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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

Page 9

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  “Here,” Renee said, as she shoved a brown paper bag at Jaz. “We are going to celebrate in style my fearless, wonderful friends.”

  Opening the bag, Jaz smiled as she pulled out three bottles: vodka, whiskey and rum. “Three of my favorites,” Jaz cried.

  Susanna was already placing the plastic cups, potato chips and French Onion dip on the table.

  “Turn on that stereo,” demanded Renee, “and let’s get this party going.”

  The four of them were singing a totally off key version of, ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ by Cyndi Lauper, when Jaz shouted in a slurred voice, “Let’s do a Conga train while we sing this time.”

  The four of them made a train and were circling around the room, singing at the top of their lungs, when they finally heard someone banging on the door. Jaz opened the door to see JD and Roach standing there with annoyed looks on their faces.

  “What the hell, Jasmine. I’ve been banging on that door for the last five minutes,” JD shouted to be heard over the loud music.

  “Oh, I guess we didn’t hear you,” she bellowed back at them.

  Roach had an amused look on his face when he walked over to the music and shut it off.

  “Looks like you girls are having some party here—seems to me you’re all shit-faced.” Roach couldn’t help laughing. Seeing Susanna having a good time with her friends was great.

  “Lori and I are celebrating being the new managers of this motel.” Jaz happily continued on, “We made a deal with Sam and it was finalized this morning. Someday we will own it.”

  JD felt his heart skip a beat but stubbornly refused to admit to himself what it was. It couldn’t be the fact that Jasmine would be staying in Fulton, could it?

  “What are you guys doing here?” Jaz asked with a pointed look and a giggly hiccup. “You weren’t invited,” she kidded with another giggly hiccup.

  “I wanted to come by and check up on Susanna. I stopped at Renee’s house and her father said both girls were over here. From the scowl on his face, he wasn’t too happy seeing us at his door,” Roach joked. Turning his head, he looked at Susanna’s smiling, happy face and he smiled back. “I can see she’s doing just fine with you girls for friends.”

  JD felt that tightening in his chest again and (not really sure why) decided he’d better get the fuck out of there fast. He didn’t even bother to close the door behind him when he walked out to his bike.

  Jasmine was glad The Den was so busy tonight. She was still hoping to make more money, but so far no luck. The tips weren’t getting any better and if the bar was slow she made even less that night.

  The motel was more expensive to operate than she and Lori had ever imagined. They decided they had to let the two people cleaning it go to cut down on that expense. Lori handled most of the cleaning of the rooms herself now since she didn’t have any other job. Jaz would help out when she could. They had one man living there by himself on a long-term basis, but the rest of the customers usually stayed a day or two and then moved on. Some left tips while others didn’t—and many stole towels and pillows, to boot! The girls had to find some way to get more cash flow and fast if they wanted to stay in business.

  When Jaz started watching all the money the dancers were raking in, she started thinking. It wasn’t until she talked to one of the friendlier dancer’s that she found out what they really took home. At least a couple hundred dollars a night plus being paid by the bar, she was told. No wonder she wasn’t getting much tips. Jaz was seriously thinking about dancing herself. She figured she could shake her body as good as them and she loved to dance.

  “Hey girlfriend.” Jackie came beside Jaz and gave her a hip bump. “Why the serious look on your face? You’re standing here frowning in the middle of busy time, looking like you’re in the Land of Oz. Not going to make any tip money that way, girl.”

  “Hey, Jackie. I was just thinking maybe I’ll give dancing a try. Hell, I could dance as good as them. And look at all that money they’re making,” she said pointing to the stage. “I could sure use some of that now.”

  “I think you’d be amazing, seriously. Heck, you could always get half smashed before you dance and then it wouldn’t even bother you, all those drunks leering at you. Big D is here—so no worries if anyone gets out of hand. You know his eyes are constantly glued to that stage. Just look at him now,” she nodded over to Big Daddy and joked, “I often wonder if he pays the bar to work here.” Jaz hip bumped Jackie back. She just loved Jackie’s fun personality.

