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Natasha's Awakening

Page 7

by J. a Melville

  Natasha grabbed her cosmetics bag and headed for the spare bathroom again, closing the door behind her. She didn’t want Eric to see her until she was ready. She sat down at the large make up mirror turning on the lights which reflected down, lighting her face up. As quickly as possible, Natasha dusted on foundation, a little blush, eye shadow, mascara and outlined her eyes with a black eyeliner, which gave them more depth, and enhanced their colour. The overall look was a sexy, sultry look. She applied a deep rose pink lipstick with a glossy shine that gave her lips a moist look to finish.

  Once her makeup was done, Natasha used the hotel’s blow dryer to dry her hair. Once it was done, she brushed it through, before sweeping it all back from her face, twisting it into chignon at the nape of her neck and using an elegant black clip to secure it. To soften the severity of the style, she left a couple of curls free, at her temples. Natasha studied her image in the mirror and was satisfied with how she looked except for the bruise that was getting darker on her neck, thanks to Eric.

  Hunting through her cosmetics bag, Natasha found her concealer pen and started applying some to the hickey to try and hide it as well as she could. The concealer helped, but the hickey was still slightly visible.

  “Damn you Eric.” She muttered to herself. With nothing more that she could do to conceal it, Natasha left the bathroom and headed back to the bedroom. The ensuite door was still closed and she could hear the sound of an electric shaver coming from inside.

  Natasha went to the walk in robe so she could get dressed before Eric came out of the bathroom. She took a full length, black evening gown down from its hanger. She discarded the robe then slid the zipper down, stepping into the gown, carefully pulling it up her body. Reaching behind her, she worked the long zipper up until it was done up. She looked at herself in the mirror, smoothing the fabric down her body. The gown hugged her figure lovingly. The strapless bodice with its heart shaped neckline came to just above her breasts, and combined with the push up bra, it gave her just the right amount of cleavage. The bodice fitted her like a glove showing off her tiny waist to it full advantage. The fabric hugged her hips before flowing freely to her ankles.

  When she stepped forward, that was when the dress revealed its secret. The material parted at the front, revealing one of her stocking clad legs through the split that ran almost to the top of her thigh. With a slow twirl to check her appearance and satisfied with the result, Natasha selected her black clutch purse and slipped her deep rose pink lipstick inside. Finally she was ready.

  When Natasha walked back to the bedroom, Eric was dressing. He had on black trousers, shoes, and had pulled on a crisp, white shirt which still hung open on him. His fingers were on a button about to start doing them up, when he glanced up, seeing Natasha for the first time. His fingers fell away from the buttons and he froze, his eyes sweeping down the length of her.

  Eric strode towards her, stopping just in front of her. “My god Natasha, you look stunning.” His voice reflected the warmth showing in his eyes. “Turn for me.” He demanded and she slowly turned before him, the split opening just enough to reveal her to her knees.

  Eric put out a hand to cup her chin, raising her face to his so he could bend down and touch his lips carefully to hers, mindful of not messing up her lipstick.

  “I’ve changed my mind, can we stay here for dinner?” He asked bending to drop another kiss on her neck where the hickey was. He pulled her towards him, pressing her body to his and Natasha could feel his growing erection causing her body to leap in response.

  She pulled free of his arms, stepping back from him. “Nice try Mister.” She joked, her voice slightly breathless. It took so little for her senses to go into Eric overload when he held her but she ignored her uncontrollable response to him since she wanted food, she was starving.

  “I didn’t go to all this trouble to get ready to go to dinner, just to eat here.” She said.

  With a melodramatic sigh Eric resumed the fastening of his shirt buttons, before knotting his striped black, white and silver tie then finishing off with his black jacket.

  Natasha watched dress, her heart beating a little faster at the sight of him. God but he was sexy. He returned to the bathroom to run a comb through his hair and finish off with some aftershave. Once he was done, he walked back to Natasha.

  “Right well, let’s go then.” He said and Natasha nodded breathing in the scent of Eric’s aftershave. He smelt so good but then he always did.

