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Chess Part One Box Set

Page 39

by Sean Michael

  “Close.” Needing. Please.

  Rook sucked him harder.

  “Give it to him, Jason. Let him have your spunk.”

  Jason shorted out, sobbing out his need, just burning between them. Bishop shoved against him, pushing his prick deep into Rook’s throat. Rookie swallowed around him, vibrating and moaning. He came and came, entire body shuddering. Fuck. Fuck, so good.

  Rook swallowed him down like he was the best treat ever, taking it all in. Then came obscene slurping noises as Rook cleaned his cock. Bishop held his weight, even as his knees went wobbly.

  “God, you taste so good, honey.”

  “That was… Rook. Wow.”

  Rook laughed rolling and lying back. “My turn!”

  Jason leaned down, face nuzzling Rook’s belly, and he felt Bishop’s hands at his ass, spreading him.

  “Mmm. Are we going to make a Jason sandwich?” Rook asked, fingers sliding through his hair.

  It was easy to hear Bishop’s soft laugh even as Rook encouraged him to lap at Rook’s cock. Bishop’s thumbs pressed against his hole. He clenched, bent further, and spread. Those thumbs pushed into him as Rook’s hard prick rubbed against his cheek.

  Groaning, Jason turned his head, opened his mouth and let his tongue drag on Rook’s cock. Rook moaned, his fingers sliding through Jason’s hair, not quite tugging. He took a deep, deep breath as Bish spread him, then he sucked Rook in.

  “Honey!” Rook shouted out, bucked up into his mouth.

  “Good job, baby boy.” Bishop’s thumbs pushed in deep.

  He swallowed, went up on tiptoe. Oh, God. Please. Yes. More…

  Rook whimpered as he swallowed and Bishop played with his hole, one thumb sliding out, then the other, then one at a time going back in. Bish could make his body sing. The man knew how to make his hole the center of his pleasure. That was when Bishop went for the gold, thumbs holding him open so the man’s hot tongue could lick at him.

  He cried out around Rook’s cock, entire body shuddering. Rook jerked backward on the bed, and he was grateful, climbing up after Rook and shaking as Bishop followed him onto the bed as well. Bishop went back to fucking him with that tongue, hot and wet and making him fly.

  Rook’s hands got his head moving again, and they had him, caught between them. Tongue and cock filled him, drove him. He groaned and sucked, his prick swelling, going heavy between his thighs.

  “Oh, God, it’s so good, honey. So good.”

  He nodded, taking Rook’s cock into his throat, swallowing hard.

  “Fuck!” Rook cried out, digging his fingers into his skull.

  Bishop’s thumbs and tongue disappeared, but he wasn’t empty for long before Bishop’s hard, thick prick pushed into him. They found their rhythm, hard and fast, taking him together, making him theirs. All that was missing was Knight.

  “Hot baby boy.” Bishop’s hands grabbed at his hips, pulling him back into the thrusts.

  “Yes. Yes, my Jase. Please, lover. More.” Rook was wild under him.

  “Suck him good, Jase.” Bishop’s voice had gone rough, dragging over his nerves.

  He nodded, sucking hard, pulling with all he could.

  “Bish…” Rook was gasping. “His cock.”

  “Got it covered, Rookie.” Bishop’s hand grabbed hold of him, stroked him.

  His eyes crossed, his toes curled and he buried his nose in Rook’s curls.

  “Oh, Fuck. Fuck. Soon.” Rook sounded close to the edge.

  He pulled hard, nudging Rook’s balls.

  “Jase!” Rook shouted his name, shooting deep into his throat.

  Jase swallowed, over and over, drinking Rook down.

  Rook finally melted into the mattress, body going lax beneath him. “Oh, honey. So good.”

  Bishop wasn’t melted, though. The man pounded his ass, took him, drove him toward Rook. The hand around his prick was rough, hard, working him as much as that cock in his ass. Rook wrapped around him, kissed him as he moaned.

  “Come on, Jason. You’re next.” Bishop thrust faster, harder.

