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Dive In Deep

Page 24

by Parker, Ali

  “Trent—” she started.

  “I get it. It’s too fast for you. I’ll slow down. I’ll pull back, but I do want to be closer to you. I can’t stand being so far away from you. If you tell me to leave you alone, I will. I will try to do that.”

  She sipped her wine, her hand absently stroking Leia. I waited to hear what she would have to say. Every second that passed felt like an eternity. I took the quiet to mean she was at least thinking about what I said. She didn’t outright tell me I was crazy or to get lost. That had to be good.

  “Trent, this is all way too fast. It doesn’t make any sense. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now too. It is crazy.”

  I nodded. “I know, and I don’t want to scare you away by telling you how I feel, but I can’t deny it. It isn’t going to change.”

  “I understand. You’re right. It’s fast. It’s not something anyone else will understand.”

  I waited. I didn’t want to get too excited and have her pull the rug out from under me. “And? Are you okay with it?”

  She smiled. “I am so okay with it.”

  It was all I needed to hear. I patted Leia’s butt and ordered her off the couch. I put my glass down and then reached for hers, putting it on the table before pouncing on her. I kissed her hard, pushing her backward on the couch as I covered her body with my own.

  I had to claim her. I had to show her how happy her words made me. We were heading into uncharted territory for both of us. I couldn’t have been happier. With her by my side, I was ready to kick some serious ass. I wasn’t the least bit worried about the pitfalls of a serious relationship. I had heard them all and experienced a few, but none of that mattered.

  I knew she was meant to be mine. I knew it with every fiber of my being.

  Chapter 39


  I woke up. My body’s alarm clock was set, despite the fact I had only fallen asleep a couple of hours ago. I turned my head to see Trent’s peaceful face. He was still sound asleep. I was not going to get out of bed. The internal alarm clock was just going to have to shut up. The blanket was around my waist, exposing my arms. The AC was working overtime, and I was suddenly freezing.

  I rolled over, pressing my body against his, my face buried in the crook of his neck. Suddenly, it was no longer sleep that was pulling me down. A surge of lust rocked through my body. I was chalking it up to pheromones. I had gotten a good sniff of his neck and the cologne he always wore. His hot skin felt good against my chilled body.

  Last night had been the best night I had ever spent with him, and there had been no sex. We had talked and talked and talked until we both passed out. We talked about everything. It still blew my mind that the gorgeous man lying next to me was into me. Me. The curvy girl that had never fit society’s idea of beautiful. He liked me, and I was crazy about him.

  I ran my bare foot over his shin, crooking my leg over his hairy thigh. I couldn’t believe how worked up I was. It was like going from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds. I rubbed my hand over his chest, feeling the strength under my skin. He stirred but didn’t wake up.

  I wanted him. He could sleep through it if he wanted, but I was aching with need. I slid under the blankets and very carefully tugged at his underwear. He mumbled something but didn’t seem to be awake. He may not have been awake, but his cock sure was.

  I grinned, reaching my hand around him and immediately closing my mouth over the top.

  “Holy fuck!” I heard him moan as he jerked his hips, pushing his dick deeper into my mouth.

  Now he was awake.

  I continued to lavish him with my tongue and mouth, bringing him to the very edge but not letting him fall over. Not yet. I slid up his body, my head emerging from the blanket as I kissed a trail up his chest.

  “Good morning,” I whispered.

  “Oh god, you have no idea how good the morning is.”

  I smiled and dropped a kiss to his lips as I shimmied out of my shorts and panties. “Don’t you dare move,” I told him.

  He slowly shook his head. “Definitely not.”

  I positioned myself over the top of him and used my hand to guide him to my opening before ever so slowly sliding down. He closed his eyes, raising his chin to the ceiling as I seated myself on him.

  I moaned.

  “You’re so wet,” he ground out the words. “I’m close.”

  “I woke up with you beside me, and I had to have you,” I whispered close to his ear.

  I leaned back and pulled my shirt off, tossing it to the side of the bed. His hands immediately moved to cup my breasts. I groaned loudly as he tweaked the nipples. I rotated my hips, taking him on a slow ride. I could feel my body already on a slow spiral upward.

  The hours of talking and getting to know him had made me feel incredibly close to him. The pleasure of our joined bodies was heightened with that newfound closeness we shared. It was like our souls were weaving together with every stroke of him inside me.

  We didn’t need any more words to express our pleasure. It was beautiful and exquisite and transcended anything we had shared thus far in the bedroom. I felt the release blossom inside me like a ray of sunshine warming my skin, but from the inside out. I dropped my head back and let out a low keening sound as he took over the moving of our bodies.

  His hands held my hips, sliding me back and forth over him. When the sensations finally appeased, he sat up, my body still straddling his. His arms went around me and held me close to him. Our mouths seared together in a hot, passionate kiss. I began to move again, slowly and purposefully, exploring the new position and finding I liked it.

  I liked his face so close to mine. I liked our bodies pressed together, my breasts rubbing against his chest as I moved against him. His heavy breathing brushed over my neck, telling me he was enjoying it as much as I was.

