Chess Part One Box Set

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Chess Part One Box Set Page 15

by Sean Michael

  A bruise.

  When Rook was done, he pressed a soft kiss to the spot. “There. Now you belong to me.”

  Oh. Oh, God. His knees went a bit weak.

  Rook’s hands glided around to rub at his abs. They shifted and moved under the touch—he knew Rook had to feel them. “So sexy, so sweet. So glad you’re here, honey.”

  “Thank you.” He leaned back, his cheek against Rook’s.

  “Mmm. You’re welcome.” Rook rubbed their cheeks together.

  It was strangely intimate, standing in the steam naked together.

  “You want to work out today? Just relax? Watch some movies and cuddle?”

  “What kind of movies do you like?”

  “I’ll watch anything, but I like ones with hot guys the best.” Rook laughed softly in his ear. “Yes, I know I’m shallow.”

  He chuckled. “I like Jason Statham.”

  “Oh, he’s a great actor. We’ve got Crank and the Transporter movies for sure.”

  “I like The Transporter.”

  Rook’s arms wrapped around him. “We can watch that. We can do anything you want.”

  “I’m a little overwhelmed. I could spend the day with you. Maybe napping some.”

  “Oh, I was hoping you’d say you wanted to spend it with me.” Rook licked some water from his collarbone, then tugged him closer.

  “Who wouldn’t want your attention?”

  Rook was so nice, so attentive, it made him feel amazing.

  The man beamed at him. “You’re good for my ego, honey.”

  “What do you do? I mean, for a living? Are you an artist, too?”

  “Fuck, no. I’m, uh… I work at Bitten Apple. Well, I own it actually. I got some money from my grandma.”

  “Yeah? That’s kind of neat, huh? Do you get to pick what you sell?”

  “It works better if I leave that kind of stuff to the manager. But if I see something I like or want to try, I get to order it for the store.”

  “I…” What kind of things would Rook want to try?

  “You should see the catalogues.” Rook laughed. “In fact you can—but maybe not today.”

  “Maybe not. Do you like eggs?” He was starving.

  “Sure, doesn’t everyone? Are you going to make me breakfast?”

  “I am, if you can help me find my pants.” He was starving. Starving.

  “You have a thing about being dressed.”

  “Most people do, Rook.”

  Rook pouted. “We’re in private.”

  He started chuckling, then was surprised by the urge to lean in and lick Rook’s lips.

  Like Rook could read it in his face, the man leaned his face a little closer and whispered, “Do it.”

  “How do you know?” His body leaned in.

  “How do I know you want to kiss me? I can read it in your eyes, in the lines of your body.”

  “Oh.” He had, mostly, decided that Rook was magical. That was the only answer.

  “So are you going to?” Rook had moved in, all but closing the distance between their lips.

  “Yes.” He thought it was probably insane, but he was. He let their mouths touch, then traced the soft lips with his tongue. Rook groaned, eyelids drooping partway closed as he slipped his tongue out to touch his.

  Jason found himself stepping closer and Rook’s fingers caressed his skin, heading down toward his ass. The little worried sound that left him was instinctive. That was sore. Stretched.

  “Shh. Shh. I’ve got you.” Rook massaged his ass, fingers not straying toward his crack at all.

  His head landed on Rook’s shoulder, eyes dropping closed. Oh, God, that was good. He could feel the heat of Rook’s prick as it slowly firmed, pressing against his hip, his belly.

  “Do you need me to…do something for you?” He really just wanted to stay like this, safe.

  “No, let’s just rub off right here under the hot spray like this.” Rook’s words tickled his lips. “It’s perfect like this. Like there’s nothing in the world but you and me and a long, slow rubbing off under the water.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll get hard.”

  That pout was back. “Aren’t I sexy?”

  “Yes, but…I came four times yesterday. I think it’s broken.”

  Rook giggled softly. “It isn’t broken, honey. Trust me.” One of the hands on his ass pushed its way between their bodies to rub along his prick. He groaned and tensed, but the touch was gentle, slick and easy. “We’re not looking for anything earth-shattering here. Just enjoy yourself.”

  “Everything feels earth-shattering today.”

  “Aw, I’ve got you, I do. You don’t have to think about anything, okay?”

