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Chess Part One Box Set

Page 30

by Sean Michael

  “We can leave that up to Barb,” suggested Bish, snagging what had to be his fourth slice of all-meat pizza. Someone was going to have to work out hard tomorrow morning.

  Knight nodded, then shrugged and chewed on his thumbnail. “I don’t know. You think there are enough of them?”

  “Was Barb happy?” Bish asked. When Knight nodded, he added, “Well, there you go. There were enough and they were just right. She’s a barracuda and isn’t afraid to let you know when she’s not happy, so it’s a win.”

  Jason ate another piece of pizza, frowning as the sky outside darkened quickly. “Is the weather supposed to get bad?”

  “Yeah, that was why we wanted to get the tree early.” Rook bounced up and looked out. “It’s gonna blizzard all right.”

  “There’s plenty of wood for the fireplace, and food.” Knight sounded pleased.

  Jason still worried, though. “Do you have to go into the shop tomorrow, Rook?”

  Rook owned a series of sex toy emporiums, but loved to work there and pretend he was an employee. It was weird. Charming, but weird.

  Rook shook his head. “I don’t usually go in around the holidays. The shop is too busy and we have lots of staff for that.”

  “Oh, good. I was going to offer to go in for you.” He didn’t want Rook out in bad weather.

  Knight snorted.

  “I was.” He loved Rook, damn it.

  Rook cuddled and brought his face down for a kiss. “So good to me, honey.”

  Jason had to be. He was stupid about Rook.

  Rook turned one kiss into two, then three, beginning to rub against him. Naked, dressed, anywhere, anytime—Rook was ready to go at the drop of a hat. Jason thought maybe it was like a disease or something, if a disease could be good. Because this was good… Rook was so good.

  Rook straddled him, hands cupping his face for yet another breath-stealing kiss.

  “Let him finish his supper, Rookie.” Knight sounded amused.

  “He’s finished. He only ever eats three slices at a time.” Rook, who knew him so well, dove back in, taking his lips.

  Bishop laughed, and Rook broke the kiss again. “And Knight’s finished, too. He’ll want more later, but he had his two slices already, so go for it.”

  Then Jason was being kissed again, Rook rubbing up against him.

  “You’re such a girl, Rookie.” They had about a half a second’s warning before Knight tackled Rook. Rook was pushed up hard against him.

  “Knight!” Rook laughed. “My cock says I am so not a girl!”

  “Our little wifey.” The words were teasing, but warm, and Knight started tickling him.

  “Butthead,” Rook cried out, wriggling and writhing and laughing in Jason’s lap, their cocks bumping and rubbing.

  Knight winked at him over Rook’s shoulder. “Help me out, baby boy?”

  “No way.” He wasn’t going to gang up on Rook, not ever. He did capture Rook’s hips, though, keeping the man close as he moved.

  “Spoilsport.” Knight laughed and straddled his lap, too, making a Rook sandwich.

  He grinned at Knight. God, it was charming, to have the man laughing, playing with them.

  Rook moaned. “Oh, God. The two of you are making me hard.”

  Knight snorted. “You’re always hard.”

  Jason found himself somehow totally unable to argue with that.

  Rook didn’t seem the least bit put out, though. “It’s part of my charm.”

  Bishop laughed, sliding along the couch and wrapping long arms around the three of them. “It is indeed, Rookie.”

  They sat there together for a minute, everyone finding where they fitted. Bishop gave him a look, checking to make sure he was okay with Rook and Knight’s combined weight, then Bishop took his mouth. Bish kissed him like he had in the kitchen, storming his mouth, stealing his breath away.

  Rook moaned the moment they began to kiss and began to move, sliding against him, making him harder despite the fact that they were still fully clothed. Not to be left out, Knight tugged at his nipples through his T-shirt. He shivered and bucked up, bouncing into Rook.

  Rook’s moan sounded again, the wonderful man rolling and rocking harder.

  “I swear, if you guys knock me off…” Knight’s growl was deep, rough.

  Rook leaned his head back onto Knight’s shoulder. “Jason’s got you, K.”

  Jason nodded. He wouldn’t let any of them fall.

  “If we had less clothes, you could take me, K.” Rook dropped a hand as he spoke, tugging at Jason’s jeans.

