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Chess Part One Box Set

Page 37

by Sean Michael

  “Wires.” Knight shook his head. “I have work to do.”

  “You’re in the hospital, Knight. You have to get better before you can work.” Bishop didn’t see why they couldn’t bring in a sketchbook. He wasn’t sure how it was going to work with the casts and stuff, though…

  He didn’t know much of anything yet. The doctors hadn’t even said how long things were going to take to heal now that Knight was back in the land of the living. Things had had weeks and weeks to start healing already, though. Right?

  He rubbed his face. Knight was awake, there with them. That’s all that counted right now. Hell, ever. The rest was details.

  Details and how to get Knight well enough to be home.

  Rookie and Jason came in, carrying more coffee. This would be the last coffee run until morning, but he didn’t care—he wasn’t leaving Knight’s side.

  “How’s he do— Oh! You’re awake again!” Rookie bounded over to Knight’s side and kissed him.

  Knight blinked, stared at Rook. “Home.”

  “No, you’re at the hospital, K. You got hurt.” Rook kissed Knight again. “Soon, though. Right, Bish?”

  He glared at Rookie. “We have to see what the doctor says.” He was not making promises he had no idea if he could keep.

  Rook wriggled and ducked his head. “I know, sorry. I just want him home.”

  “It’s going to be a long time, guys.” Jason’s voice was soft, hands on Knight’s feet again. “But at least you have a professional trainer with physio experience.”

  Bishop focused on the positive first. “That’s right. I’d forgotten that. It’ll be good to know he’s in hands I trust.” Now to address what he really didn’t want to hear. “Define a long time.”

  “Well, he’s got to be able to sit up on his own, eat, use the facilities. He’s not even drinking water yet.”

  Bishop nodded, but didn’t say anything. What was he supposed to say? He was just happy Knight was awake now—he wasn’t going to let frustrations ruin how good it was to see those eyes looking at him.

  “So, like, weeks?” Rook asked.

  Jason nodded, but said, “It depends on him.”

  Rook’s chin went up. “And us—we’ll make sure he works hard.”

  Knight was dozing again, but it was light, quiet.

  “At least he’s awake, right?” Rook looked like he didn’t know if he was supposed to be happy or worried or upset.

  Bish reached across Knight and held onto Rookie’s hand. “Yeah, and that’s a very good thing. He’s not dying on us. Everything else we can handle.”

  “He’s actually doing good, I think.” Jason shrugged. “He doesn’t have pneumonia and he knows us. Knows who he is.”

  He smiled at Jason. “Thank you.” He really didn’t know how he’d have handled this without his lovers. He liked to think he was strong, but this was… This was a lot.

  “We’ll need to talk to the doctors, once he’s really healing—get things moving. See what we need at the house.” It was good to have someone who knew what questions they needed to be asking.

  “Can you make us a list, Jase? Of what we need to ask the doctors, what we’ll need at the house—that kind of thing?”

  “Sure, Bish. No problem.” God, he couldn’t believe how…necessary Jason had become.

  “Thanks, baby boy.” He rubbed his face, the adrenaline from Knight being awake beginning to fade.

  Jason came to him, hands landing on his shoulders, the big, strong fingers digging in.

  “Oh, God, that’s good.” He took a deep breath and let his head drop.

  “Jason has the best hands,” murmured Rookie.

  “He’s incredibly tense. That’s got to hurt.”

  “I didn’t realize till you started,” Bishop admitted.

  “Hopefully, it’ll help now.” Jason kissed his head.

  “Yeah, yeah. It feels great.”

  Rook’s hand slid across the back of his for a moment. “You wanna go home and get showered, Bish?”

  “No. No. I won’t leave him, not now.”

  “But he’s out of the woods now and just went to sleep. It might be hours before he’s awake again.”

  “Or minutes.” He wasn’t leaving.

  “Bish, come on. Jase, help me out here.”

  “I can stay. You and Rook could go eat.” Those hands just kept moving.

  “That’s a great idea, honey. Isn’t that a good idea, Bishop? Come have food with me, a shower, clean clothes…”

  He shook his head. He didn’t think he could go.

