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Dive In Deep

Page 13

by Parker, Ali

  “Oh god,” I gasped, feeling some new, very wild sensations pinging around my body. It was like being zapped by electricity. I jerked and groaned without warning.

  “Just wait until I do this,” he whispered, looking up at me as his hand slid over my stomach and under the lace panties that matched the bra.

  His fingers slid over my folds, deftly parting them and finding my very core. When one finger gently probed, I nearly panicked. His kiss quieted the anxiousness and turned it into desire. I moaned with pleasure as he pushed the finger in, slid out, and moved over the sensitive flesh. I groaned loudly into his mouth. I couldn’t focus on kissing him with his finger driving me absolutely insane with lust.

  “Trent,” I moaned his name.

  “Shh, just let it go. It’s going to make what comes next a lot easier. Let go. Give in to the need.” His mouth moved to kiss my neck.

  His finger kept moving, sliding in and out, making my body slick with need. I could feel a strange, beautiful spiral of deliciousness spreading out over my limbs, making me gasp and moan. I moved my hand to his back, scraping my nails down his flesh and squeezing one very nice chunk of ass. I felt him jerk, his erection pressing against me through his underwear.

  “I’ve got to take these off.” He moved his mouth away from my neck and pushed my panties down.

  I lifted my butt, letting him take them off before I pushed his underwear down. If I was naked, he was going to be naked. I needed to see exactly what I was getting myself into, or rather, what was getting into me.

  I looked down, my eyes widening when I saw just what it was I was dealing with. I reached out, wrapped my hand around the girth, and gently squeezed. He sucked in a breath, his nostrils flaring as he looked at me.

  With his eyes still holding mine, he slipped his hand between my legs once again and went back to the gentle rubbing and teasing that had left me wet and aching. His intensity increased, along with the feeling of being caught up in a tidal wave.

  I released him. My hands gripped at the blanket on the bed as he took me to a place I had never been. I cried out, my body shattering as his finger pushed high inside me.

  He moved over the top of me, his finger pulling out and his heavy cock positioned at my entrance. I looked up and saw him watching me. “Are you sure?” he asked.


  “It might hurt, just a pinch, but it’ll feel good soon after,” he promised.

  “I’m ready,” I whispered.

  He pushed gently at first, the tip of his heavy cock moving inside me. I could feel my body’s natural resistance and tried to relax. I closed my eyes, reminding myself of the pleasure he’d just given to me. He pushed in deeper. I flinched, and a moment of pain flashed through me as he pushed in even more.

  “Shh,” he whispered, dropping down to give me a kiss on my lips.

  “I’m okay,” I assured him.

  The fullness and stretching were foreign sensations—foreign but good. I closed my eyes again, and the pain disappeared, replaced by a need for more. I opened my legs, wiggling a little and running my hands up and down his back.

  “Good?” he asked, sounding as if he were the one in pain.

  “I’m good,” I said, smiling with the knowledge I was officially no longer a virgin.

  He let out a breath. “Thank god.”

  He pushed in deeper, shocking me. I had thought he was already all the way in. I gasped. My body tightened and squeezed him as fresh waves of ecstasy vibrated through my body. He groaned loud, closing his eyes, and began to move in a slow dance, sliding in and out until we were both panting and tense with need.

  “I can’t hold back,” he grunted.

  I was already lost in some magical world. He thrust once more, sending me on another beautiful wave that was so much higher than the first time. I cried out, pleasure rocketing through my body. I felt him stiffen and then arch his hips against me. Together, we rode the wave until it became a slow ebb and flow of tingles and spasms.

  “Why the hell did I wait so long for that?” I muttered, mostly talking to myself.

  He rolled to the side, his arm thrown across my chest as he nuzzled my neck. “Because you were waiting for me.”

  I sighed. “I think I was.”

  “I’m glad you’re staying the night,” he whispered close to my ear.

