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Dive In Deep

Page 22

by Parker, Ali

  I burst into laughter. “I really hope so. I’m a military brat, so I totally get the long-distance thing. He’s making all the effort. I just don’t know how long we can keep up the weekend trips back and forth. It’s exhausting—for him mostly. Plus, he just bought a new hotel, and I know he has a full plate.”

  “Obviously, he is into you if he’s making the effort.”

  “He is, and I just hope I don’t let him down,” I admitted.

  “You be you. That’s all you can do. He fell for you as you were. Don’t go changing on him.”

  “Have you had any long-term relationships?” I asked her.

  She shrugged. “I had a boyfriend in high school. We started dating our junior year and lasted until my second year at college. He went to trade school and was ready to get started in the world. He didn’t want to wait for me.”

  “Ouch, I’m sorry.”

  “They say everything happens for a reason. He’s married with two kids and living a life that would have never made me happy. It works for him. It would not have worked for me.”

  I nodded in understanding. “I’m sure you’ll find a man. What are you looking for?”

  “Smart. Driven. Handsome. Established.”

  I laughed. “Well, you certainly sound like you know what you’re looking for. Have you signed up for any of those online dating apps?”

  She grimaced. “God no!”

  “They don’t sound too bad. You know what you’re looking for so it will be an easy swipe left or right.”

  “I’m not that desperate. Not yet. I’m still looking around, playing the field a bit.”

  “I think that’s a good idea,” I agreed. “I never played the field.”

  “You sound like you’re ready to marry this guy.”

  “No!” I protested. “We barely know each other.”

  “Anyone that flies back and forth every weekend to see you is worth keeping. I think some girls are just lucky, and they find their soulmate right out of the gate. I could see you being that girl.”

  I smiled. “I would like to think so, but I’ve only known him a few weeks.”

  “And you are absolutely head over heels for him.”

  I couldn’t stop the blush from spreading over my cheeks. “I am. It’s crazy. Here’s the kicker.” I geared up to present her with my conundrum.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Oh, dammit. I hate that there always has to be a caveat to a good fairy tale.”

  “It’s not terrible. Well, maybe it is. He’s a little bit older than I am.”

  She shrugged. “How much?”

  “Eight years. He’s thirty-two.”

  She bobbed her head back and forth. “That’s not terrible. You’re a mature young woman. You’re not out at the clubs every night and acting foolish.”

  “Wait, that’s not the real kicker,” I said. “Trent and my dad were in the same unit together. My dad was his boss. My dad is former military and about as protective as they come in the father department.”

  “Oh,” she said, her lips forming an O shape.

  I nodded. “Exactly. I haven’t told my dad about him. I already know he is not going to approve of the fact Trent is older. Trent has served two tours, and my dad is always very leery of guys that have been injured. He has seen a lot and knows their struggles. He’s always cautioned me against dating a military man.”

  “You’re a big girl and can make your own decisions.”

  “I know, but I really want my dad to be okay with who I decide to be with.”

  “I think you should enjoy the relationship, see where it goes,” she said. “If it is serious, then tell your dad. The worst he can do is get mad. If he loves you and he sees this guy makes you happy, he’ll come around.”

  “I hope so.”

  We talked a bit more, and by the end of our dinner, I felt a lot better about everything. We promised to do it again soon and went our separate ways. It was nice to be able to chat with a girlfriend face to face. I had tried to talk to Khloe and Julia about Trent and my dad and the whole situation, but it just wasn’t the same.

  I couldn’t wait to go out with Holly again. I headed inside, anxious to check in with Trent. I was trying my hardest not to bother him too much. He was working hard to get all the loose ends tied up before Friday. He promised me another weekend of just me and him, and the outside world would not exist. I really liked the sound of that.

  After tidying up the house, trying to stay on top of my laundry since I’d be gone all weekend, I crawled into bed. Trent had sent a quick text letting me know he was working late and would call soon. As I lay in bed, my phone in my hand as I scrolled through social media, I realized I was still feeling very alone.

  I didn’t know if it was because I was missing Trent or missing the companionship of a roommate, but I was feeling very alone. It was strange to me. I had never been the kind of person who really needed people. I didn’t surround myself with a large group of friends. I was fine with one or two or spending my weekends alone.

  Not anymore. I missed Trent. I missed real conversation. I missed looking over and seeing someone on the other end of the couch. I talked to myself all the time, but it wasn’t satisfying. Maybe I needed a pet. The condo did allow for small dogs or cats. I wasn’t really a cat person. I would love a dog like Leia, but she wasn’t exactly on the small side.

  I needed something warm to snuggle with. I needed something to look at me when I talked, even if it didn’t talk back. I just needed some eyeballs to look at me now and again. I exited off of social media and pulled up one of the shelter pages and began to scroll through the depressingly long list of animals that needed forever homes.

  I found one smallish mutt with warm brown eyes. The dog was about thirty pounds and two years old. I smiled, staring into the dog’s eyes, and wondered if we would be a good fit. Then I thought about my work schedule and flying back and forth to see Trent. What was I supposed to do with a dog at home? What kind of life would that be for a dog? I didn’t want to be selfish and adopt a dog to keep me company for a few lonely nights.

