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Sci Spanks

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by Anastasia Vitsky, Eve Langlais Anne Ferrer Odom, MarenSmith, Kate Richards, Cathy Pegau, Sue Lyndon, Natasha Knight, Eva Lefoy, Erzabet Bishop, Louisa Bacio, Leigh Ellwood, Olivia Starke, Carole Cummings

  Copyright 2014 Cover Art by Anthony Walsh

  Bred for Love: Tika is Chosen Copyright 2014 by Eve Langlais

  Taming the Wolf Copyright 2014 by Anne Ferrer Odom

  Replicated Consequences Copyright 2014 by Jessica E. Subject

  Oh, What the Hell… Copyright 2014 by Maren Smith

  Moon Trainer Copyright 2014 by Kate Richards

  Jen & Maddy Copyright 2014 by Cathy Pegau

  No More Lizards Copyright 2014 by Sue Lyndon

  A Public Caning Copyright 2014 by Natasha Knight

  Research Purposes Only Copyright 2014 by Eva Lefoy

  Red Moon Rising Copyright 2014 by Erzabet Bishop

  Double Trouble Copyright 2014 by Louisa Bacio

  Skin Copyright 2014 by Leigh Ellwood

  A Lifetime Copyright 2014 by Olivia Starke

  Flame on a Fire Copyright 2014 by Carole Cummings

  Taliasman Copyright 2014 by Anastasia Vitsky

  Formatting Services by Wizards in Publishing

  ISBN: 9781311092014

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Sci Spanks Anthology


  Smashwords Edition

  To our beloved readers,

  As a reader and author, I have a dilemma. There are too many books and not enough money or time to read them. I find myself dazed at the millions of books available, and I don’t know how to choose books best for me. Best seller lists might appeal to a stereotypical reader, but I prefer my stories sweet, naughty, and with a bit of spank. I might buy books from authors I find interesting, only to be disappointed after a few pages. Or I pick up a book accidentally and find myself immersed in an amazing story. Some of my fondest memories of book-hunting include finding unexpected treasures in used book stores, clearance bins, and garage sales. Anyone can look up the latest best seller in a major bookstore, but finding out-of-the-way authors and titles has become a more infrequent pleasure.

  Sci Spanks (and its companion events, Spank or Treat for Halloween and Love Spanks for Valentine’s Day) was created to offer readers the opportunity to browse new authors, free of charge. The “Sci” in this term represents the broadest interpretation of dystopia, fantasy, hard and soft science fiction, paranormal, urban fantasy, and speculative fiction. If the story contains events not found in an ordinary human world, it qualifies for Sci Spanks. As the name implies, adult consensual spanking (often for erotic pleasure) is often included. Authors publish stand-alone spin-off stories of published works, or they showcase excerpts of books not yet published. Fans of authors get exclusive sneak peeks, and new readers get to sample authors’ work without committing to an entire book. Publishers, freelancers, and related vendors donate dozens of prizes toward a pool valued at over one thousand dollars. For Sci Spanks 2014, I introduced an exclusive author meet-and-greet for all participants. The event was so successful that authors are already preparing a special surprise for Spank or Treat 2014, October 24-26.

  Sci Spanks the anthology offers fifteen of the Sci Spanks stories for you in an easy-to-read, portable format. You’ll find everything from sweet, tender romance (Cathy Pegau’s “Jen and Maddy”) to laugh-out-loud humor (Maren Smith’s “Oh What the Hell”) and references to old-school science fiction popular culture (Eva Lefoy’s “Sweet Punishment”). You’ll find a mixture of romantic pairings, from M/F to F/F and M/M. Some stories are harsher (Natasha Knight’s “A Public Caning”) while others appeal to the softest-hearted romantic (Kate Richard’s “The Moon Trainer”). Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

  Anastasia Vitsky

  July 10, 2014

  For more information, please visit Governing Ana, find me on Facebook ( or follow me on Twitter (@AnastasiaVitsky).

  Upcoming events:

  Spank or Treat 2014 (October 24-26)

  Ana’s Advent Calendar (December 1-25)

  Love Spanks 2015 (February 6-8)

  Bred for Love: Tika is Chosen


  Eve Langlais

  Abducted and raised in a commune on a planet with two indigo suns, Tika has no idea she’s part of a specialized breeding program created to provide healthy human females to men of power in need of a perfect mate.

  But Tika has no intention of behaving.

  What she doesn’t count on is her new owner enjoying the challenge.

  Rudely awakened at a ghastly early hour…

  Forget blinking the sleep from her eyes. When the matrons came for her, they did so without warning or gentleness. Yanked from her bed, Tika knew better than to protest when they barked orders at her. Experience had taught her to expect the sting from their crops should she balk at their commands.

  The last of her sleepiness was driven from eyes and limbs as she was thrust into the bathing chamber, the scalding hot water of the shower rinsing from her skin the cleansing suds they spritzed on her from head to toe. The shock of cold water, though, had her screeching. “Argh! What’s up with the temperature?”

