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Chess Part One Box Set

Page 17

by Sean Michael

  Two fingers went deep, hit his gland.

  He groaned, squeezed Bish’s fingers tight.

  “Yeah, baby. Very nice.” Bish’s knee pushed against his cock.

  He arched—rode Bishop’s hand, rode that touch. He needed. It was so good. Another finger pushed in, Bishop spreading him open.




  He rubbed his face against his arms, spreading wide, opening.

  “So fucking sexy.” Bishop pushed his legs up against his chest, pressing his cock against his hole now.

  Knight moaned around the gag, needing that pressure so badly. Then he got it, Bishop’s cock going in deep in one long push.

  His grunt was audible through the gag, all his focus on his aching ass.

  “Nice.” Bishop started thrusting, fast and hard, giving his abused backside no quarter.

  Knight didn’t care. All he cared about in that moment was the pleasure, the pain, all intermingling together. Bishop leaned into him, his cock going deeper as his mouth closed over Knight’s, hot around the gag. Fuck, yes. He wanted the gag off, wanted the kisses, but he still needed the hard, forceful plugging more. Bishop’s tongue wet the gag, his mouth staying with his as the thrusts continued unabated. Bishop’s grunts vibrated against his lips.

  Love. He loved. Needed. Wanted. Please.

  The sounds became words. Single syllables that meant ‘love’ and ‘mine’ and ‘always’.

  He nodded furiously.



  Over and over, Bishop punched into him, and the need built inside him, growing, his cock and balls screaming for release.

  “I want you to come around my cock.” The words were sweet, necessary.

  Oh, Christ.


  Yes, please.

  Please, Bish. He begged with everything inside him.

  A few more punches landed against his gland before Bish bit at his lower lip. “Okay, baby. Give it to me.”

  He didn’t even have the breath to scream as he shot, his body gripping Bishop’s cock tight. Jerking against him, Bishop’s spunk filled him, hot inside him. He managed to hold on, barely, clinging to Bish.

  “Got a plug here for you, baby.”

  He nodded, his body keeping Bish in.

  “Which means I’ve got to come out.”

  He nodded again, but he held on.

  Bish licked his ear next. “Gag and blindfold stay on until you’re plugged up, Knight. Just so you know.”

  He groaned, one hand holding on to Bishop’s nape.

  “I can stay here all night, just like this.” Bish jerked his hips, pushing the tiniest bit deeper and nudging across his gland again.

  He groaned, whimpered, held on.

  “Beautiful, needy asshole.” Bish bit at his earlobe and jerked inward again. Knight nodded and moaned, his muscles starting to tremble. “My, beautiful needy asshole.”




  He could feel Bish slowly slipping out of him, the thick cock dragging along the inside of his body, and he gasped for air, his body squeezing Bishop’s cock.

  “Gotta let me go sometime, baby.”

  His body did, even if his heart didn’t.

  Bishop slipped out, a slick dildo getting pushed in the minute the wonderful heat was gone. “There.” Strong fingers petted him, Bishop’s touch everywhere.

  The gag came out and he groaned, then Bishop pulled him close and held him.

  Bishop took off the blindfold next, but Knight kept his eyes closed as soft kisses pressed along his face.



  The blankets covered them.

  “I’ve got you, baby. That’s all that matters.”

  He nodded. Yeah.


  Chapter Twelve

  Rook grabbed the rest of the honey cake in one hand and Jason’s arm in the other and led him out of the big room back toward the living room. They could watch another movie, snuggle together on the couch and hopefully he could convince Jason that Knight really was okay and actually wanted what Bish was dishing out.

  He detoured them through the kitchen to grab a couple of cans of Coke.

  “You’re awfully quiet, honey,” he pointed out.

  “I…” Jason looked at him, eyes huge.

  “You’re a little freaked out, huh?” He stopped and gave Jason a quick kiss. “Come on. We’ll sit and eat honey cake and drink Coke and talk. Or watch a mindless movie or whatever floats our boats, ‘kay?”

  He led Jason back to the living room and the couch, which was still covered with their blanket from earlier.