  “I’m sorry, Rook. I just… There’s all these emotions.”

  “That’s okay. You’re allowed to feel! Hell, I bet you’re confused as hell by how much you like doing it with guys.” The hand on his ass and the one on his cock touched him gently, both soothed and aroused at the same time.

  He nodded, breath hitching a bit. Yes.

  Rook licked at his earlobe then whispered, “Just go with it. You can worry about what it all means later.”

  That tiny touch made him shiver and he put his hand on Rook’s hip.

  “Mmm. You feel good.” Rook got their pricks together then let the friction of their bodies move them. Jason’s eyes closed and he let himself rub, let himself touch Rook.

  “Nice. Yes. Please.” Rook had lovely skin, smooth and soft against his hands, and he found himself fascinated by all the lines and textures and shapes. Rook kept their hips pushing, cocks gliding and bumping between them, and his prick began to fill, to swell, the steam making the air heavy and magical. All the while soft sounds came from Rook, fed into his mouth one after the other.

  It was a heady thing, to know he was making Rook feel so good.

  “Oh, don’t stop, honey.”

  So he didn’t. And it was easy to just touch and touch.

  Rook slowly increased the speed, rubbing harder and harder against him as he started to rub back, groaning softly. “Mmm. Yeah. I have you, and you have me. Just feel it.”

  “Mmm-hmm. Feel.” Want.

  “Oh, Jason. Soon.” He could hear the need in Rook’s voice.

  He nodded. He wasn’t close, but he was happy. Rook’s eyes widened, pleasure darkening them.

  “Pretty.” Rook was.

  “Not as pretty as you,” Rook gasped, body slumping against him. Jason held Rook up, supporting the man easily. “You’re so strong.”

  “Hours in the gym.”

  Rook giggled and hugged him, rubbing them together so his prick was squeezed and caressed. “We have a gym here.”

  “Good. I love using my body.” Wait… That had come out much huskier than he’d anticipated.

  “Mmm…me too. Me too.”

  His cheeks felt like they were going to set flame.

  “Let me finish you off.” Rook went down onto his knees.

  “I. You. Oh.” He was already sure he loved Rook’s mouth.

  Chuckling, Rook kissed his belly, then licked at the tip of his cock.

  He stepped backwards, shocked. “Sensitive.”

  “Yeah? I’ll be gentle.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry.” He’d never come so hard.

  “For what? You gotta stop apologizing. I like you just the way you are.” That tongue licked across the head of his cock again.

  “Mmm…” God, they had a fabulous water heater here.

  Rook pulled him in, suction gentle, and his hips began to pump, rolling so slowly. Rook took it, took him, allowing his movements, seeming to revel in them. His focus was completely on keeping his feet, keeping his brain from spinning, and all of a sudden Jason could feel his orgasm coming, creeping up on him.

  “Rook…” He thought it was only fair to warn Rook. Rook sucked harder, fingers gliding up to cup his balls. “I—Oh… Oh, I…”

  The ache was so good. So good…

  Rook swallowed
it all when he came, taking every bit of him down.

  His knees did buckle then, and he fell down the tile wall while Rook pressed soft kisses over his face, his hands touching him randomly. “You taste so good.”

  Jason cuddled into Rook’s arms, overwhelmed.

  “I’ve got you, honey.”

  He kissed Rook’s jaw, the only thanks he could manage.

  Rook smiled and patted his back. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  He nodded. He thought, maybe, he was too.

  Chapter Ten

  Rook snuggled with Jason under the quilt on the couch, only half paying attention to the movie. He’d seen it before and, frankly, he was far more interested in the hottie in his arms. Poor Jason was a little shell-shocked after his first day. He’d been blown, fucked, blown again, had given a blow job and come more times than he probably had in the last year, if he had been telling the truth about his apparent lack of interest in sex. He thought they were well on their way to proving to Jason that that just wasn’t true at all.

  Something on the TV blew up and Rook chuckled, cuddled in closer. “Lots and lots of explosions. Stand-ins for orgasms, or so I’m told.”

  “Then these guys have sore testicles.”

  He’d discovered that Jason had a dry, fabulous sense of humor. Not only that, but the man could cook. Like…food. That tasted like food.

