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Dive In Deep

Page 32

by Parker, Ali

  Khloe and Richie immediately hit the dance floor, leaving Sade and me alone at the table sipping our Blue Hawaiians, a new favorite of mine.

  “She’s having fun,” I commented.

  “She is,” Sade agreed. “Thank you for inviting her along. She was really having a hard time of it before she moved in with me. She needed this.”

  “She’s been a huge help. I’m really glad to have her on board.”

  “She likes her job, and she really likes being able to sit at home and do it.” She laughed.

  I saw her staring at the dance floor. “Do you want to dance?”

  She looked at me. “Is that something you want to do with your leg?”

  I shrugged. “I can hold you close and dance to a slow song. Don’t expect any wild moves or anything that requires squatting.”


  We walked out to the dance floor, uncaring that the music was something a little more up tempo. We held each other close, swaying gently back and forth. I looked into her eyes and smiled. “It feels so good to have you close to me.”

  “I like being close to you.”

  We did our version of dancing through several songs. Our bodies were close. A sheet of paper couldn’t be squeezed between us. I felt all her curves and longed to have her naked. She tilted her head up to look at me. I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her. The moment I did, I was lost. I knew I had to have her.

  “Want to get out of here?” I asked her, my mouth going close to her ear.

  “I do.”

  I took her hand and led her to the table. Richie had just come back to grab a drink. I touched his shoulder to get his attention. “Get Khloe home safe. We’re leaving.”

  Richie looked from me to Sade before nodding. “Got it.”

  I practically dragged Sade out of the club, using my size to part the crowd. I was a man on a mission, and nothing was going to get in my way. Bentley was sitting in the car when I rapped on the window.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were ready to go,” he said, jumping out of the car.

  “I am.”

  He nodded and quickly jumped back in the driver’s seat. I was overheated and already halfway hard. I was barely able to keep my hands off her in the backseat. She sat close to me, her hand resting on the inside of my thigh. I knew she was feeling the passion burning through her veins as much as I was. I had seen it in her face while we danced.

  The dancing had been foreplay. I closed my eyes, already knowing she would be wet and ready for me. I could have taken her in the bathroom, but I wanted more. I wanted to shout with pleasure and hear her scream my name. I could hold off another fifteen minutes until I was home.

  “Almost there,” she whispered.

  “Not fast enough,” I growled.

  She squeezed my thigh, only making the need for her greater. I silently willed Bentley to drive faster.

  Chapter 52


  I wanted him more than air itself. I briefly wondered if something had been slipped into my drink. I had never felt quite so aroused before. It was taking every bit of self-control I had to keep my hands to myself. My hand squeezed his thigh, slowly inching upward. I could feel his cock and wanted to cup him. If only his vehicle had one of those partitions. I would have jumped on him and rode him hard right there in the backseat.

  Just thinking about riding him was making me hot. I squirmed in the seat. The movement sent spirals of heat through my body. I very quietly moaned.

  “Stop,” he whispered, putting his hand on my knee.

  “I can’t,” I whimpered.

  “We’re almost home.”

  I shifted in the seat again, squeezing my legs together to try and stop the throbbing at my core. I heard him suck in a sharp breath. He knew what I was doing and jerked my knee toward him, forcing my legs open.

  “This is too much,” I complained.

  “Almost there.”

  The second we pulled to a stop in front of his house, I nearly pushed him out the door. He scrambled out, muttering a half-ass goodbye as I pushed him toward the door. I heard Bentley laughing as he pulled away. I was sure we did a horrible job disguising what we were feeling in that moment. I’d be embarrassed about it tomorrow. Right then, I wanted him.

  He was just as anxious as I was. He cursed, fumbling with his keys before he shoved them into the lock.

  “If you don’t open that fucking door, I’m going to have you right here on the front stoop,” I growled.

  He cursed, and the door magically opened. His mouth was on mine before the door even closed behind him. I was tearing off his clothes or attempting to. I was frantic and jerky and getting nowhere fast with the shirt and pants he was wearing. I wanted to cry in frustration and desperation. It was like starving and having a plate full of food in front of you, but your mouth wouldn’t open.

  His body slammed against me, pushing me up against the wall, and unlike my own shaking hands, he had no problem yanking the dress up and over my body. I gasped when I felt the cool wall against my bare skin. His hands cupped my breasts, squeezing hard as he ground his hips against me. All I could think about was sex.

  My hand reached out and hit a piece of art mounted on the wall. It brought me back to reality. We were in the foyer of his house, and we weren’t going to be in the house alone for long.

  “Bedroom,” I managed to get out the word with his mouth still trying to devour mine.

  He grunted, making no move to head in that direction. His mouth covered mine, his hands running down my sides and around to squeeze my ass. His hands were everywhere at once, rubbing and caressing my body while his mouth moved from my neck back to my mouth.

  I was overwhelmed by the myriad of sensations pummeling my brain with his delicious assault on my body. I felt my bra being unhooked and realized I had about ten seconds before I was completely lost in the haze of lust he’d created right there in the foyer.

  “Bedroom,” I said again, pushing him away from me.

  He looked at me with a dazed expression. “Bedroom.”