  Hmmm… Jaz thought. That could be a good idea to make ends meet and pay off the motel faster—but could she really do it?

  That night, Jaz watched the dancers closely. She paid special attention to what the men liked and how much money was being thrown on the stage. If she made that kind of money, their financial troubles would be over. A brief thought of JD flashed through her mind. What would he think—or better yet, who cares what he’d think. It wasn’t like he was paying her bills. She hadn’t even been with him…not since the ‘I love you’ slipped out of her mouth. She couldn’t believe she’d been so stupid as to blurt that out. Well, he certainly didn’t blurt it back, now did he? Jaz supposed she’d just have to be content to be with him, knowing he didn’t love her or break it off now. Too late to save her heart from breaking, either way, she thought.

  JD was hanging at the clubhouse nursing a beer in a contemplative mood. It wasn’t crowded tonight for some reason and he was glad. He was enjoying his solitude until Striker came over to join him.

  “Thought you’d be over at The Den tonight, keeping an eye on our investment.” Striker sat down, called for a shot and a beer and said to leave the bottle of liquor.

  “Nah.” He flicked the ash off his smoke and took another drink of his beer. “Need to think about stuff.”

  Striker studied JD’s face and knew. “Woman trouble,” he stated shaking his head, while pouring himself a shot and another for JD. “I can smell it a mile away. Only thing that gets a man to thinking. Ya know, I was in your shoes at one time.” Swallowing down his shot in one gulp, he continued talking.

  “Up until a few years back, I played the field. Fuckin’ smorgasbord of pussy wherever and whenever I wanted it. Hell, I jumped from one bitch to another, sure as shit. They all melded into one big snatch, their faces becoming one big blur. Then one day, Holly started coming around with some friends. I kept an eye on her for a couple of weeks. I knew she was different. She didn’t screw around like all these other club sluts. Figured I’d give it a shot. When I banged her, it somehow meant something. Truth was, it kinda freaked me the fuck out.” Lighting up a smoke, he inhaled deeply then letting it out slowly, he continued.

  “The day she came to me and said she was carrying my kid, I took her for my old lady and never looked back. Smartest thing a dumbass like me ever did. Nothin’ like the love of a good woman. You find a woman like that, you hang on tight. Best feeling in the world, bro.” Striker stood, slapped JD on the back and walked away.

  JD didn’t know what to think. It wasn’t like Striker to open himself up like that and give advice. Jasmine was different. Hell, if he was honest with himself, he had to admit that she’d be good for him. It was the settling down part he didn’t know if he could handle. He loved the open road and riding out to different clubs. That was the rub. Could he be content staying put in one place? He wasn’t sure, but he was willing to give it a try. He ordered another Bud and lit up another smoke. He had some more serious thinking to do.

  Lori’s pounding on the door woke Jaz up. “Who’s turn to make breakfast?” Lori asked when Jaz opened the door to her room.

  “Good morning to you, too,” Jaz replied, half yawning and half talking. “What are you doing up so early?”

  “Don’t you remember? You promised to help me balance the books today,” Lori replied in a bitchy tone.

  “Oh, no,” grimacing, Jaz replied, “You know I hate doing that stuff, that’s your expertise anyway.”

ll unfortunately, there isn’t much to balance. There doesn’t seem to be too many people passing though this little town.”

  “I’ve been thinking of a plan,” Jaz stated, biting her lower lip. “If I start dancing at The Den, all our money troubles will be over.”

  “Oh Jaz, I don’t want you to have to do that,” Lori murmured sadly, looking at her friend.

  “I don’t know if I really want to either, but I might not have a choice. I won’t lose this motel. So…” she added with a big grin trying to sound lighthearted about it, “let’s get to those books and see whether or not I’m going to dance.”

  “Don’t look so down, Lori. It’s not the end of the world. Dancing won’t be so bad and let’s look on the bright side—I won’t have to be on my feet all night for peanuts.”

  “I’m coming with you tonight when you talk to that creepy guy that runs the place. Ugh…” she shuddered, “…just thinking about him gives me the creeps. And we’ll pick up Renee on the way over, for moral support.”

