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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

Page 21

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  “And what are you going to do when some old guy with wrinkled, prune lips wants a kiss? Seriously Lori, is that all you think about, hot guys and sex?” Renee scolded.

  “Speaking of hot guys and sex,” Jaz giggled, the vodka making her loose lipped, “JD taught me some new positions that would curl your ears. I swear, how anyone could think up these things is beyond me.”

  “Come on girl, talk. Don’t leave us hanging here,” Susanna begged.

  Jaz chuckled, seeing how the girls were all sitting at attention now as she proceeded to describe some of the new sex positions she had learned.

  JD returned home to find the four of them sitting in lawn chairs, giggling so hard that he had to smile. He loved seeing Jasmine happy for a change. When JD backed his bike in his parking spot and walked towards them, he wondered why they were all looking at him like he was a piece of meat and they were hungry tigers.

  “Looks like you girls are enjoying some of Jasmine’s special recipe iced tea.” When they said nothing, just giggled louder, he rolled his eyes and went inside.

  “How about you, Renee? Did you and Mick ever do the dirty?” Jaz teased her.

  Renee got a sad look on her face. “No, there isn’t anything between us. We ended it before it got out of hand,” she lied, “his life isn’t for me.” Renee missed Mick and she would love to have sex with him again. Maybe that was the answer—sex with no strings attached, but she knew that wasn’t possible for her.

  “I get that, Renee. I really do. And now that he’s in the club, well, if it isn’t for you, then you’re wise to stay away,” Jaz told her. Jaz then, looked over at Susanna who was awfully quiet.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I agree with Renee—not the life for me, either.”

  Jaz sighed, “Yeah, I get it. Who knows, with all the people about to come into town for this celebration, maybe you’ll both meet some hot guys.”

  “No hot guys for me, thank you. I had my hot guy and that didn’t go too well. Looks aren’t everything, you know,” Susanna scolded.

  “Maybe not,” Lori added giggling, “but it sure does help.”

  Lori seemed to be the only one who was excited at the thought of hot, sexy guys. She looked over at Renee. “And you? If you don’t want Mick, then we’ll have to find one for you.” Lori looked over at Jaz, shaking her head sadly. “Renee here is still a virgin. We have to help this poor girl get laid.”

  They all thought that was a good idea except for Renee, who was getting pissed off. When Jaz noticed her scowling, she told Lori to knock it off.

  Renee just sat there not saying a word. If they only knew, she thought to herself. But this was one secret she would keep to herself, always.

  JD came back outside when he heard horns blowing, as the cars drove by. “Jasmine, don’t you think you gave people enough of a show here? I don’t like all these horns honking at my woman.”

  Mick opened his door and yelled over to JD. “What’s going on? Is there a parade or something?” Mick came walking over and Renee couldn’t take her eyes off him. He had on his MC colors and he looked so deliciously hot.

  Mick nodded to JD and looked at the girls. “No wonder the horns are honking. You girls sure look good.” He flashed them a smile that was so devastatingly sexy, Renee had to look away.

  Jasmine, sensing that the guys wanted to talk, got up and motioned to the girls. “Let’s go inside to get out of this heat for a while before we have to go to that meeting.” They got up and followed Jaz.

  Mick watched them wobble to the door and had to smile. It was definitely not a good idea to drink in this hot sun.

  “What’s up?” Mick asked JD.

  “Club meeting today at five. It’s mandatory, so make sure you’re there.”

  “No problem, I’ll be there. Anything new on Carlo?”

  “Guess we’ll soon find out. Striker’s been in close contact with Bubba down in Blackwood,” JD answered back.

  By the time Striker walked into the back meeting room the brothers were already seated there, waiting. He looked around the table at all the serious faces and could feel the tense vibes emanating throughout the room. Striker ran his hand through his hair (pushing it back from his face) and sat down.

  “You all know that JD and his old lady are in some serious shit and that shit is gonna hit this town soon.” When they all nodded, he continued on. “Well, I figure Carlo knows he’s dealing with us now, too.”

