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Natasha's Awakening

Page 49

by J. a Melville

  The inside of the house was decorated with gorgeous floral arrangements everywhere and the house smelled strongly of their perfume. Natasha looked around slightly bemused by all the activity. For what was supposed to be a small, more intimate wedding, there sure was a lot going on.

  After having to side step a couple of workers she figured she’d better get out of the way and she headed for the kitchen where Alice was just about to serve breakfast for everyone. Maggie was chatting with Alice as the two friends caught up with one another. They hadn’t seen each other for a while, so they had plenty to talk about by the sounds of things.

  They greeted her when she walked into the kitchen though and Maggie got up to give her a hug. “Oh just look at you lass. Twins, who would have thought the lad had it in him.” She joked. Natasha blushed and Maggie laughed when she saw her reaction. “Oh I’m just messing with you lass. You know how happy I am for the pair of you. See, I told you that man was crazy for you. I spoke to Tom earlier and he said the poor lad is chomping at the bit. He can’t wait to see you lass.”

  Maggie’s words warmed Natasha’s heart. She knew Maggie’s husband Thomas had stayed the night with Eric so he wouldn’t be alone but it was nice to hear that he was just as eager to get back to her as she was to see him.

  “Come on pet eat up.” Alice set a plate of poached eggs on toast in front of Natasha with bacon and mushrooms to accompany it.

  “I’m not really that hungry.” She tried to say but three sets of eyes all turned on her and a perfectly timed “Eat,” from them all rang out.

  Natasha picked up her knife and fork and began to eat grumbling to herself about Eric having eyes everywhere. Even her Mother took his side when it came to his insistence that she eat properly. While she forced herself to eat as much as she could, Natasha listened to the chatter of the three women as everyone was quite obviously excited about the wedding and talked in detail about every tiny aspect of the preparations as if she wasn’t in the room with them.

  Finally when she’d eaten enough to get the ladies off her back, Natasha wandered through the house and outside to watch all the activity in and around the marquee which had been set up at one end of the large rear terrace. The reception was going to be held in it so their entire wedding would be at the home.

  Natasha walked around looking at all the decorations going up, none of which she’d been involved in. Eric had insisted she let him take care of everything. He’d hired a wedding planner who had mostly dealt with Eric and her Mother with very little communication between Natasha and Francine, the perfectly manicured and attired wedding planner. The woman was obviously very good at her job but Natasha hadn’t liked her much since she felt frumpy and unattractive alongside of the extremely well groomed woman. She knew she was being silly feeling like that but Francine was a beautiful woman and although she was professional at all times, Natasha had seen the gleam of interest in her eyes every time she’d looked at Eric. To be fair Eric had treated her professionally in return and not even once had he shown any form of interest in her as a woman, but it didn’t stop Natasha from feeling a little insecure given how huge she was now with their babies.

  Her Mother joined her to watch as tables and chairs were being carried into the marquee. Natasha watched more floral arrangements being taken inside and numerous large pot plants. “Isn’t it exciting baby girl?” Her Mother asked.

  “Yes Mum but I think Eric might have gone just a little overboard. It’s not supposed to be a big wedding but look at all this.” She said, watching more and more chairs and tables being carried into the marquee. Everything was white with some splashes of green and pale yellows to compliment the arrangements of orchids which Eric had insisted on because they were a flower that represented love. There were other flowers that were a symbol of love too, but Eric had wanted them to be orchids because he thought their elegant beauty complimented her. Natasha had melted of course when he’d explained why he wanted those particular flowers, but as she watched the mornings proceedings and caught sight of Francine giving orders to some of the hire hands doing all the setting up, she didn’t feel very elegant or beautiful compared to the perfectly presented, slim wedding planner.

  “Why couldn’t Eric have hired a male wedding planner.” She said absently and her Mother snorted.

  “Oh baby girl, you don’t seriously worry about that woman do you? You’re just feeling a little fragile while you’re pregnant but you have no need to worry. Eric loves you darling, that man doesn’t see anyone else when he looks at you. Even while you are heavily pregnant with his babies.” She added before Natasha could say anything in response.