  “Mouse.” Knight twisted, moaning. “Bish.”

  He grabbed hold of Knight’s hand, holding on tight. “Right here, baby. Right fucking here.” He shot Rook a look. “And I’m not going anywhere.”

  Rook sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “I promised him.”

  “You have to take care of yourself too, though, if you’re going to take care of him. You keep massaging, Jason. I’m going to go get Bish a sandwich or something.”

  “Yeah. And some water. He needs something non-caffeinated.”

  “Okay.” Rookie leaned over Knight’s body and kissed Bish. Surprisingly hard.

  Bishop blinked, grabbed his lover—his oldest friend—and kissed him back. Rook sobbed into his mouth and the kiss deepened, right there over Knight’s body, with their Jason right there next to them.

  Oh fuck. Maybe for the first time, he thought this was going to be okay.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jason leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and counted to twenty. Then he counted again. Knight had been awake for two weeks now. Two weeks was enough to start asking questions, start fighting the nurses, start panicking about the casts.

  Bishop was snarling, Rookie was hysterical and he was going to die from exhaustion.

  A cup went flying across the room. “I said I want coffee.”

  “You can’t have coffee! It’s not allowed.” Rookie was near tears again.

  “I said coffee!” Knight was evil. Pure, uncontrolled evil, and Jason was afraid he was beginning to hate the man.

  “Stop it,” growled Bishop. “I know you’re hurting and frustrated, but that doesn’t mean you can take it out on us.”

  Knight opened his mouth to scream and Jason shocked himself by stepping up to the bed, slapping a hand over Knight’s lips. “No. Grow up, you spoiled asshole. You’re not the only person alive.”

  Oh, God.

  Everyone froze and looked at him, staring.

  He sucked in a deep breath. “It’s true. Knight, you have to stop fighting us and fight with us. Then we can take you home.”

  Rook came and stood next to him. “He’s right, K. We want you home with us and you need to follow doctors’ orders so that can happen.”

  Knight’s lips moved and Jason uncovered them. “I’m going to fire you.”

  Jason chuckled, but the sound was weak. “I don’t think you can anymore.”

  “No.” Bishop’s words were soft. “You can’t fire family.”

  “I hate this place.” Knight was back to whining. “I want to go home.”

  Jason nodded. “I hear you. So make them send you home. Do the exercises. Eat. Gain the five fucking pounds. Piss on your own.”

  “We’ll help you,” Rook promised.

  “Every fucking step of the way,” added Bishop.

  Knight glared at him. “You look like shit, baby boy.”

  “I feel like shit.” He winked. He was so tired.

  “We’re just so worried about you, K.” Rook’s hand slid on Jason’s spine, warming him.

  He nodded but moved away again. He knew Knight needed Bishop and Rook. He was there for support.

  Rook followed him, hand going to his back again. “You need a break, honey?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Bishop’s gonna stay with Knight for his physio today. Take me home?”

  “Sure. Sure, come on.” He gathered his coat a
nd Rook’s, just going on pure adrenaline.

  Rook took his hand, leading him to the elevator, then down and out before hailing them a cab.

  “What do you want me to make you for supper?” Was it even suppertime?

  “Maybe I should make you something for a change.”

  Jason nodded, a little dazed. “I can do it.”

  “My cooking’s not that bad. Well, not always.” Rook gave him a wink.

  “You do fine.”

  Rook put them in the taxi and Jason dozed off almost immediately.

  In no time at all, Rook was shaking him awake. “We’re home, honey.”

  Had he missed the entire cab ride from the hospital? It looked like maybe he had. “Oh. Oh, okay. Yeah. Food.” So fucking tired.

  “I had the driver take us through the drive-through at Timmy’s. That way you don’t have to cook and yet I won’t poison you.” Rook paid the driver and grabbed the bags, pulling him out of the cab and into the house.

  “I never said you’d poison me!”

  Rook stopped inside the door and looked at him like he’d lost his mind. “I was teasing you, honey.”

  “Oh.” Oh, God. “Sorry.”

