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Saven Deliverance

Page 14

by Siobhan Davis

  “I’m not all that surprised. What about G and the rebels? What are they up to?”

  “G has handed the reins over to Vin, thank the stars.”

  I crank out a laugh—I can’t help it—and Jarod pins me with a weird look. “Ha! You’re indoctrinated!” Now everyone’s looking at me like I’m a little crazy. “What?” I stare back at them. “He said ‘thank the stars.’ This is huge. We should mark this occasion.”

  “Someone’s in a good mood.” Jarod still looks a little puzzled, and I guess he’s right. With all the heavy stuff going on, frivolity seems inappropriate, but sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed.

  “Honestly, Jarod? After the last couple of days, I need to find something to laugh about.” Logan reaches out, rubbing soothing circles across the back of my hand.

  “That sounds ominous.” He glances over his shoulder, gesturing to someone we can’t see. “Look, I’m going to have to go, so let me continue what I was saying. Vin is in charge of the rebels, and he’s coordinating with the Saven and neighboring governments to try and protect our main strongholds and to infiltrate the Amaretti comm lines to see if we can find out what their plans are. They hit a few key cities along the eastern seaboard, killing hundreds of thousand en masse. That was two days ago and they haven’t struck since. Everyone is biding their time, waiting to see where they’ll hit next.”

  Dali shifts uncomfortably in her chair.

  “What insight can you offer?” Logan asks, leaning forward on his elbows.

  “My father is a rather impulsive decision maker, and that makes his actions somewhat unpredictable. I’ve been mulling over things, and he’s got to be feeling vulnerable and exposed. His allies are gone, and I’m sure word of the U.P.C. has reached him, so he knows if he steps foot on Amara or tries to enter the galaxy that he’ll be arrested. I’m sure he’s also heard that I’ve been granted temporary control of Amara.”

  “So, he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place,” I volunteer.

  “Exactly, and like a caged animal, he’s been waiting to pounce. He must’ve decided to make the first move in order to force our hand.” Her fingers drum nervously off the top of the table.

  “But what does he want, Dali? What is the best way of appealing to him? I’ve been relentlessly reaching out to him via diplomatic channels, and he refuses to engage in discussion with either me or the governing council. Does he want a fight, is that it?” Logan’s frustration bleeds into his tone.

  “I don’t know, Logan. His position is completely untenable. It’s almost like he doesn’t care anymore. That he’s happy to let things play out even if that means he won’t make it out alive. I don’t know.” She shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine,” she says, throwing her hands into the air.

  “Whatever his motives,” Jarod interjects, “we need to be ready to defend and attack. And that requires coordinated effort. We need you guys here.” He turns his attention solely to Logan. “I need you to talk some sense into our government, to get them to come out of hiding and work with Vin and your troops to plan our strategy.”

  “I understand, Jarod, and part of the reason why we are meeting today is to agree on our pitch to the U.P.C. members tomorrow. We intend to ask for their support, and if we have that, we can end this without any need for collaboration among the government and the rebels. We could literally have this wrapped up in a couple of days if we have the member states’ support.”

  “But that’s a big if,” I tell Jarod, knowing full well that Earth is barely a blip on their radar.

  “Well, we don’t have much time,” he says, distracted again by something over his shoulder. “And I’ve got to go, but contact me later, and let me know what the update is.”

  “Stay safe,” I say as he prepares to terminate the comm.

  “You too.”

  Lunch is delivered, and we continue our discussion in between eating. Eventually we agree that we are going to request a new planet for the Amaretti so Dali can present a viable future plan to the Amara people and show she’s a credible leader. There are plenty of suitable uninhabited planets on the western fringes of the galaxy so that request should be approved without much fuss.

  We are also going to ask for technological assistance from the Narik, now under the leadership of Navda’s brother, and request military support from member states to force the Amaretti on Earth to surrender with minimal casualties. Those requests will be the most difficult to negotiate and it’s clear both Dali and Logan aren’t feeling overly confident, but I know they’ll give it their best shot. After the meeting tomorrow, regardless of the outcome, we will travel to Earth to talk to the president and his cabinet and then meet with Vin and Jarod to put active plans in place.

  A lot of things need to stack up for everything to work and I’m trying to be optimistic but so much rests on outside forces and I hate having such little direct control. But there isn’t much we can do about that right now.

  It’s dinnertime when we exit the conference room. Logan escorts us to the smallest of the dining rooms where a lavish spread is already waiting.

  Dali and I move to the comfy couches after we have eaten while the boys stay chatting at the table. “What’s going on with you and Win?” I ask, tucking my bare feet underneath me. I’m sitting in one corner of the couch while she props up on the other side. Our bodies are angled so we’re facing one another.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I thought everything was going fine?”

  “It was. It is. I mean”—she glances quickly over her shoulder—“we’re sleeping together, and it’s amazing, and it feels right, but he’s so … closed off. So private and I don’t understand what’s going through his head. He has his shield up permanently so I can’t see his emotions, which doesn’t help.”

  Tears pool in her eyes, and I crawl down the couch, taking her hands in mine. “Hey. He’s an intense guy, but he loves you, I can tell.”

