Chess Part One Box Set

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Chess Part One Box Set Page 16

by Sean Michael

  Knight chuckled and rubbed their noses together. “Horndog.”

  “Hey, you started it.” Which probably wasn’t exactly true, unless you counted looking sexy as starting it.

  “I was just having dinner.”

  “That’s not dinner. Jason is going to make us dinner. Bish is going to help. You and I can be entertainment.”

  “I like almonds for dinner.” Knight was licking his lips again.

  “I’m not sure that’s hygienic in the kitchen.”

  Rook giggled. Should he tell Jason that they fucked on the dining room table on a regular basis?

  Knight winked at him. “Don’t be prissy, now. We bathe.”

  Jason giggled. “Be nice.”

  “I am. Sometimes.”

  “You are a lot more than you like to admit.” Rook rubbed his hips against Knight’s, listening as Jason and Bish started getting stuff out for making supper.

  “Shh. Don’t tell my secrets.” Knight drew him in again, the drugging kisses making him sway.

  “I can’t think when you kiss me like that.” There, he’d shared one of his secrets, too. They were even now. Or they would be if he had half the effect on Knight as Knight had on him.

  Knight’s eyes watched him like he was fascinating, addictive. Art. It felt so good, to be looked at like that, to be kissed like Knight was kissing him.

  Rook lost himself in it, moaning and rubbing. He drew Knight closer until the man was almost off the counter.

  “More.” He muttered the word into Knight’s mouth.

  “Horndog. Don’t you ever get enough?”

  He shook his head, laugher spilling from him. “Never! It’s my gift.”

  “Gifted fucker.”

  “Yes. That’s me.” Still chuckling, he turned and rubbed his naked ass against Knight’s crotch, mourning the fact that his lover was wearing shorts. Knight’s fingers started tickling again, digging into his ribs, and Rook shrieked, not caring how he sounded, wriggling and pushing and laughing.

  He could hear Bish and Jason laughing with them, and it felt amazing.

  The second day and it was amazing.

  He was the luckiest dude on earth and he knew it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Bish set the table as Jason put the finishing touches to his supper. It looked and smelled amazing. He was going to have to start working out extra if they were going to eat like this. Of course, that was something he could do with Jason, so that worked, would give him an in with the kid. He imagined Jason and Knight were going to have the hardest time finding common ground, but Jason was Knight’s choice, so he was sure they’d figure it.

  Besides, if Knight got out of hand, he’d deal with it. Bishop had a PhD in Knight.

  “Supper’s on,” he called.

  “It smells good, baby boy.” Knight had managed not to disappear into the studio. Bish was impressed.

  “It does!” Rook bounced over to one of the chairs around the dining room table, looking happy.

  “It’s just simple food.” Jason had a touch for it, though. The food appeared as good as any restaurant meal. “Made with love.” Rook gave Jason a besotted smile, and Bish had to chuckle even as Knight rolled his eyes. “Eat, before the sugar level in here makes me explode.”

  Rook giggled and started filling up his plate. “Maybe I was talking about Bish.”

  “Oh, no. I was just the helper.”

  Knight grinned. “Maybe I should get them both frilly aprons.”

  “Oh, that would be great. You’d both look lovely.”

  Bishop flipped Rookie off. Jason’s cheeks were bright red and his broad shoulders tightened.

  “We’re only teasing, Jason,” Rook said softly. “You’ll have to get used to that kind of thing.”

  “I’m cool.”

  Knight arched one eyebrow. “You must be an only child.”

  Jason stared. “How do you know?”

  “No siblings to toughen you up, baby boy.”

  “It would have been more fun if you’d made him think it was magic,” Rook pointed out.

  “I don’t believe in magic, Rookie. Only art.”

  “Your art is magic, Knight.” The thing was, Rook believed it. He believed in the best of all of them. Knight’s cheeks went dark as he took Rook’s hand and squeezed it without a word. Rook squeezed back, looking happy as a clam.

  “Okay, let’s eat before it goes cold.” Bish pointed at their plates, currently filled but the food untouched.

  They started eating, all four of them quiet as they devoured the food.

