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Saven Deliverance

Page 28

by Siobhan Davis

  I wave my hands dismissively in the air. “It’s completely understandable. She’s only recently given birth.”

  Haydn’s entire face glows, and I give him the biggest smile. “And how is our favorite little girl?”

  “She’s perfect, thanks.” If his smile gets any wider, it’ll split his face.

  Haydn finally agreed to the paternity test a few months back, and he was delighted when it confirmed the news that he was the father. Things were a little dicey between him and Kesla up to that point, but they seem solid since then. I’ve never seen a grown man go so googly-eyed over a baby.

  Haydn is smitten with both his girls, and I’m so happy for him.

  “You ready?” Logan asks, holding his arm out for me. I straighten his jacket, brushing my hands over his chest as I peer up at him in admiration. He looks so handsome in full regal attire, so responsible and mature wearing his crown, and I constantly have to pinch myself to believe that he’s all mine. I’m still amazed that he was meant for me. That this is the life I have now.

  It couldn’t be sweeter.

  He kisses me softly. “I love you, Angel.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my body into his, not missing the opportunity to feel him up some more. “Ala beatra.” I kiss him fiercely, and he has to practically pry my lips and my hands off him.

  Haydn rolls his eyes and Logan chuckles. Looping my arm through his, I draw a long deep breath as we make our way to the outdoor auditorium.

  The weather is glorious, the crowd is enthusiastic, and I positively radiate happiness. Not even my nerves can put a dampener on this day. As I ascend the stage, I spy my friends in the front of the crowd, waving and hollering. Jarod is whistling at the top of his lungs, and I blow him a kiss. The crowd goes wild and I’m ecstatic that they’ve finally accepted me. More than that, they have embraced me fully.

  Logan gave a state of the nation speech shortly after I came out of my coma, explaining that I was his Eterno and how we had bonded months previously. Footage of the battle on Earth was screened all over Saven, and when people saw me jump in front of Logan to protect him, it seems that was all that was needed to secure my place in their affections. The conscience development serum has also, undoubtedly, helped. Over seventy percent of the population has been inoculated by now, and Saven is like a different planet.

  Things are still somewhat fraught in the galaxy, but Logan and Dali are working with other members of the U.P.C. to draft a blueprint for peace. It won’t happen overnight, not with so many differing views, but at least the fighting has stopped.

  The galaxy is enjoying a time of peace for the first time in two hundred years.

  Logan escorts me to the queen’s throne, helping me into the seat before taking up position alongside me. High Elder Jaxa is presiding over the ceremony, and the crowd quiets as soon as he starts to speak. He talks eloquently, in our native tongue. When it’s my turn to recite my vows, Logan escorts me to the front of the stage, holding my arm as I go down on one knee. With my head bent, I swear my oath of allegiance to the nation.

  “Arise, Alma Sadie,” Jaxa says, and I stand. He anoints my head with ceremonial oil, chanting the regal protector prayer as he dabs the oil behind my ears, the back of my neck, and the top of my chest.

  Haydn appears, carrying the queen’s crown with as much care as if it was his precious baby daughter. He smiles at me, and I smile back, more at ease than I thought I’d be. I place my hands over the crown, as instructed, and recite the final part of the oath. Looking out at the crowd, pinpointing Fern, Jarod, Vin, Glenn, and Evana, I repeat my oath in English for their benefit. “I, Alma Sadie, solemnly swear my eternal allegiance to the great Saven nation. I promise to cherish, support and nurture growth, represent our interests to the best of my ability, champion our cause, and love our people, for as long as I shall live. I equally pledge my heart to our king, my husband, my Eterno, my forever love.”

  Logan’s feelings flow through my mind, overwhelming me with the extent of his love and his pride. We rewrote this part of the oath, and it’s almost magical standing before this packed auditorium, pledging my life to serve them as Saven queen using words that have come directly from our hearts.

  There were plenty of times when both of us feared we would never see this day, and the utter exhilaration I feel in this moment is indescribable.

  Jaxa removes the crown from the plate, and I bow my head, holding my breath as he carefully fixes it atop my head.

  “Breathe, Sadie. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”

  “Arise, Queen Sadie,” Jaxa instructs, and I have to work hard to fight the tears that threaten to overflow. I spent months terrified of this moment, scared that I wouldn’t be strong enough to support Logan, and now I wonder what the hell I was so anxious about, because nothing has ever felt so right.

  I am exactly where I should be.

  With the love of my life by my side, standing before a people and a nation I have come to adore. For the first time in my life, I fit in.

  I belong.

  And there’s no greater feeling in the whole universe.

  Logan takes my hand as I straighten up, and we walk, arm in arm, to the very front of the stage and face the nation as a united team.

