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Seducing the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #2)

Page 24

by Jessie Donovan

  Blinking them back, she nuzzled into Bram’s chest. Silly pregnancy hormones. Still, the emotions were true. Bram was her partner in both love and in life. As his warm, rough hands caressed her back, Evie decided she needed to tell him how she felt. Sure, she had no idea if he felt the same or not. After all, they’d only been together about a month. By most standards, that was too fast, but Evie and Bram had never been an ordinary couple.

  Still, she wasn’t one to back down. Taking a deep breath, Evie propped herself up on her elbows and met her mate’s gaze. Damn the man. The bastard’s eyes were smug.

  She still loved him anyway.

  Bram patted her arse. “You came close to winning this round, love.”

  “You didn’t make me wake the baby, so it’s a tie.”

  He grinned and squeezed her arse cheek. “Will everything be a competition with you?”

  Poking his chest, she said, “Well, someone has to keep your ego in check. No one else will bloody do it, except for maybe Finn.”

  Her dragonman growled. “I don’t like you mentioning his name in my bed.”

  She rolled her eyes. “So I guess this means the alpha caveman is here to stay?”

  “It’s alpha dragonman, and yes.” He hugged her tightly. “And as much as I’d like to go another round and win, Melanie will be here soon to collect you. I wouldn’t want to face her ire, so I’d get up if I were you.”

  Her heart thumped in her chest. This was it. She could leave the bed and tell him she loved him later. It would be safer to make sure Bram felt the same way as her. But a small part of her urged her to keep going. It would only take one dragon hunter raid to steal the love of her life away from her. The thought of him never knowing her true feelings gave her the courage she needed.

  Running her hand through the patch of dark hair on his chest, Evie said, “I love you, Bram Moore-Llewellyn.”

  The one second Bram remained silent seemed like an eternity. Then he grinned and cupped her cheek. “I was wondering how long it’d take for you to tell me with words what I’ve known for weeks with your expressions.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You’re everything I never knew I needed. I love you, Evie Marie.”

  “So you’ve loved me all this time and never said anything?”

  He squeezed her waist. “Bloody woman, I’m trying to pour my heart out here. Can you work with me a little?”

  She grinned. “Maybe. If you make it up to me later.”

  Growling, he raised his face to hers. “Aye, I think I can manage that.”

  The tenderness in his eyes warmed her heart and Evie decided to stop teasing her dragonman. As he caressed her cheek with his thumb, she whispered the truth, “I don’t think I was truly living until I met you, dragonman. So you’d better stay alive or else.”

  Bram moved his thumb to her lower lip. “Or else what?”

  “Or else, this.”

  She tickled his armpit and Bram’s laughter echoed inside the bedroom. There was something about the large, muscled clan leader being ticklish that made her laugh right alongside him.

  Two seconds later, Murray’s crying stopped the tickling. While the mother side of her was upset Bram woke the baby, the Bram’s mate side of her preened at finally winning against him.

  Still, Murray’s cries went to her heart. She tried to go to the baby, but Bram prevented her a moment and gave her a quick, hot kiss first before releasing her as he said, “Round two will be mine.”

  Evie smiled at his challenge. “I look forward to you losing again.”

  Bram laughed as she moved from the bed. She picked up Murray and bounced her baby boy to try to calm him down. Her eyes met Bram’s. The love shining in his eyes for both her and Murray brought tears to her eyes again. And for once, she didn’t care that her pregnancy made her emotional. This moment was one she’d keep with her always.


  Bram adjusted the sporran-like pouch over his crotch and resisted straightening his formal dragon-shifter attire for the hundredth time. He still didn’t know how Evie had convinced him to go through with inviting outsiders to be a part of what should be their special day.

  Still, as he scanned the crowd in front of him, the four journalists sitting in the front room were furiously scribbling in their notebooks. He only hoped he’d made the best decision for his clan. While the dragon hunters had retreated for the time being, Stonefire and Lochguard were still searching for the reason why the Carlisle rescue attempt had been so easy. No doubt, Simon Bourne would strike again and Bram had a feeling that next time, more than one person would die.

  His eyes fell on Finlay Stewart sitting in the back row. Bram would rather have spent his mating day without the Scottish bastard’s grins and winks, but Evie had convinced him to invite the Lochguard leader.

  At least Finn was sitting on the opposite side of the room from Arabella. He’d kept his word concerning the dragonwoman, although the glances Ara kept giving the Scottish leader worried Bram a little.

  Moving his gaze, Bram checked that Kai was stationed at the rear door, keeping an eye out for any uninvited guests. The journalists had used their contacts in Westminster to gain permission to be on a dragon-shifter’s land. It was only a matter of time before others, or Evie herself, figured out a loophole to allow others to visit. His head Protector was determined to make sure any unwanted visitors didn’t try to harm the clan.

  Then his mate entered from the back dressed in a traditional dragon-shifter dress of cream and he forgot about everything but his beautiful female. The sight of her glowing face and the way the dress hugged her curves warmed his heart, as well as a few other places. When she winked at him, he suddenly forgot why he’d ever try to resist her charms.

