Ricky: Howlers MC : Book 2

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Ricky: Howlers MC : Book 2 Page 2

by Amanda Anderson

  The tiger would know what it all meant. He knew everything.

  “If they are shooting for kids, why have the boys?” Pie asked.

  Books shook his head. “Maybe it was an accident.”

  “Lucian will figure it all out.” Dice breathed and Ricky could tell that it still chapped his ass to admit it. There was some scary shit between the tiger and Dice, shit that still twisted Dice up from time to time, but he was coping. He was coping better now that he’d found Mallory.

  Ricky wasn’t sure how he felt about Lucian. He mostly thought of him as a mad scientist, but he had a feeling he was missing something. Lucian had his fingers in all the pies and there were times that Ricky seriously wanted to see just how tough the monster was.

  “On his way. Nick is over with Mall and Sam.” Dice spoke, but Ricky’s eyes were on a little boy.

  Blue eyes stared up at morning sky lifelessly. He was bruised and filthy. Dark hair, greasy and standing up all over his head reminded Ricky of another boy, one that had been several years younger.


  Ricky stepped back. His hands shook as he looked at the naked body of the little boy. He couldn’t see him though, he saw his own little brother, sick and fighting the Sickness as his father screamed at his mother.

  Whore! Did you think I wouldn’t know that he wasn’t mine? Did you think I’d never find out?

  The slap of his father’s hand hitting his mother’s face had Ricky snarling and fighting for control. At the age of nine, Ricky’s wolf had already been a scrapper, but his father was a beast. There was no way he could protect his mother with his father in the room, the dominance was keeping him from moving more than an inch at a time. His mother could change, why wouldn’t she change?

  Another slap rang through the room as Tim shivered on his cot.

  Who is the father? I will track him down and I will rip him apart. You fucked some human? How could you sink that low? I leave for a little while to get my head together and you just jump into bed with anyone? You are mine!

  I will never tell you. I loved him. He was my mate, not you. You left us! You think just because you come back that you can pick up where you left off. You’re a fool! Get out. You will never be a mate to anyone.

  The laugh was more frightening than the violence.

  Well, you can kill him yourself then. He’s got the Sickness. It’s what happens to the weak. You kill that little bastard and know that I’m laughing. You deserve it. Ricky is mine, you can count on me making sure he’s raised right.

  I will never kill my son!

  Then he’ll kill you. No loss either way.

  That’s when Tim’s wolf had taken him. He was bigger than he should have been, stronger and he launched himself at their mother. Ricky had tried to stop him, but his father had caught him and made him watch as his snapping brother took out their mother’s throat.

  Now you kill the little bastard. Has to be done.

  Ricky couldn’t deny it, had known it for weeks, but his mother had begged him to let her handle it.

  He watched his father’s face soften. He is your brother. You need to honor him with a good death.


  River gripped the back of Ricky’s neck. “Snap out of that shit now Ricky. We need you here.”

  Ricky took two steps and emptied his stomach in the bushes. That hadn’t been the last time he’d had to kill and it wouldn’t be the last, but it had been the first and the one that had haunted him the worst.

  “Sorry Riv...just…”

  River knew the story, he knew them all, had to. He knew the stories and he kept them to himself, but he knew.

  “I’m ok Riv. I’m ok.”

  “I know that, but you need to put it away right now. These kids deserve to be seen for who they are, not the ghosts that haunt us.”

  Ricky’s eyes met River’s. They all had ghosts and River was right. These kids deserved respect.

  “You got it boss.”

  It took them more than three hours to get the camp broken down. The bodies were loaded into vans to be transported to Lucian’s lab in the belly of the caves of Lost Lakes. Ricky stood naked in his bathroom and tried to get his mind to shut off so he could catch a few hours of sleep.

  Then his phone rang.

  Sleep could wait.