  Before they could ask any questions, JD stood and addressed his bros. “Mick and I took out two of his guys the other day. They ID’d Mick when we stopped at a little bar near Squire Hill and followed us out of there. The way I see it, they had to have got a call out to Carlo, before they trailed after us. They got our name off my colors, so yeah—I’d say he definitely knows we’re in on it. But he can’t be sure it was Nick’s daughter that was with us. He’ll have to check it out and probably plant a few of his men here in town, asking questions.”

  Striker spoke up. “I heard back from Bubba down in Blackwood and it looks like Carlo is pulling in some of his boys from outta state. They’ve seen some cars, with Delaware plates, pulling into his warehouse lot.”

  “Gunner is on standby, with our brothers in Ohio. No worries there. They can make it here in a few hours, riding hard. And Bubba’s club will be here, the day after tomorrow. They’re gonna hang with us to scope the area out, and get used to the lay of the land. We should have plenty of man power with their help. I want Carlo and his gang eliminated, once and for all.” Striker banged his fist down hard on the table and leveled a deadly, cold stare at his men. “I want one thing clear. They ride into this town and mess with us, they’re dead fuckers—all of them.” The members raised their voices and cheered.

  “Bubba is leaving a few members behind on watch and they’ll call if Carlo and his men pull out of Blackwood. Hopefully by that time, we’ll be ready and waiting.”

  JD spoke up again. “We need to sit down when reinforcements arrive and think out a good plan. The last thing we need is a bloodbath in Fulton. I’ve been running some things in my head, like places where we can draw them to.”

  Roach leaned forward and spoke up. “Well, let’s hear it and then weigh all our options. One good thing, it will be on our turf so that will give us an advantage. We know every dirt road, hill and valley. Plus, there are plenty of old mine shafts, so yeah, we’ve got a lot of places we need to think about.”

  “What about the girls? Jasmine’s friends. They need to be told the whole story. Last thing we need is for one of them to get in our way,” Mick told them, “or grabbed and used for leverage against us.”

  “Anyone got a plan, now is the time to speak up,” Striker addressed them once again.

  “What about the Centennial?” JD asked. “There’s going to be a lot of people hanging around town. That could fuck us up, too.”

  “Or help us out, another way to look at it,” Striker said. “We’ll do our best to keep Carlo and his gang away from town, but in one way it’ll make it harder for them to spot the girls. And I don’t think even Carlo is that stupid—to open gunfire on a crowd. Last thing he’d want is the fed’s coming around to investigate. No, he’ll want to keep this contained and isolated.”

  “Already got some prospects watching the roads into Fulton. All right then, let’s get out of here and have some fun while we can. But stay on alert for anything suspicious. When Bubba’s crew gets here, I have a feeling things are gonna get wild, pretty fast. They’re known trouble makers, always looking for a fight and that’s the last thing we need, is fighting amongst ourselves. Got me?” Striker waited for the unanimous nods. “Okay, I’m going home. I got me a fine old lady waiting to warm my bed. You bros, go have some fun while you can.”

  The little town of Fulton was bustling with activity. The townspeople had strung banners saying ‘Welcome to Our Town’ across Main Street and American flags were hung on telephone poles up and down both sides of the street. Store front windows were d
ecorated with different colors of crepe paper, making the town look very festive. The sidewalks had tables set up on them for the multiple varieties of home cooked food that was to be sold. One section of Main Street was blocked off for booths, where games and other fun activities would be held.

  JD was up on a ladder, sweating in the hot afternoon sun. He was grumbling to himself while hanging a large banner across the front eave of the motel roof.

  “Quit your mumbling, I can hear you down here,” Jasmine chastised JD, smiling. JD wasn’t too happy when she told him of all the decorations she had in mind for the motel. “We have to make this place look festive. Who would want to stay here if we didn’t?”

  “We don’t need anyone staying here, bothering us. Me and Mick are paying for the place, so I don’t know why you need all this shit hung up.”

  Lori came walking over, all excited. “Did you see the town? It looks so cool. I can’t wait for the celebration to begin! Just think, a whole week of fun! Hey, JD—that banner looks a little crooked.”