  They left their suite, and Eric punched the button for the elevator. As they waited, he took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips, kissing her palm. A small shiver ran through Natasha’s body in response. When was this man going to stop having such an effect on her?

  The elevator doors opened suddenly, snapping her out of her musings. They stepped inside, Eric still holding onto her hand firmly. He turned to her as the doors closed, his eyes running over her. “You know, I don’t know how I’m expected to keep my hands off you for a couple of hours.” He grinned at her.

  Natasha grinned back. “That didn’t seem to stop you last time we were in the restaurant.” She responded.

  “Ah, don’t tempt me.” He replied.

  Fortunately the doors opened before Natasha could think of some sort of comeback. Eric moved his hand to the small of Natasha’s back, guiding her out of the elevator ahead of him. He grabbed her hand again, almost reluctant to break contact with her, and together they walked, side by side to the restaurant. Once inside, they paused waiting for someone to come and seat them. A young woman approached, dressed in the hotel’s uniform, her blonde hair perfectly groomed and pulled back in a tight bun.

  “Good evening Mr Rothman, Miss Barrington,” she said.

  Natasha couldn’t keep the surprise off her face. Ok, she could understand everyone knowing who Eric was, but there was no reason why anyone would know who she was.

  “Come with me,” she gestured for them to follow her and she took them through the restaurant to yet another one of the private booths. Eric waited for Natasha to slide into her seat, before he slipped in beside her. The waitress handed them both a menu before leaving them alone, with the assurance she would be back soon.

  Natasha glanced through the mouth watering array of food available but she wanted the seafood, she’d been denied last night.

  “Have you decided what you want, sweetheart?” Eric asked her.

  “I want my oysters Eric,” Natasha said. “You know, the ones I missed out on last night.” She gave him a teasing look and Eric grinned at her. “I don’t know what I want for the main yet, it all sounds so good.”

  “Oysters it is then, but how about for the main meal we get the seafood platter?” Eric suggested.

  “Oh yes please,” Natasha sighed with the mouth watering thought of all that seafood.

  Eric grinned at her, “So that pleases you does it? I’m being cast aside in favour of seafood. You sure know how to dent a man’s fragile ego.” His look was teasing.

  She smiled at him, “I do love my seafood and there is absolutely nothing fragile about your ego.” Natasha said dryly.

  Eric grinned, “What about for dessert? Does anything get your juices flowing?” his voice was laced with innuendo.

  “How about we worry about dessert back in our suite,” Natasha said boldly.

  Eric’s gaze heated up at her words. “I have just the thing,” he told her.

  “Oh, you do? What would that be?” Natasha’s curiosity was peaked.

  Just at that moment the waitress returned to their table to take their order. Eric gave her their choices and ordered a bottle of wine to go with the meal. The waitress took their menus and left them alone again.

  “So have you enjoyed yourself so far?” Eric asked.

  Natasha looked at him, then blushed, dropping her eyes from his intent gaze.

  “I think you know the answer to that,” she replied and Eric laughed softly.

  “I know I’ve been having a great time. You don�
��t regret that we are stuck here for the week?” He turned his gaze on Natasha as he tried to read her expression.

  “I’m having a great time Eric and you know that. I know we have to stay here; we can’t risk anyone finding out about this. You’ve always made it perfectly clear that you don’t approve of office relationships. What I don’t understand is why you broke your own rule enough that we’re here now?” She raised questioning eyes to him.

  “It’s not because I’m ashamed to be seen with you Natasha, you do realise that don’t you?” Eric asked her.

  “I know I’m breaking my own rule and that’s one of the reasons why we need to be so discreet. Call me weak baby, but it just got too hard to keep my desire for you under control. I was spending all my time daydreaming about fucking you and do you have any idea how hard it is to concentrate on work with a bloody hard on all day? I had no idea whether you had any interest in me too and I could very well have stuffed it up and not only had my face well and truly slapped, but I could have lost my PA as well.” He reached out to touch her face gently.