  “A little, yeah. That was…intense.”

  “It was, but Knight loves it. Hell, he needs it.” He set their stuff on the coffee table and pulled Jason down onto the couch with him. They cuddled up together under the blanket. “Knight used to take all sorts of drugs and he doesn’t anymore. Me and Bish—he does us instead of the drugs.”

  “Still, he said he didn’t want it.”

  Jason’s hands reached for him, drew him close.

  “Oh, no, that’s a part of the game. He has a safeword—that’s a word that if he says it, everything stops. So if he really didn’t want it he could make it stop so easy. And I don’t know, maybe he doesn’t want to want it, to need it. But he does. Look at his eyes sometimes, when he’s looking at Bish without realizing he’s being watched. It’s like there’s this black hole in him and he knows Bish can fill it.”

  “It’s like working out, pushing yourself too hard?”

  “I guess.” He actually blushed a little. “I don’t exactly push myself too hard when I’m working out.” He left that kind of thing to Bish.

  “It’s not for everyone. Hell, lots of times it’s not for me.” Jason brushed his cheek with one hand.

  He tilted his head, nuzzling against Jason’s palm. Then he turned his head and kissed it. “No, neither is what Knight and Bish have together. It keeps Knight sane, though, without drugs or medication. He just needs the painting, plenty of caffeine and Bish. I like to think he needs me, too.” And Knight did, he knew that…just in a different way.

  “What do you need?” The question was gentle, quiet. How could Jason make him feel so…warm with just a few words?

  “I…” He shrugged. “I don’t feel left out, even when Bish and Knight are doing their thing. We love each other.”

  “I don’t know if that was an answer, really.”

  He tilted his head. “I guess I don’t know what you’re asking. I’m not like Knight. I don’t need to lose myself like that.” He shrugged and laughed. “I do need hot and cold running sex, and I get that. I get loved on whenever I need it.” He stopped and reached out to stroke Jason’s cheek. “I think I could get to need you.” Only he was pretty sure maybe he already did.

  “I’m not very sexual, but I like you. Really.” Sweet, gentle boy. And not very sexual? Rook was hard pressed to think of very many people, outside of Bishop and Knight and himself, who were more sexual than Jason.

  “I like you too, Jason.” He grinned and waggled his eyebrows. “Shall we show each other just how much we like each other?”

  “You can’t want to! Your balls will fall off.”

  “Nah, it’s like a superpower—or the Energizer bunny, only instead of banging on a drum, I’m just banging.” He laughed, rubbing his nose against Jason’s. And he did want to. He’d had a flash of them sixty-nineing and suddenly he was hard as a rock.

  “It can’t be healthy.” Jason was laughing, though. Laughing with him.

  “Best exercise in the world.” He pressed their mouths together, capturing Jason’s laughter between their lips.

  Jason was getting better at kissing after just over a day, Rook couldn’t imagine how wonderful Jason’s mouth was going to be in a week, a month…a year…

  He wouldn’t think about that, though. Jason was just
starting with them.

  This was just the beginning.

  He leaned into the solid, warm body, sinking into Jason with his body and mouth. It felt so good as Jason stroked his hair and petted him. He pulled back just far enough to smile into Jason’s eyes. “Wanna sixty-nine?”

  “I… Yeah?”

  “That’s where we suck each other. It’s really good for everybody involved.”

  Jason chuckled. “I know what it is. I haven’t done it, but I know.”

  That made him laugh, and he hugged Jason tight. “Okay. Good. It’s even better when it’s a three-way sixty-nine, so I’m betting four-way will rock. But for now…” He pulled Jason down onto the couch then headed under the blanket, wriggling around so by the time his mouth was in line with Jason’s cock, his was up by Jason’s lips. Jason wasn’t hard yet, but he was getting there—the quiet prick still a good size.

  Rook pressed kisses over it, breathing in the scent of Jason that lived there. It made him moan, his own cock responding happily to the tastes and smells. The heat.

  He felt soft caresses against his cock, Jason’s cheek, the hint of warm lips, and Rook moaned happily and wrapped his lips around the head of Jason’s prick, sucking softly.

