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Natasha's Awakening

Page 60

by J. a Melville

  “Mrs Rothman, how are you feeling? We have two little ones here who are eager for a meal. Your babies need feeding.” One of the midwives said and Natasha saw that her name was Brenda.

  “We’ll help you get your babies attached. Had you intended breast feeding?” Brenda asked and Natasha nodded. The midwife turned to Eric. “I’m going to need you to move out of the way for a moment please Mr Rothman while we help your wife get your son and daughter properly attached.” She gave Eric a stern look and Natasha had trouble containing her grin when Eric leapt up and stepped out of the way.

  “Do you need help to sit up more Mrs Rothman?” Brenda asked but Natasha shook her head and winced as she braced herself to get into a better position.

  “Baby, let me help you.” Eric rushed forward and he wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her sit up. Once she was sitting with the bed raised and pillows behind her the midwives helped her undo her nightgown exposing her breasts and with pillows positioned to help support Erica and Nathaniel, Brenda and the other midwife Lisa showed Natasha the best way to lay her babies out so she could feed them both at the same time.

  After a bit of rearranging and with the midwives helping, finally Nathaniel and Erica were attached and feeding. It was an amazing moment for Natasha and tears filled her eyes as she looked down on their little heads, Nathaniel’s blondish hair and Erica’s auburn locks. She had more hair than her brother and although a tiny bit smaller, she was 5 pounds and Nathaniel 5.5 pounds, she was feeding just as strongly as her brother.

  Natasha looked over at her husband and her heart melted when she saw him watching with tears in his eyes. He was such a soft touch underneath that tough exterior her Mr CEO. He pulled out his mobile phone and took a couple of photos, despite Natasha’s protests about how bad she must look.

  “You look beautiful baby. Watching you feeding our children is the most beautiful and amazing thing to see. They’re just perfect aren’t they?” Eric’s voice was filled with awe and she couldn’t have loved him anymore than she did right now.

  “Isn’t it amazing Eric? As soon as they’re born, the love for them is overwhelming. I’m just so relieved that they’re healthy, that Vivian didn’t hurt them when she pushed me down the stairs. I’d happily break both arms and legs if that meant it kept them safe.”

  “I know baby. I never want to feel the way I did when I walked through our door and saw you lying there so broken and trying to give birth all alone. You are so strong my sweetheart, stronger than me. You must have been in so much pain and so frightened, but look what you did. You brought our son and daughter into the world, largely by yourself. No bed, no hospital, no pain killers and all that with a broken leg and dislocated arm. You are amazing.” Eric’s voice broke and Natasha looked up at him, all her love for him shining in her eyes.

  “You are such a sap Eric.” She joked and he gave her that slow sexy grin of his, even though tears still tracked their way down his face.

  “Yeah baby? Well don’t you go telling anyone that now, will you?”

  “As if I would Eric. You might be a sap, but you’re my sap and I’m not sharing that part of you with anyone.” She smiled at him and he gave her an answering grin.

  They both turned when they heard a knock at the door and Eric walked over to see who it was. Natasha’s Mother stood there, flowers in one hand and balloons floating in the other, one happily announcing ‘It’s a boy,’ the other ‘It’s a girl.’

  With a grin he stepped back and Kathryn bustled in, with her usual bull at a gate pace. “Baby girl, just look at you.” She said. “How could you do this to me darling? You went and had my Grand babies without me being there.”

  Natasha groaned. “Well, I didn’t exactly have a choice Mum.” She said dryly.

  Kathryn bent to kiss her daughter. “I know baby girl. God, when Eric called me and told me what happened, my heart dropped. You are such a strong girl to have brought these two into the world under such awful circumstances. Now, let me see my Grand children. Who is who?”

  They spent the next hour catching up. Kathryn helped Natasha burp the babies and she even offered to change them for her since Natasha couldn’t get up without help due to the heavy plaster hanging off her leg.

  Once Nathaniel and Erica were settled back in their cribs to sleep, bundled up tightly in their blankets the way Kathryn showed her to wrap them, Natasha told her Mother all about what had happened with Vivian. As she described every horrific moment, Natasha heard Eric’s harshly drawn breath and when she looked over at him, his hands were fisted by his sides, anger burning in his intense blue eyes.