  Jason seemed to be settling in okay—still a little nervous, but he thought the kid would even out—would flourish, really—under Rook’s tender care. Once they all relaxed, then they could really play. Bish thought it was Knight, though, who was going to have to learn to breathe. His lover was going to have to accept that he didn’t have to be a tough asshole to keep his place here…that it was his just because he was Knight.

  “I bought some of that honey cake for dessert.”

  Knight moaned around a bite of meat. His Knight was addicted to the treat.

  “Maybe we should tie you down and take turns feeding you.” He met Knight’s eyes.

  “Ha ha.” Knight arched an eyebrow, challenging him.

  “No, it wasn’t a joke, and I think we’ll go ahead and do it.” He turned to Jason and smiled. “Our Knight’s a slut for a little bit of kinky play.” A little bit? A lot, actually, but Jason would learn that in time.

  “Bishop, we discussed this.”

  Jason looked between them. Rook shifted and took Jason’s hand, giving the new boy a smile.

  “You said you wouldn’t bottom and there you were this morning, with my cock so far up your ass I’m sure you could taste it.”

  “Fuck off, Bish. Thanks for dinner, baby boy. I have work to do.”

  And there Knight went, that temper flaring.

  “Give me a half hour, boys. And then come into the main bedroom with the honey cakes.”

  He gave them a wink and headed off to tame his Knight.

  * * * *

  Knight stormed into the studio, heading immediately for his stereo. Driving music filled the air as he stripped off his shirt and grabbed a brush.






  All of a sudden, Bish grabbed him, spun him and pushed him with his back up against the wall. “You don’t get to run away from me.”

  “I get to do whatever the fuck I want to! You’re not fucking allowed in here!” His fucking cock jerked, and he tried to reach it, thump it.

  Bish’s hands were wrapped tight around his arms, though, keeping him pinned in place. “Sure you do. But running away from me is a direct challenge, K. It’s you telling me you need a good ass-whipping.”

  He didn’t get a chance to tell Bish to fuck off because his lover’s mouth landed on his, the kiss hard, their teeth knocking together. He pushed into the kiss, fighting back, making Bish growl and work for it. Bish brought his whole body to bear, pressing him against the wall.

  He tore his mouth from Bishop’s. “Working, asshole. Fuck.”

  “No. We didn’t get dessert yet. You can work after. If you still want to.” Bishop’s eyes bore into his.

  “Fuck you.” He was so fucking hard.

  “No. I think I’ll be fucking you.” Bishop broke his stare and leaned in to bite at his earlobe. “After we eat dessert off your hot little body.”

  “Not going to happen.” His hips belonged to somebody else—they were moving on their own.

  “Sure it is.”

  “It is not. I’m not doing this in front of Jason, damn it.”

  “Doing what? Having great sexual experiences? Making me and Rook and yourself happy?”

  “Stop it.” He didn’t want to be…vulnerable in front of Jason.

  “You going to tell me what the problem is?”

  “No.” He was pretty d
amn sure he didn’t want to talk about it at all.

  “Then come on. I promised the boys dessert.” Bish kissed him again, then grabbed his hand and headed to the big bedroom.

  “I said no!” Jesus, no one was listening to him these days.

  Bish pulled him up against his strong body. “You know you want it. Stop fighting it so hard.”

  He flipped Bish off. “Make me, asshole.”

  “If that’s how you want it.” Bishop bent, lifted him up and put him up over one shoulder.

  So shocked that he didn’t even scream, Knight just went stiff and still. Bish carried him into the bedroom and put him in the middle of the big bed.

  “I…” He wasn’t going to do this. No fucking way.

  “You’re beautiful and you make the best dessert table.”

  “I’m not doing this…”

  Bishop cuffed one hand, chaining him to one bedpost.

  “You are, though.” Bishop restrained his other hand.

  “No.” His cock was aching, and he pulled against the bonds, fighting harder as a blindfold covered his eyes.

  “Yes, my Knight.”

  Bish’s lips circled his cock, the kiss wet, hot. His ankles were stroked and petted as he felt bonds wrapping around them.