  I nodded. “Bedroom. Khloe and Richie could come in at any time. I don’t want to give them a show.”

  He reached for the erection straining against his pants. “Hurry.”

  I quickly picked up my scattered clothing and practically ran toward his bedroom. He was hot on my heels. The second I was through the door with him right behind me, he kicked it shut and ripped off his own clothes as he stalked toward me.

  He was fired up in the best way. He reached for me, yanking me against his body again and slamming his mouth over mine. I sucked in a breath, inadvertently sucking him deeper inside my mouth. He walked me backward before gently pushing me onto the bed. He reached for my panties and yanked them down my body before removing his own underwear.

  He was over me in a flash, crawling up my body and dropping kisses along the way. “I want you so bad.”

  “I’m here. Take me.”

  He dropped to one elbow, his mouth covering mine while his hand reached between my legs. I was ready for him. I needed no more readying. I opened my legs, giving him full access. He plunged one finger in deep, groaning against my mouth.

  “I knew you’d be wet. I felt your heat while we were dancing.”

  I nodded, groaning with pleasure as he worked the finger inside me. “I’m ready,” I told him, encouraging him to take me.

  “Give it to me,” he growled.

  I didn’t have to ask what he wanted. My body knew and responded. The orgasm was hard and fast, my body bucking up as he pushed the finger deeper inside, knowing just what I needed to drag it out.

  “Now,” I ordered.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” he said and climbed over me.

  He plunged inside me in one long, hard thrust. I arched my back, crying out with pleasure. My hands reached up to stroke his back, squeezing him tightly against me. He tried to pull away. I tightened my grip and locked my legs around him, holding him deep inside me. />
  He gave in to my demands and stilled his body. I could feel him throbbing inside me. Or maybe it was me throbbing around him. Either way, it felt too good for him to pull away. He managed to shimmy a little, which triggered a flurry of new sensations that had me dropping my arms to the mattress and holding on to the comforter.

  “Oh god,” I cried out.

  “Like that?” he whispered, thrusting again.


  He repeated the move several more times. I squeezed my eyes shut, my head rolling back and forth. The sensations were overwhelming. He was deep inside me, and all I could feel, see, hear, and smell was him. In that moment, he was my entire world. Him and what he was doing to my body.

  I was completely overwhelmed and gave in to the orgasm demanding to be freed. I felt like I was having an out of body experience. My spirit drifted high above the bed as I writhed and clawed at the blanket. When I finally drifted down to earth, Trent had stopped moving.

  His hands were in my hair as he stared at me. I smiled. “You’re watching me.”

  “I thought maybe you passed out there for a second. I was more than willing to do mouth to mouth if necessary.”

  I giggled. “I did have somewhat of an out of body experience.”

  “Good,” he said, his voice husky. “Ready for another?”

  I gave a brief nod, encouraging him to do as he pleased. He rose up on his arms, his weight shifting to his hips as he began a lazy slide in and out of my body. We held eye contact as he moved. It was an erotic experience, watching him watch me. I reached up to run my hands over his sides, reaching down to cup his ass and then back up to his shoulders.

  “You feel so good inside me,” I breathed out the words.

  He groaned, his eyes dropping closed as he began to move faster. I saw the desire on his face as his thrusts intensified, becoming much more purposeful. I dug my heels into the mattress and met every thrust, pushing up with my hips.

  “Fuck!” he shouted. “Goddammit!”

  I pushed harder, my hands digging into his ass and yanking his body deep inside mine. It was all very visceral and feral and completely wild. I had never been more excited in my life. When he finally erupted deep inside me, it was with a loud shout. I wasn’t sure who yelled louder. We were both arching and shouting until he collapsed beside me.

  Neither of us moved for several seconds. Our chests heaved as we struggled to catch our breaths. Every time with him was a little different. That round, I was chalking up as the most intense bout of sex we’d had yet. I loved it. I felt so free with him. I could do anything and be anything I wanted to be when I was with him, including a bit of a wild minx.

  “Good God,” I moaned, my mouth feeling incredibly dry.

  He groaned. “I think you killed me.”

  I burst into laughter. “What a way to go.”

  “Damn straight.”

  I rolled to my side, taking in the sight of his long body stretched out across the bed, his head facing the foot of the bed. His skin had a fine sheen of sweat, and his face was red with the exertion. I had a feeling I looked the same way.

  “I’m so thirsty,” I said, licking my dry lips.

  “I think we’re probably both a little dehydrated after that.”

  I laughed. “That was intense.”

  “That was not seeing you for a week and then the thirty minutes of foreplay on the dance floor. Note to self, no dancing with you unless there is an available room nearby. My body can’t take that kind of strain.”

  I reached out to put my hand on his chest. I could still feel his heart beating fast. He covered my hand with his. I scooted closer to him, kissing him on the shoulder. “I’ll go get us some water.”

  “It’s okay, I’ll go,” he said, still out of breath.

  I laughed. “Baby, you wouldn’t make it ten feet. Plus, you did all the work.”

  He grinned. “I’ll be right here when you get back.”

  “Good, and don’t you dare think about getting out of that bed. I want you naked and sweaty when I return.”