  “That bitch will pay for what she did to you baby. I can’t use my phone in here. If you’re ok for now, I’ll go outside. I need to give Roman and the police a call. Will you be alright?” He asked.

  “She’s fine Eric, she has me with her. You go do what you have to do to get that evil woman.” Kathryn waved at him dismissively. “I’ll look after Natasha while you’re gone.”

  With one look between his wife and his Mother in Law, Eric left the room. Once he was gone, Natasha’s Mother turned to her. “So, tell me, how was Eric when he found you in the middle of delivering your babies? Did he keep it together or fall apart?”

  Natasha rolled her eyes. “God, you should have seen him Mum. Eric’s always so together, controlled, you know what he’s like, but dammit when I was in labour, I had to yell at him all the time to do anything. He was bloody hopeless.” She laughed as she remembered her normally so dependable husband being reduced to a dithering mess.

  About twenty minutes later Eric walked back into the room pausing when Natasha and Kathryn burst out laughing when they saw him. His expression darkened. “Ok what’s so damned funny?” He demanded to know and the two ladies were reduced to another bout of laughter. His eyes moved between the two of them as he stood, arms folded, waiting for them to tell him what was going on.

  “Oh it’s alright baby.” Natasha cooed at him. “I was just telling Mum how my big CEO husband was reduced to a dithering, nervous mess when I was in labour.”

  “I can tell you now, I don’t dither Natasha and I wasn’t nervous at all.” Eric defended himself and she rolled her eyes at him. “Oh of course you weren’t.” She joked. “I only had to ask you, how many times was it, to look and see if you could see one of our babies crowning?”

  Eric growled. “Well, I hope you two are having fun at my expense, but in my defence baby, I had kind of figured you’d deliver our son and daughter in a hospital and maybe drugs for the pain, not what I walked in on in our home. I think I handled myself very well under the circumstances.”

  “Ah ha.” Natasha’s tone was dry but her eyes glinted with amusement. Eric walked over to her, bending his head to kiss her, sliding his tongue into her mouth briefly before releasing her again. Despite all she’d been through and even with her damaged lip, just one sexy kiss from him and she felt her heart flutter behind her breast.

  Eric’s eyebrow rose and Natasha wanted to hit him when she saw the smug look on his face. He knew exactly how much that one simple kiss had affected her and suddenly she felt like the tables had been turned and the joke was now on her.

  Kathryn stood up. “I should get going baby girl and let you get some rest. One thing you’ll find being a new Mother Natasha is you need to rest while your babies rest otherwise you’re going to be exhausted.”

  “I will Mum. Thank you for the flowers and for helping me with Nathaniel and Erica.” She kissed her Mother when Kathryn bent down to give her a gentle hug, mindful of her daughter’s sore shoulder. She gave Eric a hug and then with a final wave, she was gone.

  “I’m going to head off too baby. I need to check on Alice and I need to meet up with Roman. I’ll be back later ok? I love you baby.” He dropped a kiss on her lips, stopped by the cribs to gaze down at his son and daughter and before he walked out the door, he blew her a kiss and was gone.


  A week later and Eric helped Natasha into their home. He carried Nathaniel and Erica so Natasha could hobble her way in on the crutches she’d been given to get around on while her leg was in plaster. When she stepped in and her eyes fell on the staircase before her, she felt her heart skip a beat when she remembered just what she’d been through and all that had happened to her and Alice just one week ago.

  She stood for a moment, leaning on her crutches and a shiver went through her body. Eric must have noticed and interpreted what was wrong because he came up alongside of her and dropped his free hand over her shoulders. “It’s over baby. They got Vivian, she can’t hurt you now. She’s locked up until her court case and she’s also having a psychiatric assessment done. Hopefully her lawyer doesn’t try and get her off on an insanity plea because it was premeditated as far as I’m concerned. She made a conscious decision to come here to try and harm you and she attacked poor Alice.”

