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Face-Off at the Altar

Page 20

by Toni Aleo


  Covering his face, he let out a long breath. When a hand cupped his shoulder, he chuckled but with no humor. “She’s crying and upset, and I just want to make it better. I don’t want her to hurt over me anymore.”

  “I know.”

  “I hate this, Bay, I do. I hate Skylar, I hate her with everything in me.”

  “I know.”

  Looking up at his best friend, he shrugged. “I want Mekena back.”

  “I know you do.”

  “Am I insane for that? To think she’d take me back after everything that has happened?”

  Baylor smiled. “I wouldn’t.”

  “’Cause you’re mean,” he teased and she laughed.

  “And I’m too proud. But Mekena isn’t me, so I don’t know.”

  What if Mekena was too proud? After all the pain this had caused her, did he deserve her? Maybe she should just move on, find someone who wouldn’t be a constant reminder of all that happened. But that just felt so wrong. They belonged together. This last two years had been shit, and he knew it was because he couldn’t hear her voice. See her smile or touch her butt. He loved her butt. He loved her. At first, he’d just wanted to apologize, get some closure. But now, he wanted it all. He wanted her; he just wasn’t sure if that was still possible.

  “But then, I don’t know what y’all’s fate is. Fate does its own thing, and everyone else just has to hold on, do what it says,” she added and Markus smiled, nodding his head.

  “I love her, Baylor.”

  “Duh,” she teased, smacking his leg. “And she loves you. But let’s be honest, this is insane and fucking wrong. She probably blames herself because it’s her sister, and I don’t know… That’s a lot.”

  “You’re right.”

  “But I can’t predict the future, and if you want to try, I won’t stop you. I just want you to be happy.”

  Meeting her gaze, he smiled as he reached out, squeezing her hand. “I want that too.”

  “And if she’s the one, then pray God it works out because sulky Markus is no fun,” she teased and he laughed.


  While he knew Baylor was right, he still had no clue what would happen.

  But then, that was life. Full of surprises.

  “So I’m walking out first, with my wife,” Jude said, and Markus scoffed as he bounced Dawson against his chest. He was on baby duty again.

  “Why would you walk out first? I’m the favorite, and Avery is the best lady,” Jace explained.

  “Matron of honor,” she corrected, and he nodded, pointing to her.


  “Yeah, but Jordie is the best man. So shouldn’t she walk with Jordie and you walk with Angie?” Jude asked.

  Jace held his hand up. “Um. I’m walking with my wife.”

  “I’ll take good care of her,” Jordie Thomas said with a grin, and Jace glared.

  “That mountain man is not walking with my wife,” Jace said defiantly.

  “He’s nice! You’re nice—don’t listen to him,” Avery tried, but Jordie didn’t care, he just laughed.

  “I mean it doesn’t matter what any of you say. Baylor and I are going first, ’cause we’re hotter,” Jayden said, and everyone ignored him as Markus just laughed.

  Bunch of idiots.

  “Actually, Jordie and Avery are going first, then Jude and Claire, then Baylor and Jayden, with Jace and Angie bringing up the rear, pulling the wagon with the babies,” Grace Justice, the wedding planner, said. “And I’d heard a lot of you are argumentative and like to give people a hard time. If you are scared of my brother, Shea Adler, be scared of me because I kicked his ass in the womb and came out first.”

  No one said anything, just looked at her as she nodded confidently before walking toward Lucy and Benji, who were talking to Autumn and River.

  “Someone has to protest. I vote Baylor,” Jude said, and Baylor scoffed.

  “Kiss my ass.”

  “You’re the only one who can take her!” Jace complained, and she flipped him off.

  “The order is fine, and it’s for Lucy, not us. So shut up and do what she said.”

  “I don’t want that mountain man touching my wife!”

  “So I can’t grab her butt?” Jordie teased, and Jace glared as Avery laughed nervously.

  “He’s joking! Lord, this is insane.”

  Knowing he had to step in, Markus cupped his best friend’s arm. “Bro, it’s fine. Thomas is a good guy, and it’s for like a minute. Chill.”