  “Are yours still sore, honey?” He stroked Jason’s cheek.

  “A little. My… I’m tender…inside.” Jason leaned into his touch.

  “I have some gel that’ll make things feel good. And I’ll enjoy applying it.” He waggled his eyebrows. That blush was beautiful.

  “Are you teasing the baby again?” Knight came out of Bishop’s room, looking rumpled and well rested.

  “No, I’m offering to help him!” He shifted over, holding up the cover invitingly.

  “Mmm.” Knight hesitated, but then cuddled in. “Where’s Bish?”

  “He wasn’t in with you?”

  “Nope. Was for a long time. His jeans are gone, though.”

  “Bet he went out for food or something.” It was yummy, being snuggled between Jason and Knight.

  “That sounds like him.” Knight kissed his temple. “You two have a good day?”

  “Uh-huh. We’re watching ’splody movies.”

  “Cool. Our baby boy doing good?”

  Rook nudged Jason. “Knight wants to know how you’re doing.”

  Jason looked at Knight, eyes unsure. “You have a fabulous shower here, and Rook’s been wonderful to me. I made him breakfast. Are you hungry?”

  The man was adorable.

  Knight shook his head. “No. I’ll just sit for a minute. Bish will bring something.”

  “I’m a lucky, lucky man. Knight doesn’t always just sit for a minute. Not as much as I’d like, anyway.” Rook beamed at both of his lovers. He could get used to always having someone to rub up against.

  “No, he seems busy.” Jason smiled at Knight, whose eyes were already closed again. Bish must have fucked him into oblivion.

  “He’s an ‘artist’.” He put air quotes around the word, teasing Knight. He knew how fucking good an artist Knight was.

  Knight’s dark eyebrows arched. “Don’t make me beat you, Rookie.”

  He giggled. “What if I want you to beat me?” he asked, batting his eyelashes.

  Knight swatted him playfully, even as Jason gasped.

  Laughing, he gave Jason a quick squeeze. “We’re just playing. And every now and then, I like it a little rough.”

  “You’ll learn to like it. I have faith.” Knight’s voice was like silk.

  “Don’t worry,” he reassured Jason. “We’re not anywhere near there yet.” He didn’t want to scare Jason, not when he was doing so well. Jason’s fingers twined with his, and Knight chuckled evilly. Rook leaned his head on Jason’s shoulder and put his feet in Knight’s lap. “The only thing missing now is our Bishop.”

  “He’ll be home soon.” Knight closed his eyes again.

  “You think he’ll want to do stuff?” Bishop always had the best ideas. The best wicked ideas.

  “He will. He liked the baby.”

  “I’m not a baby.”

  “You’re just at the beginning, though, right?” Rook nuzzled against Jason’s shoulder. “That’s all he meant by it.”


  Knight laughed. “No worries, I’m not into children. It’s just a word.”

  “It’s affectionate. Hell, he’s still calling me Rookie, and I’m hardly that. Don’t know if I ever was.”

  Knight’s chuckle was fond, warm. “Maybe a bit.”

  “Maybe a long time ago.” He turned to Jason and smiled. “Unlike you, I knew I liked sex and men right away.”

  “I just… I like to work out.”

  “So does Bish—you’ll get along there just great. And I love sex, and you’re discovering you love sex. And you and Knight…well, he’s an artist and you’re a model. See how well you fit in, honey?”

  Knight was cracking up. He popped him on the arm.

  “Mean little turd.” Knight spun around and pounced on him, tickling him hard.

  Rook shouted and started laughing, pushing back against Jason.

  Jason’s arms wrapped around him, protecting him. “Now, now. No name calling.”

  Oh, now, that was more than just adorable. Rook’s laughter died and he smiled up at Jason. “My hero,” he said softly. He wasn’t teasing or being facetious, either.

  Jason’s cheeks flared, those eyes on him, warm and gentle.

  Knight snorted. “The sweetness is unbearable.”

  “Hush, K. Watch the movie explosions a minute.” He reached up and cupped Jason’s right cheek, bringing him down for a long, slow kiss. Rook moaned as Jason loved on him. There was an electricity between them, something deep that made it hard to breathe.