  She received no reply unless the rough shove that sent her stumbling from the shower stall counted.

  Clean and dry, she was allowed a light breakfast of fruit and water as attendants bustled around her. One even crawled beneath the table to tend her nails. Something was afoot and not just the little gold ring they stuff her baby toe in.

  “Dress her in the pink one.” The matron in charge, a bird-like female that Tika had long ago nicknamed The Harpy, ordered, and her bevy of underlings hurried to comply.

  As her arms were lifted and a gauzy fabric wound around her in an intricate set of loops and knots that did more to display her body than hide it, Tika asked. “What’s the rush? And why am I wearing the ceremonial gown?” Tika hadn’t yet graduated from her courtesan studies—on purpose. She had more than an inkling of what happened to those who excelled at what the matrons sought to teach. Rumor said the girls who finished were sold off to the highest bidders, never to be heard from again.

  Was this a good thing or bad? No one seemed quite sure. Some speculated that a better life awaited them. More pessimistic ones compared it to slavery. Tika thought it depended on who they got bartered off to. But no matter their eventual fate, there was no escaping the fact that the things they were taught, the classes they took, were all designed around one central theme. How to please a man. They were being bred as playthings for the wealthy.

  In Tika’s case, they could teach her all they wanted. Tika wasn’t interested in becoming anyone’s whore. Captured from earth when she was a little bit older than some of the other girls, and definitely more streetwise than most, all the punishments and lessons in the world couldn’t change her thinking that the life of a courtesan, even if pampered, didn’t appeal. She had too much backbone to want to obey the dictates of one man. There was just one major problem with her decision. I don’t get a say in
my future.

  And it seemed her foot dragging and intentional failing at her tests wasn’t going to save her.

  “You are being prepared for a viewing,” The Harpy finally deigned to inform her.

  “Viewing? By who? I haven’t graduated yet.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He’s rejected all the others.”

  “He? Who’s he?” And why was he considered important enough to waive protocol, something the matron and her bevy of followers lived and breathed for? It was their religion.

  A stinging zap brought a gasp to Tika’s lips.

  “Enough with the questions. He’s asked to see more candidates, and despite your unworthiness, you will be shown. Don’t worry. I have no doubt you will remain unchosen. Although, for your sake, you should make an attempt. If you think life as a breeding mate is unpalatable, you will find that of a whore in a brothel even less so.”

  A what? Before Tika could digest The Harpy’s threat they were ushering Tika from the room. She didn’t resist, her feet following where they directed as she mulled this newest revelation. When she’d concocted her plan to fail, she’d only partially wondered what would happen to her as a result. In her stupidity, she’d assumed they’d simply cast her off at one point or put her to work somewhere on the compound. But the threat to sell her off as a whore? That cast a whole new menacing light on her situation.

  The halls they traveled gleamed in the dual bright suns that rose, the indigo rays streaking the white marble floors and walls with a violet gleam. Her bare toes, the nails chemically shaded a light pink to match her wispy gown, peeked from under the flowing hem as she walked, and the stone in the jewelry she wore glinted. Her long hair, left unbound and swinging in gossamer strands, tickled the base of her spine where a dip in the fabric left it bare.

  All too soon they arrived at a grand set of double doors that towered over her and were flanked by the insect-like guards who patrolled the compound and its grounds. Every so often, an attempt to raid and kidnap the inhabitants occurred, usually by pirates, sometimes by the hungry beasts that called the desert home. None of them got far. The guards might not speak in a tongue humans could understand, but they wielded their weapons well and rebuffed, with deadly force, any who would dare trespass.

  Spears were thrust to the side in one pincer, a shield in another while a third appendage swung the doors wide open, allowing Tika a grand entrance, an entrance she marred with hesitation.

  “Go forth. He awaits,” hissed The Harpy.

  Still, Tika paused. What manner of being were they offering her to? What did they expect her to do? Did she continue with her plan to fail, or should she use this as her chance to escape the compound?

  A firm shove in the middle of her back propelled her into the room. So much for a graceful entry. She stumbled and almost fell. Arms windmilling, she caught her balance quickly. The doors behind her swung shut with an ominous click.

  Inhaling deeply, she lifted her head and glanced around. Bright sunlight streamed through a set of balcony doors and blinded her. She blinked to no avail. While she couldn’t see much, apparently someone else could.

  “Come closer.” The deep baritone slid over her and caused a shiver to follow in its wake. Velvety. Smooth. Authoritative. Her skin heated in the oddest manner, and something within her stirred to life.

  She didn’t like or trust the odd sensation. Hence she ignored the command. Anyone with such power in their voice shouldn’t be obeyed.

  “Are you deaf or stupid? I said to come closer that I might inspect you.”

  His rudeness and disparaging tone galvanized her. Tika straightened her spine, crossed her arms over her chest, and with an arched brow said, “No.”

  “Are you defying me?” There was no doubting his incredulity. “You do know I am here to examine you. That I am the one with the power here, not you.”