  Jason’s moan was so soft and low that he almost missed it. He flicked his tongue back and forth across the head, teasing, and the pretty prick started to swell, even as Jason repeated the caress.

  He moaned in encouragement, knowing even that would send vibrations around Jason’s prick. It was dark, private, quiet in here. He wanted to explore. He let go of the tip and mouthed his way along the side, tongue tracing one of the many veins there. Jason smelled so good, so he kept moaning, licking while he buried his nose right into Jason’s pubes, breathing deeply as his tongue tasted around the base of Jason’s cock.

  Jason was focusing on the tip of his prick, touching and sucking so carefully. It sent gentle waves of pleasure rolling through him. It was nice, actually—not enough to distract him from what he was doing, but enough to make him feel good. Not overwhelming, not painful. Just perfect.

  He hummed again, nosing Jason’s balls, then taking one into his mouth, slapping it gently with his tongue.

  Jason’s mouth left his cock. “Rook?”

  He lifted his head. “Yeah?”

  “That… Sorry. That startled me.”

  “Felt good, though, didn’t it?”

  “I don’t know.” Jason’s soft laughter was embarrassed.

  “Oh, honey, I better do it again, then, so you do know.” He went back to loving on Jason’s balls.

  Jason’s moans started vibrating against his legs. He was going to take that as feeling good. Rook continued, fingers gliding on Jason’s inner thighs and his cock. Jason’s kisses became more steady, more sure, even as Jason spread.

  He flicked a finger across Jason’s ass then took the tip of the now fully erect cock into his mouth. He felt that sweet hole tighten and jerk, but it didn’t matter because Jason was sucking on him, pulling on his cock.

  Groaning, he took more of Jason in, head beginning to bob, and Jason wrapped his hands around Rook’s hips to hold him. Rook pulled Jason’s finger into his mouth with Jason’s cock, rubbing it across the tip before pulling it out again and touching the little puckered hole once more. Swollen, that pretty hole tightened under his touch. His wet finger skated over and around it, no doubt shooting sensation through Jason’s body.

  Every touch made Jason’s mouth tighter.

  Rook pulled hard on Jason’s cock, fingers continuing to play with his hole as he rolled the sensitive balls with his other hand. He could feel the needy little cries around his prick.

  He loved that, loved how wonderfully sensual and needy Jason really was.

  Knight was a genius when it came to seeing things that most people missed.

  His tongue licked around the head of Jason’s cock as his finger circled the little hole. Come on, honey, give me your pleasure.

  Jason’s mouth popped off his cock, his hoarse cry muffled by the blanket, so Rook bobbed his head harder, increasing suction for only a minute before spunk splashed on his tongue, salty and hot. He swallowed it down, moaning happily around Jason’s cock.

  Jason panted against his shaft, breath hot and heavy. He kept licking and nibbling, cleaning Jason’s prick. Slowly, Jason started working on his prick again.

  “Oh fuck, so good.” He encouraged Jason to keep going. Jason hummed in response, his lips wrapped around his cock, tugging with a steady, slow intensity.

  He nuzzled Jason’s crotch, loving the smell, the soft, velvety skin. An addiction. Living here, loving these men—it was the best addiction. Rook tried to keep from thrusting into Jason’s mouth, but, as he got more lost in his pleasure, it wasn’t easy to hold back and his hips slipped, rocking his cock deeper into Jason’s mouth.

  Jason did well, only backing off a few times.

  “So good. Feels amazing.” He reached down, fingers tangling in the heavy hair, the strands like raw silk. “Yeah, don’t stop. Fuck.” A shudder went through him—he was getting close.

  He felt the gentle, soft touch to his balls, Jason tugging.

  “Honey!” He gasped, spunk pouring out of his cock at the unexpected touch. Jason rode out the orgasm with him, cheek on his thigh.

  He lay resting against Jason as he caught his breath before he wriggled back around until he was face to face with him once again. “Thank you—that was wonderful.”

  Jason offered him a smile. “You’re welcome.”