  A traditional human wedding march played as Evie made her way up the aisle alone. Even if her parents didn’t live abroad, they wouldn’t have been allowed on Stonefire’s lands. Evie had decided to walk alone, as she’d done her entire life until meeting Bram.

  His inner dragon said, She will never be alone again. She is ours.

  Ours now, eh? I’m glad you decided to share.

  His beast bristled. The frenzy made me unstable. You know that.

  Aye, but it’s fun to tease.

  No more teasing. Our mate is here.

  Bram put out a hand and Evie placed hers in his. Squeezing her fingers, he led her up the three stairs to the raised dais. While he had a second, he whispered, “You’re beautiful.”

  In a rare occurrence, Evie blushed. That made his dragon smug. She is ours.

  Ignoring his beast, Bram focused on his mate. He could hear her heart hammering in her chest. To give her strength, he squeezed her fingers again, leaned over, and murmured, “Be strong for me, love. We all need you.”

  She nodded and they took their final places in the middle of the dais. Unlike in a human wedding, there wasn’t anyone officiating the ceremony. Dragon-shifter matings were between two people and no one else.

  Never taking his eyes from Evie’s, he picked up the smaller silver mating band in the box next to them, the one engraved with “Bram’s” in the old dragon-shifter language, and the room fell silent. That was his cue to begin.

  Bram projected his voice. “Evie Marie Marshall, today I take you as my mate. You are clever and brave with an inner strength rivaling any dragon-shifter. I offer you my mate claim today in front of the clan. Will you accept it?”

  Evie stood tall and offered her upper left arm. “Of course I accept.”

  Good lass. Grinning at his brave mate, he slipped the silver cuff around her arm. The sight of his name on her arm satisfied a primal need deep inside him. Later, he would claim much more than her arm.

  Evie reached behind them to take the large silver cuff engraved with “Evie’s” in the old language. Holding it up, her voice was loud and steady as she said, “Bram Moore-Llewellyn, I love you and not just because you’re clan leader, although that is a bonus.” A chuckle went through the room. Leave it to his lass to lig
hten the mood. She continued, “I love you because you are a strong, caring, and stubborn dragonman who never gives up. I accepted your mate claim. Now, will you accept mine?”

  He turned his arm without the tattoo toward her. “Of course, bloody woman, now hurry up. I want everyone to see your name on my arm.”

  Evie grinned as she placed the cuff on his bicep. His dragon crooned. I approve of our mate’s name on our arm. We should never take it off.

  We’ll discuss that later.

  Bram took Evie’s hands in his, brought them to his lips, and kissed each one in turn. Then he tugged her close and stopped a hairbreadth away from her lips. His whisper was meant only for her as he said, “Shall we put on a good show and convince them how in love we are?”

  “Oh, Bram, there’s no need for a show. One taste of me and you lose your mind.”

  He squeezed her tightly. “I rather thought it was the other way around.”

  “Just kiss me. I love you and want this to be over so we can celebrate both with the clan and with each other.”

  Bram whispered, “I love you,” before taking her lips in a possessive kiss. Uncaring about who was watching, Bram made sure everyone in the room knew Evie was his.

  Or, at least, he claimed her as thoroughly as possible while they both still had their clothes on. That possession would come later.


  Two days later

  Evie was typing out a chapter on her current work in progress, Understanding the UK Department of Dragon Affairs, when Bram came into the room carrying Murray in one arm and a stack of newspapers in the other.

  Her heart rate kicked up. The articles about their mating ceremony had finally arrived.

  She rubbed her hands against her trousers before turning from the computer. “Did you read them? What did they say? Are riots breaking out in the streets?”

  The corner of Bram’s mouth ticked up. “Riots in the street, love? It’s just some bloody newspaper articles about our mating.”

  “Now is not the time to tease me, Bram. I’m pregnant and my hormones are not amused.”

  He shook his head as he bounced their son in his arm. “You need to come up with a better excuse. That one is becoming a tad old.”

  With a sound of frustration, Evie stood up and took the papers from Bram’s hands. “I’ll find out myself, then.”

  As she scanned the first newspaper, her stomach churned, warning her that if she didn’t sit down, she’d be losing her breakfast.

  When Bram’s look turned into one of concern, she knew she must be pale. Her mate’s teasing tone was gone. “Are you all right, love? Should I get the trash bin?”

  Shaking her head, she moved toward the sofa. “I just need to sit down.”

  Plopping down on the sofa, she closed her eyes and breathed in and out until the queasiness subsided. Once she no longer felt like throwing up, she opened her eyes to find Bram standing in front of her. He asked, “Are you better, love?”

  She waved a hand. “I’m fine. Just let me read the papers.”

  She barely noticed Bram sitting down next to her as she read the first few paragraphs:

  Saturday saw a monumental event in modern British history. For the first time, journalists were welcomed onto a dragon-shifter’s land to witness a mating ceremony, which is the equivalent of a marriage between humans. The event took place near the Lake District, on the lands belonging to Clan Stonefire.