  “It’s Danny that hires the dancers and I’m sure it’ll be okay with him, but we’ll go over anyway and make sure. Are you okay with seeing him again, Lori?”

  Lori’s face scrunched up and she replied, “Yeah. He’s a total jerk, not worth my time.” Then a picture of Drifter popped into her mind before she hurriedly pushed it back out.

  “Good for you, girl! That’s the right attitude. You don’t need Danny, anyway.” Jaz encouraged her. Lori didn’t bother telling Jaz that there was someone else on her mind these days.

  Joe saw Jasmine as soon as she walked into his bar. At last, she’s not with that prick of a biker he thought, smiling to himself. He patiently waited until she had a few drinks in her before going over to chat, feeling in his pants pocket to make sure he had what he needed.

  “Jaz, introduce me to your friends.” Jasmine didn’t really want to introduce them. She didn’t want him annoying them like he did to her. Trying to politely get rid of him, she pretended she had to use the ladies room.

  Joe saw his opportunity, thinking Jasmine was such a dumb broad. Well, good for him. While Lori and Renee were paying attention to some guys shooting pool, he slipped the little white powder into Jasmine’s drink. When she came back, Joe watched as she took a few sips, not suspecting a thing. Finally, she finished her drink. Waiting until she seemed a little more malleable, he told Lori and Renee, they were going to his office to discuss Jaz’s raise. By this time, Jasmine was easy to manipulate into doing whatever he wanted.

  Drifter was shooting a game of pool with Rebel when he noticed JD heading towards the clubhouse door. “Where ya headin’ tonight, JD?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m going to The Den to see if Jasmine is working. Maybe see her home again. I need to talk to her, clear up some shit in my head.”

  “Wait up. I’ll ride over with you. Was thinking of heading over tonight anyway.”

  JD and Drifter pulled into The Den parking lot, nodded to Big D on the way in and grabbed a stool at the bar. JD looked around and noticed Lori and a friend sitting further down from him. Good. Jasmine’s working tonight. All he could think about was when her shift ended, the fun would begin. He felt his cock getting hard just thinking about it. Lighting up a smoke, he ordered his usual, a shot of Jack Daniels and a bottle of Bud and waited for Jasmine to appear.

  Lori saw Drifter come in with JD. She didn’t know how she felt seeing him again. She was thrilled, then she wasn’t thrilled…she just wasn’t sure what she felt. She thought she loved Danny, only to realize she didn’t—not really. Her mind was so messed up. Lori just didn’t want to feel, period. She ordered another drink to numb her mind, thinking total oblivion sounded great.

  After downing his drinks and still not seeing Jasmine around, JD wandered over to Lori and her friend.

  “Hey, JD. This is our friend, Renee.” Lori wondered why Drifter didn’t come over with him.

  Giving a chin nod to Renee, he asked, “Where’s Jasmine?”

  “Joe took her back to his office—he wanted to discuss her raise.” Seeing the look that came over JD’s face, Lori was sorry she told him where Jaz was.

  Drifter was walking over to talk to the girls and saw JD’s expression go from friendly to deadly within two seconds. JD started heading toward the back of the bar and Drifter followed, wondering what the fuck was going on?

  Two kicks was all it took for JD to smash in the door. There was Jasmine sitting across Joe’s lap, naked from the waist up and Joe’s hands were roaming all over her tits. If JD didn’t jump to conclusions, he would have noticed Jasmine was feebly trying to push Joe’s hands away and heard her saying no don’t, softly.

  “Get that tramp outta my sight.” Drifter grabbed Jasmine off Joe’s lap just in time. JD was in a murderous rage. He grabbed Joe by his collar, picked him up and broke his nose with his fist. Flinging him to the floor, he started stomping him in the face and chest with his heavy black boots. Drifter had to pull him away before he killed him. Joe’s battered body was lying limp on the floor.

  Danny, hearing noises, walked in. JD pulled his gun and aimed it at Danny’s forehead.

  “You saw nothing, understand?” Danny was terrified and all he could do was nod.

