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Natasha's Awakening

Page 14

by J. a Melville

  “Is your Mother still alive?” She asked and Eric’s eyes were sad as he turned to her. “No, she passed away from bowel cancer two years ago but at least I was able to give her a good life in the end, the lifestyle she should have had. When I made my first million, I bought her a home, a car, all the clothes she could ever want. She had many years of happiness, but I couldn’t help her in the end, my money wasn’t enough to save her.” Eric’s expression was so sad and Natasha’s heart ached for him.

  He shook his head as if to clear the memories from his mind and turned to her. “Come on, lets eat.” He said and started uncovering the platters that were arranged on the table. Natasha tried to follow his lead and push their conversation to the back of her mind, but it wasn’t so easy for her. She couldn’t help the sorrow in her heart for the little boy who had grown up with nothing, often hungry and for the man he’d become who had loved his Mother enough to want her to have a wonderful life for her remaining years once he’d started making his fortune, only to lose her to cancer way too soon.

  Natasha’s eyes fell on the platters of food on the table and she gasped. “Oh my god!” She exclaimed. There were two dozen natural oysters with seafood and tartare sauce dipping bowls, another platter filled with huge king prawns, even peeled as they were, they were probably the biggest prawns she’d ever seen. Another platter had two lobsters on it, the meat covered in some sort of dressing and arranged back in the shells and finally the last platter was covered in a variety of cheeses with crackers forming a ring around the edge of it. There were several small bowls containing dipping sauces, a plate of crispy bread rolls and some kind of dips plus another larger bowl filled with lemon scented water for washing their fingers in.

  “Don’t just sit there looking at it Natasha, eat.” Eric said and she looked over at him.

  “Yeah but where to start?” Natasha went back to staring in awe at all the delicious food before her. “Where did you get all this?” she asked him.

  “From the restaurant here.” He told her. “Come on eat, you’re going to need your strength.” He said, his grin wicked as his eyes raked over her.

  “Oh, strength for what?” She asked him coyly.

  “Oh you know damned well what for.” He replied. Natasha still didn’t move and Eric released a noisy sigh. “Do I have to force feed you?” He asked picking up a prawn and holding it to her lips and she laughed before suddenly lunging forward and tugged the prawn from his fingers with her teeth. She bit into it, her eyes rolling back and Natasha moaned.

  “Oh my god, it’s so good.” She said, her tongue sweeping over her lips to lick up the juices from the prawn.

  Eric’s eyes darkened as he watched her. “You’re going to kill me if you eat your entire meal like that, you know that don’t you?” He said. Natasha just smiled at him and reached over to pick up the serving tongs and began piling food on her plate, suddenly ravenously hungry. Once she was done, Eric filled his plate and they ate, neither one talking as they simply enjoyed the stunning array of food available to them.

  When her plate was half empty, Natasha took a sip of her wine and watched Eric as he ate an oyster, holding the shell in his hand and tipping it so he could slide the oyster into his open mouth. She watched the movement of his throat as he swallowed and wondered how he could make the simple act of swallowing look sexy.

  “So how did you start Rothman Enterprises?” She asked him as she picked up one of the lobsters and put it down on her plate before her. “How did you get the money to start it in the first place?”

  “My Mother came by a small inheritance that she put into getting me through University. I studied Economics among other things, so I could have a few options up my sleeve.” He told her. “I managed to save a bit of money from working three jobs and decided to try my hand at the stock market and found out by sheer chance, it’s something I’m good at.” Eric popped another prawn into his mouth and chewed, the look in his eyes told Natasha his mind was no longer in that room, he was caught up in memories from his past.

  “From there I bought my first home, it needed a bit of renovating, but I worked on it until it was all done,” Eric turned to look at Natasha and smiled. “Yes, I can actually do manual work, fix things, I’m kind of handy like that.” He said. “I sold it, made a nice profit on it, bought another home that needed work and started making more and more money on the stock market until I could buy several homes and so it started from there. Eventually I’d made enough from renovating and flipping houses and a few more successful investments, a whole lot of luck and finally I bought my first business.”