  “Poor Alice, Eric, I feel partially responsible for what happened to her. She was just trying to help me and now she’s recovering from a serious injury because of Vivian. I was so scared she was going to die.” Natasha shuddered when the image of Alice lying so still in a pool of her own blood filled her mind.

  “Baby please, don’t blame yourself. Alice certainly doesn’t. You saw her in hospital. She was so upset over what happened with you and she’s relieved Vivian’s locked up now. The doctors think she’ll be able to come home in a few days, so she’s going to be staying here with us until she’s well enough to take care of herself again. I have a new housekeeper for now, you’ll like Beverly. She’s staying in Alice’s cottage for now since we’ll have Alice in the house with us. Beverly is also a trained nurse and is excellent with children. I wanted someone who could help you baby when you need it so you can get a break from these two.” Eric’s eyes dropped to their sleeping children in the double carrier he was holding.

  “How about we get these two upstairs Eric and get them settled and keep our fingers crossed that they sleep for a little while at least.” Natasha suggested and he nodded.

  They rode up in the lift given Natasha’s lack of mobility and with her supervising, Eric carefully placed Nathaniel in his crib and then did the same with Erica. Both babies didn’t stir and Eric grabbed the monitor receivers and they quietly left the room.

  As soon as they were outside the nursery and had pulled the door closed Eric gently took Natasha into his arms. “You feel so good baby. This is the first real chance I’ve had to hold you. God, I’ve missed you in our bed. When I think how close I could have come to losing you. If something had gone wrong and you couldn’t deliver our babies or if you’d hit your head hard, anything. I hate that you were hurt as badly as you were sweetheart.” Eric’s eyes looked suspiciously damp when Natasha looked up into his face.

  “I’m ok Eric, our son and daughter are ok. You can relax now and stop worrying.” She reached up to cup his cheek. “I love you. You and the twins are the most important things in my life.”

  “I love you too baby and I never as long as I live, ever want to feel the way I felt when I walked in that door and saw you lying at the bottom of those stairs.” He shuddered and buried his head in her hair, breathing in her scent.

  He straightened, staring into her eyes and after staring at her for several moments, his eyes dropped to her lips. He bent down, his mouth closing over hers, nibbling gently along her full lower lip before parting them and thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth.

  Their tongues tangled with one another and Eric pulled Natasha closer, his erection pressing against her stomach. He groaned, his hips moving restlessly. Finally he lifted his lips from hers, his breathing ragged and arousal burning in his deep blue eyes.

  “God, I’m sorry baby. You’re only just out of hospital and I’m already mauling you. Fuck, waiting six weeks to have you again is going to kill me.” He groaned. “I’m going to need a hell of a lot of cold showers.” He said, giving Natasha a rueful grin.

  “You don’t have to wait six weeks Eric. I can take care of you.” She whispered, reaching up to kiss his chin. “Just because I’m out of commission until the bleeding stops, doesn’t mean you have to suffer all that time. Let me take care of you.” Natasha caressed his cheek.

  Eric groaned. “God baby. How did I get so lucky having you as my wife?” He pulled back from her. “I can’t expect you to do anything for me sweetheart. You have a broken leg, you just gave birth a week ago. You need to heal, not worry about my needs. I can take care of myself baby.”

  “I know you can Eric, but I want to do this for you. I love to make you come. I find it extremely erotic to watch you.” She blushed. “It’s kind of exciting for me to know that I can do that for you, to see you lose control.”

  “Damn baby, you’re going to kill me, you know that, don’t you? Eric’s eyes burned with his desire. Natasha smiled at him.

  “Help me into the bedroom Eric please. We don’t know how much time we have before the twins wake.”

  Eric chuckled. “Now how can I refuse a request like that?” Bending down, he hooked Natasha behind the legs and slipped his other arm around her waist and gently lifted her into his arms.

  She shrieked. “I’m too heavy Eric, plus the cast. Put me down you idiot. You’ll break you back.”

