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Sci Spanks

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by Anastasia Vitsky, Eve Langlais Anne Ferrer Odom, MarenSmith, Kate Richards, Cathy Pegau, Sue Lyndon, Natasha Knight, Eva Lefoy, Erzabet Bishop, Louisa Bacio, Leigh Ellwood, Olivia Starke, Carole Cummings

  “Of course.” Vek groomed his antennae once, more a distracted gesture than one born of any real desire for tidiness. Fiddling with the hairbrush, he—she looked pointedly at May. “And you?”

  “Yes, I am.” May’s shoulders sank. They stared at one another for a long time before, in equal measures of dazed disappointment, they both sat down side by side at the table. They looked at each other. They looked at the food. They looked away.

  After a moment, Vek made a harsh sound. “Pardon my rude honesty, but my family shall be so disgusted by the rest of you, I do not think they will notice your gender.”

  For some reason, that struck May as extremely funny. She laughed.

  They looked at one another again.

  “Oh, what the hell,” Vek said in perfect human-ese. “I was prepared to be creative anyway.” Reaching across the table, she picked up a plate and offered it to May. “Would you like an oyster, or perhaps some stimulating foreplay?”

  May took an oyster and then looked at the hairbrush.

  “Oh, what the hell,” she agreed, knocking the oyster back before accepting Vek’s outstretched hand and allowing herself to be drawn face down across the Klik’vok’s armored knees. She had a moment, just one small half second in time, where she couldn’t help wondering just how crazy she must be. Space sickness. Very catching. Still, female Vek or not, bottom-stimulating foreplay or not, it didn’t really matter. May simply could not imagine her life without Vek somewhere in it. Compared with that, everything else was negotiable.

  Author Bio

  My name is Maren Smith. I write predominantly spanking/BDSM romances. Upon occasion I do fantasy and sci-fi. My most popular sci-fi/fantasy books are the Pets series under the pen name Darla Phelps. My other pen names are Denise Hall and Penny Alley.

  You can find me on Facebook:

  Feel free to visit my blog:

  Moon Trainer


  Kate Richards

  Spanking Training Available

  Inquire inside

  The sign fluttered outside a small dome, a hologram with an image of a flattened hand, in a fake breeze. Harlan’s new digs offered barely enough room to turn around, much less display in any kind of order even the limited tools of the trade he’d brought from Earth. But with space at a premium, and the astronomical price of joining Lunar Colony 6, the free membership and retail location offered to him for a full year with no rent couldn’t be refused. The new settlement, organized by a mysterious former client of The Trainer, gave him an opportunity for a fresh start.

  Not that he’d been their first choice. When the Trainer turned them down, the Colony Council had asked him for a recommendation. He’d suggested Harlan. A man who had studied under him for five years and knew his trade. Although he had interned for love, not money, when his Master asked, Harlan took a sabbatical from the university, rented out his townhouse for a year, and climbed aboard the first shuttle headed for Lunar Colony 2B. All expenses paid and one year to earn as much as he could from the eager-to-learn colonists. With an option to extend his stay.

  At the touch of a button, sun shields drew back, revealing a black-velvet sky speckled with stars. Every aspect of the settlement had surprised and pleased him, including the showers enabled by a new technology recycling every droplet of water under the domes—sweat, water vapor from plants in the farm domes, and…other things.

  He’d never expected to find himself off-planet, but Harlan’s sense of adventure –and desire to be as far from his ex-wife’s upcoming wedding fed his willingness to agree. He unwrapped the towel from around his waist and yanked on a pair of the stretchy undershorts that men wore on this rock on the edge of nowhere. They served under the fitted jumpsuits during the day and as pajamas at night. He clicked the switch closing the narrow tube leading to the communal areas with their moving pathways. The shared kitchen and shower facilities were better equipped than most people enjoyed on Earth. But then, those people would be surprised by many of the services at Moon Colony 6.

  Retail spankings…more like a spa service, he thought. Or personal improvement. But he didn’t mind his location between a bedding store and electronics venue. Not so long as his warm bed in the back third of his shop awaited.