  “If that’s the case, why does he want to hide it so badly?” Tears trickle down her cheeks. “I watch how Logan is with you and I’m so jealous. He never stops touching you, and he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Win barely looks sideways at me.”

  “Win is like that with everyone,” I try to reassure her.

  “Exactly! So, I’m no more special than Haydn or you! No offense,” she quickly adds.

  “I hear you, but it doesn’t necessarily mean what you think it means.” I gather my thoughts, trying to find some way of explaining this that makes sense. “I used to be a lot like that. It was hard for me to show my feelings, and after years of biting my tongue, it wasn’t easy to speak my mind either. It took me a good while to work up the courage to tell Logan I loved him. From what you’ve told me, Win has spent most of his life denying the feelings he has for you. It might take him a little longer to accept that he doesn’t have to do that anymore.” She looks quietly contemplative as she nods.

  “And, he probably doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize your future role as queen,” I continue. “I can relate to that, too. Logan choosing me as his queen is not something most Saven will be pleased about, and I worry incessantly about the additional pressure that adds to his load. I bet Win feels something similar.”

  She stares off into space as my words filter in. “I never thought of it like that,” she whispers, her gaze inspecting the back of Win’s head.

  “Maybe it’s not that, perhaps I’m reading it all wrong, but you won’t know unless you talk to him about it.”

  She gives me her full attention again. “I’m scared to ask. What if he’s changed his mind?”

  I shake my head. “Win may be the silent type, but he worships the ground you walk on. You don’t see what I see. He never takes his eyes off you, and he watches you with this burning intensity that is more than him doing his job. He loves you, Dali. Like really loves you, I’m sure of it.”

  What she doesn’t know, and what I can’t say, is that I’ve seen into the future, and I believe she�
��s his forever as much as he is hers. While I would love to share that, knowing it would reassure her, I can’t, because the future has already been altered, and I won’t do anything that risks messing with the natural course of events. I can’t tell her one hundred percent that that future lies in wait for her even though my gut tells me it does. I won’t give her false hope.

  Chairs screech as the boys get up to join us, and that signals the end of our private conversation. Leaning in, I press my mouth to her ear. “Just talk to him.”

  “What were you and Dali discussing so intently earlier?” Logan inquires as we walk hand in hand through the large courtyard in the back of the palace.

  “Private girl stuff.”

  “Ah, I see.” He shoots me a knowing look. “You were talking about us.” He sends me a cheeky smirk.

  “Know-it-all,” I mumble under my breath, nudging him with my hip. It’s absolutely pointless trying to keep anything from him so I might as well tell him and see whether he can add any insight. “We were discussing her and Win.” I tug on his hand, stalling him. “Has he said anything to you about her?”

  “You’re kidding, right? This is Win we’re talking about. Trying to extract any kind of personal info is virtually impossible, and he never volunteers anything. He’s a decent guy if a little strange.”

  “Or misunderstood,” I muse out loud.

  “He loves her, though. He doesn’t need to say it.” Logan swings our arms back and forth as we resume walking.

  “It takes one lovesick fool to recognize another? Is that it?!” I tease.

  “Lovesick and proud,” he yells, scooping me up at the waist and swinging me around.

  We are both dizzy and laughing when he places my feet back on the ground. Taking my hand, he pulls me down on the low wall that borders the alien version of a flower garden. The white stone wall frames a multitude of differing shrubs, flowers, and plants on all sides. It’s strangely pretty. Logan holds my neck with one hand and draws me into him, pressing his mouth to mine and kissing me passionately. Our tongues explore as my arms creep up his chest, gripping his sturdy shoulders.

  There have been plenty of occasions in my life when I’ve felt small and insignificant, when I’ve wished to be something I’m not, but when Logan holds me like this, kisses me like this—like the universe starts and ends with me—I don’t want to be anyone but myself.

  We break apart at the sound of someone approaching. Circling his arm around my waist, Logan tucks me into his side while he presses a quick kiss to my temple.

  Girlish giggling raises both our brows in curiosity. A tall, red-haired girl comes into view, laughing gaily as she holds hands with a dark-haired Saven guard. He is smiling at something she is saying, his eyes all lit up. He emits a shocked gasp the minute he spots us, bowing automatically. “Apologies, My King.” The girl stands awkwardly by his side, unsure of the protocol. I give her a warm smile.

  “At ease,” Logan says, gesturing for them to sit down.

  “What’s your name?” I ask the girl as she cautiously sits down beside her boyfriend.

  “Tamara, miss.” The Saven male looks horrified as he whispers urgently in her ear. Her cheeks stain red. “Apologies, Mistress Sadie. I, uh, wasn’t sure how to address you.”

  “It’s just Sadie.” I smile to reassure her.

  “I take it you two are together?” Logan asks the young guard who looks like he’d rather hang one-handed off the side of the Mendalla Mountains than confirm that statement. Logan chuckles. “There’s no need to be scared. There is nothing to stop you conducting a relationship. I was merely asking because I’m curious to know how many others there are like you.”