  He could tell Jace wasn’t happy and planned to protest more, that was until Angie came over to him. “You don’t want to walk with me, Uncle Jace?”

  Bending down, he took the little girl in his arms and picked her up. “Wait, what? I get to walk with you? Forget Avery! I’m good!”

  Angie beamed as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him hard on the cheek as Avery tsked at him. “Well, that’s not fair. He loves you more than me, Angie!”

  Angie giggled as she leaned down, hugging Avery. “It’s okay, Avery. I love you too.”

  “Oh, good,” she said, kissing her as Markus grinned. Angie was a cutie and had everyone, including him, wrapped around her little finger.

  Benji above all, though.

  It amazed Markus how a man could love a child who wasn’t his so completely, but Benji was a prime example of that. It wasn’t about blood, it was about love, and he loved that girl with every fiber of his being.

  “Uncle Markus, have you seen my dress yet?” she asked, and he shook his head, patting Dawson as he toed Ashlyn’s stroller, pushing her back and forth as she napped. He was a pretty damn good multitasker.

  “I haven’t. I bet it’s pretty.”

  “So pretty! It’s light purple and has sparkles all over it.”

  “I can’t wait!”

  “Me either,” she gushed as Jace put her down because Lucy was calling her over. Markus watched her as she ran, and Lucy locked eyes with him and smiled, to which he smiled back. She looked elated. Wearing a sexy red dress that flirted around her thighs, she had on black high heels that showed off those stunning legs. But there was no reason even to ogle Lucy Paxton; she had eyes only for Benji. As Angie wrapped her arms around her daddy, Lucy grinned back at Grace as Markus looked around the breathtaking room.

  Lights sparkled above them. The windows were pushed open, with long white curtains falling from the ceilings and blowing in the crisp air. The altar was something out of a magazine, which was to be expected with Grace Justice as the planner. Instead of pedestals for the flowers, big bouquets of white and lilac flowers were placed on thick sections of tree stumps around the large wooden altar that apparently River had made for them. White tulle was draped around it beautifully, adorned with more flowers and lights. Lanterns and candles were everywhere, positioned tastefully and elegantly. Nothing was lit up just yet, but the vibe was there, and Markus couldn’t wait to see the whole thing Saturday.

  It would be beautiful, for sure.

  When the side door opened, his eyes were drawn away as Mekena walked in behind who he had learned was her aunt. Mekena was wearing the same outfit from that morning, a long flowing black dress with a bright orange chevron scarf. Her hair was down, but unlike that morning, her makeup was gone. Which he knew meant she had been crying.

  Holding her camera, she didn’t look at him as she made her way to where Lucy and Benji were. She tried to put a smile on her face, but her eyes were hollow and so full of grief. He wanted to grab her. Hold her close to him and tell her that everything was okay. That it didn’t matter. That everything would be all right, but she wouldn’t even look at him.

  He almost went over to her to ask if she was okay, but not only was he watching Ashlyn, Grace had turned around, wrangling everyone together to start the rehearsal. He figured he could go sit down, but what was the point? He wasn’t about to maneuver Ashlyn when she was sleeping, and Dawson was content. No reason to bother them, plus he was fine and he
had a good view.

  Of Mekena.

  She was looking at her camera, clicking and test shooting. She looked completely in her element, which was how it usually was when she had a camera in her hand. He remembered wondering why she thought she wanted to be a doctor. Yeah, she was wicked smart, but it wasn’t her passion. She didn’t get off on anatomy or heart transplants. No, it was taking the perfect picture of a leaf falling that made her beam with pride. He loved watching her work, and while he wasn’t sure what made her change her mind, he was glad. He wanted her to be happy.

  He hoped that happiness could include him.

  When Lucy started for him, he pulled his gaze from Mekena to her, smiling as she stopped in front of him. “Oh, they’re both sleeping. Shit,” she said, and he looked down to find that Dawson was sleeping too.

  “Yup, they’re out.”

  “Okay, so I guess they can just pull the empty wagon. Isn’t like we can train them to throw flowers and hold rings anyway.”