  “Fuckin’ make sure you tell this fat prick here that if he talks to anyone about this, I’ll come back and blow his fucking dick off before I put a bullet in his brain. That goes for you too, dickhead.” JD looked straight into Danny’s eyes, promising him with a mean hard glare that he’d make good on his promise.

  Drifter carried a nearly unconscious Jasmine out to her car. He left her lying in the back seat while he went to find Big Daddy, telling him to get Lori and Renee out there quick.

  Lori didn’t know what was going on when Big D came over and told them to go to the car, “right now!” Terrified of him they hurried outside, to see Drifter standing by the car door. The look on his face was deadly.

  “See to her,” was all he said before shaking his head and walking away.

  JD jumped on his bike and took off, still in a murderous frame of mind. He just rode, not caring where. His mind kept re-playing the scene over and over in his head. He should have killed that prick for touching what was his. Joe was a dead man, but for now he’d wait. When the club had all the info they needed on him, he was going to be the one to pull the trigger.

  JD knew he had to ride away. He needed time to think. Just when he was going to give it a go with her, she pulls this shit. He really thought he and Jasmine had an understanding. Bitches—they’re all alike.

  After making a few stops for gas, he found himself back in Ohio at one of their support clubs. Not liking the thunderous look on his face when he walked in, no one dared talked to him. JD walked behind the bar, grabbed a bottle of Jack and sat down to get totally drunk.

  A painful throbbing in her head woke Jaz up. Squinting at the light coming in through the window, she groaned out loud, “How much the hell did I drink last night?”

  Lori jumped off the chair and ran over to Jaz when she heard her groan and mumble, something about never drinking again.

  “Thank goodness you’re awake. I was so worried about you.” Jasmine looked over to see Lori standing there with a worried frown on her face.

  Damn it. Jaz winced as she tried to raise her head. “I really tied one on last night, didn’t I?” She plopped her head back down onto her pillow. “I feel like I have a cinder block in my head.”

  “I think it was Joe, that slimy sleazebag. I think he slipped something into your drink last night. Do you remember anything of what happened?”

  “Not much.” Slowly little fragments of the night before began to come back. “I remember talking about a pay raise with him and up to the point where we went into the office to talk, but after that, everything is kind of blurry. I think I heard someone yelling, can’t remember much more than that.”

  “JD went back to the office to look for you. His face turned ugly when he fo
und out where you were. Minutes later, Big Daddy came and told us to get to your car. Drifter was standing next to it and you were lying on the back seat. I’ll tell ya, he looked just as scary as JD did. All he said to me was, see to her. Then he shook his head as he walked away. I don’t know where JD went.”

  “Lori help me get dressed,” Jaz shouted, as she was frantically trying to get up and get her clothes on.

  “I need to talk to JD. I have to find out what happened.”

  Jaz and Lori pulled up to the clubhouse around noon and were happy to see only a few bikes parked there.

  “I don’t know if this is such a good idea.” Lori was getting nervous as a long haired guy with a scruffy beard came walking over to their car.

  “You girls lost or something? Do you know you’re on private property?” He bent down to look in the car to see if they were alone. “What do ya’s want, coming here?”

  Jasmine spoke up quickly before she lost her nerve. “I’m looking for JD. It’s important that I talk to him.”

  He shook his head. “He’s not here, baby doll. Be safer for you if you turn around and head back the way you came.” He nodded towards the dirt road.

  “How about Drifter?” she asked hurriedly, as an after-thought.

  The prospect snickered at them. “Wait here. I’ll see if he’s around.”

  Drifter came out five minutes later, zipping up his jeans. When he saw who was sitting in the car, he stopped dead in his tracks and muttered, “Unbelievable.” Shaking his head, he started walking back towards the clubhouse.

  “Drifter please…” Jaz pleaded.

  Stopping for a moment, he walked back over to them with his hands fisted and a scowl on his face—definitely not happy to see them.

  “You girls should know better than to come here. What do ya’s want?”

  “I need to talk to JD about last night. It’s really important.” Jaz was desperate.


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