  Tamara clears her throat. “Not many, Your Highness. Most of the stars are still very wary of your kind.” She shoots him an apologetic look. “A lot of them weren’t treated very well when we first arrived, and people have long memories. I was luckier because Tre”—she smiles adoringly at the man beside her—“was in charge of my section in the warehouse, and he treated us with kindness, but that wasn’t the case for most of the other sections. Some of the stars had to endure dreadful things, and they’ll never feel comfortable here.”

  I nod sympathetically. “I understand, but I’ve tried to reassure them that it’s a thing of the past, and they will be returned to Earth as soon as it’s safe. Are they being looked after now?”

  She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Mostly.”

  Alarm bells start ringing in my ears, and I frown. “What do we need to be made aware of?”

  “No one is being mistreated per se, but it’s clear the Saven don’t want us here, and they are quite ignorant and rude. They don’t hide their resentment.” She sucks on her lower lip as she looks directly at Logan. “Sorry, sir.”

  Tre’s eyes go wide as he hears her latest faux pas. It’s almost comical to watch him transform into panic mode.

  “Relax, Tre,” Logan says. “Tamara is speaking her mind, and I appreciate that. Her opinion is valuable. Is there anything we can do to make things better?”

  I lean forward, completely invested in her reply.

  But I don’t hear it, because at that precise moment, a sharp prick pierces the skin at my neck, and the world fades away as sudden darkness sweeps my consciousness away.



  The metal surface underneath me is cold, and I wake up shivering, blinking my eyes successively until my surroundings come into focus. The gentle vibration and familiar thrumming sound tells me I’m on a spaceship. Sounds of bickering greet my ears as all my senses spark to life. I sense Logan’s relief through our Eterno connection, and I shut my eyes again, taking advantage of my groggy state to slyly communicate with him. “What happened?”

  “You’ve been abducted, Sadie. One minute we were talking, and the next I felt pain in my neck and I blacked out. When I came to, a few minutes ago, both Tamara and Tre were unconscious on the ground beside me, and you were gone. Haydn doesn’t have a clue how it happened, and I’m going out of my freaking mind.”

  “I’m going to open my eyes now and find out who took me and why. I’ll replay everything in my mind, so stay connected, but try to keep yourself in check because I can’t get distracted. I don’t want them to know you are with me.”

  “You should’ve taken King Logan, too. It would’ve been cleaner,” a distinctly male voice says as I open my eyes. I stare at him, recognizing him instantly. He is one of the Royal Advisory Council members—the advisor who was openly disgusted at Saven-human relationships, and he’s definitely not a member of my fan club.

  “Traitor.” My voice is croaky, my lips dry as sandpaper. I try to sit up, but I’m restrained around the waist.

  He walks toward me and slaps me across the face. “I’ve been dying to do that.” Blistering pain rips across my skin, and an instant metallic taste fills my mouth. Blood flies out through my lips in splatters, speckling his pants. “Shut your mouth, whore.”

  Two more familiar faces come into view, and Logan’s rage thunders through our connection. I silently caution him to keep calm as I scowl at the advisors who defected at the very first Royal Advisory Council meeting I attended when Logan initially took charge. They said they couldn’t support his plans to install me as Saven queen so he gave them an out.

  “This is how you repay your king? He could’ve locked you up, but instead he showed you mercy. He let you live. Let you leave Saven of your own free will.” I glower at them.

  “This is for his own good, and he’ll realize that in time. You have corrupted him, and once you are out of the picture, he’ll return to his senses and lead Saven on a traditional path to stability.”

  “I still say we should have taken him too. Killing her won’t change the course he’s on. He needs to be eliminated. We should appoint the RAC as the ruling body on Saven and get rid of the crown altogether.”

  The arguing recommences in earnest as all three men start shouting over one another. I tune out, q
uickly conversing with Logan. “You got all that?”

  “Yes, and I can’t believe they have taken it this far.”

  “Don’t come get me yet. Let’s see what else I can extract from them first.” Logan’s fear trickles down the line. “What?”

  “Your comport is here, Sadie, and they’ve removed the ship’s tracking technology. I’ve no idea where you are, and I can’t teleport to you unless I have the coordinates.”

  “Make contact with him,” I hear one of the advisors say as I hush Logan and tune back into the conversation.

  “With who?” I ask, my gaze skirting between them.


  The sandy-haired male cuts him off. “Don’t tell her anything! You know she’s Eterno bonded with him.”

  The other alien scoffs. “Quit with the paranoia. The blocking band is still intact,” he affirms, touching the slim silver chip pinned to the side of my temple. “She can’t communicate with him.”

  Ha! That’s what you think!

  There are innumerable reasons why I love our Eterno connection but never more so than now. Logan’s shared sentiment echoes in my mind. Between that and my gift, I’m not even feeling a twinge of anxiety over this latest situation. Logan’s lack of understanding on that viewpoint flares along the connection, but I ignore him, focusing on the men before me.

  “Where are you taking me?” I ask, flexing my arms for the first time. I look down at the two new cuff bands adorning my wrists and I frown. How the hell do they know about my gift? Logan never disclosed that, and more importantly, how did they acquire these cuff bands? I examine the bands closely, inspecting them for any identifying marks.


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