  Harlan cast a glance at his paddles on their rack in the front area. Would they work well in the lesser gravity the colony chose to make heavy work easier? Too bad he had no way to try them out before the grand opening. He yawned, and pulled the blankets back. Sliding in he dragged them back up and clipped them to the bed. No, he wouldn’t float away, but during orientation the new immigrants had been warned failure to fasten in could result in a stiff neck or kinked arm muscle. Perhaps he could use the lightness to his advantage in his training tomorrow. A new technique for his next article in Spanking Training Monthly.

  A tapping noise woke him from a dead sleep. A face pressed to the glass above his head sent him flying upright. A woman, blonde hair floating about her pale cheeks, and she wore no protective gear He raced to the front airlock and flipped the pane open. The woman stepped inside and he closed the outer glass and opened the inner to admit her to the dome, while he pressurized the entry again.

  With the dome secure, he turned to check on his guest. What calamity had left her outside? He tried to remember the instructions received at pre-launch orientation…what would happen to someone who ended up outside the domes without protective gear… why hadn’t he paid attention?

  He hadn’t expected to end up out there.

  Or provide aid to someone who had.

  “Lie down. I’ll call Emergency Services.

  To his amazement, the guest dropped on the edge of his spanking bench and peeled a transparent film from the top of her head to her feet and off. She balled it up and dropped it in the disposal chute then flashed him a bright smile. Eyeing her from head to toe, he saw no signs of any damage. Her nail beds appeared pink, no sign of the blue of lack of oxygen, her eyes, while an unusual aqua shade, clear and sparkling. Her long silver-blonde hair waved around her waist.

  Not one part of her smooth, lovely body looked anything but…perfect. Her skin glowed with an opalescence unlike anything he’d ever seen. She smiled at him and he melted into a heap of uncontrolled goo.

  As his new, and naked, friend strolled around the small area, she lifted things from the device rack and examined them.

  Harlan stood in the middle, turning like a top to follow her steps. Her waist seemed impossibly small to support the heavy weight of her breasts, whose sides he could just see while she faced away from him. But he had the full view of her amazing hips and buttocks, rounded, firm, and with a slight shimmy that made him want her so much he couldn’t even remember his own name.

  She spun to face him, breaking his trance. Her breast in full frontal were mesmerizing, full, bobbing, and tipped with glistening pink with…glitter? Impossible. He shook himself free of focus, embarrassed at staring at someone who had been in mortal danger moments before. Not that she seemed upset by it.

  She lifted something toward him and he forced his gaze down to see a paddle. A narrow oak board, engraved with his initials. She laid it in his palm

  And turned around.

  Dear God, she couldn’t mean.... She wanted him to spank her. Suddenly it all made sense. Sort of. This moon goddess was a future client. Harlan’s brain could handle that. But his desire and lust and passion and everything else would have to be pushed out the window. Not that he had a window. Concentrate!

  He held the implement in his sweating fist. “I understand. And I would be delighted to accept you as a client. But we don’t open until tomorrow.” He tapped the wall and brought up a screen. “May I have your name? I will schedule you for my very first appointment. You went to a lot of trouble to visit me. Next time just come through the tubes.” Chuckling, he turned back and bumped into her, his cock hardening in his stretchy
shorts at contact.

  She held his gaze, unblinking. He swallowed hard and dropped his hands to his sides, but she sprawled over the bench. Her beautiful behind rose in curves his fingers itched to touch and her pink pussy glistened between her parted thighs.

  Who said he couldn’t start a day early? He could test his lunar spanking skills and not charge her…call it public relations. Straightening, he stepped closer and rested a hand on her lower back, the skin silk under his palm. A faint sense of unease lingered. What about the contract—paperwork? He took a tentative step toward the screen, but his determined customer inhaled and let out a deep sigh, and he shrugged.

  “I guess we’re opening early.” He stroked down and, with difficulty, kept his hands from creeping between her butt cheeks. The Trainer would be so disappointed in him if he broke his veneer of professionalism so soon. Before his official opening.