  “Jason and Rook are coming. They’ve got cake.”

  He shook his head and Bishop’s fingers touched his lips. “Don’t make me gag you.”

  He shook, tugging at the bonds again, groaning low.

  “Oh, look how pretty he is.” Rook was there now.

  Knight opened his mouth to scream and Bishop’s fingers pushed into his lips, giving him something to suck.

  “Come on, Jason. It’s okay to come closer.”

  “I… Is he okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” Rook sounded close, and a gentle finger stroked along Knight’s prick. “See how hard he is? He loves it when Bish gets all toppy on him. I love that they let me be a part of it.”

  Rook’s lips rubbed across his. “I love you, Knight.”

  He whimpered. “Let me go, Rookie.”

  “Shh. You’re beautiful. Besides, it’s not me in charge here.” Rook gave him another kiss, Bish’s low chuckle sounding in the background.

  “Who wants a bit of salt to go with their dessert? Knight’s leaking and we wouldn’t want to waste any.”

  Rook was the one who took the bait. Knight knew it, because he heard the happy cry before the man’s lips dropped over his cock. Rook sucked like the man was starving for it, tongue playing as the tight lips pulled up and down along the shaft.

  “Don’t let him come, Rookie. He needs to wait.”

  Fucker. Bish was a motherfucker.

  He felt Rook’s whimper all around his prick, but the suction decreased a little and Rook’s bobbing slowed.

  “Hate you, Bish.”

  “I hate you too, babe.” He could hear the damn smile in Bish’s voice.

  “What do you want me to do?” Jason sounded so nervous…unnerved. See? He’d told Bish this was a bad idea.

  Rook popped off his prick. “Wanna help me, honey?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You can just watch. Or kiss him. Or feed him some cake—he loves that stuff.”

  “Oh. I can do that. With the frosting?”

  “Yeah, that’d be perfect.”

  “Open up, huh? I have a bite.”

  “Jason’s going to feed you, Knight. Let him.” Bish’s fingers glided across his lips. He frowned, but his fucking lips opened. “Easy. Just little bites since he’s on his back.”

  The tiniest bite of sweet brushed his lip and he opened wider.

  “Yeah, just like that. It’s so good, isn’t it, Knight?”

  “Let me up.”

  Jason fed him another bite.

  “Don’t listen to him, boys. I’m the one in charge here.”

  “Yes, Bish.” He could almost hear Rook’s eyelashes batting at Bishop.

  “He’s an asshole. A mean asshole.” Another bite of cake shut him up.

  “You love it,” Rook accused, tongue slapping across his cock. Knight’s eyes widened behind the blindfold. Rookie! Rook’s tongue poked at his slit next, pushing against it.

  He arched, his feet fighting the bonds. Bish rubbed his strong hands along his legs, the touch solid and there and Knight panted softly, focusing on that touch. It continued, Bish’s hands stroking back up his legs along the inside this time.

  Rook hummed softly. “See how Bish relaxes him? It’s like magic.”

  Bish chuckled, his hands still dancing on him. “I thought Knight’s art was the magic.”

  “It is! You’ve got magic of your own, though.”

  “Do you want another bite, Knight?”

  No. He wanted up. He wanted… Knight’s lips parted for the treat.

  “That’s right, Jason. Feed him as much as he wants, he’s being so good.” Bish’s hands cupped his hips.

  Rook hummed, kissing the tip of his cock again.

  “I want up.” His hips rolled, trying to get more of Rook’s mouth.

  Rook bobbed, taking more of him in then pulling off again, the sound of it slurpy and ending on a pop.

  “You’re good where you are,” murmured Bishop.


  The touches started up again, settling him, easing him.

  “Jason, feed him a couple more pieces and then touch him.”

  Another bite pushed into his lips. “What if he doesn’t want me to?”

  “I’ve told you to. That means he wants it.”

  Knight heard Jason gasp, fingers pushing another bite in between his lips.

  “It’s okay, sweet thing. He loves this—look at his cock.”

  “Come here, honey. Suck him with me.” Rook’s words were whispered around his prick. Soon there were two mouths on his cock, two sets of lips, two tongues bathing him.