  “Thanks Mum.” She said giving her a hug. Her Mother was trying to help but Natasha couldn’t control the feelings of insecurity and jealousy that swamped her anytime she’d watched Eric and Francine discussing the wedding.

  “Come on baby girl. You can’t stand around here all morning. Go and have your shower. The hair stylist and make up artist will be here soon.”

  Natasha rolled her eyes at her Mother. “Is all that really necessary Mum? I could have done my hair and make up myself.” She said.

  “Of course it’s necessary. Every bride needs to be the most beautiful woman on the day of her wedding baby girl and although you seem to be feeling a bit insecure right now, you’re still going to be stunning and Eric’s going to be the proudest man in the country, so stop with all this behaviour and go and get yourself in the shower.” She ordered.

  “Yes Mum.” Natasha said, saluting and with the sound of her Mother’s laughter behind her, she headed back inside to go and have her shower.


  Natasha stared at the image of the woman looking back at her in the mirrors. The hair and make up artists had worked their magic on her and she almost didn’t recognise herself. Her make up was so perfectly applied that it had an understated, natural look to it. Still her lashes had never looked longer or more defined, delicate colour followed her cheek bones and her eyes seemed even more intensely green than normal. Her lips had been painted a coral colour that complimented her skin tone and although it was a look she had never achieved herself, she loved the final effect.

  Even her hair was a work of art. The hair stylist had curled it more than her own natural curl, forming it all into ringlets and then he’d pinned it all loosely, up high at the back of her head, with the curls from the front all pulled back and pinned too. From the pins, her hair cascaded down her back in a riot of gentle ringlets and a few long ringlets of hair had been left loose, framing her face and giving the style a soft, feminine look. Natasha loved it. The comb of pearls that were designed to look like baby’s breath was already in her hair, helping to hold back the hair from around her face and the veil would attach to it once she was dressed.

  When Natasha looked over at her Mother, there were tears in her eyes. “Oh dammit Mum, don’t you dare cry.” She warned her. “You’ll make me cry and then my make up is ruined.”

  “I can’t help it baby girl. You look so beautiful and your Father should be here. He should be here to give his little girl away.” She sobbed.

  Natasha felt tears pricking her eyes and she blinked frantically to hold them back. “Oh Mum, I know. I miss Dad too but I’m sure he’s here in spirit. Please don’t be sad and stop crying because you’re going to make me cry.”

  She watched her Mother struggle to get her emotions under control and she’d just managed to stop the tears when Maggie and Alice walked in to see how things were going. They were very enthusiastic with their compliments, telling Natasha how beautiful she looked and how they couldn’t wait to see her in her wedding dress to get the full effect.

  Kathryn looked at her watch. “It’s almost time to get dressed baby girl. Eric and Thomas will be here in two hours and Eric’s hired a car for you so you get driven around while he arrives so there’s no risk of you two seeing each other before you walk down the aisle.”

  Natasha rolled her eyes at the mention of the car. There wasn’t any need for her to go anywhere since the entire wedding and reception was being held at the house, but Eric wanted her to be driven around and to arrive by car like most brides would. She wasn’t sure whether he was just incredibly thoughtful or over reacting in his desire to be as traditional as possible.

  “I think Eric’s been a little over the top Mum about the car. I can stay up here, he wouldn’t see me anyway. I don’t know why I have to be driven around to kill time and act like I’m being driven to my wedding when it’s here and I’m already here.” Natasha couldn’t help protesting.

  Maggie interrupted her complaining with a few quietly spoken words, “Give the lad this Natasha. You know about his past. You know what goes on in his head. If following tradition makes him feel more secure and comfortable, is it really causing you any problems to go along with his wishes? You might see it all as superstitious rubbish, but to Eric it means so much more lass.” She cupped Natasha’s cheek. “Remember what I once said to you?” Watching as Natasha tried to remember what she was referring to. “I told you that Eric always waits for the bubble to burst lass. He’s happy, the happiest I think I’ve ever seen him and that scares the hell out of him because he keeps waiting for it to be taken away from him, for that bubble to burst. Give him this, if it offers him some comfort. Even if to you it seems silly or pointless.”