  The police car parked in front of the little police station and the officer opened Shauna’s door. He stood well back when she climbed out and she gave him a sneer that told him he needed to stay clear. She knew it was Dakota he feared, but if she could take a little of that on herself, she would.

  Shauna was shown to a typical room with a table and chairs. It was stark, but she knew the routine. They were given bottles of water and a pack of crackers and left for hours. She didn’t care. It gave Ricky more time to get to her, to Dakota. She waited. She refused to show signs of nerves as she knew they could see her through the two-way mirror that covered most of the wall in front of her. She just sat.

  “Mama, I’m hungry.” Dakota whispered. “Are they going to leave us here forever? Will they let us starve to death?”

  It was past his lunch time and the crackers hadn’t been enough to ward off his hunger. Shifters ate alot. “No baby. They are trying to make us afraid. They want to feel powerful so they have to make us weak. We will be fine. They are just so afraid that they have to keep us in here so they feel safe, it’s funny in a way.”

  “You won’t let them take me away from you?” His little chin quivered. His face was so pale that his little freckles stood out plainly.

  She shook her head and ran her finger over his face, tracing the familiar shape. “Never. You are my son and no one takes you from me. You hear my words and you know I mean them.”

  “I do, but I hear fear too.” He whispered.

  He was so smart. He was right, she was afraid, but that was ok too. “I am afraid, but there is no shame in that. We are locked in a room with men outside that are so afraid they can’t see straight. That can be dangerous, but we have a secret weapon.” She winked and he nodded.

  He snuggled against her and was quiet for a while. The minutes ticked away and Shauna thought she would go crazy. Sweat trickled between her breasts and her body ached, but she wouldn’t break. She sat in that horrible chair and held her son as if it was what she wanted to do with her day. This was too important to show weakness. She had to be strong for Dakota. She had to show the world that she would not break under the bully tactics the police were using against her. She would never break.

  “Are we under arrest?” She asked when a man walked into the room and offered her a cup of coffee and a pack of powdered donuts. His face showed some age, she’d guess he was in his forties and he didn’t look happy to be questioned, good.

  He ignored her.

  “I know my rights. If I am not under arrest then I am leaving. You can’t just keep us here forever.” she forced her voice to stay calm, even sound pissed, but she knew she was pale and looked scared.

  Another man walked into the room then, one that made her skin crawl. He was dressed in an expensive suit and he was so well groomed that she was sure he must have started fixing his hair the moment he’d learned she’d been brought in. She knew him and she didn’t like having her fate in his hands. “Then leave, but the boy stays. We can’t exactly have him running around town. He is a danger to the good people here. Our job is to keep the town safe. It’s my duty to see to it that is done.”

  “With all due respect Mayor Craig, he has been running around town for five months and hasn’t caused any trouble. You do not have the authority to hold him. He is a shifter and as such, he has the right to be judged by shifter laws. I have already contacted a representative.” As a human, Shauna could not act as Dakota’s representative, she needed a shifter. It made no sense, but it was the way the laws were written and without his father she could do nothing for him once she had declared his shifter rights.

  “That won’t be necessary. We
have a representative on site, that is what took so long for us to get to you. We will take care of the boy from here. Our representative will take good care of the boy” The mayor’s grin was predatory. The door opened and another man walked in, this one flashed glowing yellow eyes her way.


  “Mama, no. He’s not like me. He smells all wrong.” Dakota wrinkled up his little nose as his little body shivered in her arms.

  “We have the right to choose our own representative. We will wait. I will not entrust my son to this man. I contacted the Howlers. A representative is on the way.” How long did it take? Shouldn’t he be here by now? What if something had happened?

  The man laughed. “What do you know about shifter laws, little human? I am a shifter, you are not. You have no say in any of this. This kid is mine now. You can leave or we can drag you out of here, but you have no rights here.”

  She ignored his scare tactics and offered him a smile that had many opposing lawyers shaking in their shoes. “Everything.” Her voice was like iron when she spoke. “I wrote the laws myself along with my husband. You, Sir, are full of shit.” Shauna answered and watched the hatred bleed into their faces. He knew her now.