  He was breathless and just a little stunned when their lips parted, his eyes locked with Jason’s. Jason didn’t look away from him, but stared into him. Oh, fuck. Rook stared back, still not able to catch his breath.

  One hand cupped his cheek, thumb rubbing his cheekbone.

  “What’s going on?” Bish leaned against the doorframe.

  “They’re being gooey.” Knight groaned.

  Rook stole himself another quick kiss before laughing. “God forbid there should be some sweetness in this house.” He winked over at Bish.

  “Ick.” Bish winked back. “Come on and help me unpack the bags, Sleeping Beauty. I bought you licorice.”

  Knight stood up and headed for Bish, unashamedly nude.

  Rook watched him all the way over to Bish. “Want us to come help, too?” If Jason was going to be their main cook, maybe he needed to be involved with the shopping.

  Knight was already digging for the candy as Bish stood there, holding the bags. The man was weird with food.

  He and Jason joined Bish and Knight in the doorway. “Hey Bish, Jason can cook. I had an amazing breakfast.”

  Bishop smiled and looked at Jason. “Yeah? I do casserole-type shit to freeze and eat as needed. You do more than breakfasts?”

  Jason nodded. “Nothing fancy, though. I’m not a chef or anything.”

  Knight was halfway into one of the other bags. “Oh. Almonds.”

  “Well, what kind of food do you cook?” Bish grabbed Knight’s arm and tugged. “That’s not exactly helping.”

  “I’m looking.”

  Jason chuckled. “Steaks. Chicken. Mashed potatoes. Tacos. Eggs. Shrimp. Just basic food.”

  “Oh, that’s good food!” Rook threw his arms around Jason. “You’re awesome!” Jason chuckled, arms wrapped around him. “I like him, Bish. We’re keeping him, right?”

  “For at least a year, yeah.”

  Jason ducked his head, hid in the curve of his shoulder.

  Rook whispered into Jason’s ear. “I want you for longer than a year, Jason.”

  He could feel Jason shiver against
him. “You just met me.”

  “I know. But I like what I see in your eyes.”

  Bish rubbed a hand over his shoulder. “No scaring the new boy, Rookie.”

  He looked up into his oldest friend’s eyes and saw a gentle understanding there…a caring. He wrapped one arm around Bish’s neck and gave him a kiss.

  Fuck, he was a lucky, lucky man.

  Bish gave Jason a kiss, too—not pushing, just casually touching—and Rook couldn’t help but make a little noise. It was beautiful to watch them together. Bish stood, smiled over like he was going to beckon to Knight, but the bags and the artist had gone. Poof.

  Rook pouted. “You think he was inspired?”

  “I think he was hungry. I smell coffee, licorice and…olives?”

  Rook shuddered. “We’ll have to make him brush his teeth before there’s any more kisses.”

  Jason nodded. “Please. Wow.”

  Laughing, Rook hugged Jason tight. “How about you make dinner, and I cheer from the sidelines?”

  “I can do that, or try to.”

  “I’ll be your sous chef,” Bishop offered. “Just tell me what you need me to do.”

  Rook beamed at them both, feeling obscenely content. All they were missing was Knight actually in the same room with them for it to be perfect. “Kitchen?” he suggested.

  Bishop hauled him up. “Before Knight eats all the snacks and won’t have supper.”

  He grabbed Jason and the three of them headed for the kitchen. “We’re coming for you, Knight!”

  Knight was sitting on the counter in a pair of shorts, cross-legged, eating grapes. There was a half-eaten jar of olives, an open licorice box and someone had been into a can of chocolate frosting.

  “Your stomach is a scary place, K.” Rook looped his arms around Knight’s shoulders and kissed him. Knight smiled at him, his long, dark hair curtaining them as Knight took his mouth. Fuck, Knight’s kisses made his toes curl. He pushed close and felt Knight’s low hum, the man shifting so that the bare legs wrapped around his waist.

  Rook opened right up, inviting Knight in deeper, and someone moaned behind him. He glanced back, smiling into Knight’s mouth as he saw Bish kissing Jason, holding their lover. Knight nipped his bottom lip—just the barest sting, but it ached so well. He pushed his hips toward Knight, tried to rub off on the man a little bit.


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