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Natasha's Awakening

Page 10

by J. a Melville

  The door was ajar, so carefully Natasha pushed it open and her eyes fell on him as he sat on the edge of the spa bath watching the water flowing into the tub. She stood there for a moment, her eyes drinking him in, studying every angle of his gorgeous features, the way the light played on his cheek bones, the sweep of his long lashes which would be the envy of every woman, the way his hair curled into the back of his neck, accentuated by the steam from the bath. He seemed deep in thought, his eyes angled to where the water flowed from the tap and she couldn’t help but wonder what had him so deep in thought.

  Suddenly his head lifted and he turned, smiling at her. He had wrapped a towel around his waist but the towel didn’t detract from the sheer sexiness of the man she loved. His hair tumbled forward over his brow, its usual order completely gone after their time in bed. Natasha walked over to Eric, and his arm came out, pulling her against his side.

  She ran her fingers through Eric’s hair, watching as the silky strands slipped through them. She smoothed his hair as well as she could by hand until it was almost back to some semblance of its usual groomed state. They watched the water in a comfortable silence and as soon as the water was deep enough, Eric turned off the taps and hit the button to start up the jets.

  The hum of the spa’s jets filled the bathroom and the water began to swirl in the tub. Eric stood, bending to kiss Natasha lightly on the lips, his hands rising and pulling the sash to her robe free, before gently pushing it over her shoulders until it cascaded down her back, pooling at her feet. He pulled his towel free from his waist and they both stood there naked.

  He curled an arm around Natasha’s waist bringing her body into close contact with his. They stood like that for a moment, before Eric tightened his grip, bending to wrap one arm around the back of her legs so he could lift her and place her gently into the swirling water of the spa bath. Natasha sank down into the water and watched as he stepped over the edge of the bath, before lowering himself into the water across from her. He dropped his head back on the padded head rest, his eyes narrowed to slits, the glint of their blue depths showing briefly before he closed his eyes completely.

  Natasha watched him, her gaze travelling over the beautiful, masculine lines of his face, taking advantage of his closed eyes to drink her fill of him. God, he was gorgeous, the sexiest man she’d ever met and she loved him so much. It was going to break her heart to walk away from him when the week was up when all she wanted was to spend every day for the rest of her life with him, waking with him, eating with him, bathing with him, making love with him. She closed her eyes, briefly as a sharp pain speared through her heart for what could never be. Natasha sighed, opening her eyes once more, brushing a strand of hair back behind her ear that was clinging to her face in the humid air of the bathroom.

  Suddenly Eric's eyes opened, catching her watching him. He grinned lazily at her before moving one of his feet, pushing it between her legs, his toes sliding up her leg, past her knees, further still, until his toes were hovering close to her sex. Natasha closed her legs, sandwiching his foot between her thighs.

  Eric wiggled his toes until he was just brushing against the lips that protected the entrance to her body. Natasha squirmed at his touch, her skin still so sensitive from their recent love making.

  "Eric no." She whispered.

  He raised his eyebrows at her, "No?" He questioned. "Come here." He beckoned to her and powerless to deny him, Natasha released Eric's foot and slid across the spa bath towards him. He parted his legs and she turned, settling into the space between his thighs. She leaned back against his chest and he gently pushed her hair over one shoulder before nuzzling his chin into her soft skin he had bared for his touch.

  Natasha sighed, her eyes closing, and they sat like that for some time, just enjoying the soothing swirl the jets created in the water, the silence comfortable between them. Eric's arms were linked lightly at her waist and he seemed content just to hold her close, savouring the moment.

  Natasha was happy to just sit there, leaning against him, finding comfort in his embrace, the steady beat of his heart against her back soothing. She closed her eyes, her body relaxing into Eric’s as she listened to the sound of the spa jets humming.

  After they’d been sitting there for a while, Eric's lips started to trail down the length of Natasha's slender neck. He nibbled his way across her damp shoulder, causing her to shiver from his touch. One of his hands lifted cupping her breast, teasing her nipple until it hardened against his palm. She felt Eric’s lips curve into a smile at her reaction to his touch.

  His other hand moved down between Natasha’s thighs, his fingers finding her clitoris and pressing against it, rubbing it in a circular motion. The hand on her breast continued to caress and rub at her nipple and she shivered with pleasure. Eric grazed his teeth over the lobe of her ear, sucking it into his mouth and a soft moan escaped her lips as his hands and lips caused her excitement to grow.

  “Eric.” She breathed. “Please.” Her legs moved restlessly in the water, parting to give him better access to her sex.

  Natasha could feel Eric hardening and lengthening against her lower back. Another groan escaped her lips as the evidence of his desire surged against her. She wriggled, pushing herself against him and it was Eric’s turn to groan softly in response.

  He began to circle her clitoris faster, pressing against her hard little bud and Natasha shuddered, struggling to keep herself under control. Eric had the power to turn her on so quickly, so intensely.

  Never before had she felt such overwhelming desire and that’s why she had probably still been a virgin at 25 years of age. She had to wonder if her and Eric would burn out soon, if he would lose interest since they’d made love so many times already and they had only been together a couple of nights.