  “Me too. I think I kind of like this sex thing.” I giggled.

  “Good, because I know for damn sure I like this sex thing, and I don’t think I’ve come close to getting my fill of you,” he growled, nibbling my earlobe.

  I laughed again. “I think that’s the other way around. How long do we have to wait?” I knew enough to know there was a downtime.

  He chuckled. “I’m going to get that bottle of wine, and I’ll be right back. Do you need anything?”

  I couldn’t answer right away. He got off the bed and strolled to the door completely nude. My god, I had never imagined I could feel so tingly just by looking at a naked man. I slowly shook my head.

  “No,” I managed to get out the word.

  Once he was out of the room, I managed to get to my feet on somewhat rubbery legs and found my way into his massive bathroom suite. I looked at my naked self in the mirror and grinned. I’d had sex with a beautiful man, and it had been glorious. I was confident I was glowing. I could see the change in me, felt it deep in my soul. I was so glad I had waited for him.

  He was everything I could have wanted and so much more.

  Chapter 21


  I wanted to treat her like a queen and serve her breakfast in bed. Breakfast was the one meal I couldn’t screw up as long as I kept it simple. Thankfully, a simple breakfast of toast, eggs, and bacon was perfect for her. I knew she would love it.

  I checked the clock as I padded down the hall to my massive kitchen. I had pulled on a pair of underwear and nothing more. I hadn’t wanted to risk waking her.

  I started some coffee first before rummaging around in the fridge and finding eggs and bacon. I carried them to the stove and grabbed a pan from the hanging rack. I hated having to say goodbye. I knew she had a life to get back to, or get started rather. I would love for her to stay, but I couldn’t ask her to give up the job she’d been working hard to get.

  We’d been up late last night, and while I would love to let her sleep in, she had to get back to the hotel and checkout. Her flight left shortly after. Leave it to me to fall for a girl I couldn’t have.

  I carefully laid some bacon in the pan, and I stared at it sizzling, letting my mind drift to the night before. She’d been a virgin. I still couldn’t believe it.

  She’d waited. I knew there had to have been plenty of men in her past that would have tried to be her first. She’d turned them all down but given me the special gift. I felt like the king of the world. I wanted to beat my chest and holler from the rooftop.

  I poured two cups of coffee, finished the bacon and eggs, and buttered some toast, arranging it on two plates. I carried it into the bedroom. She was still naked, the blanket tossed over her hips but leaving her beautiful breasts fully exposed. I had to fight the urge to bury my face between them again.

  As I walked closer, I could see the faint red marks from the many times I had suckled the supple flesh. She was marked. I had marked her.

  “Sade,” I called out in a soft whisper. When she didn’t stir, I said her name again, a little louder. “Sade.”

  She stirred, rubbed a hand over her eyes, and groaned, rolling to the side and exposing her bare ass. I chuckled, unable to resist temptation and put the tray of food on the small table between two chairs before rushing back to the bed. I reached out and grabbed a handful of her beautiful ass.

  “Sade,” I said, my voice husky as I leaned over her.

  She groaned. “What time is it?”

  “It’s eight,” I told her, running my hand up her spine.

  “Oh no. I have to go.”

  “I know. I made breakfast. I’ll call Bentley and
let him know we need to get going.”

  “You made breakfast?” she asked, rolling to her back and looking up at me.

  I grinned. “I did. I promise it’s edible. Eggs, bacon, and toast. I don’t think I can screw that up. I have coffee too.”

  “I hate that I have to go,” she pouted.

  “I would ask you to stay, but I know you have plans. I won’t do that to you.”

  She nodded and looked a little sad as she moved to get out of bed, taking the top sheet with her. I quickly moved to hand her things to her. She clutched the sheet to her with one hand and clenched her clothes in the other before dashing into the bathroom. I took a seat in one of the chairs and munched on some bacon. She emerged a few minutes later, carrying the sheet and putting it on the bed.