  Despite her protests, he easily carried her through to the bedroom before depositing her gently on the edge of the bed. He supported her until she had herself comfortable on the edge of the bed. Standing in front of her as he was, Eric’s groin was level with her face and Natasha’s eyes fell on the bulge of his erection through his jeans.

  “Ok Mr CEO. I want you out of those jeans, and I want you to do it now.” She told him softly, her eyes rising to his.

  Eric swallowed noisily and she watched arousal flare in those incredible blue depths. “Are you sure about this baby? You’re only just out of hospital and you went through so much a week ago and to be honest, I’m frightened I’ll lose control. I’m so close to blowing, you have no idea.”

  “I want to do this Eric and I can’t wait for you to blow.” She said. ”I’m going to suck on you until you come in my mouth.” At her words, Eric’s knees sagged slightly and he grabbed her shoulders to hold himself upright.

  “Fuck baby, you’re driving me crazy. Are you sure?” His eyes searched hers one more time. As badly as he wanted her mouth on him, Natasha could see how fearful he was of hurting her.

  “Well put it this way Mr CEO, if you don’t get those jeans off in 10 seconds, then I’m going to have to assume you don’t want my mouth on you. Last chance Mr, what’s it to be?” Natasha’s eyebrow shot up as she eyed him off.

  With a loud groan, Eric’s hands went to his belt. His hands were shaking so badly he kept fumbling with the buckle, cursing as it seemed to be taking too long, but finally he got the belt undone, tearing it free of his jeans. He shoved his hand down inside while the other hand carefully lowered the zip and popped the button undone and as he pushed the denim over his hips, it snagged on his straining penis, enough that he gasped and his hips jerked. As soon as his jeans fell down his legs, he kicked them free, dragging his shoes off with them. He was in such a rush, he ended up in a one legged hop, almost losing his balance and Natasha had to hide the grin that was desperately trying to form on her lips.

  Finally he stood in front of her again, naked from the waist down and Natasha tilted her head to one side, glancing at her wrist like she was checking the time although she wasn’t wearing a watch. “Hmm.” She said. “Not sure you got done in the allocated 10 seconds Mr CEO. Whether to let you off on that technicality or not, now that is the question.” She pondered.

  She struggled not to burst out laughing when she heard Eric’s muffled curse and she looked up at him, amusement in her eyes. Eric’s expression was vastly different, frustration burned in his eyes, mixed with a hint of what looked like fear. “Oh you poor baby.” She cooed. “Do you think I’m serious?”

“God, I hope not. Don’t be a cock tease baby, my heart couldn’t take it.” He growled.

  Still with a smile lingering on her lips, Natasha lifted her arms and circled Eric, digging her fingers into his tight buttocks. She tugged lightly and he stepped closer until his eager penis bobbed right in front of her face.

  Natasha moved her hands to the front of him and with the palms of her hands, she placed them either side of his shaft, sliding them up his length until she reached the tip. Both hands closed around him and she bent forward, her tongue coming out to lick the drop of fluid that glistened on the head.

  Eric drew in a sharp breath and when she glanced up, he was looking down watching her. As Natasha’s eyes held his, she tilted her head and slowly ran her tongue up the length of him, from his shaft to the tip, tracing the veins that bulged along his penis.

  She heard his soft groan and felt him jerk under her tongue. “Oh fuck baby, more. Fuck me with that gorgeous mouth of yours.” He whispered.

  At his husky words, Natasha parted her lips and slowly took him into her mouth, as deep as she could go. “Fuck yes baby. Suck me, suck me hard.”

  Natasha could hear the urgency in his voice and decided she’d toyed with him long enough and started to give him what he wanted. She sucked on him hard, cupping his balls with one hand and holding his thick erection in the other as she worked him in and out of her mouth, occasionally gently drawing her teeth along his length as she knew he liked.

  Eric had said he wouldn’t last long and he was right. In very little time, she heard his breathing become faster, more ragged. His hands were restlessly tunnelling through her hair as his hips moved, thrusting gently into her mouth.

  He grew larger, harder as she sucked on him, his balls tucked up and as he began to spurt hotly against the back of her throat, he shouted out her name, his head thrown back, the veins in his neck standing out.


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