  “This is true. They’re basically here for the aww factor,” he reminded her, and she laughed.

  “Um, I’m the aww factor.”

  “No, you’re the wow factor,” he said and she smiled.

  “Thanks, Markus. How you holding up?”

  “I’m vertical, which is always a good sign.”

  “This is true,” she agreed, nodding before squeezing his arm. “Thanks for keeping the kids. I think we’re getting started.”

  “Cool. I’ll be here.”

  “Thanks,” she gushed before walking off toward where the whole family was gathering. Glancing around, he went back to looking for Mekena, but he didn’t see her. Pulling his brows together, he was confused…until he heard her voice.

  “Wow, I think you missed your calling as a babysitter.”

  Looking to the side, he found her standing next to him. Her arms were in front of her, holding the camera with her legs crossed, her body very rigid and giving off vibes indicating she wasn’t sure she should be talking to him.

  But she was.

  Smiling, he nodded. “Yeah, these two love me.”

  “I can tell, great multitasking.”

  “Thanks,” he said with a grin as he looked down at Ashlyn and then back to Mekena. A silence fell between them as they held each other’s gaze. “Are you okay?”

  She shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”


  “Are you?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I got what I needed from her.”

  She nodded. “I’m sorry she was so horrible.”

  “Isn’t your fault.”

  Biting into her lips, she looked down at the floor as he watched the side of her face. She was so pretty, her cheeks a soft rosy color while her lips were pink and thick. So very kissable. With a lump in his throat, he asked, “Are we still going to meet up after this?”

  Looking up at him, she nodded. “If you want to.”

  “I do.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He eyed her. “Of course I am.”

  She looked away, inhaling deeply. “I thought maybe you wouldn’t.”

  “You’re not Skylar, Mekena.”

  “I know, but she’s my sister.”

  “But you aren’t her, and in no way, shape, or form is this your fault. If anything, you’re a victim too.”

  Her eyes started to water, and everything inside of him went cold. “I’m sorry that it happened.”

  “Me too.”

  “I should have given you a chance to explain.”

  “I wouldn’t have because I didn’t know what happened. It took months for me to talk about it.”

  “I still should have given you a chance.”

  “I didn’t ask for one,” he said simply.


  “I should have. But I am now,” he said, and she looked up, surprised.

  “You are?”

  “I am,” he said, his fingers coming to lace with hers, but then her aunt called her.

  “Mekena, ready?”

  Her free hand went up to her camera as she turned, nodding her head. “Yeah, coming.” Looking back to Markus, she shrugged. “I’m sorry, can we finish this later?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Good, okay, so—”

  “I’ll walk back with you, and we’ll talk.”

  “Awesome, okay, I’m gonna go.”

  “Okay, see you in a bit,” he said, and she smiled as she nodded. He watched as she went to where her aunt and Grace stood, going into work mode. She looked so in her element, and he enjoyed seeing that.

  Seeing her.

  “You are, by far, the most patient man I know.”

  Baylor grimaced as she took Dawson from Markus’s outstretched hands. He smiled as Dawson looked at him innocently. He knew the little guy didn’t mean to puke all over him and he wasn’t upset, but he was trying to figure out a way to get to the house and shower before he had to talk to Mekena. He highly doubted that baby puke would be an aphrodisiac. Maybe it would be? Huh.

  He wasn’t going to try, though.

  As Baylor cuddled Dawson against her, Markus waved her off. “It’s no big deal. He’s a baby.”

  She smiled shyly. “Yes, but Ashlyn pooped on you too.”

  He grinned as he shrugged, trying not to laugh. It was a tough rehearsal for Dawson, Ashlyn, and Markus. Puke and poop were big-time stars during the hour of watching the Sinclairs and Grace Justice try to put together a wedding. He wasn’t sure what was funnier, Jace glaring as Jordie walked with Avery, or Ashlyn farting and then realizing she had just shit all over him. It was a toss-up, but then Dawson decided to puke down the front of his shirt, and he figured he was now a substitute for a baby rag. “I volunteered.”