  Natasha felt tears prick her eyes again and she blinked rapidly to stop them. Maggie’s quietly spoken words made her heart swell with her love for Eric and the pain she felt over the trauma he’d suffered suddenly made all his behaviour leading up to this wedding, the things he’d insisted on, suddenly make sense. She felt guilty that she’d showed even one moment’s frustration over his requests which really weren’t unreasonable at all. “I’m sorry Maggie. You’re right. Eric’s asked for so little and I’ve questioned it all and probably made it hard for him and I shouldn’t have.”

  Maggie smiled and gave Natasha a hug. “It’s ok lass. You just honour his requests. That’s all he asks from you plus your love. It’s not much to ask.”

  Natasha nodded. “He doesn’t have to worry about my love for him Maggie. He’s everything to me. He can drive me nuts and frustrate me sometimes, but I can’t imagine not having him.”

  Not long after that, the photographer showed up. He was a handsome looking man by the name of Vladimir and he started taking many candid shots of Natasha as she sat in her robe with her perfect hair and make up which looked a little out of place against the pink satin robe. He took photos of them all together before heading downstairs to photograph the set up around the home and marquee, views over the harbour, making sure he covered every moment.

  Finally the time came for Natasha to put on her wedding dress and her Mother helped her as she slipped out of the pink satin robe standing there in front of Kathryn in her strapless white lace bra and lacy g-string. Her Mother had to help her roll the delicate, very sheer cream coloured stockings up her legs and a pretty lacy cream garter with a blue ribbon threaded through it was added.

  “Thank you Mum.” Natasha said, hugging her Mother. “Now we just need something old, new and something borrowed if we’re to stay with tradition.”

  “I actually have something I brought with me baby girl and I’m hoping that you will wear it for today. It’s old and since I want it back, it’s borrowed.” Kathryn walked over to the bed and dug around in her handbag before bringing a small box back to her daughter and handing it to her.

  When Natasha looked inside, it was a wedding band. She gave her mother a quizzical look and when her Mother looked at her, there were tears in her eyes. “It’s your Father’s wedding band baby girl. I’ve kept it all these years and I thought, although your Father can’t be here in person, a part of him could be. Will you wear his ring for your wedding?”

  Natasha felt tears threatening again and all she could do was nod before removing the plain gold band from its box and slipping it onto the middle finger of her right hand. It was too big though and after trying it on a couple of different fingers, she had no choice but to wear it on her thumb. “It’s tight enough Mum, I won’t lose it.” She assured Kathryn.

  “I know you’ll look after it darling. I’m just happy you’re wearing it. Now let’s get you into your dress.”

  Once she stepped into her dress and Natasha’s Mother zipped her in before patiently doing up the row of tiny cream buttons up the back, she was ready for her shoes and the hair stylist, Frank, came back in to carefully attach her veil to the waiting comb in her hair and then stood back to study the effect. When Natasha saw him smile, she figured that must have meant he was happy with the final effect.

  Finally she was ready and when Natasha stepped in front of the mirrors to see how she looked, she was surprised. Despite her huge stomach, the dress fell beautifully, gliding over her baby belly and for the first time in weeks she didn’t feel ungainly or frumpy.

  While her Mother fussed and arranged the trains from her dress and veil, Maggie came in carrying a long flat box in her hands. “This was delivered lass. Eric had it sent over. It’s his wedding gift to you.”

  Natasha stared at the box, her heart beginning to beat more quickly in her chest. What could Eric have bought her that he’d wanted her to have so urgently? She could see it was a jewellery box, but Natasha was almost nervous to open it. “Oh, come on lass, open it up. Let’s see what the lad bought for you.” Maggie urged.

  Slowly Natasha lifted the lid and all three of them gasped. Nestled in the satin lined box was the most amazing necklace with matching earrings that she had ever seen.