  “I am a human being, not merchandise, which means, in case you didn’t realize this, that I have feelings and thoughts. And I think if you want to see me so bad then you can just come out of whatever shadow or corner you’re hiding in and introduce yourself properly.”

  Oh, if the matrons could hear her now, they’d surely deplete the electrical charge in their discipline rods for her impertinence. But Tika didn’t care. She wasn’t about to bow to the dictates of a stranger, especially not one whose voice kept causing her body to react in the most unforeseen fashion.

  She expected anger, outrage, perhaps even for him to call in the matron or the guards to take her away. What she got instead was a low, masculine chuckle and a figure striding forth, his towering, broad body blocking the stream of daylight while leaving his features in shadow. She did manage to note, though, that he seemed human in shape with two arms and legs, but the refracting light around him made it impossible for her to notice more detail.

  “Do you know you are the first simpering maiden to appear before me who has refused to do as she’s told?”

  “I think if you are looking for a simpering maiden then you should send me away, because I can tell you right now that title will never apply to me.”

  “You admit to being obstinate?” Eyes of an emerald green flashed, brilliant and captivating even as the rest of his features remained indistinct.

  “Obstinate. Outspoken. Sometimes rude. Definitely not biddable. If you’re looking for an obedient little woman who will have sex with you and breed perfect little alien babies, then you’ve got the wrong girl.”

  “Or I’ve finally found the right one.”

  Those words snapped her mouth shut and widened her eyes.

  “I see that surprises you. There is a reason I rejected all the others. I have no need of a female who will bend to my every whim. I have enough of that already in my life. What do I want with another? But a female with spirit and fire?” He took a step forward, and she automatically took one back. “A woman who thinks to challenge me? One who foolishly defies me? That,” his voice lowered, “that pleases me greatly.” He reached for her.

  She evaded his grasping hand. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Who says you have a choice?”

  Chin angled, she said, “I demand a choice.”

  “And I demand obedience.”

  “Which we’ve already ascertained you will not get.”

  “Then I shall enjoy teaching you to listen.”

  Before she could say, “Good luck with that,” he lunged, and this time she wasn’t quick enough to evade capture.

  Strong arms, corded with muscle, banded around her, snaring her and drawing her to an impressively broad chest.

  “Will you submit?”

  She thought the kick to his shin an eloquent answer. Unfortunately, it didn’t have the desired effect. He chuckled, the low sound again affecting her and sending shivers rippling over her skin.

  Lifting her as if she weighed nothing, he carted her off to a corner of the room where he seated himself on a low couch. But she wasn’t accorded the same comfort.

  Despite her squealed, “What are you doing?” he tilted her and manhandled her frame until she lay draped over his thighs. Hair fell into her eyes and mouth, and as Tika used her free hands to clear the stubborn strands, the fabric covering her legs was whisked out of the way, or so she surmised by the air that suddenly kissed her bare skin. And she meant bare.

  “What do you think you are doing?” she asked as she struggled to escape her ignoble position.

  “Teaching you who is master.”


  The first slap on her cheek made her squeak, not in pain but outrage. He dared spank her?


  The second stroke stung, especially so soon after the first. “Stop!”

  “Will you obey?”

  “Never,” she growled. Since her feeble attempts to escape failed, she resorted to a childish method and sank her teeth into the only body part at hand, his thigh.

  He didn’t even flinch, but he did pepper her
buttocks with a flurry of slaps, each one stinging more and more, leaving her cheeks hot and throbbing. She might have sobbed if she had the breath, but gasping in between the smacks, all she could do was utter a mewling sound of distress.

  “Will you call me master?”

  She shook her head. Pain or not, she wasn’t about to submit to this man.

  She expected him to react in anger. To increase the strength and speed of his blows. Instead, he changed tactics. Slap. Stroke.

  What was this? Had he just slid his fingers between her thighs? He did it again, a light touch of his fingertips against her nether lips. She stiffened at the invasion, but her body betrayed her. A quiver shot through her.

  He rubbed her hot cheeks. She shuddered and then shuddered again as he once more slid his fingers against her private spot, spreading her folds, this time to dip a digit. Moisture rushed to greet him.

  “I see your body is starting to recognize her master.”

  She shook her head in denial. No man is my master.

  He pinched her clit, and she bucked, a jolt of pleasure lancing through her. In dipped his finger again, a gentle seesaw that her treacherous flesh clung to and encouraged.

  “Call me master.”


  Whack. Stroke. Caress. Moan. Oh say that didn’t come from me.

  It had, to her shame. But she couldn’t stem her arousal or pleasure, not when he was an expert at what he did.

  Over and over, he asked, then slapped, then caressed, until finally she could bear it no more.

  “Call me master.”

  She shook her head, and this time he grew more aggressive, thrusting a finger into her virgin sex while at the same time stroking her clitoris. She couldn’t stop herself from enjoying his caresses. Couldn’t halt the approaching climax, an act she’d experienced in the past only at her own hands.

  He stopped.

  She sobbed, on the edge, needing release so fervently.


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