  Rook leaned up and brought their mouths together, breathing into his lips, then kissing him. He kissed Rook back, catching himself leaning hard. The bags of food dropped and Rook wrapped his arms around him.

  “I’m sorry.” He kissed Rook, over and over.

  “What for?”

  “Yelling at Knight.”

  Rook bit his lower lip. “Maybe he kind of needed it.” Rook glanced up from under thick lashes. “He was being a butthead.”

  “He needed to stop.”

  “He did. You might have to do it again.” Rook grinned and held him tight. “Eating or bed?”

  “I don’t care.” He just wanted to breathe.

  “Then come to bed and let me love you.” Rook pushed close. “I need to love on you.”

  He found himself near tears, just overwhelmed. Rook kissed him again, then grabbed his hand and led him down the hall. They went to Rookie’s room—their room, really, now—and Rook eased his coat off.

  Then his lover began on his buttons, moving slowly, carefully, fingers dragging over his skin as it was revealed.

  “Rook, I… I’m tired.” Really. Bone deep.

  “Let me take care of you.”

  He nodded, moved into Rook’s hands. “Just for a minute?”

  “For as long as it takes, honey.” Rook shoved him back onto the bed.

  He bounced, his muscles surprisingly sore. Rook peeled his shirt off and knelt between his legs. He sat, stupidly staring at Rook. Rook smiled up at him, sliding fingers along his waistband.

  His belly tightened, and he moaned. “Love…”

  Nodding, Rook started to open his top button, pull down the zipper. He wasn’t hard—not at all—but Rook’s hands were warm and gentle. His prick was carefully taken out and he was encouraged to lift his ass up as Rook pulled his pants down.

  Rook made a sweet, soft sound, like the man was just stunned, like Rook hadn’t seen him over and over. A soft kiss was pressed to his belly, then his right thigh. It was like little bursts of heat, of electricity. His right hip was next, then his left nipple.

  “Oh, honey, you’re so beautiful.”

  “I remember the first time we did this.” He’d been so scared.

  Rook gave him a coy look from under those blond lashes. “You do?”

  “I do. I was petrified and you made me feel so loved.”

  “I knew you belonged with us—I just needed to convince you.”

  “You did. I almost died of embarrassment.” He hadn’t even known he was gay.

  “Oh, I’m glad you didn’t.” Rook kissed the tip of his cock.

  He moaned, that little kiss making his toes curl. Rook’s breath was hot, gentle on his most sensitive skin.

  “Rook, I… Oh, love.” He leaned back on the bed.

  “Mmm. Love you, honey.” Rook rubbed his cheek along Jason’s slowly growing prick.

  Rook’s hands moved over his skin, slid over his thighs, the touch like a balm. The tip of his prick was kissed again, and Rook pushed his tongue against Jason’s slit.

  “Oh.” He rolled his hips, his toes curling with the pressure.

  More hot breath blew over his prick, then Rook closed his lips over the head. He sighed, spread, moaned. Fingers tracing over his skin, Rook kept sucking, slowly taking more and more of his prick in. His cock filled slowly, the pleasure sweet as honey, swelling inside him. He felt Rook’s moan all around his prick.

  “Rookie…” He arched up, moving languidly.

  Rook hummed again, more vibrations going through his flesh. Rook’s hands were encouraging him to relax, to melt down into the bed. To let Rook love him. The suction was good and strong, Rook’s head bobbing slowly, keeping even his arousal easy.

  One finger slipped inside him, a soft touch to his gland making him groan, the sound rumbling in his chest. That touch came again, and his balls were fondled, caressed so carefully.

  “Oh, please. Don’t stop.” He didn’t want it to ever stop.

  Rook shook his head, then took him in deep and swallowed around his cock. It jerked and he came, the orgasm seeming to go on and on. Rookie sucked all through it—his hands warm and good, his mouth like a slice of heaven.

  He melted down into the sheets, his entire focus on the care Rook was giving him. His prick was finally let go, Rook licking it clean.

  “Love.” So much.

  “Love you, Jason.” Rook began to kiss his way up Jason’s body, from his cock, up over his belly, chest, to his throat.