  He licked at Jason’s top lip. “You liked it too, right?”

  “I do. Did. You’re amazing. Thank you.”

  He grinned. He would have bounced if he hadn’t been lying down on the couch. “You’re pretty amazing yourself.” Rook snuggled in. “You feeling better? More settled?”

  “I. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I mean, I have questions.”

  “So ask, honey.”

  “Where am I supposed to sleep at night?”

  “We never showed you your room, did we? I’m sorry. You have a room of your own, and you can sleep there if you want. But I…well, I hope you’ll sleep with me. Either in my room or in the big bedroom. Knight doesn’t sleep, but I bet if Bish is in his bed he’ll let you sleep with him, too. I usually curl up with him. We both could.” He grinned, feeling sheepish. “You can sleep where you’re comfortable sleeping.”

  “I just didn’t know. The last day has been…a whirlwind.”

  “I know I can be pushy.” He hadn’t bulldozed Jason, had he? “I’m just so happy you’re here and you’re so sexy…”

  “You’re not pushy. You’re like magic.” Jason drew closer. “I feel…silly, somehow. I just got here. I’m not your lover. You’re paying me, but…I feel things for you.”

  “We don’t have to pay you…” Rook winked and hugged Jason tight. “I’m feeling things for you too, Jason. I never expected it, but I do.”

  He felt Jason’s nod, heard his soft sigh. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”

  “Oh, yes, please.” He wriggled up and held out his hand. “Come on. I want to show you my room.”

  Jason reached for him and let him haul his muscled body up.

  He rubbed against Jason when they were both standing, enjoying the closeness and all those warm, solid muscles.

  “Are Knight and Bishop okay?”

  Sweet boy.

  He cocked an ear—all was quiet. “They are. Come, I’ll show you.”

  Holding on to Jason’s hand, he quietly made his way down the hall to the big bedroom. They peeked in.

  Knight was curled up in Bishop’s arms, sound asleep, his cheeks still wet with tears. Bishop was holding on tight, sleeping too, but rocking their lover.

  Rook sighed, leaning against Jason. “Aren’t they beautiful?”

  Jason nodded, eyes wide.

  Bishop’s hand slid down Knight’s back, stroking him.

  “See? Knight never sleeps. Except when Bish makes him.” He patt
ed Jason’s ass.

  “Never? That’s unhealthy.”

  They left, heading down the hall.

  “Uh-huh. That’s why he needs Bish to make him.” He brought Jason into his room. It was homey and warm, with quilts and comforters on the bed along with a hundred or so pillows. “I hope you like it.”

  “It’s amazing. Like a fairy tale or something.” Jason looked embarrassed, head down.

  “Oh. Honey, you are so sweet. Thank you.” He drew Jason onto the bed. “You can be my Prince Charming.”

  “I’ll be whatever you need, Rook.”

  “Because we’re paying you?”

  Jason looked at him, shook his head. “I…I know it’s silly. I know it is, but…no.”

  Warmth filled him and he pushed into a kiss. “Thank you.”

  “You’re the reason I’m here. Thank you.”

  “It was Knight who found you.” He cuddled in close, pulling the quilts up over them.

  “It was you who seduced me.” Jason’s hands wrapped around him, held him.

  “Yeah, I did. I’m going to keep doing it, too. I hope that’s okay.”

  “I do, too.”


  Book two in the Chess series

  Can Jason be with three amazing men and not lose his heart in the process?

  Living with and being the playtoy of three men is more rewarding than Jason could have imagined. Bishop, Knight and Rook each have their own way of loving on him. In Bishop he finds a workout partner, friendship, and good solid lovemaking. He isn’t sure what to make of Knight, but the man is a brilliant artist and there are worse things than being Knight’s subject for his latest series of paintings. And the kinky things Knight does to him blow his mind on a regular basis.

  It’s Rook who Jason is falling in love with, though. The bright, loving, sexy man has him head over heels and Jason’s beginning to worry that he’s getting himself in way over his head. Can he continue to be with these men without losing his heart?


  For my readers.

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


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