  He drew the veneer of control he’d learned close and lifted his hand for the first spank of his new life.

  The human’s first slap tingled and sent a lurch of lust straight to her female center. So it was true. Unlike her passive, scientific people, there did exist another race, another species perhaps, who understood her needs. After a second’s pause, his hard palm slammed into her other cheek, then the first again. Regan’s pulse pounded faster in her ears, and she squirmed as a trickle of wetness trailed past her labia and onto the table underneath. Her absence wouldn’t be noticed until the immigrant ship was far past this nearly-barren rock circling Earth.

  She squirmed and the human braced her in place with a firm hand on her back and began to spank her with the wooden board. It thudded against her skin as he worked his way up and down her buttocks and the tops of her legs. Oh, every bit as amazing as she’d dreamed.

  More, more, harder. If only she had the words in his language to tell him how much she could take. It hurt, but the pain opened centers of her mind and eased tension from her limbs. She’d been born to bear this pain, to finally feel something. If she’d had to go on to marry the man in Cardos her parents set her up with, she’d have—

  Her belly tightened and a roll of erotic sensation slammed her, toppling her over into a shuddering mass of orgasmic nerve endings, thudding in time with his rhythmic slaps on the crease of her behind. Oh, yes!

  “Yes, yes, don’t ever stop!”

  But he did. Stop. And, as she peered over her shoulder, he murmured things she couldn’t understand, forehead wrinkled in distress. His expression showed he hadn’t understood her. He’d thought her shouts a plea for mercy. Rolling over, she sat up, grabbed his wrist, and shook it, desperate to show him what she wanted. When he merely shook his head, she wrenched the wood from his grip and waved it.

  “I want it, I want you.” Tapping it on her belly, thighs and between her legs, on her female parts, she held his gaze until his mouth opened, more words flooded out—more words she couldn’t follow—but then he bobbed his head and his lips turned up.

  Taking her wrist in one hand, he worked the wood free with the other and eased her onto her back. He stroked her hair from her sweaty face and murmured, cooing, soothing noises while she panted.

  He spanked again, but this time with less force, more an energetic patting over her stomach and down the fronts of her thighs. She parted them and he paused, but when she cupped her sex and shot him a languid look, the language barrier faded.

  He set the paddle down and moved to the foot of the padded table. Taking her ankles he gave a sharp tug and she slid down until only her torso remained supported. The human’s dark blue eyes held a shine and a lock of black hair fell over his forehead. To her delight, reached for the waistband below his flat abdomen. Were all of his people so attractive? And how did she appear to him? Every inch of him she could see was a pale gold color, mouth-watering. Her own tone of silvery white gleamed next to him, but did he like it?

  He murmured to her and lifted his lips again. She smiled back, hoping the expression held the same meaning, and removed her hand from her female parts, exposing herself to him. An invitation. Lying back she closed her eyes and waited a long moment.

  To her delight, he gave a soft slap to her sex, then another, then set up a soft rhythm, patting, harder than a tap but not hurting at all. No, not pain…pleasure. Sweet erotic waves through her torso and lighting her mind on fire.


  The legends spoke of such things but nobody she knew had experienced them. But the symbol of a hand fluttering on his flag had drawn her.

  A lost gift of the gods, punishment for faithlessness of some ancient or other.

  She shrieked her pleasure and opened her eyes, meeting his and bonding.

  Author Bio

  Kate Richards divides her time between Los Angeles and the High Sierras. She would gladly spend all her days in the mountains, but she’d miss the beach…and her very supportive husband’s commute would be three hundred miles. Wherever she is, she loves to explore all different kinds of relationships in her stories. She doesn’t believe one-size-fits-all, and whether her characters live BDSM, ménage, GLBT or any other kind of lifestyle, it’s the love, the joy in one another, that counts.

  She explores the editorial side of things as a partner in Wizards in Publishing and executive editor at Decadent Publishing. In working with authors and editors, she has learned the ins and outs of the author/editor relationship and the value of strength and open communication in such an intimate situation. Preserving the author’s voice, being open to the editor’s input, finding the jewel in a book that may still have some rough edges are all critical to the process.