  Next? He’d already come so hard. Bish, though, was pegging his gland, over and over, driving into him.

  Rook’s hand joined Bish’s on his cock. “Come on, honey. You know he won’t come until you do.”

  “St-stubborn.” Oh, God. More.

  “Uh-huh. He is. And hot.” Rook looked past him, grinning at Bishop, who was still reaming his gland.

  “And really hung, don’t forget that, Rookie.”

  Rook laughed, hand stuttering over Jason’s prick as he did. “Hung like a horse, Bishie.”

  “You know it.” Bishop slammed into him and he gasped, arms shaking hard as he came, hard enough that it burned.

  Rookie moaned like it was him who’d come and Bishop shouted, filling him with spunk.

  Bishop landed on him, he landed on Rook, and Rook grunted.

  “No falling asleep,” Rookie demanded.

  He faked a snore, went boneless and heavier. Rook squealed, the sound half laughter. Bishop started laughing, which made him heavier, too.

  The laughter got a little hysterical—it had been too loud, too stressed there for too long—then Bishop swatted his ass. “Come on. We have work to do.”

  Rook stretched beneath him as Bishop got up, then hugged him hard and kissed him.

  “Love you, Rook.” He kissed the tip of Rook’s nose.

  Rook licked his lips, then squeezed him again. “So you’re moving into my room, huh?”

  “I am. Permanently. That cool?”

  Rook shook his head. “Cool doesn’t even begin to cover it, honey.”

  Bishop’s voice floated in. “Get your asses up. Sex time is over.”

  Jason rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I think he’s ready for Knight to come home.”

  Rookie nodded. “Me too, honey. Me too.”

  “Yeah. It’s time.” He stood up, headed to get cleaned up. “You’d better clean me a drawer or two.”

  “Or our clothes could mingle”—Rook waited till he looked up—“like we do.”

  “Now that sounds sticky.”

  They looked at each other, then they cracked up, laughing together, hard.

  Time to bring Knight home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bish had a spring in his step as he walked down the hospital corridor. They were bringing Knight home today. Bringing his baby home.

  He pushed into the room. “Morning, baby.”

  “Hey.” Knight was sitting in a wheelchair, wrapped in a heavy robe, staring out of the window. He needed a shave, a haircut—a long bath.

  “You ready to get sprung today?”

  “I think so. They said you were bringing clothes.” Knight didn’t sound particularly excited.

  “Rookie’s got them. He and the kid are looking for a spot for the car. The nurses warned me it might take a while to get all the paperwork signed and stuff.”

  “Okay.” Knight had stopped screaming at people, had put his head down and started working to get out of here. Bishop kind of suspected the words ‘nursing home’ had scared the man into compliance, but he didn’t care what had done it. What mattered was that Knight could come home, that real healing could begin.

  They could be a family again.

  He went over and leaned against the window sill. “The kid insisted we stop at Z’va before coming.” He knew how much his Knight missed his coffee.

  “Yeah?” Dark eyes met his. “Is there one for me?”

  “Like I would have mentioned it if there wasn’t. They’re bringing them up, too.”

  “Oh, good.” Knight actually gave him a grin. “I’m ready to get out of here.”

  “Maybe as much as I’m ready to bring you home.” It was stunning, how much he missed having Knight at home. He even missed the man’s outrageous tantrums. Sure, Knight had been throwing them here at the hospital, but it just wasn’t the same.

  “Maybe.” Knight had soft casts on, but the tubes were all out as w
ell as the stitches. Now there was just pale, scarred, skinny skin.

  “Did someone order coffee?” Rookie came in, followed by Jason with the tray of coffees and the bag of fresh croissants.

  “Smells good.”

  Jason picked one out. “This is a Peppermint Delite.” Jase had insisted that Knight’s belly needed decaf and milk and sugar and easy and if Knight didn’t know that, no one would be the wiser.

  “Isn’t that fun?” Rook giggled and perched on Knight’s knees. “This good, K?”

  Knight nodded, and Bish could see the effort, how Rook made sure not to put too much weight on the man’s legs.

  Rook gave Knight a light kiss.