  The voice that ripped from his throat was more animal than man. They stalked her like a rabbit and she knew she was living her last moments. This man would shred her and most likely Dakota too. She shouldn’t have played that card. She had failed.

  “I’m so sorry Dakota.” She whispered. She wrapped her arms around her son and waited for the attack, but it didn’t come. Someone banged on the wall and the two men stepped back from her.

  “This isn’t over bitch. I will hunt you down for what you have done. I will make you suffer.” He snarled before he turned to greet the newcomer.

  “Welcome to Kentucky.” Mayor Craig welcomed congenially.

  The man ignored the greeting and instead walked directly to Dakota and stuck out his hand.

  “Hey there kid. Name’s Ricky and I’m here to take care of you. I’m family and I will keep you safe until this is all handled.”

  “What about my mama?” Dakota lifted his little chin.

  Shauna watched as Ricky fought a grin. His eyes looked tired and there were lines of exhaustion on his face, but he held Dakota’s eyes as if he were a man.

  “That’s up to you. You are in charge on this one.” Ricky’s voice was steady.

  “My mama comes too and she’d protected just like me.”

  Shauna had to fight her tears. She was so proud of him. He was such a little thing to have to make these decisions, but he was making them like a man. Maverick would have been so proud.

  “You have my oath on that.” Ricky agreed.

  Dakota let out a long breath and placed his little hand in Ricky’s. “Ok.” He agreed and leaned back against his mother.

  Shauna relaxed as the tension seeped out of her son. He trusted this man. “Thank you.” She whispered. She ignored the way his shoulders filled out his black t-shirt and the way his eyes flashed when he looked her way. He was saving them, that was all that mattered. She could admire him later, right now she needed to keep her wits about her.

  Ricky seemed to notice her for the first time and when their eyes met something sizzled in the air making the hair on her arms stand up and her breath catch.

  “Don’t thank me yet.” He winked, but when he straightened he took her with him. “We will be on our way. Ms. Fredricks will be in touch as will my alpha and our legal representatives. You boys have a nice day now.”

  “Mrs. Blackstone isn’t free to go yet.” She heard Mayor Craig say, but Ricky ignored him.

  He just walked them out of the station like nothing was wrong at all, but the set of his jaw told her he wasn’t as relaxed as he was trying to seem.

  Something was wrong. She hesitated, but the hand on her back kept her moving.

  “Just walk. We can talk on the road. We need to get the hell out of here first.” He whispered so close to her ear that she could feel the warmth of his breath and the slight stubble that covered his jaw. She shivered and heard a low growl rattle in his chest. There was something primal that crackled in the air between them, but the danger behind them had to take priority, for now.

  For now.


  Ricky stepped out of that police station and tried to cool the seething anger in his gut. The crisp air helped, but the acrid scents from that room still clogged his nose. The smell of fear had been so strong and thick in that interrogation room that he could barely take a breath without choking on it and that damned Hyena was loving it.

  He looked down at where his hand rested on Shauna Blackstone’s lower back and wondered at the way he felt connected to her in a deeper way than just a touch. He tried to let it go, but when he’d leaned down to whisper in her ear, lightening had struck him, right along with a healthy dose of shame.

  He let out a breath when he saw Books and Clothesline sitting on their bikes by the curb, their leather cuts showed the Howlers colors and they were getting more than a few glances from pedestrians. Ricky wanted to laugh when a woman pulled her child against her legs and crossed the street. She had no idea that those two men would kill to protect that kid, even without knowing anything about him. That’s what they did, but so many didn’t understand that, instead they feared them.

  Ricky shook his head. He hadn’t waited for anyone to accompany him, but brothers stuck close. He’d jumped in his big, black SUV and drove hell for leather to Kentucky. It had taken Books and Line five miles to catch up and they hadn’t asked a single question.