  “Wow, I had no idea.” Natasha said, looking at him in admiration. He’d worked hard, been very successful and it had paid off.

  Eric shrugged. “I was lucky too Natasha. I bought businesses that were failing and turned them around and the rest as they say is history.” He picked up another prawn, dipping it in the chilli sauce and popped it into his mouth. “Guess you could say I’m a bit like him in Pretty Woman.” He grinned.

  Natasha laughed. “So does that make me Julia Roberts?” she asked and he chuckled.

  “Well, you’re not exactly a hooker sweetheart, but you are keeping the millionaire entertained in his hotel, but there’s one major difference between you and Julia Roberts.” He paused, his eyes meeting hers.

  “What’s that?” She asked.

  “You are much more beautiful than Julia is.” And he reached over to take her hand, raising it to his lips and kissing her palm. Natasha shivered as she felt the tip of his tongue sweep over her sensitive skin.

  Eric released her hand and went back to eating. For the rest of their meal they ate in silence. When they were finished, Natasha took their empty plates to the sink while Eric covered the last of the cheeses and put them back in the fridge. She couldn’t believe that they’d managed to eat all the seafood. She certainly felt full and had enjoyed her dinner immensely.

  When the dishes had been rinsed off and left stacked in the sink for when the maids came through in the morning and all traces of their meal cleared from the table Eric flopped down on the lounge. He sprawled out along the length of it and watched Natasha as she poured them both another glass of wine.

  She carried both glasses over to the lounge and Eric moved his legs out of the way so she could sit down. He picked up a remote, hitting one of the buttons and soft music filled the room. He took a sip of his wine and put the glass down on the small table at the side of the lounge before turning to Natasha. “So how much longer are you going to make me wait?” He asked. “I think I’ve been very patient, so when do I get to unwrap my present?” His eyes ran over her as she sat beside him, legs together to hold her robe in place.

  She placed her wine glass down on the matching end table near where she was sitting. “Well I don’t know Mr Rothman. Have you been a good boy today?” Laughing when Eric nodded very enthusiastically. “If you give me a few minutes, I’ll go get ready for my grand entrance, so to speak,” she laughed.

  She got up and went to walk off, but Eric’s arm snaked out and dragged her onto his lap making her squeal in surprise. His lips pressed against the side of her neck and he bit on her gently which caused a shiver of excitement through her body. Natasha felt a warm hand move between her legs and start sliding up thigh, but she slapped his hand away.

  “Stop it Eric.” She scolded him, struggling to get off his lap and reluctantly he let her go.

  “Don’t be long.” He said as she hurried from the room as fast as her heels would allow. She turned back in time to see Eric’s eyes following her retreat as he stretched out on the lounge again.

  Natasha went straight to the bathroom and after relieving her bladder, she checked her appearance in the mirror. She brushed her hair again, touched up her make up a little and sprayed a light mist of perfume at her neck. Once she was confident that she looked ok, she took off the hotel robe, hanging it on the bathroom door. With one final glance at her overall appearance and noticing the h
igh flush on her cheeks as was feeling a little anxious about Eric’s reaction, Natasha headed back to the living area. She stopped by the doorway, tucking herself to one side so she could see what he was doing without him seeing her.

  Eric was lying stretched out on the lounge and his eyes were closed. Surely he hadn’t fallen asleep while she was gone from the room? She hadn’t been gone that long. Natasha walked into the room, her footsteps silent on the plush carpet and moved right up until she stood before him. She watched him for a few moments before bending down close to his face, listening for deeper breathing to indicate he was asleep.

  Suddenly his arm snaked out, grabbing her around the waist and with a squeal, she tumbled onto his chest. Eric’s eyes opened taking in the cascade of auburn curls covering him and his lips met hers briefly, before he pushed her back onto her feet, following her up too.

  Holding her at arm’s length, his brilliant blue gaze slowly made its way down her body, taking in the low neckline of her negligee and the swell of her breasts as they pushed against the satin fabric. His lips tilted up in a smile when he saw her nipples harden as he stared at them and his eyes darkened in reaction to that tell tail sign of her arousal.