  His teeth sank into her neck, nipping her hard and she squealed at the shock of pain just as his fingers dropped lower and plunged into her body. Natasha screamed, the sound of it echoing slightly in the steamy bathroom and she came hard, her body shuddering and quaking through her orgasm.

  Eric’s tongue licked Natasha’s neck, where he had bitten her, soothing her, his arms wrapping around her waist again, holding her until her body had stopped shaking and her breathing had settled down to a more normal level. She collapsed against his chest, her body spent, her heart still beating erratically.

  Eric shifted slightly and Natasha became conscious of his erection still pushed against her back. He was as hard as steel again, rigid, in need of release. She turned in his arms until she was facing him, kneeling in the swirling water. Her hands braced on his thighs and with one hand to hold her steady, she slid her other palm up Eric’s leg until her fingers found his straining penis.

  Slowly Natasha moved her hand up and down his length, her grip firm on him. She flicked her thumb over the head of his shaft then down, squeezing him at the base of his penis. Eric’s breathing picked up and when she dared to lift her head and glance at him, he sat with his head thrown back, eyes closed and his jaw clenched. She worked him through her hand faster and faster until she could hear his breathing grow heavy.

  Natasha leaned in towards Eric, touching her lips to his, tracing his bottom lip with her tongue, and he groaned. She felt his penis jerk in her hand and she smiled.

  “Get on your knees.” She told him, releasing him and moving away to the other side of the spa bath.

  Eric’s eyes shot open, frustration in the look he gave her. “What?” he asked.

  “Get on your knees.” Natasha told him again and watched with satisfaction as he pulled himself up until he was kneeling before her, his penis straining, every vein standing up along its length. She curled her fingers around him and worked him through her hand hard and fast. It didn’t take long and his breathing picked up again, a slight tremor in his limbs as he knelt before her.

  Natasha moved closer to him then lowered her head. Eric’s eyes snapped open when he felt her lips close around his hard length, her mouth warm and m
oist on him. She took him deep into her mouth until he brushed the back of her throat before working her way back up the length of him, swirling her tongue over the head of his straining shaft. He groaned, his hands digging into her hair, shifting restlessly.

  With one hand gripping the base of Eric’s penis, Natasha sucked on him firmly then rolled her tongue over the red swollen head. She grazed her teeth up his shaft, feeling his body jerk in response. His breathing was loud and ragged, his hands tugging at her hair making her wince slightly.

  His body started shaking and his hips moved in rhythm to Natasha’s lips as he thrust into her mouth. She flicked her tongue over the head of his penis back and forth and felt Eric’s balls tighten.

  He groaned loudly, his fingers tugging at her hair. “Natasha.” He groaned. “Stop, I’m going to come.” He gasped as she flicked her tongue over him, squeezing gently with one hand.

  Suddenly Eric’s hips jerked and he thrust hard into her mouth just before she felt the warm spurt of his release into the back of her throat. He groaned loudly through his passion, his penis jerking and pulsing as he continued to spill into Natasha’s mouth. She swallowed his essence, licking and sucking at him, her hand running up the length of him, milking him of every last drop.

  Eric collapsed into the water, his breathing harsh, his arms reaching out for her, and Natasha settled back between his legs, leaning against his chest. She could feel his erection against her back, his heart pounding through her shoulder blades, the tremor that still shook his body and Natasha smiled, loving that it was her that could reduce him to a quivering, spent man. She loved that she could do that to him, that she had that kind of power over him, even if that’s all she would ever be able to do to him.

  Eric’s lips found the side of her neck and he kissed her before gently nipping her. “God sweetheart, you’re fantastic,” he told her. He picked up the soap from the dish by the spa and lathered up his hands before gently soaping up Natasha’s shoulders and arms. His touch was soothing and caressing on her sensitive skin and she sighed with the enjoyment such a simple thing as being washed could bring her.

  Gradually Eric washed Natasha, soaping her skin, rinsing her off, cleansing her as if he cherished her. He could be so sweet when he wanted to. Of course this was a side to him Natasha had never seen. He could be brutal at work, hard, impatient, unforgiving, ruthless and a complete slave driver. So different to the sexy, relaxed, tender man he was now.

  She couldn’t help but think about what it would be like when they left here, when she saw him at work again. She knew she had to prepare for the fact that she would probably go back to just being his employee, that he might want nothing more to do with her on an intimate level once they went home. It sent a sharp pain through her heart to think she might have nothing more from Eric than this week.

  “Stop torturing yourself like this.” Natasha thought to herself. There was no point worrying about when their week together was over. She had no control over it after all.

  She turned in Eric’s arms and slowly washed him. Leaning in she kissed him gently on his lips and he cupped her face in one hand, to hold her so he could deepen the kiss. When he finally pulled back Natasha’s breathing had quickened and it was with shaking hands that she finished washing him. She settled against him for a while when she’d washed the last of the soap from his chest and they lay there, not talking.

  Eventually Eric reached under the water and took her hand, entwining his fingers with hers. When he raised her hand to kiss her softly across her knuckles he looked at their skin and chuckled.

  “How about we get out of here. We’re turning into prunes.”