  “Bish…” He pulled at the cuffs, heart pounding hard.

  “You want me too?” Another set of lips landed on his balls. Bish. His sac drew up tight, his hips rocking hard.

  “No coming,” Bish growled, just before his hot mouth took in one of Knight’s balls. His toes curled and he fought the urge to scream, the sensations perfect. The three of them worked his cock and his balls, their mouths like brands on his skin.

  “Going to come.”

  “Everyone back off.” Bish’s words flew out. The mouths on his cock disappeared immediately.

  “Bastards… Rookie, please.” He knew it wouldn’t work on Bish.

  “Bish…” Rook pleaded with their lover. He could just picture the big eyes.

  Bish only snorted. “He doesn’t come yet.”


  He heard Jason’s gasp.

  “Jason, are you ready to watch a spanking yet? Because, if you’re not, you and Rookie should go and watch another movie or something.” Bish sounded like he was ready to really dish out the spanking he was threatening.

  Knight growled, pulled harder. “No way. No fucking way.”

  “Rook, get me Knight’s gag.”

  The words made him screech, and Bish’s hand landed over his mouth, dulling the sound.

  He felt Bish’s lips against his ear. “I know you need this, babe. I’m going to beat your ass, then fill your ass, and then make you come and come. Then I’m going to hold you the rest of the night.”

  The words made him whimper, made his eyes water.

  He heard two sets of footsteps pad back in.

  “Here’s the gag, Bish. You want me and Jason to stay?”

  Bishop’s fingers kept caressing his face, stroking his cheeks. “You up to watching this, Jason? If you’re not ready, I won’t be pissed.”

  “I don’t… I don’t think so. Rook? Please?”

  “Take him out and make love to him, Rookie.” There was a noisy sounding kiss, then another. “Knight needs this, Jason, and one day you’ll be able to watch, to participate, and you’ll understand.”

�Come on. I’ll make it better.” Rook’s voice was gentle, leaving the room as the gag pressed against Knight’s lips.

  “Open up, Knight. You’re in for the ride of your life.” He groaned and shook his head. Fuck, he was losing his mind. So good.

  “I said, open up.” The gag pressed harder and pushed past his lips, his teeth, and his eyes opened behind the blindfold.

  “There you go, baby. Now you can scream as loudly as you need to.” He felt Bish kiss him around the gag.

  He did, too. He screamed and kicked and fought.

  A ring of jingle bells were pressed into his hand, and he knew if he dropped them this would stop. He held on.

  “Good boy.” One of his legs was undone, Bish pushing his leg across his body. He was stretched, a bit twisted, but the position exposed his ass to Bish’s hand. He could feel the air on his skin as Bish waited.

  Time stopped. Everything stopped for a long minute.

  “Love you.” The words were quiet, and they were immediately followed by the first hit of Bish’s hand landing on his ass…hard. The blow was so hard that the burn didn’t catch him for a second, then his body flushed with heat and he screamed, the sound muffled in his head. It was followed up by a second, then a third and fourth in quick succession.

  He tried to twist back, but Bish was solid against him, holding him down, keeping him where the big man wanted him. The burning smacks covered his ass—side to side, up and down—getting full coverage.

  Stop. Stop. Oh, fuck. More…

  He was going out of his fucking mind. The backs of his thighs got hit, too. His lower back just above his crack took slaps from two or three of Bish’s fingers. His entire backside was soon burning.

  He found himself sobbing, grunting out his stress and worry into the gag, and Bish kept going, kept pushing him, then all of a sudden, when he didn’t think he could take it for another second, it stopped. His hands were unfastened, his wrists freed, and Knight reached out for his lover, completely undone.

  “I have you, baby. You’re all mine.” He felt Bishop unfasten the other cuffs, then Bishop drew him close, fingers already touching his hole. “Gonna fuck you. Gonna fill you. Leave you plugged all fucking night long.”

  And hold him. Bishop had promised.

  Bishop’s fingers came back, slick with lube, pushing into him, and Knight groaned, the coolness feeling so good. “You’re a sexy beast, Knight. My sexy beast.”


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