  His slow perusal of her continued down over her waist and thighs, an eyebrow arching at the hint of green satiny panties showing below the negligee, on down over her long legs, shapely calves before settling on her feathery heels. He grinned at the sight of them before raising his eyes to Natasha’s face where she stood, lips parted, her breathing accelerated from watching Eric’s slow study of her. She swept her long lashes down against her cheeks, using them to conceal her quick glance down to his crutch, feeling a shot of excitement chorus through her body when she saw the bulge of his erection straining against his fly.

  “You look stunning.” He said, taking a step towards her and placing his hand on her stomach, his fingers slipping past the fabric to touch her warm skin beneath it. His palm felt quite hot against her stomach and a tiny quiver ran down her spine when his fingers spread out, the tips sliding under the her panties, caressing her lightly in gentle circles which were gradually going lower and lower.

  He dipped between her legs, sliding a finger over her hidden nub before delving into her entrance. Natasha gasped and Eric groaned.

  “Damn you’re already so wet.” He whispered, slipping another finger inside her, pushing them as deep as he could before pulling them out, coating her juices over her clitoris and Natasha’s legs started to shake. “God sweetheart, you’re so responsive.” He groaned.

  Eric’s other arm came around her, supporting her as he continued to work his fingers in and out of her, spreading her wetness over her folds before plunging his fingers into her again.

  “Eric.” Natasha moaned, her voice needy. She felt like her legs were starting to fail her and that they wouldn’t support her much longer.

  “Come on baby, let’s go to the bedroom.” He said, pulling his fingers from her and swinging her into his arms, striding from the room while she clung to him.

  When he got to the bedroom, he placed her down carefully on the bed, removing her heels and dropping them on the floor. Natasha lay legs slightly apart and when he glanced down, he groaned. “Christ baby, you’ve soaked your panties.” He said. The huskiness of his tone sent another wave of heat to that sensitive area between her legs and she felt herself becoming even more wet.

  Eric reached down and lifted her negligee up to just below her breasts and saw the ties that held her panties in place. He pulled on the bows and watched them undo, the fabric falling away from her body. He yanked on the tiny scrap of satin while Natasha lifted her hips so he could remove them and toss them on the floor with her shoes.

  She moved restlessly under his heated gaze and he reached into his pocket removing something small and pink, holding it on his palm so she could see it. He dug in his pocket for something else and came out with a second small flat device and Natasha looked at them curiously, her eyes going to Eric’s.

  “What is that?” She asked him and Eric moved closer to show them to her.

  “This is an egg baby. I want to give you a chance to experience what this can do for you if you will allow me.”

  “An egg?” Natasha’s voice was questioning.

  “It’s a sex toy, or sex aid as I prefer to call it. Will you let me show you what this can do for you?” He asked her again. “I will be in control of it, let me show you. Lie back sweetheart, open your legs.” He placed his hand on Natasha’s stomach and she dropped back, doing as he asked and parted her legs for him. She heard Eric’s sharply drawn breath as he glanced down at her glistening, moist folds and she tensed slightly when she felt the egg against her entrance.

  He moved it around in her juices before gently pushing it into her, using a finger to press it along further into her body. The egg wasn’t all that large, but Natasha could feel the foreign presence of it in her vagina all the same.

  “Sit up baby.” Eric said and helped pull her until she was sitting. He lifted her negligee up and over her head, tossing it to the side and Natasha sat before him completely naked. She felt a little embarrassed given she was naked and he was still fully dressed in his jeans and t-shirt, although he had undone his jeans.

  Natasha reached out to him, grabbing his t-shirt and started tugging at it trying to lift it over his head. Eric obliged and lifted his arms so she could pull it off him and toss it aside. Her heart jumped in her chest at the sight of him shirtless, muscles flexing in the light. He was gorgeous, so sexy and she didn’t think she would ever get tired of looking at him.