  He patted Rook clumsily. Rook turned and kissed his palm before lying next to him with one leg thrown over him.

  “Sleep now, okay?”


  “Just try and make me leave.”

  He shook his head. “Never.”

  “I’d never go, either.” Rook leaned up and brought their mouths together, the kiss soft and sweet. He could taste himself, salty and bitter, on Rook’s lips. Then Rook settled against him again, warm and good and right.

  Jason held on, letting sleep pull him right in. He couldn’t have fought it if he’d wanted to. And with Rook in his arms, he didn’t want to.

  * * * *

  Rook woke up, still fully dressed and curled up with Jason. It disoriented him for a minute until he remembered coming home and blowing Jason. Fuck, that had been sweet. Almost like everything was normal.

  It was getting closer, though, every day. The doctors wanted Knight up and moving now, wanted him to start relearning how to function. Soon they’d have Knight home. He couldn’t wait. He was desperate for things to be normal again.

  Jason wrapped one arm around him, pulled him close. He snuggled in, wishing he was naked, but not so much that he was willing to wake up Jason to get there.

  “Mmm. Rookie. Love.” Jason stretched under him.

  “Shh. It’s okay. You can sleep some more.”

  “‘Kay. Everyone okay?”

  “Everyone’s fine, honey.” So good to them.

  “Good.” Jason pushed close, started snoring, and Rook heard the front door open and close.

  He popped up in bed—someone was in the house!

  “Rookie? It’s just me, man.” Bishop’s voice floated up. “I needed a break.”

  “Oh!” He slipped out of bed and headed for Bishop. “Everything okay?”

  Bishop looked at him, nodded. “He’s just so pissed off, Rookie. So fucking mean and bitchy and I was going to beat him.”

  He went over and wrapped Bishop in a hug. “He needs you to fuck him through the mattress.”

  “He needs me to beat his ass until he screams.”

  “We’ll get him home and you can do that.” He rubbed their cheeks together.

  “I hope so.” Bishop hugged him. “The doctors just told me to go, come home, let them do physio.”

s okay to need a break, Bish.” He held on, both taking and giving support.

  “I do. I need a shower, Rookie.”

  “Come on, I’ll wash your back.” It felt good to be useful, to be able to give Jason and now Bish support and love.

  Bishop grunted, nodded, and they headed to the big bathroom. If Jase woke up, the man could find them. He got the water at Bish’s favorite temperature, and drew his lover in.

  Bishop came to him, arms wrapped around him, holding on. He leaned his head on Bishop’s shoulder, let the water pour down over them. Fingers sliding over his back, Bishop stroked him. His cock stirred, a soft sob trying to break loose. How long had it been?

  Bishop hummed for him, patting his butt. He pushed back into the touch, moaning softly. Bishop didn’t say anything, just handed him the soap so they could start washing each other. It was like a meditation, running his soapy hands over Bish’s skin. Bishop’s fingers moved over him, too, washing his hair, loving on him.

  Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. It had been weeks—months—since they’d both been home at the same time. The touches made him whimper and press closer. Bishop kissed him, slow and lazy, like the man was tasting him. Moaning, he opened up for Bish, offering everything he was.

  “God, Rookie. It’s been forever, man. I miss you.”

  “Forever and a day.” He slid his hands over Bish’s chest, exploring the beautiful muscles.

  “Horndog.” Bishop actually smiled against his lips, and Rook got another flash of hope.

  “That’s why you love me, huh?” He knew it was more than that, but he was beginning to feel good enough to tease.

  “Yep.” Bishop teased back, his eyes twinkling.

  Actually laughing at that, Rook pushed up close and brought their mouths together. He wanted to lose himself in Bishop’s kisses. Bishop leaned back against the tile, and they grinned at each other. Rook thought Bishop looked like he had aged ten years. Crazy. Thank God they had each other.

  Then they were kissing and everything else fell away.

  It wasn’t super-hot or anything, but it was good and comforting and they were laughing together, chuckling softly. He rubbed softly against Bishop, enjoying the easy thrum of arousal, the togetherness. Bishop got them lined up, moving slow and easy, humming deep in his chest.


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