  When JD started mumbling curses, Jaz and Lori burst out laughing. “I was just kidding. Boy, what a grump.”

  JD climbed down and kissed Jasmine when Jock pulled in on his bike. “If you don’t need me for anything else, I gotta go to the clubhouse. Jock will stay here till I get back. I’ll try not to be gone too long.”

  “Go. Lori and I will finish up,” Jaz replied, as she waved to Jock. “Come on in, I’ll get you a cup of coffee.”

  Jock grimaced and asked if she had something with a little more kick to it? Lori chuckled. She told him that she had some liquor in her room and went to get it.

  Jaz and Lori were still working on the decorations when a white sedan pulled up and parked. “Oh goody, we are going to make some serious money this week.” Lori was so happy, she was clapping her hands together. The tall, handsome man got out of the car and was bent over, grabbing his duffel bag from the back seat.

  “Wow, look at that tight ass. If all our boarders look like this one, I might have to personally clean their rooms myself. I’ll give this one a room,” Lori said over her shoulder, as she was already walking into the motel office.

  Jock sat watching and listening as Lori handed over the key to room number six. There wasn’t anything suspicious about him, he decided, when he heard the stranger saying how his sister had four bratty kids so he didn’t want to stay at her house. Jock was amused as he watched Lori flirting and the dumb jerk didn’t bat an eyelash. Probably a fucking douche, he snickered to himself.

  Sometime later, another car pulled in and they rented out another room. This time, to a middle aged couple who had moved out of the area years ago, but came back to visit with old friends and enjoy the celebration.

  By the time JD returned, Jasmine was getting supper out of the oven. She invited Jock to stay for supper and he was glad to.

  Jock was shoveling his food into his mouth, really enjoying the meal. “Hey, Jaz—you sure can cook.”

  She tried not to tell him the truth but it was just so funny, she couldn’t resist. She walked over to the garbage can and pulled out the empty box from Mrs. Stouffer’s, Family Size Lasagna.

  Jock guffawed and nearly spit out his food. He said it was sure good anyway.

  Jaz was telling JD more about the town’s celebration. “Did I tell you there’s going to be fireworks every night, too?”

  JD shared a look with Jock, both thinking the same thoughts. “What? What’s that look for?” Jaz asked them.

  “Nothing,” JD answered back. “Just thinking about how much I love fireworks, that’s all. Are you sure it’s every night?”

  “Yep. I’m positive. After all, I had to sit at that meeting and listen to all that stuff, so I should know.”

  Jock ate his fill and had just settled back to get more comfortable, when JD nodded towards the door. He got up, thanked Jaz and left.

  JD grabbed Jasmine by the hand and smiled one of his sexy smiles, sending tingles all the way down to her toes. “Let’s go in the bedroom, babe. I still have a few lessons to teach you.” When Jaz stood up, JD swooped her up in his arms and she giggled all the way into the bedroom.

  It was early morning and Lori was in the motel office, wiping down the counter and dusting off some shelves, when their hot-looking new boarder walked in. Today he was smiling and looked friendlier.

  “Hi, I didn’t catch your name yesterday. I’m Robert, what is your name, pretty lady?”

  “Lori.” She smiled prettily, back at him.

  “Nice to meet you, Lori. I was thinking of getting a tattoo while I’m here with time on my hands. Do you know of any good tattoo artists around here?” He rolled up his shirt sleeve and showed Lori a tattoo of a skull on his forearm. “I had this one done a while ago by a popular tattoo guy, named Nick Wallis, but he died in an accident. Too bad, because he was one of the best around.”

  “Yes, I know who you’re talking about. Nick was my friend Jasmine’s dad. I feel so bad for her, losing both her parents like that.”

  “Where is this Jasmine now? I’d like to offer her my condolences and show her this tattoo her father did.”

  “Oh, you just missed her. But she’s the blonde haired girl I was with yesterday when you pulled in. She’ll be back later and I’m sure she would love to meet you.”

  Roberto gave Lori another dazzling smile and said he would see her later. He walked out and headed back to his room. He had a very important phone call to make.

  JD and Jasmine returned later that morning and Lori couldn’t wait to tell Jaz about Robert. “He wants to show you the tattoo your dad did.”