  Her fingers drifted to his jeans and Natasha carefully slid his fly the rest of the way down, reaching in, her intention being to pull his erection free, but Eric stood up, backing away from her.

  She sighed impatiently and fell back on her elbows on the bed, watching him with frustration etched on her face. Eric just smiled and held up the flat device he’d shown her earlier and touched a button on it.

  Natasha felt the egg inside her come to life, buzzing quietly, and sensation hit her deep inside her body.

  “Oh my god.” She moaned as it buzzed against that pleasurable spot in her and she quivered, her elbows given way. Natasha flopped back on the bed, her legs moving restlessly as the egg constantly teased her pleasure zone.

  Eric watched her reaction, before touching another button on the remote he was using to control it and she felt the egg start pulsing. It vibrated harder, but in waves and it was starting to drive her crazy, sending shockwaves of sensation through her.

  “Eric.” She moaned and he walked over to her, sitting on the bed to touch his lips to hers. Natasha bit down on his bottom lip, sucking it into her mouth, deepening the kiss until Eric’s lips parted and she could plunge her tongue into his mouth.

  He groaned and her arms lifted, locking at the back of his neck, her fingers ruffling through the hair at his nape. Her hips started to move in slow circles as her excitement grew and her muscles clamped down on the egg which only intensified the sensation making her gasp as her pleasure mounted.

  Natasha bit down on Eric’s lip and he grunted with the pain. She pulled back seeing his lip reddening from her teeth. He held up the remote in his hand and grinned at her. “You’re going to pay for that.” He said and touched another button. The egg started vibrating hard and she cried out from the intensity of the feelings it was producing.

  Eric bent down, his lips closing over one of her nipples and he sucked and drew on it, driving Natasha crazy. With each pull on her nipples, pleasure speared through her internally and with the steady vibration of the egg inside her, she could feel her orgasm building quickly. She moaned, her head thrashing from side to side and she started slightly when she felt his fingers brush over her clitoris. It was sensation overload for her. He was still sucking and licking on her nipples, the egg was building up the pleasure on the inside and now with Eric’s clever fingers circling her hardening nub, Natasha couldn’t bear it.
/>   “Please, please, Eric.” She gasped, her hips lifting off the bed. Her breathing was coming in fast choppy breaths and just as she felt like she was going to explode, suddenly the egg stopped vibrating and Eric removed his fingers from her.

  Natasha reared up a loud moan of frustration spilling from her lips. “No, no, please.” She gasped as she teetered so close to climaxing but just not quite there. “Eric, please!” She writhed clamping her legs together, trying to ease the feelings deep inside her.

  The egg vibrated back into life and she screamed. Natasha bucked, her hips lifting off the bed as the pleasure started escalating again.

  “Now baby.” Eric commanded and her orgasm exploded through her, her body thrusting and twisting as the intense pleasure chorused through her and she felt his lips at her entrance, sucking and lapping at her, making her jerk as he touched her overly sensitive clitoris. Her heart pounded hard in her chest, tremors racked her body and the egg stopped again, giving her a chance to gradually come down from her climax.

  Eric reached between her legs and pulled on something and Natasha felt the egg slide from her body, and the trickle of her juices as it exited her opening with a slight sucking sound. His tongue went back to lapping at her, licking up her juices until the final tremors left her body.

  She collapsed weakly onto the bed, her breathing still erratic and watched as Eric slid up the length of her to kiss her, the taste of her on his lips. “You were fucking amazing baby, you’ve made me so hard.” He said, cupping himself through his jeans. “I need you now.” He stood up dragging his jeans down his legs and Natasha watched as his erection sprang free, a drop of fluid glistening at the head of his engorged penis.

  Eric climbed onto the bed straddling her and dropped a kiss on each of her nipples before crawling over her to reach into the bedside drawer and pulling out a condom. With his hard shaft not far from her face, she licked the head of his penis, lapping up the drop of pre seminal fluid that clung to the head. Eric’s body jerked and he reared back, “Damn woman, don’t do that please, I’m only just holding it together now.” He told her.


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