  They were tired, he knew it because he felt it too, bone deep. They had lived through horrors this morning and then driven four hours for reasons they didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. Ricky needed them and they’d been willing to make the drive, it mattered.

  He gave them a nod before he helped Shauna and Dakota into the SUV.

  “We need a car seat.” She said more out of habit than anything.

  “We can drop by your place and get what we need. Right now, we need to get the hell out of here. He will be fine for a few miles.”

  He hated it because she wasn’t sure and he saw it on her face. She was a good mother.

  “It’s ok mama. I’ll be ok. Can we just go?” Dakota’s voice quivered and Ricky saw the moment Shauna gave in.

  “Promise me you’ll drive safely.” She laid a hand on Ricky’s arm.

  “I have a feeling I’ll promise you just about anything you want me to.” He breathed and wanted to curse when she gave him a little grin.

  “That’s a dangerous thing to tell a woman, but thank you.” She said and buckled her seatbelt.

  “Don’t thank me yet darlin’.” He climbed behind the wheel and drove in the direction of her little house. The door stood smashed in.

  “Oh God.” Shauna breathed. “What in the world?”

  “Sit tight. Lock the door and stay in the damned car.” He took his gun out of the console and tucked it into his waistband. “Promise me?”

  She nodded as all the color drained from her face.

  Books and Clothesline were already at the door. They slipped inside the tidy little house and Ricky followed. It was empty. Shauna’s things were scattered all over the place and the scent of hyena was thick in the air.

  “They’re gone. What a fucking mess.” Clothesline ran his hands over his hair. “Shauna Blackstone. That’s a big assed target right there.”

  Ricky knew it and he knew it would be hard to keep the promise to keep her safe, but he intended to try.

  “I’ll get them. They need to get their shit so we can get back home. Might call Creed and see if he has an extra room.” Clothesline said in his raspy voice.

  “Like hell I will.” Ricky turned on his brother. He didn’t even know why Clothesline’s words had made his hackles rise, but he was bristling like a damned porcupine.

  “Huh.” Books grunted as he tilted his h
ead to study Ricky. “Well ain’t that something.” Clothesline grinned as he backed toward the door with his hands raised in surrender.

  “Shut the fuck up, both of you. That don’t mean shit.” Ricky insisted and ducked into the bathroom. It didn’t. He was protecting Maverick’s old lady. He owed it to his cousin, owed him more than that, but that was all this was.

  He heard her consoling Dakota as they saw the damage that had been done to their home and his wolf went nuts. He couldn’t’ have stayed in that bathroom if someone had nailed the door shut.

  That made him grit his teeth. His damned wolf was losing it if he thought he could mate Shauna, that was a big N-O as far as Ricky was concerned, but even as he told himself to stay put in that bathroom, his feet carried him into the living room where Shauna sat holding a picture of the day she’d married Maverick Blackstone.

  Ricky felt sick.

  He’d been sniffing around her and claiming territory when she was grieving her husband, his damned cousin, the closest thing he had to family other than the club. He had no right, not just because Mav had been family, but because Ricky was the reason he was dead.

  That secret stood between him and Shauna as much as a stone wall. It was uncrossable.

  It had taken the better part of an hour to pack them up. They had a pitiful few belongings, Ricky knew they’d been left behind when Mav had forced Shauna to leave him, to run. He wondered what Mav had told her, what she thought had happened, but if he asked he’d have to tell her the brutal truth and he knew he couldn’t do that.

  It was weak of him.

  She deserved to know, but every man had a breaking point and telling Shauna what had really happened, that would push Ricky over his.

  Instead, he packed her up and loaded her things into his SUV and took her home.

  She was Maverick’s mate, the mother of his son and she was off limits to Ricky.

  That knowledge helped him settle and get through packing up Shauna and Dakota. It helped him drive her four hours into Indiana and Howler territory. It helped him until he tucked Dakota into the bed he had in the spare bedroom.


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