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  Jen & Maddy


  Cathy Pegau

  Maddy knocked on Jen’s office door and waited for a response. She always felt weird intruding on her girlfriend when she was at work. Girlfriend. Yeah, after three months and a good number of nights together, they were definitely girlfriends.

  Jen had told her to just come in when she dropped by, but Maddy got the sense Jen appreciated the consideration. It still amazed Maddy that she and Jen had managed to meet, let alone find they had so much in common. For now, things were still too new, and Maddy didn’t want to screw it up by being presumptuous.

  Maddy acknowledged the other grad students and professors who passed in the pale green hall. As a now-frequent visitor to the biometrics and neurology floor of the university’s science building, she recognized most and they smiled back. A few gave her torn jeans, leather jacket, and asymmetric purple hair an arched eyebrow of wonder, but Maddy felt no animosity in their gazes. It was as if they recognized a kinship. Scientists and musicians were a lot alike. Whether unraveling the mysteries of the world or fusing two music genres to create something brand new, both required ingenuity many didn’t understand.

  Jen opened the door, phone to her ear, and waved Maddy in. A loose blouse over a white tank emphasized her smooth, brown skin. Comfortable jeans hid what Maddy knew was a lusciously curved body. “Yeah, I understand that, Simon, but you said you’d do this. Today.”

  Maddy entered, closing the door behind her as Jen returned to her desk. A laptop, papers, bits of electronic do-dads, and a miniature sculpture of an X-wing fighter made of office supplies adorned the metal surface. Jen ran her hand over her close-cropped curls and sat. She tapped agitatedly on her keyboard.

  Uh, oh. It looked like this Simon person was throwing a wrench in Jen’s precise schedule.

  Maddy lowered herself onto the only other chair in the small office.

  “No, I can’t do it next week,” Jen said. She pinched the bridge of her nose, a gesture Maddy recognized as her lover’s attempt to keep her cool. “Granger wants preliminaries ASAP, and DARPA is threatening to pull funding.”

  Double uh, oh. Maddy didn’t know who or what DARPA was, but she understood the fundi
ng thing. There was a lot of competition for soft money, and Jen had told her of more than one colleague who’d had to scramble for funds or delay projects. And Dr. Granger, Jen’s major prof and an all-around pain-in-the-ass, was no one to trifle with.

  Jen listened to Simon for a few more moments then heaved a heavy sigh. “Fine. I’ll get someone else.”

  She took the phone from her ear and stabbed the disconnect button. Bip. Jen tossed it onto the desk, shoulders slumped. “Shit. I wish that thing had a ‘slam’ button and not a stupid little beep.”

  Maddy winced. Jen rarely cursed, though she tolerated Maddy’s potty mouth. Hearing even such a mild expletive from her meant she was really pissed. “Are you going to be able to get your work done?”

  She knew Jen had been working on something involving brain activity, but a confidentiality agreement with the university and whoever was funding the project had kept her from elaborating. Though curious, Maddy didn’t press. She didn’t want to put Jen in an uncomfortable position.

  “I don’t know,” Jen said, her dark eyes sad and weary. But then something glinted in them, and she sat up. “Maybe, if you’ll help me.”

  “Me? I’m no scientist. I play at a dive bar and serve watered-down drinks between gigs.”

  The closest she’d come to do anything scientific was dissecting a virtual frog in biology class back in high school.

  Jen rose and came around to Maddy’s side of the desk. “You don’t have to know about the science, just follow some simple instructions while I take readings. I swear it won’t hurt.”

  She knew Jen wouldn’t put her in danger, but a shimmer of apprehension tickled her stomach. “Okay. What do I need to do?”

  Jen’s face lit up. She grabbed Maddy’s hands, pulled her to her feet, and drew her in for a hug. Maddy nuzzled Jen’s warm neck, inhaling her scent that had become familiar and ignited thoughts best kept in the bedroom.


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