  “Baby, I’m not going to move. Ever.”

  I laughed and pulled on my shorts and one of his big T-shirts before heading toward the kitchen. All the lights were still off, which told me Khloe hadn’t returned yet. I grabbed a couple of waters from the fridge and raced back to his room. He was still in the same spot.

  On a whim, I opened one of the bottles and dribbled some of the water over his chest. His mouth opened, and his eyes popped open. “Holy shit! That’s cold.”

  I dropped my mouth to his chest and licked the water. “Is that better?” I asked.

  He groaned. “So much better.”

  I poured a little more over his chest and lapped at his skin that was still warm from the physical activity. Once I had licked my fill and had properly restored his erection, I gave him one of the waters. “Rehydrate. You have a long night ahead of you.”

  He chuckled, gulping down the water before dropping the bottle off the side of the bed. I finished off what was left in my bottle before climbing over the top of him.

  “You’re doing the work this round?” he asked as I slowly slid over him.

  “Yes, this round. The next round is on you again.”

  He closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride.

  Chapter 53


  I walked into the bedroom to see if Sade was up yet. She’d complained when I tried to get her up earlier. I took that as the best compliment a man could get. I had kept her up late, making love to her over and over. I felt like an eighteen-year-old kid again, full of stamina.

  She was sitting in a chair, pulling on sandals when I walked in. “You are up.”

  “I thought about staying in bed all day, but I don’t want to be rude to Khloe.”

  “I can send her and Richie out on the boat, and we can definitely stay in bed all day,” I offered.

  She shook her head. “Oh no, we can’t. You promised Khloe. If I know her, she’s already got her bikini on and chomping at the bit to get out of here.”

  I laughed. “I did hear her shout down the hall. Something about pulling your lazy ass out of bed.”

  “The woman can stay up half the night and still be ready to roll first thing in the morning. It makes me hate her some days.”

  “You can lounge on the deck all day,” I told her, helping her to her feet. “Keep your sunglasses on, and she’ll never realize you’re taking a nap.”

  “I’m going to do that.”

  “I think we’ll only be out a few hours. Then it’s off to our special night together.” I kissed her.

  “That sounds very intriguing. Sure you don’t want to give me any hints?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. It’s a surprise.”

  She popped out her bottom lip. “I’m going to keep guessing.”

  “You can guess all you want, but I’m not going to tell you.”

  Richie was just arriving when I walked out of the room. Together, we walked into the kitchen. Mira was just putting the last of the sandwiches she had made for our outing into a cooler. She had insisted on making us lunch. I didn’t really put up a big fight.

  “Thank you, Mira.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said with a friendly smile. “I’ve put in some salads and fresh cucumbers. You need to stay hydrated.”

  “We will,” I answered. “I’m going to see if the boat is here yet.”

  It was about ten minutes before everyone was ready. We made our way down to my dock. It was a warm day out. I was looking forward to taking a swim in the cool water. I was hoping the water would also help out my stiff knee. The dancing and other late-night activities had me feeling a little stiff.

  I hired a captain for the day so I could enjoy the time with everyone else. Plus, I was looking forward to drinking a cold beer and stretching out on the deck alongside Sade. He navigated us out to open water. Leia had curled up in her bed under one of the shade tents.

  Richie and Khloe were
stretched out on chairs a few feet away from us. They had been quietly talking since we had boarded the boat. It was the first time I had seen Richie actually talk with a woman. He’d talked to plenty of women and had flirted with a lot, but he and Khloe seemed to be having an actual conversation.

  “Let’s get in,” I said to Sade.

  She was wearing the coverup that I hated. I wanted to see her body in the bathing suit. “Sounds good to me. I feel like I’m a crispy critter.”

  I laughed. “You could have said something.”

  “You looked so comfortable, I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “Baby, you know you can disturb me anytime.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’ll keep that in mind when you’re sound asleep in our new house.”

  I smiled, looking forward to that moment. “I look forward to it.”

  Khloe and Richie jumped in behind us. We spent close to an hour swimming and frolicking in general. I couldn’t remember a time when I had so much fun. By the time we dragged ourselves back on deck, we were all famished. Mira’s sandwiches were a huge hit. All of us scarfed them down, along with the fresh cucumber slices.

  “We should probably head back,” I announced. “We need to get ready for our date tonight.”

  Khloe and Sade tried to guess what my plans were the entire trip back to the dock. I only grinned, refusing to give them any hints about where I was taking her. They had both settled on a romantic dinner and a midnight cruise on the boat.

  They couldn’t be more wrong.

  The only hint I had given Sade was it would be a nice outing. I had given her the heads-up before she left Fresno, allowing her to pack something that would be suitable. I changed into one of my favorite suits after a quick shower before playing with Leia in the backyard a while.

  Khloe was going to be hanging out at my place, and apparently, Richie had offered to come over and keep her company. I wasn’t sure what, if anything, was going on between them, but I was going to warn him not to mess things up by doing something stupid. I didn’t want Sade mad at me, and I didn’t want Khloe to quit because she didn’t want to have anything to do with Richie. It would put me in a very difficult position.


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