  He gasped, hips rolling as Rook touched him. It still felt so weird, how fast things got sexual, how easily something as simple as a meal could turn into an orgy. Bishop joined Rook, getting both his and Rook’s pants open, pulling out his prick and pressing it together with Rook’s.

  Jason’s eyes crossed and he flailed a second, then grabbed Rook with one hand, Knight with the other. “Oh, fuck.”

  Bishop chuckled, but Rook just moaned.

  “Help me get our Rookie’s jeans off, Knight. He needs your cock.”

  “Can’t we take this to the big bed?” Jason asked. It wasn’t like the couch was a stranger to their lovemaking, but with all four of them getting it on, the bed was so much more comfortable.

  “I like the way you think, Jase.” Bish gave him a grin, then helped Knight and Rook climb off him.

  Jason sat there, staring at them all for a minute. Crazy. The three of them made him crazy.

  Rook grabbed his hand, Knight the other and Bishop led the way to the master bedroom. By the time the four of them tumbled onto the crazy-big bed, they were all naked, hard and reaching for each other. He was face to face with Rook, Bishop’s solid body behind him and Knight behind Rook.

  “Bish is going to take you, Knight’s going to have me.” Rook sounded so excited. Like they hadn’t done this a hundred times before.

  That excitement, though—it was contagious. Rook’s prick—hard and dripping against his belly—didn’t hurt, either. Rook settled them together, too, making sure they were supporting each other, holding each other.

  He knew when Knight started prepping Rook—could see it in his lover’s pretty eyes. Then Bishop’s slick fingers pushed into him. He pushed forward, lips parted, Rook’s body supporting him. Rook took his lips, tongue pushing into his mouth, fucking it. Rook’s kisses made him dizzy and the fingers inside him pushed him hard, not giving him a chance to adjust. Rook found his right nipple, sliding his fingers gently over it and making everything else feel just a little bit more.

  Knight moaned. “Fuck, Rookie, you’re like heaven inside.”

  Rook pushed away from him, back into Knight, his moan pushing into Jason’s lips.

  Bish was still touching Jason, two fingers becoming three, making his delts tense, his shoulder rising from the bed.

  Rook played with his nipple, pulling the little bit of flesh.” So pretty.” The little tug zipped down his spine. Rook smiled and did it again, twisting a little this time. The touches helped Jason to relax, to breathe and let Bish in.

  “Fucking tight, baby boy.” Bish slid his hand along his arm, petting him as Rook continued to make him dizzy with those kisses.

  Knight wasn’t as patient, the man pushing into Rook’s body, humping up and making Rook moan for him. Rook’s body rolled against his, Bish’s strength keeping him in place.

  Knight met his eyes and winked. “Is Bish driving you crazy, man?”

  “God, yes.” He nodded and licked his lips, just shuddering.

  Rook laughed, the sound happy and breathless. “And you’re making me crazy, K. So good.”

  “You like the ring, Rookie?” Knight surged in again.

  “Uh-huh. Yes. Yes.”

  Jason groaned as the pressure inside him grew, Bishop managing to get a finger on his guiche and rub it back and forth against his skin. He pushed closer to Rook. Like it was a signal, Rook took his mouth again, tongue sliding on his.

Bishop’s cock spread him, the huge man covering his back.

  “Mmm. All four of us together.” Rook rubbed noses with him. “We make magic.”

  Knight chuckled. “We make porn.”

  Jason couldn’t help but bristle. “It’s not porn.”

  Rook beamed at him. “You’re absolutely right, honey. We make magic and we make love and we are the luckiest men on earth.” The words were a little breathless, but they were clear.

  Bishop chuckled. “You’re not doing it right, Knight, if Rookie’s that coherent.”

  “Hey!” Knight grinned wide. “You’ve got the cherry and he’s sober enough to argue with me.”

  “You guys are just going to have to try harder!” Rook crowed.

  Jason groaned. Just what Bish needed. A challenge.

  Laughing, Rook brought their mouths back together, the sound pushing into him, filling him with Rook’s joy. He felt Bish pushing deeper inside him, filling his ass with Bishop’s pleasure as the man reached for Knight.

  “Together,” growled Bish, and suddenly Bishop and Knight were thrusting in tandem, pushing him and Rook into each other.

  Rook tangled their fingers together, their cocks rubbing almost painfully.

  “Love you, honey,” Rook whispered, eyes on his.