  “This looks great and absolutely edible,” she joked.

  “It doesn’t taste bad at all.”

  She sat down and took a drink from the coffee first. “Thank you. For everything. I mean, I know it sounds silly, but thank you for being the one and handling it with such grace.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Grace? What the hell are you talking about? I ripped your clothes off, and, well, I would not call that graceful.”

  She grinned. “You’re right. But still, thank you. You could have made it weird.”

  “I’m going to jump in the shower. Bentley will be here in about fifteen minutes. Take your time.” I headed for the bathroom.

  When the car pulled to a stop in front of the hotel, I realized it was over, really over. We got out of the car, both of us moving a lot slower than normal.

  “Thank you for everything,” she said in a somber voice.

  “Thank you for spending time with me.” I gave her a kiss before stepping back. “Come by the office before you leave.”

  She nodded. “I will.”

  I walked her to the elevator and kissed her once again before heading for the office to try and work. I had a feeling it was going to be yet another very unproductive day. I was focused on her. I didn’t want to think about tomorrow or the next day or even that night, knowing she wasn’t close. She was going to be gone, living her life.

  Instead of checking email, I pulled up Google maps. I wasn’t exactly sure where she was going to be living, but it was probably under eight hours from my place to hers. I could use my private jet to make trips to see her every weekend.

  I cringed. That might be a little too much to ask for. I wasn’t entirely sure she would want to see me again. I hoped, but there were no guarantees. She might have been looking for someone to take her virginity. She came, she saw, she got it, and now she was done.

  “No, not true, Trent, and you know it,” I said aloud, immediately dismissing the thought.

  I pulled up my emails and read one from my accountant before moving on. I had been working about an hour when I heard a knock on my door.

  “Come in,” I called out, expecting Ashley to come in.

  “Hi, am I interrupting you?” Sade’s voice filled the room.

  I jumped to my feet. “No. Sorry. I didn’t expect you so soon.”

  “Are you busy?”

  “No, definitely not. Come in.”

  She opened the door, allowing Julia and Khloe to enter as well.

  “Hi,” Julia said, flashing me a smile.

  “Hello, ladies. Are you guys all checked out?” I gestured for them to sit.

  I took a seat on the opposite couch, Sade sitting next to me. “We are.”

  “What time does your flight leave?” I asked.

  “We’re all on different flights, but we leave around the same time,” Khloe answered.

  “How long?” I asked.

  “A couple of hours before we have to take the airport shuttle,” Sade replied.

  I nodded. “Why don’t we get some lunch in the restaurant? My treat. I’ll have Bentley take you to the airport, save you the hassle of riding the shuttle.”

  “Thank you, that would be great!” Khloe exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “We’ll meet you two over there.” She grabbed Julia’s hand and dragged her away.

  They left, closing the door behind them. I turned to Sade and could see the sadness in her eyes. “I hate that you’re leaving.”

  “Me too,” she said.

  “I have your number, and you have mine,” I told her. “We’ll call and talk all the time.”

  She pouted. “That’s not the same.”

  “I know.”

  She nodded before letting out a deep breath. “We should get over there. If you have more work to do, that’s fine. We can entertain ourselves.”

  “Nope. It can wait. Let’s go.” I got to my feet and pulled her up, hugging her against me. Her arms went around my waist, and her face rested against my chest.

  We held each other for several seconds. I thought about when the next time was when I could hold her. I hoped soon. I didn’t want to wait. The long-distance thing would be hard. Extremely hard. She was beautiful and young and would have men flocking to her. Would she even be willing to try?

  I stepped away, not wanting to go down that road just yet. “Let’s get out of here and get some real food.”

  We walked across the courtyard to the restaurant. Unlike before, I didn’t hold her hand or touch her in any way. It didn’t feel like she wanted that. I could feel her sadness and didn’t want to make it any worse.

  Khloe and Julia were at a table in the semi-empty restaurant. They were both sipping mimosas and talking away.