  “If anyone at work finds out about us there will be no end of gossip and I wasn’t prepared to subject you to that. I have no idea where this is going between us yet but I’m not entirely sure I’m ready for it to end after this week. I’ve never felt such an overwhelming attraction to someone like I have with you.” He said.

  Natasha felt her heart skip a beat at Eric’s words. He was implying there might be a chance for them to have something outside of these hotel walls once the week was up.

  She knew her feelings were growing stronger for this man and that scared the hell out of her because she knew he would end up breaking her heart. Despite him telling her he’d never felt attracted to someone as much as he did with her, Eric’s reputation with women was well known. He was a heart breaker and the women in his life never lasted longer than 5 or 6 months.

  “What is going through that gorgeous head of yours?” Eric’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

  “Nothing,” she replied. Eric’s gaze searched her face, but before he could start questioning her, their entrée’s arrived.

  Natasha breathed in deeply of the wonderful smell of the oysters, and her stomach growled in anticipation of the food. She picked up the dainty little fork and spoon that were on the tray of oysters, selecting a nice plump one covered in bacon and sauce and popped it into her mouth, moaning with pleasure at the explosion of flavour as she bit into the oyster.

  She closed her eyes, savouring the taste and after swallowing the succulent object of her pleasure, her tongue came out to circle her lips, cleaning off any traces of the oyster or the sauce.

  She opened her eyes and met Eric’s gaze. He was watching her, his eyes dark with desire.

  “God Natasha, are you going to eat them all like that?” he asked, “Because if you are, I want to be the oysters.” He joked. “Watching you eat is making me hard.”

  Natasha blushed, but she still selected another oyster, opening her mouth, slowly closing her lips around the fork, never taking her eyes off Eric. She chewed the oyster, savouring the burst of its distinctive flavour and as she swallowed, another small moan escaped her lips. Gradually one by one, she continued through her tray of oysters, as Eric watched.

  He ate his own meal, but he was clearly distracted by the sight of Natasha eating. Finally she finished her entrée and she could have sworn, Eric breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes were dark with his arousal, and Natasha slid closer to him, dropping her hand below the table, placing it on his knee.

  He tensed at her touch, then breathed in sharply when Natasha’s hand slowly worked its way up his thigh. When she reached the top of his thigh, she scraped her fingers over the fly of his pants, feeling his erection pressing up against the fabric and Eric groaned, softly under his breath.

  “Natasha,” he warned, covering her wandering fingers with his hand.

  Natasha ignored him, pulling her hand out from under his and pushing it away from his fly. She smiled at him, sliding his fly down, before slipping her hand inside cupping his erection through the thin fabric of his briefs.

  “Natasha no!” Eric’s voice was harsh. “Watching you eat those oysters was incredibly erotic, as you can probably tell.” He joked. “I seem to have very little control with you and I’m not going to come in my pants like a horny teenage boy so please baby, don’t do this.” He warned her.

  Suddenly the waitress arrived to take their empty trays away. Her eyes travelled from one of them to the other, her gaze following Natasha’s arm down to where it disappeared under the table. She gave them a slight smile, before turning to leave, informing them that their main meals wouldn’t be long.

  After the waitress had left, Natasha turned back to Eric. She plucked the band of his briefs forward enough to slip her hand down inside. Eric groaned, his hand grabbing hers, in another attempt to halt her exploring fingers.

  “Natasha dammit, no, please.” He begged, his expression pained. “We can’t do this here.”

  Natasha ignored him, pushing her hand in deeper until she could cup his balls, squeezing gently.

  “Dammit Natasha,” Eric groaned. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

  Natasha gave him a cheeky smile which resulted in a string of muffled curses from Eric. He slammed his hand over hers trying to halt her wandering fingers before she embarrassed him but she was determined to do this. He’d done what he wanted last time and Natasha had had no control over it, so now it was Eric’s turn to be at her mercy.

  The waitress turned up at their table again carrying a huge platter in her arms. It was massive with three tiers to it, piled high with various seafood. She placed it carefully in front of them, disappeared briefly, and came back with two plates and finally two bowls filled with lemon scented water for dipping their fingers in to clean off.