  “Yeah?” God, he wanted to believe that. Needed to.

  “I do.” Rook kissed him again, stealing his breath, his sense.

  Him, too. He was so in love with Rook it hurt.

  He moaned softly and opened up, tongue sliding on Rook’s. Bish wrapped a hand around his and Rook’s pricks, jacking them together as Bish and Knight found their rhythm, fucking the two of them like there was no tomorrow. The huge bed groaned under their weight, creaking for them.

  All he could do was feel, with Rook’s sounds filling him as surely as Bish’s cock did. Rook pushed closer, really humping against him, driving hard, and Jason grabbed Rook’s hips.

  “Fuck!” Rook cried out, heat splashing up over his belly.

  “Fucking love that smell,” muttered Bishop, pushing into him.

  Jason lost it next, moaning Rook’s name, ass gripping Bish’s fat prick.

  “Yes!” Bishop’s triumphant shout shivered sensation down his spine. “You next, Knight. Do it.”

  “Pushy.” Knight’s head was on Rook’s shoulder.

  “You fucking know it. Don’t make me tell you again, boy.” Bishop’s growl made Jason’s prick jerk again.

  Rook gasped as Knight bit him, but Jason would bet—good money, too—that Knight came on command.

  Sure enough, Rook shivered and murmured, “I feel that.”

  “That’s my Knight.” Bish’s thrusts got harder, faster and he filled Jason with more heat.

  Jason clung to Rook, his muscles trembling. Bishop nuzzled his neck, then leaned across him to kiss Rook, then across Rook to kiss Knight. While they were kissing, Rook took Jason’s mouth, his tongue soft, gentle, warm. Moaning into him, Rook slid warm fingers over his chest, touching him.

  They all eased into the sheets, Rook’s eyes widening as the light went off. Bishop patted his ass gently and nuzzled his neck. “It’s all good.”

  Knight groaned. “The wind sounds awful and it’ll be impossible to work downstairs.”

  “You don’t need to work again until the New Year.” Rook sounded pleased about that.

  “No, he doesn’t. We’re spending the next two weeks being lazy and fucking.” Bishop tugged blankets over them, clearly unconcerned that they’d lost power.

  Rook giggled, pushing back against Knight, then forward into him. “Sounds like the best holiday ever.”

  “Only you would think a huge winter storm meant the best holiday ever, Rookie.” Knight laughed and it was okay. Right.

  Jason thought maybe even honestly good.

  He couldn’t wait to find out.

  Chapter Two

  Bishop frowned when he realized that Knight wasn’t with them and headed down the hall to Knight’s studio. His artist wasn’t getting out of tree decorating. He could hear music, driving and dark, and he shook his head. It was too cold down here to work and Knight owed them his presence. They had a deal.

  “Baby, you’re done working for the holidays.” He didn’t knock. He knocked when Knight was working. Knight was off work until after New Year’s.

  The scent of bleach hit him first, then his eyes began to sting. His lover was in the center of the room, half naked, hysterically scrubbing.

  “Jesus, Knight.” He put his arm over his mouth as he moved in to where Knight was.

  “I’m cleaning up the studio.”

  Yeah, no kidding. He could smell that. “Gonna burn your lungs out. Put the lid on the bleach, Knight. It’s tree-decorating time.”

  “Already?” Knight looked at him, eyes bloodshot. “Did I miss lunch?”

  “Yes and yes.” He shook his head, put the lid on the bleach and tightened it. He was going to beat Knight’s ass. “Come on. You need a shower.” If only to get the fumes off so the rest of them didn’t have to breathe them in.

  “God, yes.” Knight was almost cheery.

  Bish figured the bleach had made Knight high. He shook his head, tugging his lover upstairs to the big bathroom with their four-man shower stall. Knight’s hands were red, raw, almost blistered. It made him growl. “If you can’t stay out of the studio until the holidays are over, I will cuff you to me.”

  “Don’t threaten me, grumpy.”

  “It wasn’t a threat—it was a promise.” It actually sounded like it could be a fun thing to do. “And I only got grumpy when I was assaulted by bleach.” Okay, that and the sight of Knight scrubbing until his hands were raw and his brain was bleached.

  Knight’s eyes flashed. “I didn’t make you come down!”