  Natasha laughed when she saw how wrinkled they’d become and agreed, it was time to get out of the bath.

  They both stood up and Eric held her hand to steady her as she stepped over the edge of the spa bath. He wrapped her in a large towel, tucking the ends in above her breasts before drying himself and wrapping his towel around his waist.

  He started drying Natasha and she protested. “Eric, please, I can dry myself.”

  “I know that, but I want to do this, let me dry you.” He insisted and Natasha sighed.

  When he wanted to do something, there was no arguing with him anyway and secretly she loved the way he seemed to need to take care of her.

  Gently and with attention to every detail, Eric dried Natasha’s body from head to toe. When he had finished, he held her robe for her, even helping her slide each arm into the sleeves before he tied the belt at her waist. He released her hair from the clip that held it up and carefully brushed it for her until it lay in a shimmering wave down her back. Once he was satisfied with the result, he slipped his own robe on.

  Natasha picked up a bottle of perfume and squirted a little to her throat and wrists, smiling into the mirror when Eric stepped up behind her. He dropped his head to her neck breathing in her scent.

  “I love that perfume you wear baby. It smells so good.” He sniffed at her again. “You smell so damned good.”

  He took her hand and together they left the bathroom. It was getting very late and Natasha suddenly felt exhausted. She yawned noisily and Eric smiled at her.

  “I think it’s time for someone to get some sleep.” He grinned at her.

  Natasha untied the belt to her robe and shrugged it off her shoulders, dropping it onto the nearby chair, before climbing into bed. Eric shed his robe too, and hopped in with her, pulling her into his arms. He tucked her in close against his body, her head under his chin and one leg thrown over hers.

  “Sleep my baby,” he whispered in her ear and Natasha smiled sleepily, yawning again, as she drifted off into a deep sleep. Just before sleep claimed her completely she heard Eric say something to her, his voice so low she couldn’t hear what it was but she was too tired to bother asking him what he’d said. She simply fell into a deep, contented sleep, held safely in Eric’s strong arms.

  Chapter Seven.

  When Natasha woke, sunlight was filtering in around the heavy drapes over the windows. She rolled over, stretching her hand out for Eric, but the space beside her was empty, the sheets cool. Her eyes snapped open, searching the room, but there was no sign of him.

  “Eric.” She called to him, but there was no response. Natasha pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked around the room, but she knew, she knew Eric wasn’t there. She swung her legs off the bed to the floor and stood up, stretching and tilting her head from side to side to remove the slight stiffness in her neck. It was while she was stretching that she noticed the piece of paper on the bedside table. Natasha’s heart skipped a beat. Immediately her first thought was that Eric was calling off the rest of their week together, that he’d had enough, that he was going home. Somehow he must have worked out how she felt about him and he was getting out of there as fast as he could.

  With her heart pounding and her fingers shaking, Natasha picked up the note and nervously opened it.

  Sorry Sweetheart,

  I got called out on a business problem that couldn’t wait. I probably won’t be back until this evening. Get some rest because you’re not going to be getting any by the time I get back to the hotel. Try and miss me. Eric. xxx

  Natasha read the note a couple of times before she released the breath she didn’t even know she was holding. The rush of relief through her body was immediately followed by worry over what could be wrong that would make Eric leave when their week away was supposed to be interruption free, then anger about him leaving her and a sense of frustration that she was losing one valuable day of her time with him.

  She looked around the bedroom of the hotel suite that suddenly felt so big and empty. What was she going to do with herself all alone here for a day? Natasha hopped out of bed, stretched and made her way to the bathroom. She spent some time brushing her teeth, before trying to remove all the tangles from her hair and then she applied some light make up to get a little colour back in her face. She stood for a while studying herself in the mirr

  “What now?” She asked herself. It was so quiet without Eric there and Natasha didn’t like the idea of spending her day alone.

  After a final glance at herself in the mirror, she left the bathroom and went through to the large walk in robe to get dressed. While she was staring at her clothes trying to decide what to wear, she couldn’t shake a feeling of rising frustration. Eric was going to be gone for the day and he expected her to do what? Was she supposed to just sit like some sort of dutiful wife or something and wait for him? Well to hell with him, she wasn’t his wife and she wasn’t the dutiful type. Natasha decided if it was good enough for Eric to go out for the day, even if it was business like he’d said, then it was good enough for her.

  Rummaging through her clothes Natasha settled on a short creamy coloured sundress with tiny pink and purple flowers over it. She loved this dress. It was sleeveless and had a fairly modest neck line but the back of it was cut away to almost her waist with a few thin strips of fabric that spanned her bare back to help hold the dress in place. It was fitted to her waist before flowing out into a full skirt that ended mid thigh on her. She carefully pulled on a cream coloured lacy thong, slipped into a pair of flat cream coloured shoes so she would be comfortable for walking and she was ready.

  Since it was probably going to be warm outside being summertime, Natasha ducked back into the bathroom, brushing her hair out again before pulling it all up into a high pony tail which ended between her shoulders. With a quick spray of perfume to her wrists and neck, she was ready for her first trip out of the hotel since she’d been there.


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