  Rapturous applause breaks out around the stadium as celebratory music plays over the sound system. My heart swells to bursting point as I take in all the joyous faces, and my expansive smile is genuine as I wave to the crowd.

  The party is in full swing back at the palace, and I’m so grateful to be out of that hideous inauguration gown. My simple white lace dress has short sleeves and a round neck, and it flares gently from the waist, the hem stopping just above my knees. I’m glad not to feel like a trussed-up peacock anymore. My eyes wander around the table, and I smile at our friends, surrounding us on all sides. Logan’s hand is on my knee, and I lean my head against his shoulder as I take a moment to truly appreciate it all.

  Win and Dali are staring at one another like lovestruck fools. Pink hues flit across both their faces cementing the depth of their love. We haven’t seen much of them these last few months as they’ve been busy overseeing the relocation of Amara to their new planetary home, but I talk to Dali all the time, and I know things are great between her and Win. It’s surely only a matter of time before they make things official.

  Fern and Jarod secured positions in the government administration department of the new Unified States of America. The president was ousted from his position—not surprisingly—and democratic elections will take place soon to appoint a new representative governing body. Vin and Glenn are heavily involved with the planning and reconstruction work on Earth, and Vin has been selected to run for office.

  I try to get back to Earth at least once a month to catch up with my friends and to visit Ella’s grave.

  I’ve finally allowed myself to grieve for all those we lost, and a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of them. Especially Jenna, Ella, and Neve. They will always hold a very special place in my heart.

  I slyly watch Jarod and Fern joking about and messing with each other, and I can’t help wondering if something is developing between them. I think they’d make a really cute couple. Jarod winks at me across the table as if he can tell what’s on my mind. I stick my tongue out at him and he throws back his head in laughter.

  “Do you have a second, Sadie?” Izzy leans over the back of my chair, claiming my attention.

  “For you? Always.” I grin as I get up out of my seat. I press a kiss to Logan’s cheek before I follow Izzy out onto the balcony.

  “Wow, the view is spectacular from up here.” She rests her arms on the ornate stone railing as she takes in all the mesmerizing sights and sounds of the magnificent Central City below us.

  “I know, it’s beautiful.” My eyes drift wide, skimming the shores of Lake Carnavra in the distance. Logan and I have plans to rebuild his mother’s cabin so we can retreat to our own private sanctuary when we need to get aw

  Izzy draws a huge breath as she turns to face me, clutching her hands anxiously in front of her chest.

  “What is it?” I frown. “Is everything okay?”

  “I have something to tell you.” She stares at the floor, clenching and unclenching her hands.

  “Whatever it is, you shouldn’t be nervous.” I unclasp her scrunched hands. “You can tell me anything.” I have a feeling I know what she needs to unburden, but I stay quiet, waiting for her to gather her thoughts and find the right words.

  “I kissed Ax.” She gulps, staring at me nervously as she awaits my reaction. “On several occasions.” Her skin has turned an unhealthy shade of gray.

  “It’s about damn time.” I grin. “You two have been dancing around each other for months.”

  Her eyes pop wide. “You’re not mad?”

  I roll my eyes. “Why the hell would I be mad? You two are perfect for each other, and I’ve never met two people more deserving of happiness.” I pull her into a hug. “I’m so happy for you, Izzy. Honestly, I am. There is no one I would rather see with Ax than you.”

  Tears glisten in her eyes. “I’m an idiot.”

  “True dat.” I fake punch her arm. “How you could think I’d be unhappy is beyond me.” I shake my head in mock consternation, and she laughs. “So, are there any labels yet?” I inquire.

  “We’re taking it slow, for now, because we still have so much work to do on Torc, but it’s great. He’s great.” A faint blush stains her cheeks.

  “Everything okay out here?” Ax pops his head through the wide glass doors.

  I snag his arm and yank him out onto the balcony. “Izzy told me your news. I’m really happy for you.”

  Izzy’s cheeks flare up, and it’s cute as hell. “I’ll let you two talk,” she says, sidestepping us.

  “Iz! You don’t have to go.”

  “I know that.” She hugs me. “But you should speak to him alone.” She tips her head up and kisses Ax softly on the mouth. “I’ll wait for you inside.”

  He caresses her cheek. “I won’t be long.”

  “So.” I beam up at him. “I’m glad you finally got your act together. I thought you’d never make a move.” His lips pinch as he shuffles on his feet, and I bark out a laugh. “Stars! You let her make the first move?” I shake my head. “Smooth, Ax. Not!”