  As she turned to leave them to their meal, Natasha was the one to ask her to close the curtains as she left. The waitress turned to look between the two of them again, before releasing the heavy curtains so they swung shut, closing them off from the other people eating in the restaurant.

  “Natasha, whatever you’re planning, please put that thought right out of your gorgeous head,” Eric shot her a warning look.

  Natasha pouted at Eric, her hand which was still down his pants, moving up the length of his erection before curling her fingers around him. She gave him one final squeeze before removing her hand, reaching for her wine, taking a sip.

  Picking up her fork, she turned her attention to the mountain of seafood that sat in front of them, licking her lips in anticipation. Finally after some consideration she selected a huge king prawn and popped it into her mouth.

  She heard Eric’s deep sigh beside her and Natasha smiled. It sounded like a mixture of relief and regret all rolled into one. She wasn’t finished with him yet but no way was she going to take the risk of missing out on her delicious meal again.

  They ate for a while in silence, simply enjoying their meal. Well Natasha did. She wasn’t so sure about Eric. Every time she glanced across at him, his expression looked a little pained.

  They ate their way through lobster, crab, calamari, mussels, prawns and smoked salmon. The food was to die for and Natasha couldn’t help showing her appreciation of the meal with frequent moans and sighs of enjoyment.

  Finally when she’d eaten as much as she could, Natasha looked over at Eric. He was still eating but his expression wasn’t that of someone who was enjoying their meal.

  “What’s wrong Eric?” she asked, “Aren’t you enjoying your meal?”

  “I don’t have a problem with the food,” Eric told her, “It’s watching you eat it that’s the problem. You enjoy your food way too much. Every time you moan it sounds like you’re coming and when I think of you coming then I think of being inside you and since you got me all worked up earlier and threw me over for a platter of seafood, I’ve been sitting here in agony.” He complained.

  Natasha couldn�
�t help herself, she laughed. “Oh you poor baby you.” She cooed.

  “You find that amusing do you?” he asked her. He swooped in dropping a hard kiss on her lips, his teeth nipping at her fuller bottom lip before nibbling his way along her cheek until his lips were up against Natasha’s ear. “Just you wait until I get you back to our suite.” He whispered, his warm breath sending a shiver through her.

  With one eyebrow raised Natasha slipped her hand back into Eric’s open trousers, gently freeing him from his briefs. She watched his face, daring him to say something but apart from his lips tightening, he remained silent.

  Gently she wrapped her fingers around the length of him and gave him a squeeze, leaning forward until she had her lips to his ear. “Promises, promises.” She whispered.

  Natasha brushed her lips against Eric’s ear feeling the shiver go through his body and his penis twitched in her hand in response. Slowly, she began to work him in and out of her firm grip. Sliding up his rock hard shaft until she reached the tip, flicking her thumb over the head, then down his length again.

  Over and over again she moved her hand up and down him. She squeezed his balls, trailed her fingernails up him and circled his swollen head until he was trembling, his expression strained. Eric’s breathing became harsh and his teeth were clenched as he fought for control.

  “Natasha, please.” His voice was strained. “I can’t hold on much longer.” Eric grabbed her hand to halt her movements and his eyes were showing a look of desperation in their blue depths when he turned to her.

  She pushed at Eric’s hand. “Please Eric, let me take care of you. I promise to be gentle.” She joked.

  “I don’t want to come in my pants baby. I’ll stain my suit and I can’t walk out of here like that.” He snorted. “Hell, I can’t walk out of here like this.” His smile was rueful.

  “It’s ok Eric, I’ll take care of things.” She assured him. “Trust me.”

  Reluctantly Eric removed his hand from hers and Natasha resumed her stroking of his shaft. Up and down the length of him, squeezing him, driving him closer and closer to the edge. She could hear his breathing getting more and more ragged sounding and his hips rose up as he thrust into her hand. When she felt a bead of fluid well from the head of his penis, Natasha knew he was close.


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