissed her forehead. “I think we have a lot to learn about you, Mercy. A lot to learn, and I, for one, am excited about that,” he said, and she pulled back and looked up at him.

  “I needed to do this, Fort.”

  He cupped her cheek and stroked her jaw. “I can’t wait to hear why.”

  He kissed her on the mouth until her friends came over to congratulate her.

  She kept glancing at Fort, Lux, Breaker, and Scout as she spoke with her friends and a few others. She was getting overheated in the jumpsuit as she held onto Laci’s shoulder and undid her boots one at a time.

  The second she started to unzip the jumpsuit, she heard the whistles, but ignored them as she pulled her arms out and then bent down to step from the suit. She wore a black tank top that accentuated her breasts and also exposed the deep cleavage. Her hip hugger spandex capris were super tight against her body, revealing her belly and one look at Scout, Breaker, Fort, and Lux and she kind of played up the sexy undressing. Her pants hung lower, revealing part of her tattoo and her belly ring.

  “Lucky fucking bastards,” Thor said.

  “Hell yeah,” some other guy stated, and Laci and the girls chuckled.

  “We are so going to hit the Filling Station. We’ll get free drinks all night with you in this outfit,” Kendra said. The girls laughed and started talking about the Filling Station. Channing handed her the sneakers as she went to step into one, then felt the hand grip her arm and a strong, thick arm come around her waist. Scout was there.

  “No Filling Station tonight. We’ve got plans with you, honey, and there’s no way we’re letting our woman out of our sights.”

  “Scout, I thought we said friends first?” she asked, sort of teasing him. She was feeling renewed, and like maybe letting down her guard a little could bring her closer to them.

  “Fuck that, baby,” he said and eyed her over.

  “When we look at you, the last thing we’re thinking of is you as a friend.” He gripped her hair and head and kissed her.

  “Let’s head out of here,” Breaker said, and her friends moaned in disappointment, but she couldn’t help but feel aroused and maybe even closer to accepting something more than friendship with these four men. Maybe.

  * * * *

  Channing slid his arm around Bo’s waist and guided her through the crowd. When she glanced back and up toward him, he gave her a wink
. She was young, twenty-three, and drop-dead gorgeous. She stood about five-foot-three, and he and his team completely towered over her. In fact, as she shyly looked away, her cheeks flushed, he knew for a fact that they intimidated her. She was sort of quiet, yet he heard that she worked in an office at a dance hall forty minutes from Repose. She left her town and moved here a year ago, and about a few months before Mercy arrived.

  He glanced at Philippe, then Bubba and Thor, and they were right there, too, and surrounding the other women as they walked toward the vehicles. Everyone seemed to be planning to head to the Filling Station for some drinks.

  “You need a ride, Bo?” he asked her once they got to the parking lot. He had no choice but to release his hold on her now that they were past the crowds, but he didn’t want to, and she didn’t push his arm away. She turned around to look at him, and he reluctantly released her.

  “I’m okay, Channing. Sam drove and we’re all going together,” she said, and then glanced at Bubba, Philippe, and Thor. She swallowed hard.

  “Your sister was awesome out there tonight. None of us had any idea she could drive like that, or was even capable of such skill and precision. I guess it’s the quiet ones you need to watch out for,” she said and chuckled, but her face flushed.

  He smiled softly and reached out and stroked her cheek. “You’re pretty quiet, doll, what secrets are you holding in?” he asked, flirting, but her eyes widened and then she quickly looked away.

  “Come on, Bo, let’s go!” Kendra called out.

  “They can meet us there. Everyone is going,” Laci said. Then they saw Mercy with Scout, Breaker, Lux, and Fort.

  “Mercy, you guys better come the Filling Station for at least a little while. This is your celebration, girl!” Kendra called out to her.

  “I don’t know. Fort is kind of tired,” she said.

  Channing thought Fort looked filled with energy and a bit red faced. Especially as some guys walked passed and whistled at Mercy. “Great driving, honey. You got skills,” one of them said and eyed her body over, licking his lips. Mercy’s men stared at the guy, but Mercy just said thank you and continued walking.

  He locked gazes with her.

  “You going for a little bit?” Channing asked her.


  He whispered, “You sure? Because it looks like your men want you all to themselves.” He winked.

  She looked back at the guys and then at Channing.

  “Friends first, remember? Tonight was a step toward gaining back my strength and confidence, not to make matters worse and jump into bed with four men.”

  “I’m your brother. You think I’m fucking telling you to jump into bed with four men like them? No fucking way. But didn’t you do this so you could be more confident with them, and maybe let down that guard a little?”

  “It’s a first step, Channing, but I need to be careful. Slow is the way things have to go.”

  “Okay then. We’ll see you all at the Station,” Channing said, and then kissed her forehead before heading to his truck with his team.

  * * * *

  Lux wrapped his arm around Mercy’s waist and then hoisted her up into his arms by the truck.

  “Lux!” she exclaimed, shocked by his move. He gave her a wink, looked over her abundant breasts pouring from the tank top and then her exposed belly and belly ring.