  “I just want Trent,” I whispered into the dark room.

  Chapter 36


  I checked the time. I could make it. I would take care of the last few emails from the car. I waved to Ashley, not stopping to talk as I rushed out the door of my office. I called the pilot I knew would be preparing to leave to head over to Fresno to pick up Sade.

  “Don’t leave,” I blurted out when the pilot answered his phone.

  “Don’t leave?” he repeated.

  “No, I’m going with you.”

  “Oh. Okay. How long?”

  “Give me fifteen minutes, and I’ll be there,” I told him, waving at Bentley and climbing in the backseat.

  The man knew me well and rushed around to get in the driver’s seat. “Airport?” he asked.

  I nodded, finished the conversation with the pilot, and hung up. “Yes, please,” I answered.

  “You’re going to pick her up?” he asked with a grin on his face.

  “Yes. I’ve neglected her all week. I want to be there when she gets home.”

  He chuckled. “Good man.”

  The pilot was waiting when we pulled into the hangar. I jumped out, rushed over, and climbed in. I felt like I was in a race. I supposed I was in many ways. I wanted to be there when she got home. I loved surprising her.

  I called ahead, making sure a car was waiting at the airport to take me to her place. If nothing else, I was helping the economy in the world of drivers and pilots with all my back and forth escapades. The driver was the same one I’d used last time and remembered me. He got me to Sade’s condo minutes before I expected her to arrive. I made sure he knew I needed him to hang out for twenty minutes at least and promised him a large tip would be waiting.

  I grabbed the flowers that the driver had kindly picked up for me and took my seat on her stoop. He waved as he pulled away from the curb to drive around the block a few t
imes. It wasn’t long before Sade jogged around the corner, her cheeks flushed.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, coming to a dead stop a few feet in front of me.

  I got to my feet and looked behind her. “Is someone chasing you?”

  She giggled, wiping hair away from her brow. “No. I was worried the driver would already be here. I didn’t want him to leave without me.”

  I pulled her into my arms and picked her up, spinning her around. I dropped a kiss on her lips and lowered her to the ground. “Babe, the driver can’t leave without you. You are the package. He has nothing to deliver to the airport if you aren’t in the car.”

  “I wasn’t sure if he would wait,” she said.

  “He would. I guarantee you the pilot would not be leaving this city without you in that helicopter.”

  “Oh,” she said, pushing me away. “I’m all sweaty.”

  “I like you sweaty.”

  She swatted at my chest. “Do I have time to shower and change?”

  “You don’t need to. You can do it at my place. Maybe I’ll join you in the shower.”

  She laughed. “You’re so bad.”

  “That’s not what you’re going to be saying in about an hour. Now, let’s get your stuff and get out of here.”

  She rushed up the stairs. I wasn’t quite as fast as she was. Fortunately, she had already packed her suitcase. I grabbed the usual cup from the cupboard while she threw together her toiletries. I put the flowers in, tossing the ones from last week in the trash.

  “Ready,” she announced.

  “Let’s go. I cannot wait to get you home.”

  She locked the door behind her, and we headed for the waiting car. I pulled her against me in the backseat, unable to keep my hands off her. She seemed to be suffering the same affliction. One of her small hands rested on my upper, inner thigh, dangerously close to touching my manhood.

  In the helicopter, it was the same thing. We were all hands. Lots of kissing and touching. My pilot was very respectful and did his best to give us our privacy. It had only been two weeks, but we were acting like teenagers high on raging hormones.

  “I’ll see you Sunday,” the pilot said as we climbed out.

  I barely took the time to give him a wave. I was anxious to get her home. I had my hand on the small of her back, practically shoving her inside the hangar. She wasn’t putting up a fight, nearly running inside. I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. The attraction between us was electric. It was palpable. I knew the pilot had felt it.

  Bentley was waiting for us with the car. He offered me a knowing smile. Sade gave him a small wave. It was another ride and a lot more hands. I barely took the time to wave goodbye to Bentley before I was dragging her inside the house. I pushed open the door and dropped her suitcase to the floor. I kicked the door shut and pushed her against the wall, my mouth covering hers.

  I held her face with my hands, plunging my tongue deep into her mouth and sucking her tongue. I felt like a man starving. I couldn’t get enough of her. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought about taking her into my room. I nixed the idea quickly. I couldn’t wait that long.

  “I’ve been craving you,” I rasped, dropping my mouth to her neck.

  Her hands moved up my sides. “Me too.”

  I couldn’t wait. I didn’t want to wait another second. We were alone. The housekeeper was gone. I yanked down her scrub pants and turned her around. Neither of us was interested in formalities. The hour-long flight had been nothing but foreplay.

  “Hurry,” she moaned.

  I bit her neck, yanking my pants down and burying myself inside her hot sheath. I felt like a rutting buck, taking her against the wall three feet from the front door, but that was how desperate I was. Once we managed to take the edge off, we were both in much better spirits. It was like getting the first drink of water after waking up from a night of drinking.