  “I need more,” he said with a raspy, strangled voice.

  “More?” I questioned, my brain muddled with ecstasy.

  “More. Deeper. Harder.”

  He pushed me to my back and came over the top of me. He pushed the blankets out of his way and ran a hand down my chest. His eyes were that beautiful dark blue that always happened when he was turned on. I watched him stare at my body, running his hands over the curves before dropping a kiss to one nipple, then the other.

  “I love your breasts,” he whispered with reverence.

  I moaned as his mouth lavished my breasts, leaving me aching for him to be inside me once again. “I need you inside me,” I whispered.

  “I’m going, I’m going,” he answered, not taking his mouth away from my breasts.

  “Trent, please,” I begged.

  It was the trigger he needed. He lifted his mouth and stared into my eyes for several long seconds before slamming his mouth over mine. His hands reached for mine, his fingers intertwining with mine as he pressed them against the mattress on either side of my head.

  He lifted his upper body off mine, his arms fully extended as his heavy cock pushed inside me. My eyes automatically dropped closed as I tried to absorb the myriad of sensations racing through my body. I looked up at him, expecting to see those beautiful blue eyes. I didn’t. I found him watching himself enter me. I looked down to watch as well and felt another orgasm burst through. It was intensely erotic.

  “That’s it, just like that,” he groaned, holding himself stock still inside me as my hips bucked, dragging out the orgasm.

  I opened my eyes and found him staring at me.

  “Wow,” I murmured. “That was—” I stopped. I didn’t know what it was. “Just wow.”

  He smiled. “Wow is right. I love watching you orgasm. You are more beautiful than ever and your face glows.”

  I let out an embarrassed giggle. “I feel like my entire body glows.”

  He winked. “It does.”

  The playfulness vanished as quickly as it appeared. He began to move again, his body rocking into mine. I ran my hands over his chest, stroking the muscles and memorizing e
very inch of his body. He dropped to one elbow, his hand moving into my hair as he thrust faster and harder.

  I leaned my head up and took his mouth with my own, sucking his tongue into my mouth. His thrusting became faster and faster until he stiffened, his mouth pulling away from mine as he shouted out in ecstasy. I held him close, pulling the full weight of his body onto mine.

  I joined him in another orgasm, inhaling the scent of him as I buried my face against his neck. I suddenly felt vampirish and sucked his neck, nibbling the flesh and sucking hard over and over as he rocked inside me.

  He collapsed beside me. “My god, what you do to me,” he groaned.

  I laughed, breathless and still feeling the little spasms rocking through my body. “You have to wear different cologne.”

  He popped his head up. “You don’t like it?”

  I grinned. “Oh, I like it. Maybe a little too much. It drives me crazy. I can’t keep my hands off you when I get close enough to smell it on your skin.”

  “Then I’m going to start bathing in it.”

  I laughed. “Oh god. We’ll never leave the house.”

  “Works for me,” he said. “Now, you need to go back to sleep. As much as I enjoy waking up to your mouth on my dick, we need sleep.”

  I smiled. “But do we?”

  “If you want to do that again, yes. I won’t have you falling asleep when I’m deep inside you.”

  “I could never fall asleep with you inside me.”

  He pulled me against him, pulled the covers over both of us, and held me tightly. “I don’t want the weekend to end.”

  “Me either. I really had a good time last night. I mean, all but the part where I thought you were going to dump me.”

  He chuckled. “Silly woman. That isn’t going to happen.”

  “Are you serious about moving?” I asked, still in a little bit of disbelief.

  “I am dead serious.”

  “When do you think you’re going to do it?” I asked hesitantly.

  He let out a sigh. “Honestly, I haven’t even mentioned it to Richie. I’m sure he is going to have a few reasons why I shouldn’t. I expect it, but he isn’t going to change my mind. I’m serious about making this thing work with us, and I can’t go a week without being next to you. Being inside you.”

  A shiver raced down my spine. The man could make me wet with just a few words. “I’m excited to see you more often too.”

  “Things are going to be a little complicated with the recent acquisition, but I think I can convince Richie a new hotel is a good idea. It’s the finance guy that’s going to be difficult. He really likes to count my pennies, and he really hates writing checks.”

  “But it’s your money,” I reasoned. “You’re the boss. Don’t you get to say how you spend your money?”

  “It is, but I pay him to make sure I’m not wildly spending money. He takes his job very seriously and manages every last penny. He’s great at his job, but sometimes, it feels like I have an overprotective father breathing down my neck anytime I want to buy something.”

  I smiled, taking a deep breath and inhaling his scent. “That’s probably a good thing.”

  “It is, but I’m still going to be moving.”

  I smiled and nodded. I felt like I knew him well enough to know the man was very determined. I didn’t see him taking no for an answer very often. He shouldn’t have to as far as I was concerned. He made the money, and he should be able to spend it as he pleased.

  And truthfully, I was being a little selfish. I wanted him closer to me, and if that meant reaching into his very healthy bank account to make that happen, I was on board with that.

