What I wouldn’t give to bite that sucker!
“I want the people to feel at ease while you’re all around them. I would be grateful if you’d allow me to keep you’re weapons...for the duration of your stay I mean”.
My attention snapped back up to his eyes. The grin was still there Blasted! How distracting. I gaped at him. “Pardon?”
“You have to understand that the people here, they’re a bit...
jumpy. A few have children, and we don’t want people walking around them with sharp objects. It’s dangerous for them”. He said. I crossed my arms again, and cocked my head.
Surely he must be joking?
“I see. But, we can just hide them from sight. The purpose for having our weapons gives us security,” He didn’t respond, so I
continued. “Besides, what if we’re to be attacked? I’d like to have my weapons at the ready whenever I’d need them”. I smirked.
“Plus, confiscating my babies wouldn’t change a thing, it’d pain me to part with them”.
The storm in his eyes darkened. My skin tingled, and I wondered whether that was in warning or in anticipation. My hands twitched.
You gonna fight me for it big guy?
“I’d take that as a ‘no’ then?” He chuckled, his dark locks swaying across his forehead.
“That’s right. I have every right to keep them. If you don’t like it, well...that’s too bad”.
We went at it. Glaring at one another. He shifted closer, and I had to crane my neck back to look up at him. His eyes narrowed, I was pretty sure he had the perfect view of the tops of my bosom.
I keep forgetting that crossing my arms is like begging for people to notice em’!
My white tube tank top had slid down during my fight with E.
My fingers itched to pull the top up to cover them better.
No, if I did that he’d know that I noticed his looking...and that’d be askin’ for it!
“Do you want me to take them from you myself?” His voice was deeper than earlier. My nose mere inches from his chin. He lowered his head, when he did that my god! Two inches...his lips were two inches from mine and I felt every warm breath.
Not good! So not good!
My knees suddenly felt like freakin Jell-O. I should lean, gives us both some space. But I couldn’t move. I’m like, practically screaming at my own body.
“Try”. My voice barely came out in a murmur. My mouth suddenly felt dry and it took me a while to swallow correctly.
I dare you bro!
I was hardly aware of our very uneasy if not curious audience. I heard Nika’s and Elise’s boots scuffle behind me. His grin grew into a wide smile. Straight white teeth shot back at me.
I returned it with a close lipped smile. It probably looked more like a grimace.
I hate attractive men.
He made no move. After what felt like forever he chuckled and backed up. I let out a frustrated sigh when he was a good couple feet away from me. He began talking to the giant. His dark amber eyes flicking up towards me a few times. I felt a jab between my shoulder blades. I spun on my heel, and flinched.
To be perfectly honest, even people like me are afraid of a few things. I’m afraid of large bodies of water, and spiders. But, nothing could have scared me more than the sight in front of me.
“W-what?” Stuttering is yet another fault of mine. I hate it with a burning passion. These idiots were...what’s the word to define this? Smirking? No, far worse.
They both had on the most terrifyingly goofy expressions on their faces. Mirrored, thin lips stretched across their faces. Teeth flashing. Perhaps with a bit more force, the corners of their mouths would rip. Their eyes gleaming, and both shockingly bright. Pupils dilated to complete tiny black dots in orbs of emerald and orange flecks.
There they were, my two idiots, looking at me as if I’d somehow discovered some long lost treasure. As if I’d done something amazing.
Amazingly stupid.
Nika started to laugh. Or more like cackle. Squeaks between breaths. I shuddered again and her laugh got louder. Elise spoke first,
“Well, if I didn’t know any better—I would have set you two up from the very beginning”. She leered, which was very, very disturbing!
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”. My arms clutching my sides defiantly. She tsked and poked my nose.
“Silly, silly, girl. Who are you trying to fool? I was right behind you. I’ve witnessed all of it”. She flicked my nose again, and giggled. My brows lowered.
“Touch my nose again...see what happens”. I snarled. She ignored my warning and pinched my cheeks next. Sighing she said, “You know, at first I thought. ‘We don’t have time for guys or any of that crap. We’ve got more pressing issues to deal with than a simple romance. And that, we are in the middle of what could possibly be a worldwide zombie apocalypse—which, by the way I knew would happen one day—doesn’t mean you can’t go hunting every once in a while”. She gave me a look and ceased her pinching. Her hands moved to my shoulders and gave them a heavy slap.
“Hunting?” I asked. She nodded slowly and purred.
“Yes jade, hunting. You are now the predator in this wild hunt. The world is filled with worthy prey”. She smirked, her lashes fluttering. “I see that you’ve already got something in your sights...”
“I’m not sure where this conversation is heading”.
“Jade,” She shook my shoulders lightly. “You were both doing that eye-sexing thing again”. She took a moment to fan herself.