  “Want to take a shower now?” I asked her, pulling up my pants.

  She pulled up her scrubs. “I do. I think I definitely need one now.”

  I chuckled. “I probably drooled all over you.”

  She burst into laughter. “I like your drool on me, baby.”

  She made me feel like a kid. I felt free and youthful. My past didn’t matter when she was around. I carried around a lot of baggage from my years in the service. I wouldn’t deny I woke up in a cold sweat at least once a week. Not when she was with me.

  None of that stuff mattered. It was all her. When I held her in my arms at night, those nightmares didn’t visit. She gave me a peace I couldn’t find at the bottom of a bottle or with all the sleeping meds in the world. It was all her.

  I kicked off my shoes and grabbed her suitcase, carrying it to the room. Without any show of shyness, she stripped out of her scrubs and walked into the master bath. I eagerly followed. My walk-in shower was huge, with lots of jets and a huge rainfall showerhead. She stepped under the water, her face turned up and her hands lifting her hair.

  It was the most erotic, sexiest thing I had ever seen. I stood just outside the shower and admired the view. She turned to look at me and smiled.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I don’t think I want to get in there with you. I just want to stand here and watch you.”

  She laughed and turned to face me. My eyes dropped to her round, full breasts. Even though I had just taken her in the foyer, I wanted her again.

  “You sure you want to stand there?” she asked, her voice sultry.

  “Baby, I’ve made dinner reservations.”

  She put out her bottom lip. “Just a quickie.”

  I groaned. “I cannot resist you.”

  I stepped inside and pulled her nude body into my arms. Her slick curves rubbed over my body. I couldn’t believe she was mine. We stayed in the shower far longer than we should have. By the time we made it out, we had fifteen minutes to get dressed and out to the car.

  “Thank god I’m not one of those women who needs an hour to paint her face on,” she joked as we rode to the restaurant.

  I squeezed her leg. She was wearing a pretty, simple dress that fell just above her knees. She’d put on very little makeup and left her hair to hang loose around her shoulders.

  “Just another one of the many reasons I like you so much.”

  “So, where are we going?” she asked.

  “A special dinner.”

  “I thought we were staying inside all weekend,” she said.

  “We can, but I wanted to take you to a nice dinner.”

  She smiled, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  Truthfully, I was planning to wine and dine her. I wanted to broach the topic of me moving closer to her. I wasn’t sure if that would freak her out or not. I was hoping a nice dinner, maybe a little wine, and a little conversation would smooth the way.

  “You know I like to spoil you.”

  “I know you do, but you don’t have to.”

  I smiled, rubbing her arm. “Which is why it’s fun to do it.”

  The car pulled to a stop, and a valet rushed to open the back door. We were about five minutes late for our reservations, but my name held our spot. We sat down at the relatively private table. I ordered a bottle of the best wine.

  “This place is fancy,” she whispered.

  I chuckled. “It is one of the best steak houses in the city.”

  “Do you eat here often?”

  “We hold some of our employee appreciation meetings here,” I explained.

  “Seriously?” she asked with surprise. “That can’t be cheap.”

  I smiled, slowly shaking my head. “It isn’t, but I believe in taking care of my people. It’s usually once or twice a year.”

  “That’s impressive.”

  “Thank you.”

  I was surprised by how nervous I suddenly felt. It was like I was on a speeding train. I couldn’t get off. Hell, I didn’t want to get off. Unfortunately, that wa
s one of my character flaws. I saw something and I went after it. I didn’t know how to slow down.

  I wanted her.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  I blinked. “Me? Yes, fine.”

  “You look like you were lost in thought.”

  I smiled. “I was just thinking about how happy I am you’re here.”

  “I’m happy to be here.”

  “How is your dad?” I asked, stalling for time.

  “He’s good. I think he is just bored. And he was really concerned about my safety in the area.”

  “Have you given any more thought to telling him about us?” I asked.

  She grimaced and reached for my hand. “It isn’t that I don’t want to, but—”

  “You’re worried about the age difference? Who I am? The fact we served together?”

  She looked down. “Yes. No. All the of the above.”

  “Sade, it’s fine. I’m not pressuring you at all. You do what you’re comfortable with. I will follow your lead.”

  “Thank you for being so understanding. I like what we have. I like spending time with you. I don’t want to mess things up with us. We have this special thing going, and I don’t want to do anything that shakes that up.”

  I smiled, happy that she felt the same way I did. “It works for me. I don’t want to change anything.”

  That wasn’t necessarily true. I would wait until she had at least one glass of wine before I mentioned the change I was hoping to introduce.

  Chapter 37


  I sipped my wine, studying Trent over the glass. I hadn’t known him all that long, but I could tell there was something on his mind. It scared me a little. I didn’t think he was going to dump me, but something was going on. He was acting—off.

  “More wine?” he asked, reaching for the bottle.

  I looked at my glass, saw it was half-full, and politely shook my head. “No, thank you.”

  He topped off his own glass. A sign something was definitely off. “How was work?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Good. Still going through paperwork for the new project. You? Any more with Gabe?”


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