  “Goodnight, or good morning, I suppose,” I said, letting my eyes drop closed once again.

  “Goodnight. Get some sleep. Who knows? I might be the one waking you up with my face between your legs.”

  My eyes popped open. How in the hell did he think I was going to sleep with that image in my head?

  Chapter 40


  I was riding high after the weekend. I felt like my life was on the right path and things were only going to get better and brighter. I was certain of my future with Sade. We’d spent the entire day in bed the day before, only leaving to shower once and take care of Leia. We’d eaten in the bedroom and spent the day naked.

  My body was still humming from the pleasure she had given me, over and over and over. It was one of the best days of my life, and it had nothing to do with the sex.

  Yes, it did.

  It had a lot to do with the sex. But it was her. Everything about her was so damn good. We talked and talked and then talked some more, planning our future without making any hard and fast decisions. It was more about what we both wanted and hoped for. It was perfect.

  I took a sip of the coffee I had picked up at a local shop and headed for Richie’s office. It was time to put my plan in motion. I had to talk to him about what I wanted to do. I knew he would have some reservations. He considered himself the voice of reason in our partnership. He probably was, but there was no reasoning me out of what I wanted.

  I wanted her. I wanted to be close to her, and that was damn well what I was going to have. I knocked once and pushed open the door. Richie was at his desk, talking on the phone. I sat down and quietly waited for him to finish his conversation. I didn’t even have to guess who he was talking to. It was Gabe. I smirked when Richie ran a hand over his face, clearly frustrated.

  “This was your idea,” I said when he hung up the phone.

  He let out a long sigh. “He’s doing okay, but he’s just so unsure of himself. It’s because you terrified him. He’s worried you’re going to fire him for a wrong decision and, therefore, won’t make any decisions.”

  I chuckled. “I want to make sure he doesn’t fuck up and cost us a small fortune. A little fear is healthy.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m meeting with him later today and setting some parameters about decisions he can make without calling me.”

  “Good. You should do exactly that.”

  He cocked his head to the side and studied me. “You had a good weekend.”

  I grinned. “I had a very good weekend.”

  “It’s really getting serious.”

  “It is.”

  “Spit it out. You didn’t come to my office to gloat about all the sex you got. I can tell you have something on your mind. If you tell me you got married in Vegas over the weekend, I’m warning you now—I’m not going to congratulate you.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “Not married. Not yet anyway.”

  He relaxed against his chair. “Okay. Then what is it?”

  I hesitated. I already knew Richie was going to tell me it was crazy and too fast, and I needed to pull back. He would tell me I didn’t know her well enough and it was just too new. There was no explaining what I felt.

  “I want to buy another hotel,” I started.

  He sighed, rubbing his temple. “Wow.”

  “In Fresno.”

  He moved his hand from his face and stared at me. “What?”

  “This thing with me and Sade, it’s real. I want to be with her. I need to be with her. I am going to move there.”

  “You want to move to Fresno?”

  I nodded. “I do.”

  “Are you moving in with her?”

  I smirked. “No. I will likely buy a house, and I would like her to move in with me though.”

  He blew out a breath and leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms toward the ceiling. I waited. He sat forward, rested his forearms on the desk, and stared at me. I didn’t back down. I was set in what I wanted. I would listen to his advice, but I already knew what I wanted. My mind was made up.

  “Look, you know I think you’re moving way too fast. You know I think you should take a minute to get to know her a little better. You know all of this, so I won’t waste your time and get into all of it.”


  “Have you looked
for properties over there?” he asked with resignation.

  I grinned. “Yes, I have.”

  He groaned, shaking his head. “Holy shit. You are in deep. What the hell happened? Did she put a spell on you? Is there some funky voodoo shit going on?”

  I shrugged. “I cannot explain it. I really can’t. I’ve tried. It’s this feeling of just knowing. It’s like knowing you’re hungry or when you’re looking at the color blue. You just know.”

  He sighed. “I believe you. I do, but man, you have to know you’re a man that will attract a lot of what I would call unwanted attention. People are going to take advantage of you—or try.”

  “I get that. Trust me, I absolutely get it, but she isn’t one of those people. She couldn’t be more different. My money doesn’t mean shit to her. In fact, I think it kind of bothers her. She isn’t using me.”

  He nodded. “I believe you, but can you promise me one thing?”

  “I don’t know. What is it?”

  “Don’t put anything in her name—not yet.”

  I laughed. “Noted. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “So, where’s that property you’re looking at?”

  I pulled my phone out and quickly sent the link to his email. “There are two, but the one I just sent you is the one I think has the most potential.”

  “Have you reached out to finance?” he asked, not looking at me as he focused on the screen.

  “No. I wanted to run it by you first.”

  He laughed. “You’ve already made up your mind.”

  I chuckled. “I have, but it would be nice to have you in my corner.”

  “You know I’ve got your back. You’ve got great instincts.”


  He clicked the mouse, occasionally nodded his head. “It’s a project.”


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