  Even before the ceremony began, everyone was excited about another dragon-shifter clan leader sitting in attendance. His identity remains a secret. While a few journalists were invited, it was clear the dragon-shifters were wary of the humans on their land.

  The ceremony, held between Stonefire’s clan leader, Bram Moore-Llewellyn, and former-DDA employee, Evie Marshall, only lasted five minutes before the celebrations began. Everything from the exchanging of arm cuffs to the dancing after the ceremony was fascinating to watch. The traditions between humans and dragon-shifters are similar, yet different.

  Evie scanned the rest, which detailed everyone’s appearance and behavior. By the end of the article, even she wanted another peek into how the dragon-shifters lived.

  Reading the Telegraph, the Guardian, and then the Times, Evie felt the same way after each. The articles were entertaining yet informative and lacked any of the malice of the anti-dragon-shifter crowd.

  When she was done, she looked over at Bram, who was bouncing Murray on his knee. She would never tire of the big dragonman playing with the tiny baby.

  She smiled and said, “Everything seems fine. The journalists upheld their agreements. All of the articles were fairly objective.”

  Bram glanced at her. “Aye, I told you not to worry and before you ask again, no, there aren’t any riots in the streets. So far, the news has been received well.”

  “And you couldn’t have told me this sooner?”

  He grinned. “You’re the one who likes to find things out for yourself.”

  Ignoring his teasing, she pushed on. “Anyway, the reception of the articles bodes well for Melanie. Her release might go ahead as scheduled.”

  Murray put out his arms and reached for her. Evie took her son from Bram and cuddled him on her lap.

  Bram said, “The reception also bodes well for you, love. The DDA should stop harassing you after this. You’ve turned into the darling of the press.”

  Evie leaned against her dragonman’s shoulder. “I guess now all we need to do is watch out for the dragon hunters.”

  “Aye, but Finn and I have things in hand. If Simon Bourne makes a move anywhere between Birmingham and the Orkney Islands, we’ll know. Things might be a bit boring from now on.”

  Evie smiled. “Life with you will never be boring, Bram. In nine months’ time, you’ll not only have to look after the clan, you’ll have two babies as well.”

  Bram put an arm around her shoulder. “And you, love. I’ll look after you.”

  Leaning into his warmth, she murmured, “And I, you.”

  Evie glanced up and as they stared at one another, warmth and happiness spread throughout her body.

  Cocking an eyebrow, she stated, “Well, I guess I succeeded in the end, then.”

  “Succeeded with what?”

  “I managed to seduce a dragon-shifter.”

  Bram’s gaze turned heated and he leaned in close. “Aye, and you’re welcome to do it anytime you like, love.”

  Evie tried her best seductive smile. “Well, Murray’s due for nap in ten minutes. Maybe I’ll try then.”

  “Lass, that sounds like a plan.”

  Bram kissed her. As her dragonman teased her mouth with long strokes of his tongue, most definitely a preview of what was to come, happiness warmed Evie’s heart. With her mate and her son, she had a bright new life ahead of her. With time and Melanie’s help, their children might just grow up in a world where humans and dragon-shifters could marry whomever they liked.


  Did you enjoy this story? Then please consider leaving a review. :)

  Finn and Arabella have a story (Healed by the Dragon), but first comes the one-time novella special about what happens to Melanie and Tristan when Mel releases her book. Revealing the Dragons is now available. This story sets up Healed by the Dragon, so I’d highly recommend reading it first. Turn the page for an excerpt of Revealing the Dragons and for glimpses of my other works.

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  Also, I need to ask you a favor. Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review. Even if it's only a line or two, it would be a huge help!

  If you like my dragon-shifters, then you might enjoy the newest book of my Cascade Shifters series, Resisting the Cougar. Turn the page for ex
cerpts from Revealing the Dragons and Resisting the Cougar.

  With Gratitude,

  Jessie Donovan

  Revealing the Dragons

  (Stonefire Dragons Story Arc #2.5)

  After more than a year, Melanie Hall-MacLeod finally releases her book about dragon-shifters. Everything seems peaceful until her first public appearance.

  Tristan wants nothing more than to whisk his mate and two children off to safety, but Mel refuses to hide. As the danger increases and threatens his new family, Tristan battles the need to protect his mate with the need to make her happy.

  Melanie is determined to change the future for her children and all dragon-shifter in the UK. Is it even possible? Or, will they be forced into hiding for the rest of their lives? Read to find out!


  Revealing the Dragons is now available on all major online vendors.



  Chapter One

  Melanie Hall-MacLeod brushed the cheek of her five-month-old daughter, Annabel, one more time before looking up at her sister-in-law and saying, “Remember, she’ll only go to sleep if she has her stuffed green dinosaur. And Jack needs his baby blankie.”

  Her sister-in-law, Arabella MacLeod, raised an eyebrow, which also raised the scar near her temple. “Have you temporarily forgotten the last five months? You know, when I was here at least three times a week helping out with the twins?”

  Before Mel could reply, the third woman standing near the door, Evie Marshall, interjected, “Give her a break, Arabella. This is the first time she’ll be away from her babies for an entire night.”


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