  We sat down. I ordered another coffee, and Sade ordered a diet soda. We were both subdued. Thankfully, Julia and Khloe talked enough for all of us. They carried on about their plans for the future and the apartments they were each moving into. I wanted to ask about her place but refrained.

  “It’s time,” Julia said, her voice sober.

  “Bentley will be waiting out front,” I told them.

  Khloe and Julia got up from the table. “We’ll meet you out there. Thanks for everything, Trent. We had a great time. It was the best vacation we could have asked for.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope you guys will come back again soon. I know a guy that can get you a great deal on a hotel room.”

  Khloe grinned. “You do know we’re going to take you up on that offer, right?”

  “I hope you do.”

  They left us alone. I took Sade’s hand and walked with her toward the lobby. We moved slowly, neither of us in a hurry to say our real goodbyes. I stopped her just inside the lobby, pulling her into a small cove and pulling her close.

  “I don’t want to let you go,” I whispered.

  “I don’t want to go,” she replied. “But I have to.”

  I nodded, my chin bouncing on top of her head. “Call me when you land?”

  “I will.”

  I held her a bit longer before stepping back. I lifted her chin with my fingers and gently kissed her. When I opened my eyes, she was staring at me, tears shimmering in her eyes. I took her hand and led her through the lobby for the last time. The car was waiting at the curb, Khloe and Julia already in the backseat with Bentley waiting close by. I gave her another kiss on her forehead and watched her get into the car. Bentley closed the door and gave me a look.

  “Take care of her,” I told him.

  “She’s in good hands, sir,” he said with a nod.

  I stood on the sidewalk and watched the car pull away from the curb. And just like that, she was gone.

  It was hard to believe she had only been in my life for a week. It felt like I had known her for a lot longer. My brain and my heart refused to believe that was the last time I would see her. It didn’t seem possible. There was no way fate could be so cruel as to bring her into my life, only to rip her away before we really had a chance to get to know one another and spend some real time together.

  I turned and walked back inside, moving to my office, already knowing there was no way in hell I was going to get shit done.

  I saw Ashley sitting at her desk and sto
od in front of her. “Do I have anything today?” I asked.

  She looked at her screen and shook her head. “Nope.”

  “Good. I’m going home for the day. If anything major happens, call my cell.” I headed into my office to grab my things. I would have to take a cab home, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to be there.

  I walked out, stepping back outside and waving a cab over. Leia and the beach would help me get through this.

  Chapter 22


  I was exhausted and mentally drained. And a little depressed. It had been a short flight home, but when I’d gotten to my new condo, I had taken one look at all the boxes that needed unpacking and decided against it. I was in no mood for anything.

  Instead, I had left my mattress on the floor, made my makeshift bed, and texted Trent. I felt bad and a little happy when he told me he had gone home for the day. He was feeling down as well.

  After texting with him and the girls, I had curled up and gone to sleep. The night before had left me exhausted. I had unpacked a few of the kitchen boxes so far that morning. It felt strange to put things where I wanted without worrying about what a roommate would think.

  It was the first time I was completely on my own in the world. I felt terribly alone. Khloe was in San Francisco and Julia in Los Angeles. I knew no one in Fresno. It was just me.

  I found my Bluetooth speaker and put on some music, needing to fill the silence. I kept telling myself to unpack and make it feel homey. Once it felt like home, I wouldn’t feel quite so disjointed. I needed my things around me and to find a way to settle in.

  I moved back into the bedroom, carrying my screwdriver so I could put my bed together. As I worked, I thought about Trent. Was he on the beach with Leia just then or in his office working on his new hotel deal?

  I couldn’t believe I had fallen hard for a man who was out of my league and out of the state. Of all the men in the world, I had fallen for the man I couldn’t truly have. We’d shared an amazing week, but it wasn’t ever going to turn into anything. I had realized that when we were sitting at breakfast the day before.


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