  “Still, we’re really sorry,” Avery said, holding Ashlyn close as she rocked her back and forth. “I understand if you don’t want to watch her ever again.”

  “Nonsense,” he said, laughing as he tucked his hands into his pockets and looked around. He spotted Mekena at the front of the altar, taking pictures of random things. He wasn’t sure if she was done, but maybe he could slip away. “How much longer until y’all are done?”

  “We’re done, but Lucy and Benji have some pre-wedding pictures they’re having done with Angie.”

  “So Mekena isn’t done?”

  Avery smiled. “Nope, she’s got a bit.”

  “Can you pass a message for me?”


  “Let her know that I went back to the cabin to shower and clean up?”

  “Yeah, of course. I’ll tell Jace to tell her since I’m taking Ashlyn to bed.”

  “Cool, thanks,” he said, kissing her cheek and then Baylor’s, before rubbing Dawson’s head. “I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

  Before he could get far, though, Baylor smiled. “Thanks again.”

  “Anytime. I mean that.”

  Avery smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Also, good luck,” Baylor added.

  Flashing them both a big grin, he nodded. “I need it.”

  Heading out the back, he made it back to the cabin quickly. When he entered, though, Mr. Right was sitting on the windowsill howling. “Whoa, man. What’s up?”

  Meoooooowwwwwwww, he wailed, with his mouth wide open as his hair stood on end.

  “Bro, I don’t know what to say. I don’t speak your language. Are you singing? Do you want me to sing too? Meoooowwwwww,” he said, and Mr. Right looked back at him, almost with a glare. “We should add some beat to that and make a remix,” Markus joked as the cat wailed. Deciding that was a good idea, he pulled out his phone and started to beatbox as the cat wailed, recording it on his SnapChat. The cat must have realized what he was doing because he looked back, scowling, and Markus hid his phone. He didn’t want to admit it, but Mr. Right kind of freaked him out.

  When the cat hissed at Markus, he held his palms up and sidestepped to his bedroom. “Okay, I’m going.”

  Laughing once the door w
as shut, he went into the bathroom and quickly cleaned up, washing and then changing into some shorts and tee. He considered putting on a nice shirt and slacks, but he didn’t want to look like he was trying too hard. Maybe he should get some wine out? Have some candles? No, that was trying too hard. He had to just let it happen. Go with the flow. Pray to God that she’d give him a chance. He still couldn’t believe he said that to her. That he admitted to wanting it. To needing a chance. Now, he just hoped it wasn’t hot air wasted and something would happen.

  Something great.

  As he brushed his hair, his phone sounded and he looked down to see it was a text from Avery.

  Avery: Mekena told Jace to go on, that she could walk herself to the cabin. I don’t doubt she can, but I thought maybe you’d want to be a gentleman and walk her home.

  Markus: You rock. Thanks.

  Rushing out of the bathroom, he slid his feet into his sneakers and reached for the door, pulling it open. But before he could go out, a big, thick being ran past him, almost knocking his leg out from underneath him. When he realized it was the cat, his stomach dropped.

  “Shit! Mr. Right,” he yelled, chasing after the cat toward the wooded area. “Shit!” he yelled as he hit the flashlight on his phone and stared into the woods after the cat. The cat cut left and Markus slid to the ground, trying to catch him, but he went through his hands. Getting up, he started chasing him once more. “What the fuck? You are too fat to be this fast!”

  “Markus?” he heard and he paused.

  Fuck, it was Mekena.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked just as Mr. Right took off past him, out of the woods.

  “Shit,” he muttered, chasing back after the cat, scraping up his legs and tripping over sticks.

  “Oh, no! Don’t chase him! He’ll tire out,” she cried from far away, and just like she said, the cat started to slow crawl, his body on the ground as his limbs tried to move quickly. Slowing down, Markus came up beside the cat and picked it up, cuddling it to his chest as his heart pounded to max capacity. He saw his chance being ripped away by a thirty-pound ball of fur. Mekena loved this cat, he knew that, and as she ran to him, her face full of horror, he was thankful that the fat little thing couldn’t get far.


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