  He rubs a hand over his jaw, piercing me with his stunning blue eyes. He decided there had been enough lying on Torc, so he came clean to the nation. Told them everything his mother had conspired to do, who his biological father was, and how he planned to rule in a very different way. Reaction has been mixed, but he’s garnering more support by the day, and I have total faith that he can be the leader Torc needs. “I’m not very good at reading signs, and I was holding back because …”

  He trails off and I think I know why. “Because of Blade … or me?”

  He plants his elbows on the thick stone balustrade, and I do the same. We both look out over the pulsating city as we talk. “A bit of both. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to move on, and I’m not sure how Blade would feel about it.”

  I angle my body so I’m facing him. “I do. He would be over the moon about this. There is no one else he would trust more with her than you, and he’d want both of you to be happy as I do.”

  Tears leak out of my eyes involuntarily. Ax stiffens, looking at me in concern. “Dammit!” I sniffle. “Don’t mind me. They’re happy tears!” I half-laugh.

  “Are you sure? Because if—”

  I clamp my hand over his mouth. “Don’t you dare say that. You and Izzy are perfect for one another. Perfect. And nothing excites me more than the prospect of you finding what I have with Logan. You can be that for each other. Don’t ask me how I know, call it intuition, foresight, whatever. But she’s your forever, Ax. I can tell.”

  He cups my face, pressing his lips to my forehead. “I think so, too.” He eases back, removing his hands. “But it won’t ever change how I feel about you. I’ll always love you, Sadie, and I’ll always be here for you.”

  “I know that, silly, just like I’m that for you.”

  Logan steps out onto the balcony, and his arms snake around my waist instantly. He leans his chin on my shoulder. “You good, baby?” Concern underscores his question.

  “I’m good. Have you heard the news about Ax and Izzy?”

  Logan lifts his head. “You’re giving it a go?”

  “Yeah.” Ax runs a hand through his hair. “You were right, and I needed to hear that.”

  “Hang on here a second.” I shuck out of Logan’s embrace, my eyes narrowing as I stare at him. “You knew and you didn’t tell me?”

  “It was a private conversation between brothers. Girls weren’t invited.” While Ax and Logan still have some way to go to completely mend the errors of the past, it pleases me no end that they’re growing closer every day. What Ax almost did to me while in a rage on Torc is still something Logan is struggling to forgive him for. But if I can do it, then so can he. In time, I’m confident Logan’ll find it in his heart to forgive him. For now, they are taking steps in the right direction and I can’t ask for more than that. The fact that Ax confided something like this in Logan is huge.

  “Fair enough.” I shrug, and both of them pin me with startled expressions. “What?” I plant my hands on my hips.

  “No lecture?” Logan says.

  “No scowling?” Ax adds.

  “Don’t hold back on the compliments, boys.”

  Logan chuckles, pulling me into his arms. “You know we love you, and, for the record, you’re the hottest, sassiest, sexiest—”

  “And I think that’s my cue to leave.” Ax smiles.

  Logan slaps him on the back. “We’ll catch up soon.”

  Ax gives him a quick one-armed hug and my insides melt. “I’ll comm you.”

  A huge wave of contentment settles over me as I nestle into Logan’s arms.

  “Well, it’s been some day.” He places a light kiss to the back of my neck and I shiver all over.

  “It was amazingly perfect and I’m amazingly lucky to be living this life.” I lean up on tiptoe and press my lips to his. “I love you, Logan.”

  “I love you, Sadie, and I was so proud of you today, but I want you to know you’ve always been a queen to me.”

  Tears prick my eyes. “You always say the absolute perfect thing.”

  “I only speak the truth, and you have given me so much, Sadie. My life is infinitely better because I have you in it.”

  “We complete each other, Logan, and I couldn’t have wished for a better life than the one we have.”

  As his arms wrap even tighter around me, I know the best is still to come.


  Additional novellas coming in 2017/2018

  The Assassin – Izzy’s story

  The Princess and the Guard – Dali & Win’s story

  The Royal Guard – Haydn & Kesla’s story


  A Special Note from the Author

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  Best wishes,



  Siobhan Davis writes emotionally intense young adult fiction with swoon-worthy romance, complex characters, and tons of unexpected plot twists and turns that will have you flipping the pages beyond bedtime! She is the author of the Amazon bestselling True Calling, Saven, and Kennedy Boys series.
r />   Siobhan’s family will tell you she’s a little bit obsessive when it comes to reading and writing, and they aren’t wrong. She can rarely be found without her trusty Kindle, a paperback book, or her laptop somewhere close at hand.

  Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in human resource management.

  She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

  You can connect with Siobhan in the following ways:

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  Author Blog: My YA NA Book Obsession

  Facebook: AuthorSiobhanDavis

  Twitter: @siobhandavis

  Google+: SiobhanDavisAuthor


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