“Cause holy cow! I and Nika weren’t even sure that we could have intervened to get both of your guys’ attention. I haven’t seen something like that...like, ever! Something like that only exists in
young adult romance novels—and I know you know what I’m talking about—because, it got way too hot for my comfort...did you even notice you guys were pressed up against each other—oh my god! I felt like I was imposing on a possible make out scene and I didn’t know whether to cover my eyes or...or...gah!” I blinked.
Elise was rambling...she had the serious case of verbal diarrhea.
“E. We’ve had this talk before. You know I can’t-”.
“C’mon admit it! You’re totally into him. I know it’s not like love-at-first-sight kind of into him...but,” She shook her head. “This is a once in a life time chance opportunity! When are you ever gonna meet someone like him? I’m pretty sure half the population’s been eaten by undead Monsters; you have to take this chance Jade!”
She was shouting at me, but just quiet enough for only me to hear.
I stared at her in awe. She’s always been the one trying to keep me away from boys (Correction: Men) always telling me to wait for the right guy, never flirt with random dudes. It startled me.
The fact that she’s pushing me towards Evan...A dude who we’ve just met, and probably three years my senior. She wants me to hook up with him? Or something?
Before I could respond, Nika slammed into my side.
“You gonna hit him up or wha?” Her goofy face plastered on.
“She’s gonna do more than ‘hit him up’ if you catch my drift”.
Elise winked at Nika. They both giggled. I groaned.
“No one’s hitting anyone up!” I shoved my hands in my hair and pulled the strands, I tried to cover my face with them; my face heating up from the embarrassment.
“And the sky ain’t blue”. Nika said.
“And the grass ain’t green”. Elise chirped back. Besides tormenting me with their ridiculousness, they looked happy. Better even, Nika was a lot more energetic now and that made me smile.
Having to fight our way to survive takes a whole lot out of a
person, hopefully our time here will allow us to relax. Still, I’ve been itching to slice something for a while now. I wonder if they spar here.
I looked up and found the burly giant Evan was talking to in front of me. He smiled down at me with an ease that made me a little...jittery. He probably meant the smile to comfort me. His size didn’t help the ease either. I looked up at his hard amber eyes.
Mine were close to the same shade, except mine were a darker hazel which, lightened in the sunlight. I met his smile with my own. We had one of those silent conversations. After a moment he nodded, and I nodded back.
“Welcome, the names Jason. Pleasure meetin’ ya”. His tenor voice reverberated down to my core. I shivered involuntarily, just slightly hoping Nika and Elise wouldn’t notice.
“Likewise, I’m Jade”. I gestured to Nika and Elise. Nika twitched.
“Nika”. She said quietly.
“You can call me Elise, not Eli...don’t like the nick-name. Elise is just fine”. She had her hands on her hips, arrogance oozing from every pore. I snickered and shook my head. Jason stared down at her a bit longer than looked to me. I straightened my spine, in his presence I felt like I had to appear dominant, tough.
He nodded again, amber eyes sparkling with. .excitement? I wasn’t sure what that meant. But right now, I had to focus on the now.
No zoning out!
I just hoped that I gave a good impression...and that I wouldn’t vomit on the floor in front of so many people.
Chapter 18
T here’s a wonder to behold, especially when you’re in the middle of a crowd. Everyone’s talking all at once, and I feel like my heads gonna peal right off my shoulders. My body was restless.
I really, really, needed to slice something up. Anything! Just something to ward off the tension in my muscles. My eyes darting left and right, trying to sight out a gap in between the crowds cluster.
Elise was beside me, this time she was the one doing the talking.
I didn’t trust my voice at the moment. Nika was sitting on one of the chairs that she pulled up. One leg was pulled up, her arm was wrapped around the knee. The other dangled, occasionally swinging back at forth. I spotted a few stares from the others around us.
Some of them gawked at the twin katanas on my back. I wanted to unsheathe them and show them off just to get a reaction.
“How long have you guys been out there? It’s just the three of you right, were there any others in your group before?” Jason asked.
This was the interrogation part of our meeting. I’m not totally okay with talking to adults dead on like Elise so, she’s the boss of the hour. I leaned a hip against the table we were standing around. Evan was. .somewhere. I’d lost him a couple minutes ago. I cocked my head to the side, trying to appear lax. And at the same time aware.
“I’m not exactly sure how long we’ve been out there. I’d guess about half a month or so. And no, it’s just us”. She jerked her chin towards me and Nika. “Funny thing was, we had this plan that
we’d written down a few years back. We just, wrote down ideas and plans—which worked out fairly well—just in case something like this were to occur. I know, it sounds weird but, we were paranoid about stuff like that. Though, don’t take this the wrong way.
We didn’t ask for something like this to happen. The situation totally sucks”. She took a moment to let that settle in.
Yeah, we are zombie freaks. Paranoids; crazy SOBs that had no idea what we were asking. It was very likely to happen one of these days. I admit, when the world went to shiznit I got a little excited.