  “Lori, exactly what did you tell this Robert guy?”

  She was a little nervous now seeing the thunderous look on JD’s face. “Just that he was Jaz’s dad and she’d be back later.”

  “Okay babe, listen up. He’s gotta be one of Carlo’s men, I’m thinking. Come on, we’ve got to get you and Lori to the clubhouse. Pack up some clothes. I want you both out of here now.”

  As JD was telling all this to Jasmine and Lori, he was heading towards the phone. When Roach, Mick and Drifter arrived, he sent them to room number six. They came back and reported that it was empty, just as JD figured it would be.

  JD looked at Mick. “I’m taking Jasmine and Lori to the clubhouse, they’ll be safe there. You’d better come, too. Carlo isn’t too happy right about now knowing you’ve been protecting Jasmine all this time. I’ll get Jock to stay here and run the motel.”

  “We can always take Jaz out of town to her Aunt Olivia’s. No one knows of her connection to Jasmine.”

  JD didn’t like that suggestion. “No. She stays with me.”

  Mick nodded and helped the girls load their suitcases into Jasmine’s car.

  When they got to the clubhouse, JD took Jasmine and Lori inside to the rooms they’d be staying in. Striker was waiting for JD when he came back down.

  “Carlo had a guy planted in the motel. He knows for sure now that Jasmine is Nick’s daughter. Looks like things are gonna get ugly, real fast.”

  Striker shook his head in agreement. “Bubba should be here any hour now and Gunner will be here tomorrow. The Centennial starts day after tomorrow. Hopefully Carlo and his gang won’t show their fucking faces till then.”

  Lori and Jaz were eating roast beef dinners that JD had got for them from the diner. All of a sudden, they heard a loud roaring noise and felt a vibration on the floor. When they jumped up and looked out the window, there was a line of motorcycles pulling onto the grounds. Lori was exited. “Holy Hell! Look at all those guys.”

  Jaz was pacing around the room, nervous. “I can’t believe you, Lori. At a time like this and all you can think about is getting laid?”

  “Sorry Jaz, I was just trying to lighten the mood up in here.”

  Bubba walked into the clubhouse followed by ten members of his club, and JD was pissed off to see some women trailing at the end of the line. “What the fuck, Bubba? This is no game here. What th
e fuck did you bring your whores along for?”

  Bubba took offense at JD’s reprimand and was walking towards him. Striker walked over to diffuse the situation. He fist bumped Bubba and asked why he brought them.

  “What’s up with the whores, bro? You know it’s dangerous here now.”

  Bubba frowned at JD and said he doesn’t travel anywhere without his entertainment. Striker told him it was on his head if they got hurt.

  JD walked away before a confrontation started. He went upstairs to Jasmine. “I want you and Lori to stay in this room. Our brothers from Jersey arrived and it might get pretty wild later on. I don’t want them seeing you or Lori. Even if you go across the hall to use the bathroom, I want my ‘property of’ vest on you. You hear me, Jasmine?”

  “Well, this sucks.” Jasmine was pissed. Lori wasn’t too happy, either and—they let JD know it by the pouty scowls on their faces.

  “It might suck, but that’s the way it’s gonna be. These men aren’t boy scouts here. They take what they want and Lori, you’re pretty much fair game. So if you value your virtue, do as I say.” JD didn’t tell them that there were whores downstairs. He knew Jasmine would flip out.

  JD went back downstairs to keep an eye on things. Drifter and Roach were sitting at the bar so he went over and joined them.

  Drifter was nursing a beer while complaining, “Looks like a wild night ahead. Too bad we can’t join in the fun. Dumb pricks will be of no use to us if they’re hung over every day.”

  Roach was lighting up a joint and butted in, “You know Bubba’s crew are man-whores, let them get it out of their systems while they can.” He was jealous of them having all the fun and he started bitching, “But I wish I could have a shot at that red headed bitch over there. Look at the size of those tits. A man could do a lot with those babies.”

  JD laughed and slapped Roach on the back and went to guard the stairs. No way were any of them going up there.


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