  It was made up of four strands of diamonds that did up around the neck. The centre piece was like a bow, diamonds all along the bow and the middle of it at what would normally be the knot of the bow was one large diamond. The four strands of diamonds that did up around the neck threaded down through the loops of the bow before branching out to petal shaped diamonds either side of each strand. The centre diamond of the bow also had a row of petal shaped diamonds that ran down from it.

  The necklace was unlike anything Natasha had ever seen before and she didn’t want to think about how much it would have cost Eric. She almost wasn’t game to touch it as she looked at it, watching the play of light over the diamonds.

  While she stared at the necklace wondering what on earth possessed Eric to give her such an obviously expensive looking piece of jewellery, Maggie handed her a small card. “This is from Eric too lass.” She said.

  Natasha pulled the card from its envelope and read what he had written inside.

  ‘This is my wedding gift to you my beautiful wife to be. Please do me the great honour of wearing this on our wedding day. Stop worrying about how much I spent as I know that would be one of the things you’re thinking about as you look at the necklace. I want to see this around your neck when you walk down that aisle to me. See you soon baby. I love you with every fibre of my being. You are my heart, my soul, the very reason for my existance. Eric. xx’

  Natasha read Eric’s message once, twice and by the third time, the tears were rolling down her face unchecked. She couldn’t stop them. Despite her tears she found herself smiling though at Eric’s uncanny ability to know what she was thinking. He’d known she would worry about the cost of the necklace so much so, that he’d mentioned it in his note.

  “Oh lass, don’t cry, your make up’s going to run.” Maggie warned her.

  “I think it’s too late for that. Come on baby girl. Stop with the tears. We need to get you ready for your grand entrance in the car.” Natasha’s Mother said. “There’s your something new too. Eric’s taken care of that for you.”

  She was handed some tissues and Natasha quickly dabbed at her tears before the make up artist came back in to touch up her face, removing all trace of the tears that had fallen moments before. “I need to get my necklace on. Can you help me Mum?”

  Carefully Maggie removed the stunning necklace
from its box and her Mother slipped it around her neck. The cool diamonds settled just above the neckline of Natasha’s dress and lay there surprisingly heavy, sparkling under the lights.

  Maggie and Kathryn both gasped at the sheer beauty of it. “Ok Vladimir needs to get some photos of you now baby girl.” They called the photographer back into the room and he suggested the stairs for taking some photos of Natasha before she left in the car.

  It took both Maggie and Kathryn to hold the train for her dress and veil to get her onto the lift without anything jamming in the door.

  Vladimir took photos of Natasha on the first couple of stairs since she wasn’t prepared to risk going higher and photos were taken with her Mother and Maggie. Once he was finished, they all went out to find a cream coloured Rolls Royce waiting to drive her.

  “Are you coming with me Mum?” And her Mother grinned.

  “Of course baby girl. Someone has to keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble.”

  Natasha rolled her eyes. “Geez Mum, how much trouble do you think I can get into in a Rolls Royce?”

  Her Mother just laughed. “With you Natasha, who knows? All I know is it’s my job to look after you until you’re delivered to Eric and I’m not going to take any risks. Now when we get back Maggie will bring your bouquet out to the car because Vladimir wants to get photos of you before you go inside. Thomas will be waiting for you in the kitchen so he can walk you down the aisle. It was very kind of him to offer to do that for you, wasn’t it darling?”

  Natasha smiled. She had been delighted when Maggie’s husband Thomas offered to walk her down the aisle. Her Mother probably would have done it, but since she wasn’t having bridesmaids, her Mother was going to be taking her bouquet while Eric and her said their vows plus she was carrying Eric’s wedding band for Natasha. “I can’t exactly stuff it down the front of my dress now Mum, can I?”

  As it turned out, they had to drive around for close on twenty minutes to be out of the way for when Eric and Thomas arrived at the house. Natasha’s back was starting to ache from having to hold herself so rigid because of her dress and veil and after a few well aimed kicks from Nathaniel and Erica, she was going to need to make a quick trip to the bathroom before the walk down the aisle.


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