  Knight took the coffee, sipped. “Oh, God. That’s good.”

  “I have sweats for you, too. Nice and soft.” Rook stood and opened his bag, revealing Knight’s clothes. “I’ll help you get them on.” Rook managed to make everything sound like a come-on. It was a gift.

  Knight nodded. “They smell like home.”

  “Yeah, they do, don’t they? We’ll get you showered once you’re home. Wash off the hospital.” Rook started working Knight out of his robe.

  Jason took the coffee and set it aside, then started packing up the few personal effects Knight still had here.

  “Mmm. There’s my man,” murmured Rook, fingers sliding on Knight’s chest.

  “Mine.” Bishop smiled to ease the sound of the words, but there they were. Knight was his and he was going to be careful with him.

  “Ours.” Rook gave him a knowing grin. “We’re going to have to have another piercing party.”

  “Yeah.” He hated that they’d removed all the rings, but it was what it was. One day, they could all hold Knight as they were pierced again.

  Rook bent and kissed Knight’s left nipple. “I can’t wait to have you home, K. I mean, seriously—it hasn’t been home without you.”

  “I’m cold, Rook.” Knight looked so tired.

  “Your sweats are nice and warm.” Rook slid the sweatshirt over Knight’s head, then started carefully getting his arms in.

  Jason watched, his eyes on Knight, judging the man’s strength, wellness. It was one of the reasons he felt comfortable bringing Knight home—they had someone who knew what he was doing on their side.

  Rookie kept chatting, making the fact that it was taking forever to get Knight dressed seem unimportant. Knight was panting at the end of it, but the man was dressed. He settled back and began eating breakfast. Rook handed Bishop a croissant, looking pleased with himself.

  “I’m not—”

  Rook’s finger pressed against his lips. “Shut up and eat.”

  “It smells good.” Bishop finished one, then ate a second one. They were good.

  “Mr. I’m Not Hungry.” Rook stuck out his tongue.

  Bishop stuck his own back out, feeling good.

  The nurse came in with a huge sheaf of papers, a bag of medication, and an utterly satisfied look on her face. “Looks like the discharge papers came through.”

  “Wooo!” Rook cheered—very loudly.

  Everyone looked at Rook, and they all cracked up, laughter filling the room.

  “Show us what we have to sign, lady, and we’ll get him out of your hair.” He was so ready.

  “I just need your signature here and here. Do you understand how the meds work and that you have to get him to his doctor and physio?”

  Bishop nodded. “Yeah, we’ve got everything covered. The house is ready to have Knight back.”


  He signed what he needed to, grateful as fuck that he could, legally, then he looked at his Knight. “You ready?”



  Rook and Jason nodded, their Rookie all but fucking hitting the ceiling, he was bouncing so hard.

  He grabbed the handles at the back of Knight’s wheelchair.

  “Good. Let’s go home.”


  One of the things that fell to Jason was the cooking. Rook got too distracted and things got burned. Bishop simply wasn’t very good at it and Knight never bothered to try—he was happy with simple, crunchy stuff and figured everyone else could be too.

  In the end, Jason enjoyed cooking most of the time, and didn’t mind it the rest. As he learned more about the guys, he discovered their favorite meals and treats. Rook’s was lasagna, and in the end that was what he made the most, along with pancakes, which were only his favorite because he knew Rook loved them.

  * * * *

  Rookie’s Lasagna

  2 pounds of lean ground beef browned

  While browning Jason mixes in the following—

  1 good pinch of tarragon

  Pepper to taste

  A pinch of garlic powder

  1/4 teaspoon or so of Italian blend spices

  Once the meat has been browned, Jason then adds—

  2 14 ounce (the tall ones) of tomato sauce

  1 large can of diced tomatoes

  1 can of tomato soup

  He also adds one can of tomato paste if it’s on hand, but it isn’t always and he’s been known to skip it without it affecting the flavor too much.