  “You look so good, baby. I couldn’t wait to hold you in my arms in the back of the truck and have my wicked way, that’s all,” he said and climbed up with her in his arms and slid across the seat next to Fort, who Breaker helped into the truck. They wanted her alone, but it seemed that wasn’t Mercy’s plan tonight at all.

  She stared up at him and tried to adjust her position.

  “Like this. With Fort and me,” he said, and she tilted her head back while Fort reached toward her cheek and she tilted up toward him. Fort’s mouth pressed against her lips and he kissed her tenderly.

  Lux watched, feeling such desire and arousal. He didn’t want to go to the fucking Filling Station. He wanted to explore Mercy, get down to her fears and work on making her accept their guardianship and their beds. She shifted and Lux caressed her thigh in the tight-fitting spandex pants she wore. Her ass looked incredible and it pissed him off that just about every single man out there tonight looked at her with desire, with want, and until she said yes to them as her guardians, any of those men could take her from him and the team.

  He stroked her hip, then up to her breast. When his fingers grazed her nipple, she pulled from Fort’s mouth and went to sit up.

  Lux gripped her hips.

  “No. You stay right here on my lap. I need to feel you in my arms and know that you’re safe and protected,” he said as she maneuvered to slide off, but he gripped her hips and now she straddled his waist.

  The sight of light green eyes, her flushed cheeks, and wet lips from Fort kissing her made him desire her more. A glance over her abundant breasts and he eased his palms up and down her hips and ribs. She tightened.


  “Kiss me, Mercy. Ease this jealous feeling brewing in my belly over other men wanting what is mine and my team’s. Kiss me now,” he said.

  She slid her palms up his chest to his shoulders and held his gaze.

  “You don’t need to be jealous, Lux. What I did tonight had meaning in so many ways,” she said to him, and then reached up and stroked his jaw. His heart was racing.

  “Like what?” he asked.

  She exhaled and licked her lips, which made his cock harden.

  “Like empowerment. Like getting back to a time when I felt independent, strong mentally, physically, and emotionally. Where I had self-confidence and when fear didn’t rule my every thought when I was alone. At night, while I lie in bed, the nightmares rule my thoughts, making it impossible to sleep peacefully. Behind the wheel of the car, letting go, giving it all, giving in to danger, to the difficulty of the obstacles, makes me feel alive and like the woman I was before Canton.”

  “Canton? That’s the dick’s name that hurt you?” Breaker asked from the driver’s seat.

  “I don’t want him to matter. I don’t want him to continue to have control over me, but he does. Not right in this moment. Not when I was driving and just letting go, but when I’m with each of you, like this, and when you’re touching me, holding me, kissing me and I want more, but I can’t.”

  “Because he still has a hold on you? You still love him?” Lux asked as his heart ached and he wondered of this was impossible and if she really could ever be theirs when this Canton guy held her like this still.

  Tears fell from her eyes. She held his gaze and started to breathe heavily like she was panicking or having difficulty explaining, and the truck stopped.

  “Why does he still have a hold on you? Why can’t you let us love you and make you our woman?” he asked her.

  “Because he…he…raped me, Lux. He betrayed me, forced me to do something I didn’t want to do and when I resisted, when I tried not doing it, he beat me and raped me. So badly that I couldn’t walk for days. I couldn’t face anyone, or get help from anyone because they all knew what he had done. Even my parents.”

  His eyes widened, anger filled his heart and his brothers mumbled curses. “Bastards,” Breaker said.

  “What kind of family allows that? Your own parents knew and did nothing, Mercy?” Scout asked.

  “My God, baby,” Fort said and stroked her arm. She looked at him and then at Lux with tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “So you see, it isn’t that I don’t want you, or don’t like how good, how safe and cared for you make me feel. It’s my inability to trust, to let go, out of fear of getting hurt again, of being betrayed, used, abused, and by more than one man. I mean, there are four of you, and you’re even more capable, resourceful than Canton.”

  “Aw, baby, you can’t think that way,” Lux said and caressed her thighs as she sat on his lap. His mind going in circles over what she just revealed.
/>   “Does Channing know?” Breaker asked.

  “No. No one but Cherokee, and now you guys,” she said, and Lux pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. He caressed her back and she squeezed him, her mouth against his neck and shoulder and he felt so possessive and protective of her that he ached.

  “Do we have to go in there? I’d rather take you home and talk more,” Fort said and caressed her hair. She didn’t move.

  “We have to for a little bit. It will help,” she said and kissed Lux’s neck before she eased up. She wiped her eyes and then adjusted her top.

  “How will it help when all we want to do is hold you, take care of you, and talk things through?” Scout asked her. She eased up off of Lux’s lap and then turned and leaned between the seats to touch Scout’s cheek. Scout stared at her.

  “Because what I told you just took a whole lot out of me. I trusted you all with this pain I live with every day and every night. We’ll talk, but after we visit and make sure no one knows anything is wrong,” she said and pressed her lips to Scout’s.

  “It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks,” Breaker said to her.

  “No, it doesn’t, but going in there and celebrating tonight, enjoying the first steps in getting my life and confidence back will make me a little stronger for later tonight, when I’m home alone in bed, and the demons come calling.” She leaned over toward Breaker, cupped his cheek and then kissed his lips.


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