Albeit, I was freaked the freak out about the suddenness of the shiznit storm that rolled into our lives. We had everything down into great detail. Where to go, which sections of the city to stay clear from. Prioritizing is key, I’m sure that without our plan, we’d have died the second night. Although, Elise had this little thing about a possible alien invasion—she thought it’d benefit us all that making a plan for something like that was a good idea. I didn’t say anything then. And I won’t say anything now.
Jason eyed me keenly, the humor in his eyes still evident. What?
I scowled inwardly. You keep eying me old man, and I’ll remove you’re sight in two seconds flat!
“Elise is doing a good job. Huh”. Nika whispered next to me. I peeked at Elise, her posture was straight, and her answers were smooth. As if she rehe arsed the lines before. Although, what no one else noticed, was the tip of her right booted toe tapping lightly on the ground.
Unless you’re really, really looking. The tapping gets faster the more Jason questions her.
“Sure...give it five minutes and she’ll ask to switch”. Nika smirked and hid her snicker. Surprisingly enough, after six minutes she asked if I could answer in her stead.
“Jade was the one in the front lines most of the time. She’s a bit more specific—I’m sure she’ll be able to answer you better than
I”. She stood up and thumped my shoulders with her hands. I raised a brow when she stared at me pleadingly.
“I thought you said you had everything in control?” I asked her. She tilt forward to whisper.
“The heck I did! I underestimated the dude’s power. Every time he stares at me with those death rays he calls eyes, I shuddered...shuddered! In fear Jade!”
I made an effort to mask my amusement. The corners of lips twitching from the strain. I nodded instead and reassured her that I’ll take it from here. I walked around her and plopped into the chair. I crossed my legs and leaned my forearms on top of the table in front of me.
“If you don’t mind me answering you’re questions instead of her, you may proceed to do so”. I clasped my hands together and waited. Both his brows rose up. I may not have as much self-confidence as Elise does but, a guy like this—I won’t be intimi-dated so easily.
“Eh, I don’t mind at all. In fact, I’d like to ask you a more specific question. If you can answer it truthfully”. I wasn’t sure if he meant to say that as a question.
“Have at it”. I drummed the wooden surfaces with my fingers.
“How many have you killed?” He asked. All humor vanished. I heard a few people gasp. Some held their breaths. Why must they act this way?
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “I don’t count the dead when they fall to my feet”. The people behind Jason stiffened. Interesting.
“Estimation?” He inquired.
“I’d say around thirty or more...counting the few we ran over with our truck—that makes thirty-five maybe,” I shrugged again.
“Why does it matter?”
“In total or just yourself?” He asked without answering my question. I cocked my head to the other side and sat up. Ah, he wants to see if I’m a hazard to his group. I guess it’s normal to question a person they’ve just met about the amount of kills they made.
Considering my age and gender and all that jazz...
I wonder, does he think I’m dangerous? A liability?
“Just myself? Hm...” I paused and grinned. “Truthfully, I’ve decapitated two of those things. The rest either sliced by my swords or bashed in by baseball bats”. All noise in the room went silent. Perhaps my answer surprised them. I watched his face for any physical changes. I found it funny how half of the crowd looked disgusted and the other in wonder. The disgusted half are probably debating whether or not they could trust someone like me to be around them. Or their children. Good. Cause, I don’t quite trust anyone here either. Not like I really care though.
Jason grunted, that seemed to settle the people down. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head to look up. Elise leaned down to whisper in my ear.
“I think their impressions of you startled them—which is not good. You need them to trust us—you”. Her hand gripped my
shoulder, short nails bit into my skin causing me to grimace inwardly. I chuckled.
“I know. But he asked me to answer him truthfully. I am a woman of her word, I tell no lies”. When needed.
“You could have been a bit more discreet”. I’m gonna have half crescent moon shaped bruises on my shoulder tomorrow. Oh boy!
“Being discreet isn’t really my thing ya know. Besides, discretion is now but a luxury in our thoroughly fudged up world E.
And I have the habit of being quite descriptive”. I said lightly.
“Discretion would be a wise luxury to be using now since there are children in this room, and people who might not even know
what the heck is going on out there”. She lifted her hand away, and backed up. I’ll take that as a warning then.
Jason stared at me curiously. I gave him my widest smile. His broad shoulders twitched.
“I’m curious, where did you get those?” He gestured with his chin towards my back. My smile broadened with pride, I lifted my chin.
“Those good sir, are the shining stars of our little band of misfit’s.
I’m proud to say that, without my babies I probably wouldn’t have never made it out in the world,” I paused “Of course I would have been like a chicken who’s heads been chopped off if I didn’t have Nika or Elise by my side as well”.
“Right on”. Nika and Elise both hollered.
“I see, I won’t ask how you came across those swords but, I will ask...what will you’re purpose be now that you’re here?” His expression still as stone. I lifted my shoulders.
“Depends. We didn’t plan on finding other survivors like you guys. But, you did save us the trouble of finding shelter. For that we are grateful”. I nodded to him. I’m not usually this formal, but when I need to...’formal Jade comes out’.
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