  On the side he mixes together—

  1 or 2 500ml container of 1% or fat free cottage cheese (depending on the depth of the pan, and if he’s going to use more than one layer of this mix—one layer one container, two layers two containers)

  1 egg (2 eggs for two containers)

  1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese (1 cup for two containers)

  A good pinch of parsley

  Salt and pepper

  And about 1/8 to a 1/4 of a teaspoon of nutmeg

  In his favorite lasagna pan, Jason layers—

  - a good layer of sauce to cover bottom of pan completely followed by

  - a layer of lasagna noodles (the one that are oven-ready and you don’t have to boil first)

  - a layer of the cheese mix, making sure to cover the noodles completely

  - a layer of about 1/2 brick of shredded skimmed milk mozzarella

  - a thin layer of sauce sprinkled over the cheese

  - another layer of lasagna noodles

  - a second layer of the cheese mix, again making sure he covers the noodles completely

  - he usually foregoes the second layer of shredded mozz here and does not add sauce here (you can play with that if you want—Jason has himself, adapting the recipe to what works best and how Rook best likes it)

  - a third layer of noodles

  - cover all the noodles well with sauce

  - and he tops it off with either shredded mozzarella or sliced mozzarella

  The lasagna goes into the oven at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes covered with tented foil, followed by about 15 minutes uncovered, until cheese is bubbly and beginning to brown. Let it sit for five to ten minutes so it doesn’t ooze quite so much.

  The lasagna can be made then frozen, to be reheated later. Jason often makes two batches, one for eating right away, the second for the freezer, so there’s always a meal ready to warm up if he’s too busy with his other ‘duties’.

  * * * *

  Bishop’s favorite cookies

  Ooey gooey chocolate chip cookies


  1 cup butter

  1 cup brown sugar

  3⁄4 cup granulated sugar

  2 large eggs

  1 tablespoon vanilla

  2 3⁄4 cups flour

  1⁄2 cup quick oats

  3⁄4 teaspoon baking soda

  3⁄4 teaspoon salt

  12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips


  Mix all dry ingredients (flour, oats, baking soda and salt) in a separate small bowl.

  Cream butter and both sugars really well.

  Add 2 eggs, one at a time, to creamed ingredients.

  Add vanilla. Mix well.

  Add dry ingredients a little at a time until it’s all well incorporated. (Mixture should be r
eally thick and not very sticky. If too sticky, add extra flour 1 tablespoon at a time until dry enough that you can pick up the dough and roll it without it sticking to your hands.)

  Mix in the chocolate chips.

  Roll into about golf-ball sized balls and bake at 350 for 12-13 minutes. Take them out just as they are barely beginning to brown. The key is to not over bake these! Let them cool for 2 minutes on the cookie sheet then transfer to wire rack.

  Hint— If your cookies spread too much while baking, try putting the dough in the fridge for a while before baking up the next batch. If that doesn’t work, add a bit more flour to it.

  These are most excellent dipped into milk. And milk is good for you, so Bishop has no qualms eating these by the handful.

  * * * *

  Bishop’s other favorite cookies

  Hermit cookies


  1⁄2 cup margarine or 1⁄2 cup butter

  1 1⁄2 cups flour

  3⁄4 cup packed brown sugar

  1 egg

  2 tablespoons milk

  1 teaspoon vanilla

  1⁄2 teaspoon baking soda

  1⁄2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  1⁄8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

  1⁄8 teaspoon ground cloves

  1 cup raisins or 1 cup currants

  1⁄2 cup chopped nuts


  In mixing bowl, beat margarine or butter with electric mixer for 30 seconds.

  Add half of the flour, along with all the brown sugar, egg, milk, vanilla, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves and beat until mixed.

  Beat in remaining flour.

  Stir in raisins and nuts.

  Drop by rounded teaspoons 2 inches apart, onto greased cookie sheets.

  Bake in 375 degree oven about 10 minutes, until edges are lightly browned.

  Cool cookies on rack.

  When Bishop had asked for ‘healthy’ cookies with fruit and nuts in them, Jason had found this recipe. Bishop loves these with coffee or hot chocolate.

  * * * *

  Bishop’s other other favorite cookies


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