  “Hey.” He pulled Knight in and kissed the man hard—he wasn’t looking to make Knight angry. “It’s the holidays. You’re supposed to be with us. That’s the deal.”

  “I know. I just… I’m restless.” Knight shrugged, but didn’t pull away. “The weather.”

  “Well, you need to help with the decorations. Besides, you’ll enjoy watching Jason’s face when Rookie pulls out the hanging penis ornaments.”

  That grin came back, slow and wicked. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll need my camera. What did you get him?”

  “Uh-uh. No telling until Christmas day.”

  “I wouldn’t spoil the surprise.” No. No, Knight wouldn’t.

  It was a surprise for all of them, though, so he couldn’t tell his Knight about the matching leather jackets. “I know, but I want you to be surprised Christmas morning, too.” He got the water going.

  “I got him a computer. The one he has is old.”

  Bishop smiled and gave Knight a hard kiss. His Knight was a good man. “He’s going to love it.”

  “I hope so.” Knight might not want to admit it, but he wanted Jason to like him, too. And he cared for the kid.

  Bish got them in the water and started washing his lover, hands mapping the lean, fine body. He fucking loved this man. He pushed his fingers into Knight’s muscles, loving the fine skin hard.

  “Oh, Bish.” Knight hummed and stretched for him, relaxing almost immediately. Really, if Knight had wanted attention, the man should have just asked for it instead of turning cleaning into a cry for it.

  He touched Knight everywhere, then got the soap and did it again, moving his fingers slowly over Knight’s skin. Knight wiggled, pushed into each touch—less like the man was trying to tempt him and more like his hands just felt too good not to respond to. Bish liked that idea.

  He was going to get them both off, then they’d go rescue Jason from Rook’s total naughty tree-decorating enthusiasm.

  Knight’s hands mapped his shoulders, his arms. “God, I need to draw you.”

  He chuckled. Knight only asked for that weekly. “Anytime.” He took Knight’s mouth and pushed the man up against the tile, letting Knight feel his need.

  “Horny fucker
.” Knight’s laughter made him grin.

  “Takes one,” he muttered back, hand sliding behind Knight to grab his ass.

  “Take me.” Knight’s teeth were on his earlobe, tugging hard.

  He smacked Knight’s ass. “That’s the plan.”

  And Knight had said he wouldn’t bottom while they had Jason. Bishop had known that wouldn’t last. Hell, had it lasted a week? A day? Maybe a few hours. Knight might never let Rook in, never let the kid in, but that sweet little hole was Bishop’s.

  He slicked his fingers up with the lube they kept stocked in the shower and pushed two into Knight.

  “Yeah…” Knight rippled, arched and stretched right into him. He added another finger, found Knight’s gland and pushed hard against it. “Bish!” Knight jerked, shivering for him.

  “Right here, baby.” He pushed against Knight’s gland again.

  Knight groaned, thighs spreading wide. Bishop let his fingers drop away, grabbed one of Knight’s thighs and pulled it up over his hip.

  “Fuck, Bish. You’re hotter and hotter, every damn day.”

  Groaning at Knight’s words, Bish nudged the man’s hole and pushed in. That tiny opening gripped his cock, squeezing all along his shaft. “Yes. Fuck. Knight.” He kept pushing until his hips were pressed up tight against Knight’s ass.

  “Uh-huh.” Knight nodded, arms clinging to him almost as tightly as that sweet hole held his cock. “Knight.”

  Bish laughed, the sound turning into a moan as he began thrusting. His lover’s ass was heaven on earth—hot and tight, gripping him. “So fucking hot, Knight.”

  Knight’s lips brushed his ear. “Fine motherfucker. Harder.”

  “Fucking pushy bottom.” Still, he gave Knight exactly what they both needed.

  “Not a bottom.” Knight bit his jaw.

  He shoved in hard. “No, not at all.”

  “Th…that’s right.” Knight threw his head back, throat working.

  Bishop kept punching into the man’s ass. Such a fucking bottom. His fucking bottom. He leaned in, teeth digging into Knight’s throat. He was going to leave a huge, lurid mark on his Knight. Christmas fucking wrapping.

  He felt his bite, all around his cock, too—Knight squeezing down hard at the touch of his teeth. Oh, hell yes. He licked at the mark, thrusting in hard as he wrapped his hand around Knight’s prick.


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